225 research outputs found


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    Abstract This research aimed to examine the correlation between religiosity and the academic procastination. This study also intended to reveal the difference of college student’s religosity and the academic procastination observed from gender, etnics, and programs of study. Purposive sampling was used in this study. The subjects of this study were college students in faculty of Dakwah dan Komunikasi. They were male and female which at least 2011 to 2013 of entering years. There were 185 colleges students involved in this research, 67 males and 118 females. The results of the Pearson Correlation Analysis indicated that there were a significant and negative correlation between religiosity and the the academic procastination. With ”r” scores was 0.410, and“p”< 0.01 was 0.000. The results of independent-sample t test also indicated that there were difference between religiosity and academic procastination observed from studies program. The religiosity of PMI program was the higher than others (KPI, BKI, MD and IKS). And the higher of academic procastination was the IKS program study. Key words: Religosity, Academic Procastination


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    Abstract This research aimed to examine the correlation between religiosity and the academic procastination. This study also intended to reveal the difference of college student’s religosity and the academic procastination observed from gender, etnics, and programs of study. Purposive sampling was used in this study. The subjects of this study were college students in faculty of Dakwah dan Komunikasi. They were male and female which at least 2011 to 2013 of entering years. There were 185 colleges students involved in this research, 67 males and 118 females. The results of the Pearson Correlation Analysis indicated that there were a significant and negative correlation between religiosity and the the academic procastination. With ”r” scores was 0.410, and“p”< 0.01 was 0.000. The results of independent-sample t test also indicated that there were difference between religiosity and academic procastination observed from studies program. The religiosity of PMI program was the higher than others (KPI, BKI, MD and IKS). And the higher of academic procastination was the IKS program study. Key words: Religosity, Academic Procastination

    Hubungan antara Dukungan Sosial Keluarga dengan Prokrastinasi Akademik pada Mahasiswa Perantau

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    This research aims to determine how far relationship between family social support with academic procrastination in overseas students. Academic procrastination is an activity or habit that is put off a job, by doing activities that are not important. This research consists of independent variable is family social support and dependent variable is academic procrastination. The hypothesis in this research is that there is a negative relationship between family social support and academic procrastination of overseas students. This means that the better or more positive the perception of family social support, the lower the procrastination behavior. Conversely, the lower or the more negative the perception of family social support, the higher the academic procrastination of overseas students. Participants in this research were 100 participants who were focused on the class of 2016 overseas students at the University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. Data analysis technique used a Product Moment correlation test using SPSS software version 20 for windows, the results of which obtained a correlation coefficient of rxy = -0,368 with a significance value of p = 0,000 &lt; from 0,05, so the results of this research had a negative correlation and very significant.Keywords: Academic Procrastination, Family Social Support, Overseas Students

    Hubungan Konsep Diri Dan Interaksi Teman Sebaya Dengan Prokrastinasi Akademik Mahasiswa

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    This research aim to know the relationship between self concept and peers interaction of academic procrastination student’. The subjek in this study are the student’ in eight semesters or being a thesis at the Muhammadiyah Universitas Surakarta as much as 114 respondents. The hipothesis tested was there is a connection between self concept and peer interaction with academic procrastination. The technique of sampling use incidental sampling. Data collection is carried out by three scales, is the scale of the academic procrastination, the self concept and peer interaction. The statistical analysis used in this study were multipel linier regression analysis. Statistical analysis result obtained that there is a significant relationship between self concept and peer interaction with academic procrastination. The effective contribution of the self concept and peer interaction agains academic procrastination is 15%. The result of this research showed there was a significant relationship between self concept and peer interaction with academic procrastination. The conclusion of relationship self concept and peer interaction are negatif toward academic procrastination. That is, if self concept and peer interaction is higher, so academic procrastination student’ will go down. The implication of this research in the field of education is an academic procrastination can be reduced by improving the self concept and peer interaction. Self concept give a framework of thinking that determine how to process the information abaut yourself is good from a physical aspect, psychic aspect, sosial aspects, moral and family aspects, so that student’ have the self motivation, emotional stability and trust on the capability of self finishing academic assignments. In addition the high peer interaction as a function of the information source and motivation can give good influence for student’ in finishing academic assignments

    Prokrastinasi Akademik Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Berprestasi Dan Stres Mahasiswa

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    This research aimed to find out whether variables need for achievement and students stress having correlation with variable academic procrastination. Hypotheses proposed were there's negative correlation between need for achievement and academic procrastination by controlling variable student stress and student stress is having positive correlation with academic procrastination by controlling need for achievement. Data collected through need for achievement scale, student stress scale and academic procrastination scale. 112 students of UII were involved in this study. Data analyzed by partial correlation has proved that need for achievement is having negative correlation with r score was – 0.5508 with p level at 0.05

    Intensitas penggunaan smartphone, prokrastinasi akademik, dan perilaku phubbing Mahasiswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh intensitas penggunaan smartphone terhadap prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa dan perilaku phubbing mahasiswa secara simultan dan parsial. Jumlah sampel sebesar 103 dengan accidental sampling dari Program Studi Psikologi Islam IAIN Pontianak. Kuesioner digunakan sebagai instumen penelitian dengan menggunakan Skala Likert. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik multivariate analysis of variance. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: 1). Ada pengaruh intensitas penggunaan smartphone terhadap perilaku prokrastinasi akademik dan perilaku phubbing mahasiswa secara simultan (F=2,838; 0,026&lt;0.05), 2). Intensitas penggunaan smartphone mempengaruhi prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa sebesar (F=3,990; 0,022&lt;0,05), 3). Intensitas penggunaan smartphone mempengaruhi perilaku phubbing (F=4,511; 0,013&lt;0,05). Peneliti memberikan wacana solusi atas hasil hipotesis diatas pertama, perlunya memberikan arahan yang baik dalam penggunaan smartphone di kalangan mahasiswa. Kedua, pihak fakultas ataupun program studi sedapat mungkin menempatkan motivasi sebagai prioritas dalam pembelajaran selama perkuliahan. Ketiga, perlunya untuk menyediakan layanan bimbingan konseling kepada mahasiswa, secara berkala dan terbuka bagi mereka yang mengalami perilaku negatif yang dapat mengganggu aktivitas akademik mahasiswa.Abstract: The study aims to see the influence of smartphone usage intensity against student academic procrastination and the simultaneous and partial conduct of student phubbing. The sample amount is 103 with accidental sampling from IAIN Pontianak Islamic Psychology Study Program. Questionnaires were used as research instruments using the Likert scale. Data analysis using multivariate analysis of variance statistical test. The results of the study as follows: 1). There is an impact on the use of smartphone against the behavior of academic procrastination and conduct of student phubbing simultaneously (F=2,838; 0,026&lt;0.05), 2). The intensity of smartphone usage affects the student's academic procrastination (F = 3,990; 0,022 &lt; 0.05), 3). The intensity of smartphone usage affects phubbing behavior (F = 4,511; 0,013 &lt; 0.05).  Researchers provide a solution to the above-first hypothesis results, the need to provide good direction in the use of smartphones among students. Secondly, the faculty or the study program can put motivation as a priority in learning during the lecture. Thirdly, the need to provide counseling services to students, periodically and openly for those who experience negative behaviors that can interfere with student's academic activitie

    Korelasi Antara Tanggung Jawab Belajar dengan Prestasi Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran PAI Siswa SMPN 1 Muara Pahu

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    Penelitian ini didasarkan pada fenomena yang terjadi, siswa kurang memiliki tanggung jawab dalam belajarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi yang signifikan dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan ada dan tidaknya korelasi antara tanggung jawab belajar dengan prestasi belajar pada mata pelajaran siswa SMP Negeri 1 Muara Pahu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa yang berjumlah 182 orang, dan sampel sebanyak 65 responden. Dari hasil dan analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa korelasi antara tanggung jawab belajar dengan prestasi belajar siswa berkorelasi negatif atau tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan tanggung jawab belajar dengan prestasi belajar tidak berhubungan karena beberapa hal, yaitu: 1) siswa kurang memiliki sikap yang positif, 2) siswa memiliki kontrol diri yang kurang, 3) siswa menunda-nunda mengenrjakan PR, 4) siswa terlalu santai dengan tugasnya, 5) perhatian orang tua terhadap prestasi siswa, 6) peran guru dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa

    Analisis Tingkat Religiusitas Pada Mahasiswa Yang Mengikuti Organisasi

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    This study is aims to describe of religious level by students who follow the organization. The study uses a quantitative descriptive study method. The withdrawal of samples in this research uses sampling, by cluster sampling techniques. The findings suggest that the religiosity of the student who attends the organization falls at a high rating of 28%, and a high category of 66%. This suggests that most research subjects have high religious levels. Therefore, effort is required for students who join the organization to maintain religiosit


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    Abstract: This article examines the discipline offered by Dolet Unaradjan as a solution in improving the academic procrastination mindset and behavior. Where the mindset always leads to the individual's mindset that will produce a behavior in their daily life, the wrong mindset will give birth to the wrong behavior, and vice versa. Mindset often encourages individual human beings to behave according to the desired mindset. One of them is the academic procrastination behavior in individuals, this habit often occurs in every human being. Many studies and studies have discussed this behavior, in which almost every individual human being has this behavior, including us personally who often do the habit of procrastinating a job. This behavior is a symptom that exists in every human individual that starts from the wrong mindset, resulting in the academic procrastination behavior. This article uses library research, which is an effort to use library research to obtain data from library documents such as books, books, magazines, and other documents. Thus, the authors hope that the discipline of Dolet Unaradjan will give a good contribution in solving existing problems. The contribution that the authors have found by conducting a study of this article is that discipline is able to have a strong influence in improving and changing the individual's mindset which ultimately results in a good behavior and attitude, so that academic procrastination behavior can disappear by itself. Which of course is accompanied by personal maturity, be it intellectual, spiritual, and emotional maturity. Keywords: Discipline, Mindset, Academic Practic
