17 research outputs found

    Performance modeling of fault-tolerant circuit-switched communication networks

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    Circuit switching (CS) has been suggested as an efficient switching method for supporting simultaneous communications (such as data, voice, and images) across parallel systems due to its ability to preserve both communication performance and fault-tolerant demands in such systems. In this paper we present an efficient scheme to capture the mean message latency in 2D torus with CS in the presence of faulty components. We have also conducted extensive simulation experiments, the results of which are used to validate the analytical mode

    A Simulation Model for Large Scale Distributed Systems

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    The use of discrete-event simulators in the design and development of large scale distributed systems is appealing due to their efficiency and scalability. Their core abstractions ofprocess and event map neatly to the components and interactions of modern-day distributed systems and allow designing realistic simulation scenarios. MONARC 2, a multithreaded, process oriented simulation framework designed for modelling large scale distributed systems, allows the realistic simulation of a wide-range of distributed system technologies, with respect to their specific components and characteristics. In this paper we present the design characteristics of the simulation model proposed in MONARC 2. We demonstrate that this model includes the necessary components to describe various actual distributed system technologies, andprovides the mechanisms to describe concurrent network traffic, evaluate different strategies in data replication, and analyze job scheduling procedures. 1

    Análisis de paralelización con memoria compartida y memoria distribuida en clusters de nodos con múltiples núcleos

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    This article presents the alternatives and performance results obtained after analyzing parallelization alternatives in clusters of nodes with multiple cores. The ultimate goal is to show if both processing and parallelization models (shared memory and distributed memory) need to be taken into account, or if only one of them is enough. The application used is classical in the context of highperformance computing: matrix multiplication. Even though this operation is representative of linear algebra applications, results are shown in terms of the conditions under which performance can be optimized and where algorithm parallelization efforts should be focused on for clusters of nodes with multiple cores. These clusters are nowadays considered as low-cost standards, since almost any desktop computer used to build clusters is based on a multi-core processor, and even on multi-processors. In any case, all processing units should be used to their maximum to optimize the performance of parallel applications.En este trabajo se presentan las alternativas y los resultados de rendimiento obtenidos del análisis de las alternativas de paralelización en clusters de nodos con múltiples núcleos. El objetivo final es mostrar si es necesario tener en cuenta los dos modelos de procesamiento y paralelización (memoria compartida y memoria distribuida) o solamente uno de ellos. La aplicación utilizada es clásica en el contexto de cómputo de alto rendimiento: la multiplicación de matrices. Si bien esta operación es representativa de las aplicaciones de álgebra lineal, se muestran los resultados en términos de las condiciones bajo las cuales se puede optimizar rendimiento y hacia dónde debe estar enfocado el esfuerzo de la paralelización de algoritmos en los clusters de nodos con múltiples núcleos. Estos clusters son considerados como los estándares de bajo costo hoy en día, dado que casi cualquier máquina de escritorio con la que se construyen los clusters está basada en un procesador con más de un núcleo e, inclusive con más de un procesador. En cualquier caso, todas las unidades de procesamiento deberían ser utilizadas al máximo para optimizar el rendimiento obtenido por las aplicaciones paralelasWorkshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP

    Análisis de paralelización con memoria compartida y memoria distribuida en clusters de nodos con múltiples núcleos

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    En este trabajo se presentan las alternativas y los resultados de rendimiento obtenidos del análisis de las alternativas de paralelización en clusters de nodos con múltiples núcleos. El objetivo final es mostrar si es necesario tener en cuenta los dos modelos de procesamiento y paralelización (memoria compartida y memoria distribuida) o solamente uno de ellos. La aplicación utilizada es clásica en el contexto de cómputo de alto rendimiento: la multiplicación de matrices. Si bien esta operación es representativa de las aplicaciones de álgebra lineal, se muestran los resultados en términos de las condiciones bajo las cuales se puede optimizar rendimiento y hacia dónde debe estar enfocado el esfuerzo de la paralelización de algoritmos en los clusters de nodos con múltiples núcleos. Estos clusters son considerados como los estándares de bajo costo hoy en día, dado que casi cualquier máquina de escritorio con la que se construyen los clusters está basada en un procesador con más de un núcleo e, inclusive con más de un procesador. En cualquier caso, todas las unidades de procesamiento deberían ser utilizadas al máximo para optimizar el rendimiento obtenido por las aplicaciones paralelasThis article presents the alternatives and performance results obtained after analyzing parallelization alternatives in clusters of nodes with multiple cores. The ultimate goal is to show if both processing and parallelization models (shared memory and distributed memory) need to be taken into account, or if only one of them is enough. The application used is classical in the context of highperformance computing: matrix multiplication. Even though this operation is representative of linear algebra applications, results are shown in terms of the conditions under which performance can be optimized and where algorithm parallelization efforts should be focused on for clusters of nodes with multiple cores. These clusters are nowadays considered as low-cost standards, since almost any desktop computer used to build clusters is based on a multi-core processor, and even on multi-processors. In any case, all processing units should be used to their maximum to optimize the performance of parallel applications.Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Upowszechnianie wyników badań naukowych w międzynarodowych bazach danych : analiza biometryczna na przykładzie nauk technicznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem elektrotechniki

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    The issues of bibliometrics, scientometrics, informetrics and webometrics have an important place among research subject undertaken by Polish and foreign scholars. Initially, these notions were used only by researchers in the fields of library science, scientometrics and information science. However, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, quantitative methods became a fundamental tool for evaluation of, among others, sources of academic communication, academic research, research and academic centers. One of the elements of the evaluation is a quantitative analysis of academic publications in databases with international access. It is of particular importance in the case of technical sciences. This work is an attempt at a quantitative analysis of publications by Polish authors (affiliated to Polish technical universities) and Polish journals on electrotechnics in international databases. The contents are organized into four chapters with an introduction, conclusions, bibliography, name index and a list of figures and illustrations. Chapters one and two are devoted to theoretical issues, whereas chapters three and four – to practical issues. In the first chapter, selected issues concerning quantitative methods were presented, including an analysis of literature and a discussion over terminology carried out in book publications and journals. Moreover, selected examples of research conducted with the use of quantitative methods (including rankings and scientific reports) were discussed in this chapter). In chapter two, sources of information on academic publications, their origins and development (from bibliographic bases to citation indexes) were presented. A separate subchapter was devoted to databases of academic publications created by libraries of technical universities, and to indicators in the assessment of academic publications. Chapter three deals with electrotechnics as a field of science. An analysis was conducted with regard to the place of electrotechnics in science classifications based on selected examples, and the development of the teaching of electrotechnics at university level was shown. In this chapter, early and contemporary Polish journals on electrotechnics were presented, including journals published by technical universities themselves. Chapter four contains the results of an analysis of international databases (Scopus, WoS, CC), focusing on the representation of Polish journals, including their citations, and publications of authors with affiliation to Polish technical universities. Final conclusions of research and analyses have brought an answer to questions raised with regard to the assessment of representation in international databases of publications by Polish authors affiliated to Polish technical universities (in its various aspects, e.g., a publication type, language of publication, publication dynamics taking into account years of publications, cooperation with representatives of other European and non-European countries), and of Polish journals

    IPv6-Message-Passing mit Open MPI

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    Zur Lösung komplexer wissenschaftlicher Simulationsprobleme kommen heutzutage ob ihres Rechenbedarfs verst¨arkt Cluster zum Einsatz, die mit Hilfe von Message-Passing-Frameworks programmiert werden. Stehen mehrere Cluster zur Verfügung, kann durch Cluster-Cluster-Kopplung oftmals eine höhere Gesamtrechenleistung erzielt werden. IPv6 bietet für den Aufbau und den Betrieb dieser Clusterverbünde konzeptionelle Vorteile, die sich für den Anwendungsprogrammierer jedoch nur mit IPv6-fähigen Message-Passing-Frameworks erschließen. Gegenstand dieser Diplomarbeit ist die Erweiterung des Message-Passing-Frameworks Open MPI um IPv6-Unterstützung. Es wird gezeigt, daß durch eine geeignete Implementierung sowohl administrationsarme als auch leistungsfähige Cluster-Cluster-Kopplung realisiert werden kann