1,648 research outputs found

    Analisis penerimaan pajak bumi dan bangunan-P2 serta pengaruhnya terhadap pendapatan daerah Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jambi

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    This study aims to analyze the determinants of PBB-P2 revenue, to determine the effect of PBB-P2 revenue on regional revenue and to formulate strategies for increasing PBB-P2 revenue in Jambi Province. The data used in this study is secondary data with the type of Time series 2014-2018 data and Cross Section 11 districts/cities that come from the Central Statistics Agency and Regency / City BPPRD. This study uses Panel Data Regression Analysis and uses Simple Linear Regression using the E-Views 8.0 tool. The results of this study indicate that PBB-P2 always increases every year. From the results of panel data regression analysis, the results show that investment, economic growth, and taxpayers together have a significant effect on PBB-P2 with an R square value of 0.924, the Prob value (F- statistic) 0,000 and the F-statistic value is 26,556. The effect of investment on PBB-P2 has a positive effect, which means that if investment increases, PBB-P2 will also experience an increase. Economic growth and taxpayers will have a negative effect on PBB-P2 which means that the increase in PBB-P2 will decrease the economic growth and taxpayers.This study aims to analyze the determinants of PBB-P2 revenue, to determine the effect of PBB-P2 revenue on regional revenue and to formulate strategies for increasing PBB-P2 revenue in Jambi Province. The data used in this study is secondary data with the type of Time series 2014-2018 data and Cross Section 11 districts/cities that come from the Central Statistics Agency and Regency / City BPPRD. This study uses Panel Data Regression Analysis and uses Simple Linear Regression using the E-Views 8.0 tool. The results of this study indicate that PBB-P2 always increases every year. From the results of panel data regression analysis, the results show that investment, economic growth, and taxpayers together have a significant effect on PBB-P2 with an R square value of 0.924, the Prob value (F- statistic) 0,000 and the F-statistic value is 26,556. The effect of investment on PBB-P2 has a positive effect, which means that if investment increases, PBB-P2 will also experience an increase. Economic growth and taxpayers will have a negative effect on PBB-P2 which means that the increase in PBB-P2 will decrease the economic growth and taxpayers


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    According to the law number 28 year 2009 on local taxes and levies, building and land tax is 5 types namely P2 and P3. PBB P2 is the rural and urban areas, PBB P3  is the agricultural sector, fisheries, and mining. PBB P2 central tax formerly be transferred to local taxes. The regulation is effective from the beginning of 2014. Several regions had already been made since the transitional PBB P2 2012. One of the regions that conducted the transfer is in Yogyakarta. The purpose of this research was to study, analyze and concluded about potential of tax in Kabupaten Gunungkidul PBB P2 in 2014 and about the contribution of the PBB P2 in Kabupaten Gunungkidul last year until the year 2014. Based on calculations on the results of potential PBB P2 2104 year, the determination of the target and the realization of tax revenue PBB P2 in 2014 is far from the existing potential. A comparison of potential PBB P2 and the target of PBB P2 is 24,49 %,  it means the determination of the target of PBB P2 is far from the existing potential. A comparison of the potential and the PBB P2 is 21,06 percent, it means the realization of tax revenue PBB P2 is far from the existing potential. In accordance with the results of the calculation of the potential research Abdullah (2012) said that when the budget income, the head of units tend to determine the target under the potential income actually.  The calculation on the contribution indicate the percentage of PBB P2 in Kabupaten Gunungkidul from 2011 up to 2013 has been steadily declining. It means the role of PBB P2 or other contributions to the local revenue starting the year 2011 up to 2013 the less. This is because the realization of local revenue in Kabupaten Gunungkidul from 2011 until 2013 also rose, so as to cause the contribution of PBB P2 to local government revenue decline, although the realization of tax revenue PBB P2 increase from year 2011 up to 2013


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    Penelitian ini akan membahas masalah “Efektivitas Pengolahan Data Pengurangan PBB-P2 dalam Pelayanan PBB- P2 (Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan) di Kota Tangerang”. Dengan dasar permasalahan ini peneliti bertujuan untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Pengolahan Data Pengurangan PBB-P2 dalam pelayanan PBB-P2 di Kota Tangerang dengan cara menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan wawancara. Penelitian ini menghasilkan jawaban yang selama ini banyak dipertanyakan oleh pensiunan yang berada di Kota Tangerang perihal permohonan pengurangan PBB-P2, yang ternyata Wajib Pajak adalah elemen penting dalam proses persetujuan permohonan pengurangan ini, selama Wajib Pajak ini dapat memenuhi prosedur maka permohonan pengurangan PBB-P2 akan segera dikabulkan, dan pihak Bapenda sudah memberikan hasil yang sangat efektif dalam mengolah data pengurangan PBB-P2 ini sehingga pelayanan publik di Kota Tangerang akan semakin bertambah baik.

    Mekanisme Pembayaran Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan Perdesaan Dan Perkotaan (PBB-P2) Pada Badan Pendapatan Daerah (BAPENDA) Kabupaten Subang

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    Abstrak Tujuan dari Penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan Mekanisme Pembayaran PBB-P2 pada BAPENDA Kabupaten Subang. Penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk menambah wawasan tentang mekanisme pembayaran PBB-P2 pada BAPENDA Kabupaten Subang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif deskriptif yaitu pencarian fakta dengan interpretasi yang tepat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif deskriptif yaitu pencarian fakta dengan interpretasi yang tepat : Observasi, Dokumentasi, Wawancara, Studi Pustaka atau Kepustakaan. Alur pembayaran PBB-P2 yang sedang berjalan di Bank ke Badan Pendapatan Daerah Kab. Subang yaitu Wajib Pajak menyerahkan SPPT kepada teller, setelah berkas lengkap teller membuat slip setoran dan menyerahkan kepada bagian Analisa Pajak. Analisa Pajak membuat penerimaan PBB-P2 dan menyerahkan kepada teller. Setelah itu teller membuat laporan mutasi penerimaan PBB-P2 dan menyerahkan kepada Pimpinan Bank dan Bapenda. Dan sebenarnya BAPENDA berpihak sebagai koordinator Pajak Daerah tersebut, jadi BAPENDA memiliki catatan penerimaan Pajak Daerah. Maka disimpulkan Mekanisme Pembayaran PBB-P2 pada BAPENDA Kabupaten Subang Wajib Pajak mendapatkan SPPT, setelah itu Wajib Pajak melakukan pembayaran melalui outlet yang sudah ditentukan. Kata kunci : Mekanisme, PBB-P2, Alur Pembayaran     Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out and explain the PBB-P2 Payment Mechanism at the BAPENDA of Subang Regency. This research is useful for adding insight into the PBB-P2 payment mechanism at the Subang Regency BAPENDA. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, namely fact finding with the right interpretation. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, namely fact finding with the right interpretation: Observation, Documentation, Interviews, Library Studies or Literature. The PBB-P2 payment flow that is currently running at the Bank to the District Revenue Agency. Subang, namely the Taxpayer submits the SPPT to the teller, after the complete file the teller makes a deposit slip and submits it to the Tax Analysis section. Tax analysis makes PBB-P2 receipts and submits them to tellers. After that the teller makes a transfer report on PBB-P2 receipts and submits it to the leadership of the Bank and Bapenda. And actually BAPENDA takes sides as the Regional Tax coordinator, so BAPENDA has records of Regional Tax receipts. So it was concluded that the PBB-P2 Payment Mechanism at BAPENDA of Subang Regency Taxpayers get SPPT, after that the Taxpayers make payments through predetermined outlets Keywords : Mechanism, PBB-P2, Payment Flow &nbsp


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    This study will reveal what makes the gap on the Land and Building Tax of Urban and Rural Sector (PBB P2) revenues in Kediri. PBB P2 is one kind of local taxes which was regulated in Law No. 28 of 2009 on Regional Taxes and Retribution. Kediri is one of cities that had been collecting PBB P2 through Regional Financial Management Body of Kediri (Dispenda Kediri) since the beginning of 2013. This research used descriptive research with qualitative approach. Study’s result shows that tax gap phenomenon is happening in PBB P2 revenues at Kediri. Tax gap itself consists of three variables, they are non-filling gap, underreporting gap, and underpayment gap. All these variables are detected in the PBB P2 revenues in Kediri with different percentage of its variables. Research’s result also shows how Dispenda Kediri didn’t use the tax gap theory to analyze the element of PBB P2 revenues. By knowing the variables contained in tax gap, Dispenda Kediri will be easier to set proper strategies to reduce the amount of tax gap in  PBB P2 revenues. Keywords: Tax Gap, PBB P2, Non-filling Gap, Underreporting Gap, Underpayment Ga

    Gap Analysis (Tax Gap) Of Land And Building Tax Of Urban And Rural Sector (Pbb P2) Revenues In Kediri City

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    This study will reveal what makes the gap on the Land and Building Tax of Urban and Rural Sector (PBB P2) revenues in Kediri. PBB P2 is one kind of local taxes which was regulated in Law No. 28 of 2009 on Regional Taxes and Retribution. Kediri is one of cities that had been collecting PBB P2 through Regional Financial Management Body of Kediri (Dispenda Kediri) since the beginning of 2013. This research used descriptive research with qualitative approach. Study\u27s result shows that tax gap phenomenon is happening in PBB P2 revenues at Kediri. Tax gap itself consists of three variables, they are non-filling gap, underreporting gap, and underpayment gap. All these variables are detected in the PBB P2 revenues in Kediri with different percentage of its variables. Research\u27s result also shows how Dispenda Kediri didn\u27t use the tax gap theory to analyze the element of PBB P2 revenues. By knowing the variables contained in tax gap, Dispenda Kediri will be easier to set proper strategies to reduce the amount of tax gap in PBB P2 revenues

    Analisis Efektivitas, Laju Pertumbuhan, Kontribusi PBB-P2, Forecasting Terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Karawang

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    The aim of this research is to analyze and predict results after implementing Regional Regulation no. 15 of 2021 concerning the authority to collect PBB-P2 by regional governments. The method used is a quantitative method which is a form of research carried out systematically, structured and detailed. The research results show that the effectiveness level of PBB-P2 is on average effective, the growth rate value increases, while the contribution value of PBB-P2 is considered less than optimal. Based on PBB-P2 forecasting for 2023, it is estimated that there will be an increase of 26.70%. The policy of the Regional Government of Karawang Regency to increase the NJOP PBB-P2 as regulated in Regional Regulation No. 15 of 2021 can be said to be appropriate, because the value of effectiveness, contribution and growth rate of PBB-P2 has a positive impact, in line with the PBB-P2 forecasting for 2023. In general This will automatically help accelerate national economic recovery, especially after the new normal era
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