63 research outputs found

    PCF extended with real numbers: a domain-theoretic approach to higher-order exact real number computation

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    We develop a theory of higher-order exact real number computation based on Scott domain theory. Our main object of investigation is a higher-order functional programming language, Real PCF, which is an extension of PCF with a data type for real numbers and constants for primitive real functions. Real PCF has both operational and denotational semantics, related by a computational adequacy property. In the standard interpretation of Real PCF, types are interpreted as continuous Scott domains. We refer to the domains in the universe of discourse of Real PCF induced by the standard interpretation of types as the real numbers type hierarchy. Sequences are functions defined on natural numbers, and predicates are truth-valued functions. Thus, in the real numbers types hierarchy we have real numbers, functions between real numbers, predicates defined on real numbers, sequences of real numbers, sequences of sequences of real numbers, sequences of functions, functionals mapping sequences to numbers (such as limiting operators), functionals mapping functions to numbers (such as integration and supremum operators), functionals mapping predicates to truth-values (such as existential and universal quantification operators), and so on. As it is well-known, the notion of computability on a domain depends on the choice of an effective presentation. We say that an effective presentation of the real numbers type hierarchy is sound if all Real PCF definable elements and functions are computable with respect to it. The idea is that Real PCF has an effective operational semantics, and therefore the definable elements and functions should be regarded as concretely computable. We then show that there is a unique sound effective presentation of the real numbers type hierarchy, up to equivalence with respect to the induced notion of computability. We can thus say that there is an absolute notion of computability for the real numbers type hierarchy. All computable elements and all computable first-order functions in the real numbers type hierarchy are Real PCF definable. However, as it is the case for PCF, some higher-order computable functions, including an existential quantifier, fail to be definable. If a constant for the existential quantifier (or, equivalently, a computable supremum operator) is added, the computational adequacy property remains true, and Real PCF becomes a computationally complete programming language, in the sense that all computable functions of all orders become definable. We introduce induction principles and recursion schemes for the real numbers domain, which are formally similar to the so-called Peano axioms for natural numbers. These principles and schemes abstractly characterize the real numbers domain up to isomorphism, in the same way as the so-called Peano axioms for natural numbers characterize the natural numbers. On the practical side, they allow us to derive recursive definitions of real functions, which immediately give rise to correct Real PCF programs (by an application of computational adequacy). Also, these principles form the core of the proof of absoluteness of the standard effective presentation of the real numbers type hierarchy, and of the proof of computational completeness of Real PCF. Finally, results on integration in Real PCF consisting of joint work with Abbas Edalat are included

    Functional first order definability of LRTp

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    The language LRTp is a non-deterministic language for exact real number computation. It has been shown that all computable rst order relations in the sense of Brattka are denable in the language. If we restrict the language to single-valued total relations (e.g. functions), all polynomials are denable in the language. This paper is an expanded version of [12] in which we show that the non-deterministic version of the limit operator, which allows to dene all computable rst order relations, when restricted to single-valued total inputs, produces single-valued total outputs. This implies that not only the polynomials are denable in the language but also allcomputable rst order functions

    Banach's fixed point theorem for partial metric spaces

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    In 1994, S.G. Matthews introduced the notion of a par- tial metric space and obtained, among other results, a Banach contraction mapping for these spaces. Later on, S.J. O’Neill gen- eralized Matthews’ notion of partial metric, in order to establish connections between these structures and the topological aspects of domain theory. Here, we obtain a Banach fixed point theorem for complete partial metric spaces in the sense of O’Neill. Thus, Matthews’ fixed point theorem follows as special case of our result

    Common fixed point theorems on non-complete partial metric spaces

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    In the peresent paper, we give a common fixed point theorem for four weakly compatible mappings on non-complete partial metric spaces. Some supporting examples are provided

    Fixed point theorems for multivalued generalized nonlinear contractive maps in partial metric spaces

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    We prove some fixed-point results for multivalued generalized nonlinear contractive mappings in partial metric spaces, which generalize and improve the corresponding recent fixed-point results due to Ćirić [L. B. Ćirić, “Multivalued nonlinear contraction mappings,” Nonlin. Anal., 71, 2716–2723 (2009)] and Klim and Wardowski [D. Klim and D. Wardowski, “Fixed-point theorems for set-valued contractions in complete metric spaces,” J. Math. Anal. Appl., 334, 132–139 (2007)].Доведено ДЄЯКІ теореми про нерухому точку в частково метричних просторах, що узагальнюють та покращують відповідні нові результати про нерухому точку, отримані Чірічем (CiriC L. B. Multivalued nonlinear contraction mappings // Nonlinear Anal. - 2009. - 71. - P. 2716-2723) та Клімом i Вардовським (Klim D., Wardowski D. Fixed point theorems for set-valued contractions in complete metric spaces // J. Math. Anal. and Appl. - 2007. - 334. - P. 132-139)

    Weak partial metric spaces and some fixed point results

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    [EN] The concept of partial metric p on a nonempty set X was introduced by Matthews. One of the most interesting properties of a partial metric is that p(x, x) may not be zero for x e X. Also, each partial metric p on a nonempty set X generates a T0 topology on X. By omitting the small self-distance axiom of partial metric, Heckmann defined the weak partial metric space. In the present paper, we give some fixed point results on weak partial metric spaces.Altun, I.; Durmaz, G. (2012). Weak partial metric spaces and some fixed point results. Applied General Topology. 13(2):179-191. doi:10.4995/agt.2012.1628SWORD17919113

    Comparing hierarchies of total functionals

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    In this paper we consider two hierarchies of hereditarily total and continuous functionals over the reals based on one extensional and one intensional representation of real numbers, and we discuss under which asumptions these hierarchies coincide. This coincidense problem is equivalent to a statement about the topology of the Kleene-Kreisel continuous functionals. As a tool of independent interest, we show that the Kleene-Kreisel functionals may be embedded into both these hierarchies.Comment: 28 page

    Common fixed points of g-quasicontractions and related mappings in 0-complete partial metric spaces

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    Common fixed point results are obtained in 0-complete partial metric spaces under various contractive conditions, including g-quasicontractions and mappings with a contractive iterate. In this way, several results obtained recently are generalized. Examples are provided when these results can be applied and neither corresponding metric results nor the results with the standard completeness assumption of the underlying partial metric space can

    The Interval Domain: A Matchmaker for aCTL and aPCTL

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    AbstractWe present aPCTL, a version of PCTL with an action-based semantics which coincides with the ordinary PCTL in case of a sole action type. We point out what aspects of aPCTL may be improved for its application as a probabilistic logic in a tool modeling large probabilistic system. We give a non-standard semantics to the action-based temporal logical aCTL, where the propositional clauses are interpreted in a fuzzy and the modalities in a probabilistic way; the until-construct is evaluated as a least fixed-point over these meanings. We view aCTL formulas ⊘ as templates for aPCTL formulas (which still need vectors of thresholds as annotations for all subformulas which are path formulas). Since [⊘]s, our non-standard meaning of ø at state s, is an interval [a, b], we may craft aPCTL formulas ø from using the information a and b respectively. This results in two aPCTL formulas ø and ø1. This translation defines a critical region of such thresholds for ⊘ in the following sense: if a > 0 then a satisfies the aPCTL formula ø1 dually, if b < 1 then s does not satisfy the formula ø1. Thus, any interesting probabilistic dynamics of aPCTL formulas with “pattern” ⊘ has to happen within the n-dimensional interval determined by out non-standard aCTL semantics [⊘].we would like to thank Martín Hötzel Escardó for suggesting to look at the interval domain at the LICS'97 meeting in Warsaw. He also pointed to work in his PhD thesis about the universality of I. we also acknowledge Marta Kwaitkowska, Christel Baier, Rance Cleaveland, and Scott Smolka for fruitful discussion on this subject matter