928 research outputs found

    Packet-based feedback control of electrical drive and its application to trajectory tracking of manipulator

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    In systems disconnected from the external grid, such as mobile robots and vehicles, the effective use of renewables and energy harvesting techniques helps a longer operation with less weight and space for batteries. Power packet dispatching system is a promising measure to manage the complex power flow created by such distributed power sources of various profiles. In the system, power is transferred as a pulse, and information tag is attached to the pulse power in voltage waveforms. The physical integration of power and information realizes a smooth inclusion of sources and loads of different profiles and their decentralized operation. This paper discusses the application of the system to load control. We propose a decentralized packet‐based feedback control scheme. The successful operation of the proposed scheme is confirmed by an application to an electrical drive. In addition, the application to trajectory control of 2‐degree‐of‐freedom manipulator reveals the possibility of a peak‐power reduction based on a demand response operation of the proposed scheme. The results contribute to a realization of decentralized flow control of power packets based on the convenience of both the sources and the loads

    An 8-DOF dual-arm system for advanced teleoperation performance experiments

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    This paper describes the electro-mechanical and control features of an 8-DOF manipulator manufactured by AAI Corporation and installed at the Jet Propulsion Lab. (JPL) in a dual-arm setting. The 8-DOF arm incorporates a variety of features not found in other lab or industrial manipulators. Some of the unique features are: 8-DOF revolute configuration with no lateral offsets at joint axes; 1 to 5 payload to weight ratio with 20 kg (44 lb) payload at a 1.75 m (68.5 in.) reach; joint position measurement with dual relative encoders and potentiometer; infinite roll of joint 8 with electrical and fiber optic slip rings; internal fiber optic link of 'smart' end effectors; four-axis wrist; graphite epoxy links; high link and joint stiffness; use of an upgraded JPL Universal Motor Controller (UMC) capable of driving up to 16 joints. The 8-DOF arm is equipped with a 'smart' end effector which incorporates a 6-DOF forcemoment sensor at the end effector base and grasp force sensors at the base of the parallel jaws. The 8-DOF arm is interfaced to a 6 DOF force reflecting hand controller. The same system is duplicated for and installed at NASA-Langley

    A prototype telerobotic platform for live transmission line maintenance: review of design and development.

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    This paper reports technical design of a novel experimental test facility, using haptic-enabled teleoperation of robotic manipulators, for live transmission line maintenance. The goal is to study and develop appropriate techniques in repair overhead power transmission lines by allowing linemen to wirelessly guide a remote manipulator, installed on a crane bucket, to execute dexterous maintenance tasks, such as twisting a tie wire around a cable. Challenges and solutions for developing such a system are outlined. The test facility consists of a PHANToM Desktop haptic device (master site), an industrial hydraulic manipulator (slave site) mounted atop a Stewart platform, and a wireless communication channel connecting the master and slave sites. The teleoperated system is tested under different force feedback schemes, while the base is excited and the communication channel is delayed and/or lossy to emulate realistic network behaviors. The force feedback schemes are: virtual fixture, augmentation force and augmented virtual fixture. Performance of each scheme is evaluated under three measures: task completion time, number of failed trials and displacement of the slave manipulator end-effector. The developed test rig has been shown to be successful in performing haptic-enabled teleoperation for live-line maintenance in a laboratory setting. The authors aim at establishing a benchmark test facility for objective evaluation of ideas and concepts in the teleoperation of live-line maintenance tasks

    Controlling a contactless planar actuator with manipulator

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    An existing magnetically levitated planar actuator with manipulator has been studied and improved from a control point of view. This prototype consists of a magnetically levitated six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) planar actuator with moving magnets, with a 2-DOF manipulator on top of it. This system contains three different contactless technologies: contactless bearing and propulsion of the planar actuator, wireless powering of the manipulator, and wireless communication and control of the manipulator. The planar actuator (PA) consists of a Halbach magnet array, which is levitated and controlled in all six DOF’s above a stationary coil array. The PA is propelled in two horizontal translational DOF’s while the other four DOF’s are stabilized to accomplish a stiff bearing. Each active coil contributes to the production of forces and torques acting on the magnet array. Since the number of active coils is much larger than the number of DOF’s, the desired force production can be distributed over many coils. Therefore, a commutation algorithm has to be used to invert the mapping of the forces and torques exerted by the set of active coils as a function of the coil currents and the position and orientation of the translator. One method for linearization and decoupling of the forces and torques was developed in the past. The method is called direct wrench decoupling and guaranties minimal dissipation of energy. However, no constraints on the maximum current can be given. This study proposes two novel, norm-based commutation methods: l8-norm and clipped l2-norm based commutation. Both methods can put bounds on the maximum currents in the coils to prevent saturation of the current amplifiers. The first method focuses on minimization of the maximum current whereas the second method limits the peak current while it minimizes the power losses. Consequently, a higher acceleration of the translator can be achieved and/or less powerful (cheaper) current amplifiers can be utilized and/or fewer commutation errors arise. Only a long-stroke translational movement of the moving magnet planar actuators has been considered in the past. The possibility of a completely propelled and controlled rotation about the vertical axis instead of just stabilizing it for bearing has been analyzed in this thesis from a control point of view. Enhancing the planar actuator with a long-range rotation will increase its utility value and opens new application areas. Based on this investigation, a novel coil array with a triangular grid of rounded coils has been proposed for better controllability in any orientation of the PA. In addition, other coil and magnet topologies have been studied from a control point of view for their suitability for full rotation. The influence of different kinds of error-causes on the commutation precision has been studied. From this investigation, it has been found that the offsets of the measurement system have the highest influence on the precision of the commutation. Investigation of the convergence of the procedure for estimation and elimination of these offsets has been performed. Although it was not proven that the procedure could be applied on the whole workspace of the PA, the convergence has been shown at least for all the investigated points. From this investigation, convergence for any position in the workspace of the PA is expected. It was found that it is possible to use the procedure also with different topologies and with different commutations. A novel wireless link has been developed for the real-time control of a fast motion system. The wireless link communicates via infrared-light transceivers and the link has a delay and a packet-loss ratio almost indistinguishable from the wired connection for the bandwidth of the system up to several kilohertz. The clipped l2-norm based commutation method has been successfully tested on the experimental setup after improving the measurement system, the contactless energy transfer and the wireless communication. With a new, interferometer sensor system, a well-controlled PA with two long-stroke DOF’s has become available. Improved contactless energy transfer does not cause increased electromagnetic interference during switching between the primary coils any more and the wireless connection using the infrared link provides a reliable communication channel between the manipulator and the fixed world. Several control approaches have been tested on the experimental setup. Both, the classical PID control, Sliding-mode control and Iterative learning control have been implemented. Each controller brought better performance than the previous one. Also, a fourth-order trajectory and enhanced feedforward control helped to improve performance. Finally, the tracking errors, in comparison to the initial situation, were reduced by a factor 10 (and even more than by a factor 50 with deactivated contactless energy transfer) while the velocity and acceleration of the system were a factor 4 and 14, respectively, higher

    Development of Teleoperation Software for Wheeled Mobile Robot

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    Wireless technology in our daily lives is giving a way to more and more inter connected devices. More increasingly innovative applications are being developed for daily usage ranging from simple sensing devices to autonomous robots. With all these extra additions, the burden on wireless technologies such as WLAN and 3G/4G/LTE is leading to the development of new network architectures and protocols. Teleoperation of remote devices are finding their way into common places using those technologies. In this thesis work a teleoperation software was developed to use wireless serial devices to control a remote robot over the network and perform autonomous tasks under the supervision of an operator. The robot is an indoor wheeled mobile robot and operator’s device is a computer, both running on Windows OS. This system is similar to a Wireless Sensor Networks with actuators and sensors being on the robot device while the control brain is on a remote computer. The full system has several components like graphics for robot parameters, settings for communications, modes of operations for operator and robot’s own localization and safety tasks. Field tests validated the full functionality of the system but in four out of nine trials failure of wireless devices caused complete system paralysis. An autonomous trajectory following operation was implemented to study the effects of packet loss in communication, it was found that control was reliable even with 26 percent drop. With a linear driving test it was also observed that robot’s free moving wheel was causing an orientation error adding an extra 0.06 degree when moving backwards. A continuous transmission of data packets in the network ensures reliability in the system, this is very important from operator’s perspective

    Collaborative human-machine interfaces for mobile manipulators.

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    The use of mobile manipulators in service industries as both agents in physical Human Robot Interaction (pHRI) and for social interactions has been on the increase in recent times due to necessities like compensating for workforce shortages and enabling safer and more efficient operations amongst other reasons. Collaborative robots, or co-bots, are robots that are developed for use with human interaction through direct contact or close proximity in a shared space with the human users. The work presented in this dissertation focuses on the design, implementation and analysis of components for the next-generation collaborative human machine interfaces (CHMI) needed for mobile manipulator co-bots that can be used in various service industries. The particular components of these CHMI\u27s that are considered in this dissertation include: Robot Control: A Neuroadaptive Controller (NAC)-based admittance control strategy for pHRI applications with a co-bot. Robot state estimation: A novel methodology and placement strategy for using arrays of IMUs that can be embedded in robot skin for pose estimation in complex robot mechanisms. User perception of co-bot CHMI\u27s: Evaluation of human perceptions of usefulness and ease of use of a mobile manipulator co-bot in a nursing assistant application scenario. To facilitate advanced control for the Adaptive Robotic Nursing Assistant (ARNA) mobile manipulator co-bot that was designed and developed in our lab, we describe and evaluate an admittance control strategy that features a Neuroadaptive Controller (NAC). The NAC has been specifically formulated for pHRI applications such as patient walking. The controller continuously tunes weights of a neural network to cancel robot non-linearities, including drive train backlash, kinematic or dynamic coupling, variable patient pushing effort, or slope surfaces with unknown inclines. The advantage of our control strategy consists of Lyapunov stability guarantees during interaction, less need for parameter tuning and better performance across a variety of users and operating conditions. We conduct simulations and experiments with 10 users to confirm that the NAC outperforms a classic Proportional-Derivative (PD) joint controller in terms of resulting interaction jerk, user effort, and trajectory tracking error during patient walking. To tackle complex mechanisms of these next-gen robots wherein the use of encoder or other classic pose measuring device is not feasible, we present a study effects of design parameters on methods that use data from Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) in robot skins to provide robot state estimates. These parameters include number of sensors, their placement on the robot, as well as noise properties on the quality of robot pose estimation and its signal-to-noise Ratio (SNR). The results from that study facilitate the creation of robot skin, and in order to enable their use in complex robots, we propose a novel pose estimation method, the Generalized Common Mode Rejection (GCMR) algorithm, for estimation of joint angles in robot chains containing composite joints. The placement study and GCMR are demonstrated using both Gazebo simulation and experiments with a 3-DoF robotic arm containing 2 non-zero link lengths, 1 revolute joint and a 2-DoF composite joint. In addition to yielding insights on the predicted usage of co-bots, the design of control and sensing mechanisms in their CHMI benefits from evaluating the perception of the eventual users of these robots. With co-bots being only increasingly developed and used, there is a need for studies into these user perceptions using existing models that have been used in predicting usage of comparable technology. To this end, we use the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to evaluate the CHMI of the ARNA robot in a scenario via analysis of quantitative and questionnaire data collected during experiments with eventual uses. The results from the works conducted in this dissertation demonstrate insightful contributions to the realization of control and sensing systems that are part of CHMI\u27s for next generation co-bots

    Review of Intelligent Control Systems with Robotics

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    Interactive between human and robot assumes a significant job in improving the productivity of the instrument in mechanical technology. Numerous intricate undertakings are cultivated continuously via self-sufficient versatile robots. Current automated control frameworks have upset the creation business, making them very adaptable and simple to utilize. This paper examines current and up and coming sorts of control frameworks and their execution in mechanical technology, and the job of AI in apply autonomy. It additionally expects to reveal insight into the different issues around the control frameworks and the various approaches to fix them. It additionally proposes the basics of apply autonomy control frameworks and various kinds of mechanical technology control frameworks. Each kind of control framework has its upsides and downsides which are talked about in this paper. Another kind of robot control framework that upgrades and difficulties the pursuit stage is man-made brainpower. A portion of the speculations utilized in man-made reasoning, for example, Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as fuzzy logic, neural network and genetic algorithm, are itemized in this paper. At long last, a portion of the joint efforts between mechanical autonomy, people, and innovation were referenced. Human coordinated effort, for example, Kinect signal acknowledgment utilized in games and versatile upper-arm-based robots utilized in the clinical field for individuals with inabilities. Later on, it is normal that the significance of different sensors will build, accordingly expanding the knowledge and activity of the robot in a modern domai

    Adaptive Control

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    Adaptive control has been a remarkable field for industrial and academic research since 1950s. Since more and more adaptive algorithms are applied in various control applications, it is becoming very important for practical implementation. As it can be confirmed from the increasing number of conferences and journals on adaptive control topics, it is certain that the adaptive control is a significant guidance for technology development.The authors the chapters in this book are professionals in their areas and their recent research results are presented in this book which will also provide new ideas for improved performance of various control application problems

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 1

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    The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. Topics addressed include: redundant manipulators; man-machine systems; telerobot architecture; remote sensing and planning; navigation; neural networks; fundamental AI research; and reasoning under uncertainty
