26,520 research outputs found

    Development and application of optical fibre strain and pressure sensors for in-flight measurements

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    Fibre optic based sensors are becoming increasingly viable as replacements for traditional flight test sensors. Here we present laboratory, wind tunnel and flight test results of fibre Bragg gratings (FBG) used to measure surface strain and an extrinsic fibre Fabry–Perot interferometric (EFFPI) sensor used to measure unsteady pressure. The calibrated full scale resolution and bandwidth of the FBG and EFFPI sensors were shown to be 0.29% at 2.5 kHz up to 600 με and 0.15% at up to 10 kHz respectively up to 400 Pa. The wind tunnel tests, completed on a 30% scale model, allowed the EFFPI sensor to be developed before incorporation with the FBG system into a Bulldog aerobatic light aircraft. The aircraft was modified and certified based on Certification Standards 23 (CS-23) and flight tested with steady and dynamic manoeuvres. Aerobatic dynamic manoeuvres were performed in flight including a spin over a g-range −1g to +4g and demonstrated both the FBG and the EFFPI instruments to have sufficient resolution to analyse the wing strain and fuselage unsteady pressure characteristics. The steady manoeuvres from the EFFPI sensor matched the wind tunnel data to within experimental error while comparisons of the flight test and wind tunnel EFFPI results with a Kulite pressure sensor showed significant discrepancies between the two sets of data, greater than experimental error. This issue is discussed further in the paper

    Nulling interferometry: performance comparison between Antarctica and other ground-based sites

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    Detecting the presence of circumstellar dust around nearby solar-type main sequence stars is an important pre-requisite for the design of future life-finding space missions such as ESA's Darwin or NASA's Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF). The high Antarctic plateau may provide appropriate conditions to perform such a survey from the ground. We investigate the performance of a nulling interferometer optimised for the detection of exozodiacal discs at Dome C, on the high Antarctic plateau, and compare it to the expected performance of similar instruments at temperate sites. Based on the currently available measurements of the turbulence characteristics at Dome C, we adapt the GENIEsim software (Absil et al. 2006, A&A 448) to simulate the performance of a nulling interferometer on the high Antarctic plateau. To feed a realistic instrumental configuration into the simulator, we propose a conceptual design for ALADDIN, the Antarctic L-band Astrophysics Discovery Demonstrator for Interferometric Nulling. We assume that this instrument can be placed above the 30-m high boundary layer, where most of the atmospheric turbulence originates. We show that an optimised nulling interferometer operating on a pair of 1-m class telescopes located 30 m above the ground could achieve a better sensitivity than a similar instrument working with two 8-m class telescopes at a temperate site such as Cerro Paranal. The detection of circumstellar discs about 20 times as dense as our local zodiacal cloud seems within reach for typical Darwin/TPF targets in a integration time of a few hours. Moreover, the exceptional turbulence conditions significantly relax the requirements on real-time control loops, which has favourable consequences on the feasibility of the nulling instrument.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    A handheld high-sensitivity micro-NMR CMOS platform with B-field stabilization for multi-type biological/chemical assays

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    We report a micro-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) system compatible with multi-type biological/chemical lab-on-a-chip assays. Unified in a handheld scale (dimension: 14 x 6 x 11 cm³, weight: 1.4 kg), the system is capable to detect<100 pM of Enterococcus faecalis derived DNA from a 2.5 μL sample. The key components are a portable magnet (0.46 T, 1.25 kg) for nucleus magnetization, a system PCB for I/O interface, an FPGA for system control, a current driver for trimming the magnetic (B) field, and a silicon chip fabricated in 0.18 μm CMOS. The latter, integrated with a current-mode vertical Hall sensor and a low-noise readout circuit, facilitates closed-loop B-field stabilization (2 mT → 0.15 mT), which otherwise fluctuates with temperature or sample displacement. Together with a dynamic-B-field transceiver with a planar coil for micro-NMR assay and thermal control, the system demonstrates: 1) selective biological target pinpointing; 2) protein state analysis; and 3) solvent-polymer dynamics, suitable for healthcare, food and colloidal applications, respectively. Compared to a commercial NMR-assay product (Bruker mq-20), this platform greatly reduces the sample consumption (120x), hardware volume (175x), and weight (96x)

    Design of a CO2 laser power control system for a Spacelab microgravity experiment

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    The surface tension driven convection experiment (STDCE) is a Space Transportation System flight experiment manifested to fly aboard the USML-1 Spacelab mission. A CO2 laser is used to heat a spot on the surface of silicone oil contained inside a test chamber. Several CO2 laser control systems were evaluated and the selected system will be interfaced with the balance of the experimental hardware to constitute a working engineering model. Descriptions and a discussion of these various design approaches are presented

    A new LED-LED portable CO2 gas sensor based on an interchangeable membrane system for industrial applications

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    A new system for CO2 measurement (0-100%) by based on a paired emitter-detector diode arrangement as a colorimetric detection system is described. Two different configurations were tested: configuration 1 (an opposite side configuration) where a secondary inner-filter effect accounts for CO2 sensitivity. This configuration involves the absorption of the phosphorescence emitted from a CO2-insensitive luminophore by an acid-base indicator and configuration 2 wherein the membrane containing the luminophore is removed, simplifying the sensing membrane that now only contains the acid-base indicator. In addition, two different instrumental configurations have been studied, using a paired emitter-detector diode system, consisting of two LEDs wherein one is used as the light source (emitter) and the other is used in reverse bias mode as the light detector. The first configuration uses a green LED as emitter and a red LED as detector, whereas in the second case two identical red LEDs are used as emitter and detector. The system was characterised in terms of sensitivity, dynamic response, reproducibility, stability and temperature influence. We found that configuration 2 presented a better CO2 response in terms of sensitivity

    Fluidic low speed wind sensor research study Final report, Oct. 1968 - Oct. 1969

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    Cross flow and parallel flow concepts of fluidic wind speed sensor

    Exploratory Research on MEMS Technology for Air-Conditioning and Heat-Pumps

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    This report details the efforts to exploit micro-electrical-mechanical-systems (MEMS) and micro device technologies to improve control of multi-channel evaporators by reducing maldistribution among channels, and increase capacity and efficiency of current vapor-compression refrigeration chillers and heat-pumps. Besides summarizing the market potential of MEMS technology for use in evaporators and micro-heat-pumps, the report describes the accomplishments of an experimental investigation of refrigerant-side maldistribution in multi-channel plate heat exchangers (PHE's). A special test facility designed for the purpose of studying the maldistribution of refrigerant in evaporators is described in the report. The facility allows maldistribution caused by either normal superheat temperature control, or induced by the user in controlled amounts, to be measured and quantified. Four different techniques were used to detect the presence of liquid droplets in the stream of superheated vapor at the evaporator exit, an indication of maldistributed flow. They are: Helium-Neon laser, beaded thermocouple, static mixer and newly designed heated MEMS sensor. Comparison of the four techniques shows that the MEMS sensor designed and fabricated in this project has the highest potential for indicating maldistribution, manifested by entrained liquid droplets, in multi-channel evaporators. A complete set of test results in the time and frequency domain is show in graphical form in the appendices. The design, fabrication, calibration, and testing of the MEMS serpentine resistance sensor is also reported, along with a control scheme and strategy for implementing the MEMS sensor in multi-channel evaporator systems

    Monitoring of the primary drying of a lyophilization process in vials

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    An innovative and modular system (LyoMonitor) for monitoring the primary drying of a lyophilization process in vials is illustrated: it integrates some commercial devices (pressure gauges, moisture sensor and mass spectrometer), an innovative balance and a manometric temperature measurement system based on an improved algorithm (DPE) to estimate sublimating interface temperature and position, product temperature profile, heat and mass transfer coefficients. A soft-sensor using a multipoint wireless thermometer can also estimate the previous parameters in a large number of vials. The performances of the previous devices for the determination of the end of the primary drying are compared. Finally, all these sensors can be used for control purposes and for the optimization of the process recipe; the use of DPE in a control loop will be shown as an exampl

    Signal processing methodologies for an acoustic fetal heart rate monitor

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    Research and development is presented of real time signal processing methodologies for the detection of fetal heart tones within a noise-contaminated signal from a passive acoustic sensor. A linear predictor algorithm is utilized for detection of the heart tone event and additional processing derives heart rate. The linear predictor is adaptively 'trained' in a least mean square error sense on generic fetal heart tones recorded from patients. A real time monitor system is described which outputs to a strip chart recorder for plotting the time history of the fetal heart rate. The system is validated in the context of the fetal nonstress test. Comparisons are made with ultrasonic nonstress tests on a series of patients. Comparative data provides favorable indications of the feasibility of the acoustic monitor for clinical use