4,770 research outputs found

    Networked PID control design : a pseudo-probabilistic robust approach

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    Networked Control Systems (NCS) are feedback/feed-forward control systems where control components (sensors, actuators and controllers) are distributed across a common communication network. In NCS, there exist network-induced random delays in each channel. This paper proposes a method to compensate the effects of these delays for the design and tuning of PID controllers. The control design is formulated as a constrained optimization problem and the controller stability and robustness criteria are incorporated as design constraints. The design is based on a polytopic description of the system using a Poisson pdf distribution of the delay. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method

    Evaluating a ZigBee Network with SMC for Hard and Concurrent Parameter Variations

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    One of the main issues concerning a wireless networked control system is the variable delay associated with the communicating network used to join its dispersed components.  This paper presents a variable structured Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) designed for a ZigBee wireless networked control system (WNCS) in addition to the design of a standard PID controller. WNCS can improve the reliability and the effectiveness of the control system by eliminating time and costs of installation and maintenance. Presence of time delays between sensors, actuators and controllers of the controlled system can degrade the performance and destabilize the whole system. To reduce the effect of the network delay, simulation tools for WNCS are developed to help designers in studying the influence of network on performance of the control system. The TrueTime toolbox is used to analyze the effects of network delays and to evaluate the effects of ZigBee parameters on control systems such as packet loss, ACK. Timeout limit, and traffic load. It is clear from the results that SMC is superior to PID control. Keywords: NCS, SMC, PID, ZigBee, TrueTim

    Development and Control of Networked Servo System

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    Control systems where the control loops are closed through a communication network are called Networked Control System (NCS). Research on NCS has received increased attention in recent years due to the advancement of control,computation and communication technologies. NCS makes the design and implementation of control systems with reduced complexity due to simpler installation and easy maintenance. But the insertion of the communication network in the feedback control loop introduces delay from sensor to controller and controller to actuator, that degrades the control system performance and also causes system instability.This thesis focuses on development of a networked DC Servo control system using LabVIEW and Peripheral Component Interconnect(PCI) card.The controller design for a NCS can be categorized into indirect and direct approach. An indirect approach controller design considers ¯rst without delay followed by design a suitable delay compensation technique. A PID controller with a Smith predictor as a compensater is implemented in real-time networked control of servo system. The above PID controller is tuned using gain margin and phase margin speci¯cations and Zigler-Nichols method are implemented. A direct NCS design approach in the other hand considers the delay as well as packet loss characteristics with system dynamics at one go.This approach gives more information about each instant of the system.It uses Lyapunov approach to design of asymptomatic stabilization of the system, the above stabilization uses a switched approach for NCS sta- bilization with packet loss and delay is proposed. The switched approach divides the NCS as di®erent subsystems considering both delay and packet loss, then designing of controllers for each subsystem. According to packet loss, the subsystems and controllers are switched to stabilize the NCS. In this approach the feedback gains are calculated by solving Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). Both direct and indirect controller design approach are simulated using MATLAB and SIMULINK. Some Hardware in Loop simulations are also performed on a Servo System.A realtime networked servo control system has been developed using LabVIEW. Only indirect controller approach is implemented in this environment to remotely control the servo system. The results obtained by using PID controller and Smith predictor have been analyzed and it is conrmed that these controller provide good performances

    Fuzzy-logic-based control, filtering, and fault detection for networked systems: A Survey

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    This paper is concerned with the overview of the recent progress in fuzzy-logic-based filtering, control, and fault detection problems. First, the network technologies are introduced, the networked control systems are categorized from the aspects of fieldbuses and industrial Ethernets, the necessity of utilizing the fuzzy logic is justified, and the network-induced phenomena are discussed. Then, the fuzzy logic control strategies are reviewed in great detail. Special attention is given to the thorough examination on the latest results for fuzzy PID control, fuzzy adaptive control, and fuzzy tracking control problems. Furthermore, recent advances on the fuzzy-logic-based filtering and fault detection problems are reviewed. Finally, conclusions are given and some possible future research directions are pointed out, for example, topics on two-dimensional networked systems, wireless networked control systems, Quality-of-Service (QoS) of networked systems, and fuzzy access control in open networked systems.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61329301, 61374039, 61473163, and 61374127, the Hujiang Foundation of China under Grants C14002 andD15009, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK, the Royal Society of the UK, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    A non-uniform predictor-observer for a networked control system

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12555-011-0621-5This paper presents a Non-Uniform Predictor-Observer (NUPO) based control approach in order to deal with two of the main problems related to Networked Control Systems (NCS) or Sensor Networks (SN): time-varying delays and packet loss. In addition, if these delays are longer than the sampling period, the packet disordering phenomenon can appear. Due to these issues, a (scarce) nonuniform, delayed measurement signal could be received by the controller. But including the NUPO proposal in the control system, the delay will be compensated by the prediction stage, and the nonavailable data will be reconstructed by the observer stage. So, a delay-free, uniformly sampled controller design can be adopted. To ensure stability, the predictor must satisfy a feasibility problem based on a time-varying delay-dependent condition expressed in terms of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI). Some aspects like the relation between network delay and robustness/performance trade-off are empirically studied. A simulation example shows the benefits (robustness and control performance improvement) of the NUPO approach by comparison to another similar proposal. © ICROS, KIEE and Springer 2011.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia Projects DPI2008-06737-C02-01 and DPI2009-14744-C03-03, by Generalitat Valenciana Project GV/2010/018, by Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Project PAID06-08.Cuenca Lacruz, ÁM.; García Gil, PJ.; Albertos Pérez, P.; Salt Llobregat, JJ. (2011). A non-uniform predictor-observer for a networked control system. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 9(6):1194-1202. doi:10.1007/s12555-011-0621-5S1194120296K. Ogata, Discrete-time Control Systems, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA, 1987.Y. Tipsuwan and M. Chow, “Control methodologies in networked control systems,” Control Eng. 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    PID controller design and tuning in networked control systems

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    Networked control systems (NCS) are distributed real-time computing and control systems with sensors, actuators and controllers that communicate over a shared medium. The distributed nature of NCS and issues related to the shared communication medium pose significant challenges for control design, as the control system no longer follows the rules of classical control theory. The main problems that are not well covered by the traditional control theory are varying time-delays due to communication and computation, and packet losses. During recent years, the control design of NCS and varying time-delay systems has been extensively researched. This investment has provided us with new results on stability. Often the proposed methods and solutions are far too complex for industrial use, especially if wireless automation applications are considered. The algorithms are computationally heavy, possibly requiring complete information from say, a network of hundreds or thousands of nodes. In the wireless case this is not feasible. The above justifies the use and research of simple controller structures and algorithms for NCS. Despite the growing interest towards more advanced control algorithms, the Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller still has a dominant status in the industry. Nevertheless, using PID for NCS has not been thoroughly investigated, especially with regard to controller tuning. This thesis proposes several PID tuning methods, which provide robustness against the challenges of NCS, namely varying time-delays (jitter) and packet loss. The doctoral thesis consists of a summary and eight publications that focus on the PID controller design, tuning and experimentation in NCS. The thesis includes a literature review of recent stability and control design results in NCS, a summary of publications and the original publications. The control design methods applied in the publications are also reviewed. In the thesis, several new methods for PID tuning in NCS are proposed. To make the methods usable, a PID tuning tool that implements one of the tuning methods is also developed. In order to verify the results of control design with real processes, the thesis suggests using the MoCoNet platform developed at the Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. The platform provides the tools for remote laboratory experiments in NCS settings. The results of the thesis indicate that the PID controller is well suited for NCS provided that the properties of the integrated communication and control system are taken into account in the tuning phase

    Networked control system – an overview

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    Networked Control System (NCS) is fetching researchers’ interest from many decades. It’s been used in industry which range from manufacturing, automobile, aviation, aerospace to military. This paper gives the general architecture of NCS and its fundamental routes. It also touches to its advantages and disadvantages and some of the popular controller which include PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) and MPC (Model Predictive Control)

    A survey on gain-scheduled control and filtering for parameter-varying systems

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    Copyright © 2014 Guoliang Wei et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.This paper presents an overview of the recent developments in the gain-scheduled control and filtering problems for the parameter-varying systems. First of all, we recall several important algorithms suitable for gain-scheduling method including gain-scheduled proportional-integral derivative (PID) control, H 2, H ∞ and mixed H 2 / H ∞ gain-scheduling methods as well as fuzzy gain-scheduling techniques. Secondly, various important parameter-varying system models are reviewed, for which gain-scheduled control and filtering issues are usually dealt with. In particular, in view of the randomly occurring phenomena with time-varying probability distributions, some results of our recent work based on the probability-dependent gain-scheduling methods are reviewed. Furthermore, some latest progress in this area is discussed. Finally, conclusions are drawn and several potential future research directions are outlined.The National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61074016, 61374039, 61304010, and 61329301; the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China under Grant BK20130766; the Program for Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar) at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning; the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University under Grant NCET-11-1051, the Leverhulme Trust of the U.K., the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Embedded Network Test-Bed for Validating Real-Time Control Algorithms to Ensure Optimal Time Domain Performance

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    The paper presents a Stateflow based network test-bed to validate real-time optimal control algorithms. Genetic Algorithm (GA) based time domain performance index minimization is attempted for tuning of PI controller to handle a balanced lag and delay type First Order Plus Time Delay (FOPTD) process over network. The tuning performance is validated on a real-time communication network with artificially simulated stochastic delay, packet loss and out-of order packets characterizing the network.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figure