12,358 research outputs found

    PENGEMBANGAN BLOK CHANNEL UNTUK MEMPERLUAS PEMASARAN PAKCOY PADA KELOMPOK TANI CEMERLANG KABUPATEN CIANJUR: Development of Channel Blocks to Expand Pakcoy Marketing in Cemerlang Farmers Group, Cianjur Regency

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    Advances in communication and information technology that can be a forum in expanding marketing and introducing a product to the wider community. The Cemerlang Farmer Group is one of the businesses engaged in the cultivation of horticultural crops at Cianjur area with one of the commodities developed is pakcoy. Marketing of the company carried out by using direct marketing. Sales are mostly to supermarkets, restaurants, and traditional markets located in the Jakarta area and around Cipanas with a business to business concept. Payment methods made with the end of month payment system. One of the disadvantages of the current business concept is unpaid debts so that it has an impact on incomes. Farmer groups need to develop marketing segments that not only focus on buiness to business but also to customers or end users. The development of digital marketing is expected to reach end consumers. This study used SWOT analysis and Businees Model Canvas. The results of the analysis based on SWOT and Business Model Canvas show that the development of channel blocks affects other blocks. The development of channel blocks affects the customer segment, namely households in Jabodetabek and around Cianjur. The value proposition provided is the ease with which consumers can get information about the company. Customer relationship is to maintain good communication by using various services available on Instagram and Google Business. Revenue is obtained from the sale of vegetables, especially pakcoy. Channel development is carried out with online marketing activities including pre-publising, publising and post-publising activities. The key resources are the addition of physical resources in the form of smartphones. Channel development increases fixed costs in the form of voucher costs and variable costs in the form of product packaging costs. ABSTRAKKemajuan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi yang dapat menjadi wadah dalam memperluas pemasaran dan memperkenalkan suatu produk pada masyarakat luas. Kelompok Tani Cemerlang merupakan salah satu usaha yang bergerak di bidang budi daya tanaman hortikultura di wilayah Cianjur dengan salah satu komoditas yang dikembangkan adalah pakcoy. Pemasaran perusahaan yang dilakukan saat ini menggunakan pemasaran langsung. Penjualan sebagian besar ke toko swalayan, restoran, dan pasar tradisional yang berada di wilayah Jakarta serta sekitar Cipanas dengan konsep business to businesss. Metode pembayaran dari beberapa toko swalayan dan restoran dilakukan dengan sistem pembayaran diakhir. Salah satu kelemahan konsep bisnis yang dijalankan saat ini adalah piutang yang tidak dibayar sehingga berpengatuh terhadap penerimaan. Kelompok tani perlu mengembangkan segmen pemasaran yang tidak hanya berfokus ke buiness to business tapi juga ke customer atau end user. Pengembangan pemasaran digital diharapkan dapat menjangkau konsumen akhir. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis SWOT dan Businees Model Canvas. Hasil analisis berdasarkan SWOT dan Business Model Canvas menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan blok channel berpengaruh terhadap blok yang lain. Pengembangan blok channel berpengaruh terhadap customer segment yaitu rumah tangga di Jabodetabek dan sekitar Cianjur. Value proposition yang diberikan adalah kemudahan konsumen mendapatkan informasi tentang perusahaan. Customer relatioshipnya adalah menjaga komunikasi yang baik dengan menggunakan berbagai layanan yang terdapat di Instagram dan google business. Penerimaan didapatkan dari penjualan sayuran khususnya pakcoy. Pengembangan channel dilakukan dengan aktivitas pemasaran online meliputi kegiatan pra publising, publising dan pasca publising. Key Resources-nya adalah penambahan sumberdaya fisik berupa smartphone. Pengembangan blok channel meningkatkan biaya tetap berupa biaya voucher dan biaya variabel berupa biaya pengemasan produ

    Jayabaya’s Vision in The Javanese Cosmology: Wise Religion, Herucokro Revelation and Black Pegasus

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    The paper is to find out values, world view, and norm orientation in manuscript entitled Jayabaya  (without publising year) by G Rr Ay. Brotodiningrat and Primbon Pusaka Jawa Jangka Jayabaya Pranitiwakya by R Tanojo (without publising year). This study is needed because various research and publishing in the five late year have showed an interest with a history  of social context, viewing, and values.  Method of data collecting is close reading and method analysis is refers the phenomonelogy that stress on the concept of intensionality and extensionality. Intensionality means evidence that is showed by consciousness while extensionality refers to proof of external world. Result of this research is to prove the Javanese cosmology of harmony. It is need to live with concept harmonizing of which there are good relation with the other, environment, and the bigger cosmic in the human existence. Symbol in text of the Jangka Jayabaya, like Herucokro, Kuda Sembarni Hitam, Agama Budi, dan Hidup Harmoni, give a message of how to be a just leader, good norm, and developing a new social order.

    The Relationship Between Pastoral Services and Church Members’ Worship Activeness in Canaan SDA Church

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    The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine whether there is a link between pastoral ministry and church members’ worship participation in Canaan Airmadidi Seventh-day Adventist Church. Using the convenience sampling method, a questionnaire was distributed to 100 baptist members of the Canaan Airmadidi Seventh-day Adventist church. This research demonstrates that the pastor devotes a significant amount of time to ministering to the people of this church. Furthermore, the congregation's participation in worship is very high. It means that the church members are always involved in church services. Likewise, there is a positive and significant correlation between the pastoral ministry and the activeness of the church members in the worship program in the Canaan Airmadidi Seventh-day Adventist Church. Keywords: pastoral ministry; church members’ activeness; worship Bibliography Berhitu John, Peran Gembala Jemaat, Jurnal Jaffray, Vol. 12, No. 2, Oktober 2014. Ginger, Evans, Learning, Violence, and the Social Structure of Value, 2006. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8676.2006.tb00038.x. Gultom Elia, Elia Moderen. Bandung: Indonesia Publising House, 2009. Hutabarat, Leonard, Hubungan pengembalaan dengan pelayanan, 2010, Taken from: http://hubungan-pengenbalaan-dengan pelayanan.blogspot.co.id/. Kusnandar, Yotam, T, Khotbah adalah seni berkomunikasi. Vol. 5o, 18, 2017. Murtiningsih, Enung, Peran Pendeta Dalam Penggembalaan Umum Di Jemaat Gki Klasis Yogyakarta, 2009, Taken from http://sinta.ukdw.ac.id. Pardede, S. R.  Sikap Seorang Pelayan, 2012. Taken from: http://bejanaindah.blogspot. co.id/2012/04/hamba-atau-tuan-sikap-seorang-pelayan.html. Pardos, Milton, Pengaruh Kualitas Kepemimpinan Dan Kerohanian Seorang Pendeta Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Kerohanian, Pelayanan Dan Jumlah Baptisan Di GMAHK Kota Palembang, Jurnal Kanonia. 5, (1), 2013. Peraturan Jemaat, Bandung: Indonesia Publising House, 2005. Price, C, Saran-Saran Praktis Untuk Pelayanan Yang Berhasil Jakarta: Immanuel, 1993. Senduk,  Ho Lukas, Pedoman Pelayanan Pendeta, Jakarta:Yayasan Bethel, 2008. Tandiassa, Samuel, Kepemimpinan Gereja Lokal, Yogyakarta: Moriel, 2010. White, Ellen, Pelayanan Injil. Bandung: Indonesia Publising House, 1995

    Perbandingan Efek Suplemen Besi Pra-hamil dan Selama Kehamilan dalam Upaya Menurunkan Anemia Defisiensi Besi pada Wanita Hamil dengan Anemia Ringan di Bali

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    Anemia defisiensi besi (ADB) masih merupakan masalah kesehatan wanita hamilterkait dengan tingginya prevalensi dan efek negatifnya terhadap kesehatan. Upayapencegahan telah dilakukan dengan pemberian tablet besi selama kehamilan. Akan tetapihasilnya belum memuaskan. Kegagalan ini mungkin diakibatkan oleh rendahnya bahkankosongnya cadangan besi tubuh sewaktu pra-hamil, terutama di negara sedangberkembang. Oleh karena itu, suplemen besi yang hanya diberikan waktu kehamilantidak cukup untuk mencegah terjadinya ADB. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan a quasiexperimental study pada 99 pasangan baru yang belum hamil yang terdiri atas 47 groupperlakuan dan 52 sebagai group kontrol. Tablet besi (200 mg ferrous sulfate) diberikansejak periode sebelum hamil pada group perlakuan yang dilanjutkan sampai dengan 3bulan kehamilan. Sementara, pada group kontrol diberikan tablet besi dimulai hanya padakehamilan trimester pertama. ADB didasarkan atas konsentrasi hemoglobin dan serumferitin sesuai dengan criteria WHO dan keuntungan pemberian tablet besi didasarkan atasteknik BCR. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa pemberian tablet besi pada pra-hamildapat menurunkan prevalensi ADB lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pemberian tabletbesi yang dimulai saat kehamilan (0% vs 38.46%, p<0.05). Perbedaan yang signifikanjuga pada rerata serum feritin pada akhir pengamatan yaitu 33.45±14.12 ?g/dL padagroup perlakuan dan 19.65±8.99 ?g/dL pada group kontrol. Sementara itu, kadarhemoglobin adalah 12.25±1.20 g/dL pada group perlakuan dan 10.91±0.67 g/dL padagroup kontrol (p<0.05). Analisis menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tablet besi yang dimulaisaat pra-hamil adalah lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan dengan pemberian tablet besimulai hanya pada kehamilan (BCR >1). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada efeksamping dan kepatuhan pada group perlakuan dan kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil-hasil inidapatlah disimpulkan bahwa pemberian tablet besi yang dimulai masa pra-hamil adalahlebih baik dibandingkan dengan pemberian tablet besi yang diberikan hanya pada saatkehamilan. Program ini sangat mungkin diterapkan pada masyarakat karenakepatuhannya adalah baik

    On a Generalized Fifth-Order Integrable Evolution Equation and its Hierarchy

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    A general form of the fifth-order nonlinear evolution equation is considered. Helmholtz solution of the inverse variational problem is used to derive conditions under which this equation admits an analytic representation. A Lennard type recursion operator is then employed to construct a hierarchy of Lagrangian equations. It is explicitly demonstrated that the constructed system of equations has a Lax representation and two compatible Hamiltonian structures. The homogeneous balance method is used to derive analytic soliton solutions of the third- and fifth-order equations.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    MU 510 Musical Foundations

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    Case, Riley B., Understanding Our United Methodist Hymnal. Bristol Books, 308 East Main Street, Wilmore, KY. Dough, Whitney J., The Hymnwriters: Our Unknown Friends. Providence House Publishers, Franklin, Tennessee, 37064. ISBN 1-881576-35-3. Flather, Doug and Tami., The Praise and Worship Team Instant Tune-Up. Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan. ISBN 0-310-24232-0. Frame, John M., Contemporary Worship Music: A Biblical Defense. P & R Publising, P.O. Box 817, Phillipsburg, New Jersey, 08865. Hurst, Lynn, Changing Your Tune! The Musician’s Handbook for Creating Contempory Worship. Abingdon Press. ISBN 0-687-02297-5. Hustad, Donald P., Jubilate II: Church Music in Worship and Renewal. Hope Publishing, Carol Stream, IL.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3213/thumbnail.jp

    Crimmigration and Human Trafficking: where are immigrants as victims and aggressors positioned?

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    During this session, I will start reflecting upon migration movements on the world, framing statistics and defining concepts. I will go through ties who bind migrants with receiving countries, presenting new terminology to emergent realities such as Immigrants and euromigrants; visitors from EU countries and circulants from third countries. I will characterize the differentiation of inequalities that divides our world in North and South, though a migration perspective as well as on how migrants have been gradually and currently seen as criminals. In fact, and after a perspective how agreements in Europe allowed the creation of the space of Security, Liberty and Freedom, a consequence of the Schengen Treaty and its subsequent updates, we will focus on how migrants have been characterized in host countries as criminals and how they have been victims of the crimminalization of irregularity, mainly reflected on a crimmigration analysis. I will go then through a perspective on migrants as victims of crimes, taking a deep analysis on human trafficking victims who are or have been involved in migration processes. I will then go through the analysis of the Diretive 2012/29/UE and try to pick up the rights of victims of human trafficking who are already transposed to the Portuguese (and other countries’) legislations, finding lacks and presenting solutions to “law in books” and “law in action” in this field of supporting victims of crimes in Europe, taking from point of departure an European project.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Prototype For Learning Privacy-Preserving Data Publising

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    Erinevad organisatsioonid, valitsusasutused, firmad ja ĂŒksikisikud koguvad andmeid, mida on vĂ”imalik hiljem uute teadmiste saamiseks andmekaeve meetoditega töödelda. Töötlejaks ei tarvitse olla andmete koguja. Sageli ei ole teada andmetöötleja usaldusvÀÀrsus, mistĂ”ttu on oluline tagada, et avalikustatud andmetest poleks enam vĂ”imalik tagantjĂ€rgi privaatseid isikuandmeid identifitseerida. Selleks, et isikuid ei oleks enam vĂ”imalik identifitseerida, tuleb enne andmete töötlejatele vĂ€ljastamist rakendada privaatsust sĂ€ilitavaid meetodeid. KĂ€esolevas lĂ”putöös kirjeldatakse erinevaid ohte privaatsusele, meetodeid nende ohtude ennetamiseks, vĂ”rreldakse neid meetodeid omavahel ja kirjeldatakse erinevaid viise, kuidas andmeidanonĂŒmiseerida. LĂ”putöö teiseks vĂ€ljundiks on Ă”pitarkvara, mis vĂ”imaldabtudengitel antud valdkonnaga tutvuda. LĂ”putöö viimases osas valideeritakse loodud tarkvara.Our data gets collected every day by governments and different organizations for data mining. It is often not known who the receiving part of data is and whether data receiver can be trusted. Therefore it is necessary to anonymize data in a way what it would be not possible to identify persons from released data sets. This master thesis will discuss different threats to privacy, discuss and compare different privacy-preserving methods to mitigate these threats. The thesis will give an overview of different possible implementations for these privacy-preserving methods. The other output of this thesis is educational purpose software that allows students to learn and practice privacy-preserving methods. The final part of this thesis is a validation of designed software
