2,470 research outputs found

    The supernatural guilt trip does not take us far enough

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    Belief in souls is only one component of supernatural thinking in which individuals infer the presence of invisible mechanisms that explain events as paranormal rather than natural. We believe it is important to place greater emphasis on the prevalence of supernatural beliefs across other domains, if only to counter simplistic divisions between rationality and irrationality recently aligned with the contentious science/religion debate

    Applying a Systems-Thinking Approach to Developing Resiliency in Muslim Nonprofit Organizations

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    Nonprofit organizations play a major role in maintaining balance in societies. They provide support and services to communities that governments cannot. They create an environment in communities wherein social problems can be more easily addressed. Nonprofit organizations also contribute billions of dollars to the economy and create thousands of jobs in communities. Muslim nonprofit organizations are among the faith-based nonprofit organizations contributing and playing an important role in American society as well. However, due to the world becoming more turbulent in highly volatile and uncertain times, many Muslims nonprofit organizations are unable to bounce back from crises and cope successfully with unexpected adversities such as Islamophobia, pandemics, and interpersonal conflicts. Often, these organizations lack the insights of systems thinking to view problems as complex components requiring a holistic approach. This study explores the application of systems thinking within Muslim nonprofit organizations to conceptualize systems thinking learning model that establishes organizational improvement and resilience. By learning systems thinking, Muslim nonprofit organizations can continuously respond to challenges while providing valuable services to societies

    The market for socially responsible investing : a review of the developments

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    This contribution explains how socially responsible investing (SRI) has evolved in the last few decades and sheds light on its latest developments. It describes different forms of SRI in the financial markets; and deliberates on the rationale for the utilization of positive and negative screenings of listed businesses and public organizations. A comprehensive literature review suggests that the providers of financial capital are increasingly allocating funds toward positive impact and sustainable investments. Therefore, this descriptive paper provides a factual summary of the proliferation of SRI products in financial markets. Afterwards it presents the opportunities and challenges facing the stakeholders of SRI. This research presents a historic overview on the growth of SRI products in the financial services industry. It clarifies that the market for responsible investing has recently led to an increase in a number of stakeholders, including; contractors, non governmental organizations (NGOs) and research firms who are involved in the scrutinization of the businesses’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) behaviors. This discursive contribution raises awareness on the screenings of positive impact and sustainable investments. The researcher contends that today’s socially responsible investors are increasingly analyzing the businesses’ non-financial performance, including their ESG credentials. In conclusion this paper puts forward future research avenues in this promising field of study.peer-reviewe

    Re-embodying Leadership Through a Re-examination of the Sacred

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    The last couple of decades have witnessed an exponential increase of interest in religion and spirituality in the academic disciplines of leadership and organization. Some scholars argue that this interest is prone to neglect analysis of Western religion’s historical origins and therefore of what may be its repressed influences on leadership and organizational practices. Others, that this revived focus on the sacred may be limited by an over-reliance on too narrow a theology rooted within a singular (Judeo-Christian) cosmology. I seek to both speak to and expand the concerns of such previous research. I do this by introducing ecofeminism as a theoretical framework for a critical analysis of the macro level of what has already been framed as the repressed influence of mainstream religious orthodoxy within the field of leadership studies. Building upon the perspectives provided by ecofeminism and feminist spirituality I extend the aforementioned concerns by suggesting that some of the ethics within the Judeo-Christian cosmology itself bear some relationship to and responsibility in crises relating to environmental sustainability and social justice. I explore a number of related themes, arguing in particular that the demotion of nature and partnership with what might be described as the divine feminine within Western culture are not only linked but also generate profound dysfunction, in both leadership and organization. In the second section I present empirical data at a micro level, collected within a contemporary spiritual community where both nature and the divine feminine play central roles in its cosmology. The School of Movement Medicine functions as a financially successful business organization dedicated to the encouragement of spiritual fulfillment, ecological sustainability and social justice. The practices it teaches are specifically designed to assist those who engage with them to take responsibility for responding to the individual, societal and global challenges that lie before us - aiming, in other words to make leaders out of members. My hope is that these explorations may answer some of the calls of previous work to broaden representation within the leadership and spirituality field, as well as enriching its theory and practice with greater potential to generate increased levels of social justice, environmental sustainability and human fulfillment

    Exploring the influence of spirituality in the initial development of authentic leadership identity

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    The goal of this study was to explore the connection between authentic leadership, spirituality, and human development theory to determine if spirituality contributes to the emergence or formation of an authentic leadership identity. An interdisciplinary research approach was conducted by reviewing literature on authentic leadership, spirituality, and human development. A sequential explanatory mixed method design was used to collect and analyze the personal beliefs and life experiences of individuals who were nominated as authentic leaders. Sixty-one participants completed a questionnaire and a subset of eleven participants completed semi-structured interviews. Quantitative findings identified that nearly 94% of participants considered themselves to be spiritual (n = 57). Most participants (90%) believe that spirituality influences their beliefs about leadership and their behaviors as leaders (n =55). Similarly, most participants (90%) affirmed that their spirituality influences their authenticity and self-awareness as a leader (n =55). Qualitative findings from semi-structured interviews identified that spirituality, or spiritual influences, experienced during the formative years, influenced participants’ values and beliefs, defined their principles and ethics, and provided a framework for how to live and behave. For most participants, these values and beliefs were informed by religious parents and/or a religious upbringing. When a participant did not reference a religious parent or religious upbringing, a sense of God, or higher power, or a strong sense of service was acknowledged instead. Findings also credit spirituality, or the belief in a higher power or God with having encouraged a participants’ journey or purpose. Participants acknowledged that spirituality has helped and continues to help define who they are, who they want to be, and how they want to live and work. Based on these findings, this study offers evidence that values and beliefs link spirituality to the emergence of an authentic leadership identity. While an individual\u27s identity continues to be shaped and influenced across a person\u27s lifespan, core values which influenced their emergence as an authentic leader were established during the early formative years, informed by parental and spiritual (religious) influences. As such, spirituality may be a mediating variable which influences the emergence of authentic leadership identity, as well as, encourages a sense of purpose, life-direction, and/or self-actualization

    Pierre Duhem’s philosophy and history of science

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    LEITE (FĂĄbio Rodrigo) – STOFFEL (Jean-François), Introduction (pp. 3-6). BARRA (Eduardo Salles de O.) – SANTOS (Ricardo Batista dos), Duhem’s analysis of Newtonian method and the logical priority of physics over metaphysics (pp. 7-19). BORDONI (Stefano), The French roots of Duhem’s early historiography and epistemology (pp. 20-35). CHIAPPIN (JosĂ© R. N.) – LARANJEIRAS (CĂĄssio Costa), Duhem’s critical analysis of mecha­ni­cism and his defense of a formal conception of theoretical phy­sics (pp. 36-53). GUEGUEN (Marie) – PSILLOS (Stathis), Anti-­scepticism and epistemic humility in Pierre Duhem’s philosophy of science (pp. 54-72). LISTON (Michael), Duhem : images of science, historical continuity, and the first crisis in physics (pp. 73-84). MAIOCCHI (Roberto), Duhem in pre-war Italian philos­ophy : the reasons of an absence (pp. 85-92). HERNÁNDEZ MÁRQUEZ (VĂ­ctor Manuel), Was Pierre Duhem an «esprit de finesse» ? (pp. 93-107). NEEDHAM (Paul), Was Duhem justified in not distinguishing between physical and chemical atomism ? (pp. 108-111). OLGUIN (Roberto Estrada), «Bon sens» and «noĂ»s» (pp. 112-126). OLIVEIRA (Amelia J.), Duhem’s legacy for the change in the historiography of science : An analysis based on Kuhn’s writings (pp. 127-139). PRÍNCIPE (JoĂŁo), PoincarĂ© and Duhem : Resonances in their first epistemological reflec­tions (pp. 140-156). MONDRAGON (DamiĂĄn Islas), Book review of «Pierre Duhem : entre fĂ­sica y metafĂ­sica» (pp. 157-159). STOFFEL (Jean-François), Book review of P. Duhem : «La thĂ©orie physique : son objet, sa structure» / edit. by S. Roux (pp. 160-162). STOFFEL (Jean-François), Book review of St. Bordoni : «When historiography met epistemology» (pp. 163-165)

    Religion, Place, and Identity at the Intersection of Cultural Bricolage: The Miami Santo Daime Church Revisited

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    This dissertation is an exploration of the Santo Daime Church in Miami, focusing on the challenges of balancing institutional stability with continual growth and innovation. Santo Daime—whose central ritual entails the consumption of the mind-altering ayahuasca brew—is a new religious movement that amalgamates indigenous Amazonian, Afro-Brazilian, and popular Catholic traditions. Between June 2016 and December 2018, I employed participant observation, semi-structured interviews, exegesis of sacred songs, and document analysis to investigate the meanings and lived experiences of church leaders and adherents as they relate to their religious identity and agency. Specifically, this study asks three research questions: What global processes facilitated the expansion of Santo Daime in Miami? What changes have occurred at the organizational level of the Miami-based churches? Lastly, how have these impacted the identities of this church and its followers in the city of Miami? To answer these questions, a theoretical framework utilizing postmodernism and bricolage was used to anchor and unify the factors influencing the global expansion of Santo Daime and its receptivity in Miami. In terms of identity, postmodernity involves the deconstruction and reconstruction of the self as fluid, fragmented, and eclectic. These characteristics of the new postmodern self permit an equally eclectic pick and choose attitude of spiritual traditions. I use bricolage as a theoretical tool to describe the bundle of diverse religions promoted under the Santo Daime canopy as well as the postmodern willingness to combine symbols from disparate codes, even at the cost of disjunction and eclecticism. Using Weber’s theory on authority and leadership, I analyze how intra-church and inter-church power struggles among two Miami-based Santo Daime churches tested their capacity to resolve the conflicts between and among the leadership and devotees as well as consolidate their position in Miami and globally. This study suggests that the Americanization of Santo Daime found in one of its Miami churches undermines Church orthodoxy and hierarchies both in Miami and Brazil, Santo Daime’s birthplace. The dissertation concludes that the Santo Daime churches reproduce the same divisions, inequalities, and discrimination found in the Miami social environment, yet maintained their healing efficacy among practitioners

    Managing As If Faith Matters

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    As part of the Lilly Endowment Theological Exploration In Vocation grant awarded to Seton Hall University, the Center for Catholic Studies sponsored a four-day seminar open to administration, faculty and staff to discern and situate their managerial role as a unique and transformative vocation. Managing in a university setting poses critical personal questions: As a manager, what kind of person should I strive to become? What kind of organization should I, as a manager or employee, strive to build and maintain? Has my managerial education and formation contributed to a moral outlook that privatizes my faith and insulates my managerial judgments from questions of common and ultimate purpose? Are faith traditions relevant in managing as well as forming others to become managers? Do they offer positive resources in developing an adequate understanding of our roles as managers and educators of managers? Specifically, does the Catholic social tradition offer compelling moral criteria to assess marketing plans that show little consideration for wider effects, job designs that dehumanize workers, ownership structures that reserve wealth to the few, compensation policies that pay below family wages, work hours and travel policies that keep managers away from home, and downsizing policies that fail to address issues of justice as well as efficiency? Participants in the seminar read excerpts from Alford and Naughton\u27s book, Managing As If Faith Mattered (University of Notre Dame Press, 2001)

    Thai cultural standards from a Portuguese perspective

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    Hoje em dia, hĂĄ cada vez mais indivĂ­duos que abraçam oportunidades de trabalho no estrangeiro, o que significa que, a quantidade de interaçÔes entre pessoas de diferentes origens culturais continua a aumentar. A fim de alcançar o sucesso nestas relaçÔes, Ă© crucial compreender os padrĂ”es culturais envolvidos para evitar erros de interpretação desnecessĂĄrios. Como os povos portuguĂȘs e tailandĂȘs nĂŁo sĂŁo exceçÔes, o objetivo deste estudo Ă© identificar as diferenças culturais que afetam o trabalho de portugueses na TailĂąndia. Para atingir esse fim, a metodologia utilizada, foi o MĂ©todo dos Standards Culturais. Esta ferramenta baseia-se na pesquisa de informação qualitativa recolhida atravĂ©s de entrevistas narrativas com trabalhadores emigrados. Ao analisar situaçÔes descritas, pelos entrevistados, originadas por diferenças culturais, a identificação dos padrĂ”es culturais Ă© feita a um nĂ­vel subtil e permite a comparação com os resultados prĂ© existentes. As conclusĂ”es deste estudo deverĂŁo ajudar a uma maior compreensĂŁo da cultura e antecipação dos comportamentos tailandeses num contexto de negĂłcios, a fim de atingir uma colaboração mais eficaz entre as duas populaçÔes. Os padrĂ”es culturais obtidos tambĂ©m sĂŁo essenciais na preparação de programas de formação para gestores e funcionĂĄrios internacionais.As the globalization phenomenon transforms the meaning of culture, it simultaneously brings up the remaining differences. Nowadays, there are more and more individuals embracing job opportunities abroad. This means that, the amount of interactions among people from different cultural backgrounds continues to increase. However, in order to achieve success in these relationships, it is crucial to understand the cultural standards involved to avoid unnecessary misinterpretations. As Portuguese and Thai people are not an exception, the aim of this study is to identify the cultural differences that affect Portuguese people working in Thailand. To achieve this goal the method used was the Cultural Standards Method. This tool is based on qualitative research gathering information from narrative interviews with expatriate workers. By analyzing reported critical incidents, based on the same cultural differences the identification of the cultural standard is done on a subtle level and allows the comparison with the preexisting findings. The conclusions of this study should help to anticipate and better understand the Portuguese and Thai behaviors in a business context in order to achieve a more effective collaboration among the two populations. The obtained cultural standards are key in the preparation of training programs for international managers and staff

    The Role of Religious Coping in the Marital Stability of Strong, African American Couples: A Strengths-Focused Approach.

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    Relatively few studies have examined the strengths of the African American family, while several have highlighted social issues that have affected the African American family such as divorce, single-parent households, and absentee fathers. This focus on deficit and dysfunction contributes to a research-based gap in understanding the African American marital dyad. Given that religion influences the lives of many African American couples, it is important to understand the impact that religious coping can have on marital stability in the African American community. The purpose of this study is to explore the underlying processes of religious coping for those African American couples that identify as highly religious and happily married. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the two following questions: 1) How do highly religious, happily married African American couples use religion as a coping resource for common stressors that impact the marriage?, and 2) How are the three approaches to religious coping, identified as self-directed, deferred, and collaborative, used to contribute to the marital stability of highly religious, happily married African American couples? In-depth, qualitative interviews were conducted with 35 African American couples, married for at least 7-years and highly involved with an Abrahamic (Christian, Jewish, Mormon, and Muslim) faith. Grounded theory methods and a Numeric Content Analysis were used to analyze the narrative data. Three a priori themes related to the variations of religious coping were presented: 1) Often, We Can Manage Our Stress, 2) I’ve Laid My Burdens Down, and 3) Dear God, Help Us to Help Us. Emergent subthemes related to each of these a priori topics were also presented. Implications, related to theory, policy, and practice, that consider the intersections of religion and marriage for African American families are also discussed
