89 research outputs found

    PSO-based Newton-like Method and Iteration Processes in the Generation of Artistic Patterns

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    In artistic pattern generation one can find many different approaches to the generation process. One of such approaches is the use of root finding methods. In this paper, we present a new method of generating artistic patterns with the use of root finding. We modify the classical Newton's method using a Particle Swarm Optimization approach. Moreover, we introduce various iteration processes instead of the standard Picard iteration used in the Newton's method. Presented examples show that using the proposed method we are able to obtain very interesting and diverse patterns that could have an artistic application, e.g., in texture generation, tapestry or textile design etc

    Visual Analysis of Dynamics Behaviour of an Iterative Method Depending on Selected Parameters and Modifications

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    There is a huge group of algorithms described in the literature that iteratively find solutions of a given equation. Most of them require tuning. The article presents root-finding algorithms that are based on the Newton-Raphson method which iteratively finds the solutions, and require tuning. The modification of the algorithm implements the best position of particle similarly to the particle swarm optimisation algorithms. The proposed approach allows visualising the impact of the algorithm's elements on the complex behaviour of the algorithm. Moreover, instead of the standard Picard iteration, various feedback iteration processes are used in this research. Presented examples and the conducted discussion on the algorithm's operation allow to understand the influence of the proposed modifications on the algorithm's behaviour. Understanding the impact of the proposed modification on the algorithm's operation can be helpful in using it in other algorithms. The obtained images also have potential artistic applications

    One more look on visualization of operation of a root-finding algorithm

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    Many algorithms that iteratively find solution of an equation require tuning. Due to the complex dependence of many algorithm’s elements, it is difficult to know their impact on the work of the algorithm. The article presents a simple root-finding algorithm with self-adaptation that requires tuning, similarly to evolutionary algorithms. Moreover, the use of various iteration processes instead of the standard Picard iteration is presented. In the algorithm’s analysis, visualizations of the dynamics were used. The conducted experiments and the discussion regarding their results allow to understand the influence of tuning on the proposed algorithm. The understanding of the tuning mechanisms can be helpful in using other evolutionary algorithms. Moreover, the presented visualizations show intriguing patterns of potential artistic applications

    Adaptive and learning-based formation control of swarm robots

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    Autonomous aerial and wheeled mobile robots play a major role in tasks such as search and rescue, transportation, monitoring, and inspection. However, these operations are faced with a few open challenges including robust autonomy, and adaptive coordination based on the environment and operating conditions, particularly in swarm robots with limited communication and perception capabilities. Furthermore, the computational complexity increases exponentially with the number of robots in the swarm. This thesis examines two different aspects of the formation control problem. On the one hand, we investigate how formation could be performed by swarm robots with limited communication and perception (e.g., Crazyflie nano quadrotor). On the other hand, we explore human-swarm interaction (HSI) and different shared-control mechanisms between human and swarm robots (e.g., BristleBot) for artistic creation. In particular, we combine bio-inspired (i.e., flocking, foraging) techniques with learning-based control strategies (using artificial neural networks) for adaptive control of multi- robots. We first review how learning-based control and networked dynamical systems can be used to assign distributed and decentralized policies to individual robots such that the desired formation emerges from their collective behavior. We proceed by presenting a novel flocking control for UAV swarm using deep reinforcement learning. We formulate the flocking formation problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), and consider a leader-follower configuration, where consensus among all UAVs is used to train a shared control policy, and each UAV performs actions based on the local information it collects. In addition, to avoid collision among UAVs and guarantee flocking and navigation, a reward function is added with the global flocking maintenance, mutual reward, and a collision penalty. We adapt deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) with centralized training and decentralized execution to obtain the flocking control policy using actor-critic networks and a global state space matrix. In the context of swarm robotics in arts, we investigate how the formation paradigm can serve as an interaction modality for artists to aesthetically utilize swarms. In particular, we explore particle swarm optimization (PSO) and random walk to control the communication between a team of robots with swarming behavior for musical creation

    Mathematical surfaces models between art and reality

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    In this paper, I want to document the history of the mathematical surfaces models used for the didactics of pure and applied “High Mathematics” and as art pieces. These models were built between the second half of nineteenth century and the 1930s. I want here also to underline several important links that put in correspondence conception and construction of models with scholars, cultural institutes, specific views of research and didactical studies in mathematical sciences and with the world of the figurative arts furthermore. At the same time the singular beauty of form and colour which the models possessed, aroused the admiration of those entirely ignorant of their mathematical attraction

    Real time tracking using nature-inspired algorithms

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    This thesis investigates the core difficulties in the tracking field of computer vision. The aim is to develop a suitable tuning free optimisation strategy so that a real time tracking could be achieved. The population and multi-solution based approaches have been applied first to analyse the convergence behaviours in the evolutionary test cases. The aim is to identify the core misconceptions in the manner the search characteristics of particles are defined in the literature. A general perception in the scientific community is that the particle based methods are not suitable for the real time applications. This thesis improves the convergence properties of particles by a novel scale free correlation approach. By altering the fundamental definition of a particle and by avoiding the nostalgic operations the tracking was expedited to a rate of 250 FPS. There is a reasonable amount of similarity between the tracking landscapes and the ones generated by three dimensional evolutionary test cases. Several experimental studies are conducted that compares the performances of the novel optimisation to the ones observed with the swarming methods. It is therefore concluded that the modified particle behaviour outclassed the traditional approaches by huge margins in almost every test scenario

    Optimal seismic retrofitting of existing RC frames through soft-computing approaches

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    2016 - 2017Ph.D. Thesis proposes a Soft-Computing approach capable of supporting the engineer judgement in the selection and design of the cheapest solution for seismic retrofitting of existing RC framed structure. Chapter 1 points out the need for strengthening the existing buildings as one of the main way of decreasing economic and life losses as direct consequences of earthquake disasters. Moreover, it proposes a wide, but not-exhaustive, list of the most frequently observed deficiencies contributing to the vulnerability of concrete buildings. Chapter 2 collects the state of practice on seismic analysis methods for the assessment the safety of the existing buildings within the framework of a performancebased design. The most common approaches for modeling the material plasticity in the frame non-linear analysis are also reviewed. Chapter 3 presents a wide state of practice on the retrofitting strategies, intended as preventive measures aimed at mitigating the effect of a future earthquake by a) decreasing the seismic hazard demands; b) improving the dynamic characteristics supplied to the existing building. The chapter presents also a list of retrofitting systems, intended as technical interventions commonly classified into local intervention (also known “member-level” techniques) and global intervention (also called “structure-level” techniques) that might be used in synergistic combination to achieve the adopted strategy. In particular, the available approaches and the common criteria, respectively for selecting an optimum retrofit strategy and an optimal system are discussed. Chapter 4 highlights the usefulness of the Soft-Computing methods as efficient tools for providing “objective” answer in reasonable time for complex situation governed by approximation and imprecision. In particular, Chapter 4 collects the applications found in the scientific literature for Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Network and Evolutionary Computing in the fields of structural and earthquake engineering with a taxonomic classification of the problems in modeling, simulation and optimization. Chapter 5 “translates” the search for the cheapest retrofitting system into a constrained optimization problem. To this end, the chapter includes a formulation of a novel procedure that assembles a numerical model for seismic assessment of framed structures within a Soft-Computing-driven optimization algorithm capable to minimize the objective function defined as the total initial cost of intervention. The main components required to assemble the procedure are described in the chapter: the optimization algorithm (Genetic Algorithm); the simulation framework (OpenSees); and the software environment (Matlab). Chapter 6 describes step-by-step the flow-chart of the proposed procedure and it focuses on the main implementation aspects and working details, ranging from a clever initialization of the population of candidate solutions up to a proposal of tuning procedure for the genetic parameters. Chapter 7 discusses numerical examples, where the Soft-Computing procedure is applied to the model of multi-storey RC frames obtained through simulated design. A total of fifteen “scenarios” are studied in order to assess its “robustness” to changes in input data. Finally, Chapter 8, on the base of the outcomes observed, summarizes the capabilities of the proposed procedure, yet highlighting its “limitations” at the current state of development. Some possible modifications are discussed to enhance its efficiency and completeness. [edited by author]XVI n.s

    Interactive optimisation for high-lift design.

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    Interactivity always involves two entities; one of them by default is a human user. The specialised subject of human factors is introduced in the context of computational aerodynamics and optimisation, specifically a high-lift aerofoil. The trial and error nature of a design process hinges on designer’s knowledge, skill and intuition. A basic, important assumption of a man-machine system is that in solving a problem, there are some steps in which the computer has an advantageous edge while in other steps a human has dominance. Computational technologies are now an indispensable part of aerospace technology; algorithms involving significant user interaction, either during the process of generating solutions or as a component of post-optimisation evaluation where human decision making is involved are increasingly becoming popular, multi-objective particle swarm is one such optimiser. Several design optimisation problems in engineering are by nature multi-objective; the interest of a designer lies in simultaneous optimisation against two or more objectives which are usually in conïŹ‚ict. Interactive optimisation allows the designer to understand trade-offs between various objectives, and is generally used as a tool for decision making. The solution to a multi-objective problem, one where betterment in one objective occurs over the deterioration of at least one other objective is called a Pareto set. There are multiple solutions to a problem and multiple betterment ideas to an already existing design. The final responsibility of identifying an optimal solution or idea rests on the design engineers and decision making is done based on quantitative metrics, displayed as numbers or graphs. However, visualisation, ergonomics and human factors influence and impact this decision making process. A visual, graphical depiction of the Pareto front is oftentimes used as a design aid tool for purposes of decision making with chances of errors and fallacies fundamentally existing in engineering design. An effective visualisation tool beneïŹts complex engineering analyses by providing the decision-maker with a good imagery of the most important information. Two high-lift aerofoil data-sets have been used as test-case examples; a multi-element solver, an optimiser based on swarm intelligence technique, and visual techniques which include parallel co-ordinates, heat map, scatter plot, self-organising map and radial coordinate visualisation comprise the module. Factors that affect optima and various evaluation criteria have been studied in light of the human user. This research enquires into interactive optimisation by adapting three interactive approaches: information trade-off, reference point and classification, and investigates selected visualisation techniques which act as chief aids in the context of high-lift design trade studies. Human-in-the-loop engineering, man-machine interaction & interface along with influencing factors, reliability, validation and verification in the presence of design uncertainty are considered. The research structure, choice of optimiser and visual aids adapted in this work are influenced by and streamlined to fit with the parallel on-going development work on Airbus’ Python based tool. Results, analysis, together with literature survey are presented in this report. The words human, user, engineer, aerodynamicist, designer, analyst and decision-maker/ DM are synonymous, and are used interchangeably in this research. In a virtual engineering setting, for an efficient interactive optimisation task, a suitable visualisation tool is a crucial prerequisite. Various optimisation design tools & methods are most useful when combined with a human engineer's insight is the underlying premise of this work; questions such as why, what, how might help aid aeronautical technical innovation.PhD in Aerospac
