310 research outputs found

    QoS provisioning and mobility management for IP-based wireless LAN

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    Today two major technological forces drive the telecommunication era: the wireless cellular systems and the Internet. As these forces converge, the demand for new services, increasing bandwidth and ubiquitous connectivity continuously grows. The next-generation mobile systems will be based solely or in a large extent, on the Internet Protocol (IP). This thesis begins by addressing the problems and challenges faced in a multimedia, IP-based Wireless LAN environment. The ETSI HiperLAN/2 system has been mainly selected as the test wireless network for our theoretical and simulation experiments. Apart from the simulations, measurements have been taken from real life test scenarios, where the IEEE 802.11 system was used (UniS Test-bed). Furthermore, a brief overview of the All-IP network infrastructure is presented. An extension to the conventional wireless (cellular) architecture, which takes advantage of the IP network characteristics, is considered. Some of the trends driving the 3G and WLANs developments are explored, while the provision of quality of service on the latter for real-time and non-real-time multimedia services is investigated, simulated and evaluated. Finally, an efficient and catholic Q0S framework is proposed. At the same time, the multimedia services should be offered in a seamless and uninterrupted manner to users who access the all-IP infrastructure via a WLAN, meeting the demands of both enterprise and public environments anywhere and anytime. Thus providing support for mobile communications not only in terms of terminal mobility, as is currently the case, but also for session, service and personal mobility. Furthermore, this mobility should be available over heterogeneous networks, such as WLANs, IJMTS, as well as fixed networks. Therefore, this work investigates issues such as, multilayer and multi-protocol (SIP-Mobile IP-Cellular IP) mobility management in wireless LAN and 3G domains. Several local and global mobility protocols and architectures have been tested and evaluated and a complete mobility management framework is proposed. Moreover, integration of simple yet efficient authentication, accounting and authorisation mechanisms with the multimedia service architecture is an important issue of IP-based WLANs. Without such integration providers will not have the necessary means to control their provided services and make revenue from the users. The proposed AAA architecture should support a robust AAA infrastructure providing secure, fast and seamless access granting to multimedia services. On the other hand, a user wishing a service from the All-IP WLAN infrastructure needs to be authenticated twice, once to get access to the network and the other one should be granted for the required service. Hence, we provide insights into these issues by simulating and evaluating pre-authentication techniques and other network authentication scenarios based on the wellknown IEEE 802.lx protocol for multimedia IP-based WLANs.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Performance Comparison of Handover Rerouting Schemes in Wireless ATM Networks

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    The major issue of the integration of wireless and wired ATM is the support of user mobility. In effect, many technical challenges have been posed due to mobility support. One of the most important challenges is the rerouting of active connections of mobile user during handover. The rerouting of connections must exhibit low handover latency, limit the handover delay or disruption time, maintain efficient routes and minimise the impact on existing infrastructure. To date, two dominant approaches have been proposed to support mobility into fixed ATM network. The first is the mobility enhanced switches approach and the second is the separate network-elements specific to mobility approach. The first approach implies updating the existing ATM switches with mobile specific features. The mobility functions in the second approach are entrusted to a control station attached to the ATM switch as is implemented by the Magic WAND projects. In this thesis, we investigate how mobility can be supported using both approaches. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the above approaches, we compare the performance by analytically derived formulate for their hand over latency, hand over delay, buffer size, and bandwidth requirements. The formulate were derived for both backward and forward hand overs using a number of potential rerouting schemes proposed for wireless ATM network. The results show that the mobility enhanced switches approach has slightly better performance than the separate network elements approach. The results also show that backward handover has better performance than forward handover in terms of the handover delay and buffer requirement. Finally, the results show that the Anchor Switch rerouting scheme is the best among other rerouting schemes proposed for wireless ATM

    Realizing mobile multimedia systems over emerging fourth-generation wireless technologies

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    Thesis (M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. [161]-167) and index.by Pei-Jeng Kuo.M.Eng

    System level modelling and design of hypergraph based wireless system area networks for multi-computer systems

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    This thesis deals with issues pertaining the wireless multicomputer interconnection networks namely topology and Medium Access Control (MAC). It argues that new channel assignment technique based on regular low-dimensional hypergraph networks, the dual radio wireless hypermesh, represents a promising alternative high-performance wireless interconnection network for the future multicomputers to shared communication medium networks and/or ordinary wireless mesh networks, which have been widely used in current wireless networks. The focus of this work is on improving the network throughput while maintaining a relatively low latency of a wireless network system. By means of a Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) based design of the MAC protocol and based on the desirable features of hypermesh network topology a relatively high performance network has been introduced. Compared to the CSMA shared communication channel model, which is currently the de facto MAC protocol for most of wireless networks, our design is shown to achieve a significant increase in network throughput with less average network latency for large number of communication nodes. SystemC model of the proposed wireless hypermesh, validated through mathematical models, are then introduced. The analysis has been incorporated in the proper SystemC design methodology which facilitates the integration of communication modelling into the design modelling at the early stages of the system development. Another important application of SystemC modelling techniques is to perform meaningful comparative studies of different protocols, or new implementations to determine which communication scenario performs better and the ability to modify models to test system sensitivity and tune performance. Effects of different design parameters (e.g., packet sizes, number of nodes) has been carried out throughout this work. The results shows that the proposed structure has out perform the existing shared medium network structure and it can support relatively high number of wireless connected computers than conventional networks

    Hierarchical distributed fog-to-cloud data management in smart cities

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    There is a vast amount of data being generated every day in the world with different formats, quality levels, etc. This new data, together with the archived historical data, constitute the seed for future knowledge discovery and value generation in several fields of science and big data environments. Discovering value from data is a complex computing process where data is the key resource, not only during its processing, but also during its entire life cycle. However, there is still a huge concern about how to organize and manage this data in all fields for efficient usage and exploitation during all data life cycles. Although several specific Data LifeCycle (DLC) models have been recently defined for particular scenarios, we argue that there is no global and comprehensive DLC framework to be widely used in different fields. In particular scenario, smart cities are the current technological solutions to handle the challenges and complexity of the growing urban density. Traditionally, Smart City resources management rely on cloud based solutions where sensors data are collected to provide a centralized and rich set of open data. The advantages of cloud-based frameworks are their ubiquity, as well as an (almost) unlimited resources capacity. However, accessing data from the cloud implies large network traffic, high latencies usually not appropriate for real-time or critical solutions, as well as higher security risks. Alternatively, fog computing emerges as a promising technology to absorb these inconveniences. It proposes the use of devices at the edge to provide closer computing facilities and, therefore, reducing network traffic, reducing latencies drastically while improving security. We have defined a new framework for data management in the context of a Smart City through a global fog to cloud resources management architecture. This model has the advantages of both, fog and cloud technologies, as it allows reduced latencies for critical applications while being able to use the high computing capabilities of cloud technology. In this thesis, we propose many novel ideas in the design of a novel F2C Data Management architecture for smart cities as following. First, we draw and describe a comprehensive scenario agnostic Data LifeCycle model successfully addressing all challenges included in the 6Vs not tailored to any specific environment, but easy to be adapted to fit the requirements of any particular field. Then, we introduce the Smart City Comprehensive Data LifeCycle model, a data management architecture generated from a comprehensive scenario agnostic model, tailored for the particular scenario of Smart Cities. We define the management of each data life phase, and explain its implementation on a Smart City with Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) resources management. And then, we illustrate a novel architecture for data management in the context of a Smart City through a global fog to cloud resources management architecture. We show this model has the advantages of both, fog and cloud, as it allows reduced latencies for critical applications while being able to use the high computing capabilities of cloud technology. As a first experiment for the F2C data management architecture, a real Smart City is analyzed, corresponding to the city of Barcelona, with special emphasis on the layers responsible for collecting the data generated by the deployed sensors. The amount of daily sensors data transmitted through the network has been estimated and a rough projection has been made assuming an exhaustive deployment that fully covers all city. And, we provide some solutions to both reduce the data transmission and improve the data management. Then, we used some data filtering techniques (including data aggregation and data compression) to estimate the network traffic in this model during data collection and compare it with a traditional real system. Indeed, we estimate the total data storage sizes through F2C scenario for Barcelona smart citiesAl món es generen diàriament una gran quantitat de dades, amb diferents formats, nivells de qualitat, etc. Aquestes noves dades, juntament amb les dades històriques arxivades, constitueixen la llavor per al descobriment de coneixement i la generació de valor en diversos camps de la ciència i grans entorns de dades (big data). Descobrir el valor de les dades és un procés complex de càlcul on les dades són el recurs clau, no només durant el seu processament, sinó també durant tot el seu cicle de vida. Tanmateix, encara hi ha una gran preocupació per com organitzar i gestionar aquestes dades en tots els camps per a un ús i explotació eficients durant tots els cicles de vida de les dades. Encara que recentment s'han definit diversos models específics de Data LifeCycle (DLC) per a escenaris particulars, argumentem que no hi ha un marc global i complet de DLC que s'utilitzi àmpliament en diferents camps. En particular, les ciutats intel·ligents són les solucions tecnològiques actuals per fer front als reptes i la complexitat de la creixent densitat urbana. Tradicionalment, la gestió de recursos de Smart City es basa en solucions basades en núvol (cloud computing) on es recopilen dades de sensors per proporcionar un conjunt de dades obert i centralitzat. Les avantatges dels entorns basats en núvol són la seva ubiqüitat, així com una capacitat (gairebé) il·limitada de recursos. Tanmateix, l'accés a dades del núvol implica un gran trànsit de xarxa i, en general, les latències elevades no són apropiades per a solucions crítiques o en temps real, així com també per a riscos de seguretat més elevats. Alternativament, el processament de boira (fog computing) sorgeix com una tecnologia prometedora per absorbir aquests inconvenients. Proposa l'ús de dispositius a la vora per proporcionar recuirsos informàtics més propers i, per tant, reduir el trànsit de la xarxa, reduint les latències dràsticament mentre es millora la seguretat. Hem definit un nou marc per a la gestió de dades en el context d'una ciutat intel·ligent a través d'una arquitectura de gestió de recursos des de la boira fins al núvol (Fog-to-Cloud computing, o F2C). Aquest model té els avantatges combinats de les tecnologies de boira i de núvol, ja que permet reduir les latències per a aplicacions crítiques mentre es poden utilitzar les grans capacitats informàtiques de la tecnologia en núvol. En aquesta tesi, proposem algunes idees noves en el disseny d'una arquitectura F2C de gestió de dades per a ciutats intel·ligents. En primer lloc, dibuixem i descrivim un model de Data LifeCycle global agnòstic que aborda amb èxit tots els reptes inclosos en els 6V i no adaptats a un entorn específic, però fàcil d'adaptar-se als requisits de qualsevol camp en concret. A continuació, presentem el model de Data LifeCycle complet per a una ciutat intel·ligent, una arquitectura de gestió de dades generada a partir d'un model agnòstic d'escenari global, adaptat a l'escenari particular de ciutat intel·ligent. Definim la gestió de cada fase de la vida de les dades i expliquem la seva implementació en una ciutat intel·ligent amb gestió de recursos F2C. I, a continuació, il·lustrem la nova arquitectura per a la gestió de dades en el context d'una Smart City a través d'una arquitectura de gestió de recursos F2C. Mostrem que aquest model té els avantatges d'ambdues, la tecnologia de boira i de núvol, ja que permet reduir les latències per a aplicacions crítiques mentre es pot utilitzar la gran capacitat de processament de la tecnologia en núvol. Com a primer experiment per a l'arquitectura de gestió de dades F2C, s'analitza una ciutat intel·ligent real, corresponent a la ciutat de Barcelona, amb especial èmfasi en les capes responsables de recollir les dades generades pels sensors desplegats. S'ha estimat la quantitat de dades de sensors diàries que es transmet a través de la xarxa i s'ha realitzat una projecció aproximada assumint un desplegament exhaustiu que cobreix tota la ciutat

    Hierarchical distributed fog-to-cloud data management in smart cities

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    There is a vast amount of data being generated every day in the world with different formats, quality levels, etc. This new data, together with the archived historical data, constitute the seed for future knowledge discovery and value generation in several fields of science and big data environments. Discovering value from data is a complex computing process where data is the key resource, not only during its processing, but also during its entire life cycle. However, there is still a huge concern about how to organize and manage this data in all fields for efficient usage and exploitation during all data life cycles. Although several specific Data LifeCycle (DLC) models have been recently defined for particular scenarios, we argue that there is no global and comprehensive DLC framework to be widely used in different fields. In particular scenario, smart cities are the current technological solutions to handle the challenges and complexity of the growing urban density. Traditionally, Smart City resources management rely on cloud based solutions where sensors data are collected to provide a centralized and rich set of open data. The advantages of cloud-based frameworks are their ubiquity, as well as an (almost) unlimited resources capacity. However, accessing data from the cloud implies large network traffic, high latencies usually not appropriate for real-time or critical solutions, as well as higher security risks. Alternatively, fog computing emerges as a promising technology to absorb these inconveniences. It proposes the use of devices at the edge to provide closer computing facilities and, therefore, reducing network traffic, reducing latencies drastically while improving security. We have defined a new framework for data management in the context of a Smart City through a global fog to cloud resources management architecture. This model has the advantages of both, fog and cloud technologies, as it allows reduced latencies for critical applications while being able to use the high computing capabilities of cloud technology. In this thesis, we propose many novel ideas in the design of a novel F2C Data Management architecture for smart cities as following. First, we draw and describe a comprehensive scenario agnostic Data LifeCycle model successfully addressing all challenges included in the 6Vs not tailored to any specific environment, but easy to be adapted to fit the requirements of any particular field. Then, we introduce the Smart City Comprehensive Data LifeCycle model, a data management architecture generated from a comprehensive scenario agnostic model, tailored for the particular scenario of Smart Cities. We define the management of each data life phase, and explain its implementation on a Smart City with Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) resources management. And then, we illustrate a novel architecture for data management in the context of a Smart City through a global fog to cloud resources management architecture. We show this model has the advantages of both, fog and cloud, as it allows reduced latencies for critical applications while being able to use the high computing capabilities of cloud technology. As a first experiment for the F2C data management architecture, a real Smart City is analyzed, corresponding to the city of Barcelona, with special emphasis on the layers responsible for collecting the data generated by the deployed sensors. The amount of daily sensors data transmitted through the network has been estimated and a rough projection has been made assuming an exhaustive deployment that fully covers all city. And, we provide some solutions to both reduce the data transmission and improve the data management. Then, we used some data filtering techniques (including data aggregation and data compression) to estimate the network traffic in this model during data collection and compare it with a traditional real system. Indeed, we estimate the total data storage sizes through F2C scenario for Barcelona smart citiesAl món es generen diàriament una gran quantitat de dades, amb diferents formats, nivells de qualitat, etc. Aquestes noves dades, juntament amb les dades històriques arxivades, constitueixen la llavor per al descobriment de coneixement i la generació de valor en diversos camps de la ciència i grans entorns de dades (big data). Descobrir el valor de les dades és un procés complex de càlcul on les dades són el recurs clau, no només durant el seu processament, sinó també durant tot el seu cicle de vida. Tanmateix, encara hi ha una gran preocupació per com organitzar i gestionar aquestes dades en tots els camps per a un ús i explotació eficients durant tots els cicles de vida de les dades. Encara que recentment s'han definit diversos models específics de Data LifeCycle (DLC) per a escenaris particulars, argumentem que no hi ha un marc global i complet de DLC que s'utilitzi àmpliament en diferents camps. En particular, les ciutats intel·ligents són les solucions tecnològiques actuals per fer front als reptes i la complexitat de la creixent densitat urbana. Tradicionalment, la gestió de recursos de Smart City es basa en solucions basades en núvol (cloud computing) on es recopilen dades de sensors per proporcionar un conjunt de dades obert i centralitzat. Les avantatges dels entorns basats en núvol són la seva ubiqüitat, així com una capacitat (gairebé) il·limitada de recursos. Tanmateix, l'accés a dades del núvol implica un gran trànsit de xarxa i, en general, les latències elevades no són apropiades per a solucions crítiques o en temps real, així com també per a riscos de seguretat més elevats. Alternativament, el processament de boira (fog computing) sorgeix com una tecnologia prometedora per absorbir aquests inconvenients. Proposa l'ús de dispositius a la vora per proporcionar recuirsos informàtics més propers i, per tant, reduir el trànsit de la xarxa, reduint les latències dràsticament mentre es millora la seguretat. Hem definit un nou marc per a la gestió de dades en el context d'una ciutat intel·ligent a través d'una arquitectura de gestió de recursos des de la boira fins al núvol (Fog-to-Cloud computing, o F2C). Aquest model té els avantatges combinats de les tecnologies de boira i de núvol, ja que permet reduir les latències per a aplicacions crítiques mentre es poden utilitzar les grans capacitats informàtiques de la tecnologia en núvol. En aquesta tesi, proposem algunes idees noves en el disseny d'una arquitectura F2C de gestió de dades per a ciutats intel·ligents. En primer lloc, dibuixem i descrivim un model de Data LifeCycle global agnòstic que aborda amb èxit tots els reptes inclosos en els 6V i no adaptats a un entorn específic, però fàcil d'adaptar-se als requisits de qualsevol camp en concret. A continuació, presentem el model de Data LifeCycle complet per a una ciutat intel·ligent, una arquitectura de gestió de dades generada a partir d'un model agnòstic d'escenari global, adaptat a l'escenari particular de ciutat intel·ligent. Definim la gestió de cada fase de la vida de les dades i expliquem la seva implementació en una ciutat intel·ligent amb gestió de recursos F2C. I, a continuació, il·lustrem la nova arquitectura per a la gestió de dades en el context d'una Smart City a través d'una arquitectura de gestió de recursos F2C. Mostrem que aquest model té els avantatges d'ambdues, la tecnologia de boira i de núvol, ja que permet reduir les latències per a aplicacions crítiques mentre es pot utilitzar la gran capacitat de processament de la tecnologia en núvol. Com a primer experiment per a l'arquitectura de gestió de dades F2C, s'analitza una ciutat intel·ligent real, corresponent a la ciutat de Barcelona, amb especial èmfasi en les capes responsables de recollir les dades generades pels sensors desplegats. S'ha estimat la quantitat de dades de sensors diàries que es transmet a través de la xarxa i s'ha realitzat una projecció aproximada assumint un desplegament exhaustiu que cobreix tota la ciutat.Postprint (published version

    A slotted-CDMA based wireless-ATM link layer : guaranteeing QoS over a wireless link.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.Future wireless networks will have to handle varying combinations of multimedia traffic that present the network with numerous quality of service (QoS) requirements. The continuously growing demand for mobile phones has resulted in radio spectrum becoming a precious resource that cannot be wasted. The current second-generation mobile networks are designed for voice communication and, even with the enhancements being implemented to accommodate data, they cannot efficiently handle the multimedia traffic demands that will be introduced in the near future. This thesis begins with a survey of existing wireless ATM (WATM) protocols, followed by an examination of some medium access control (MAC) protocols, supporting multimedia traffic, and based on code division multiple access (CDMA) physical layers. A WATM link layer protocol based on a CDMA physical layer, and incorporating techniques from some of the surveyed protocols, is then proposed. The MAC protocol supports a wide range of service requirements by utilising a flexible scheduling algorithm that takes advantage of the graceful degradation of CDMA with increasing user interference to schedule cells for transmission according to their maximum bit error rate (BER) requirements. The data link control (DLC) accommodates the various traffic types by allowing virtual channels (VCs) to make use of forward error correction (FEc) or retransmission techniques. The proposed link layer protocol has been implemented on a Blue Wave Systems DSP board that forms part of Alcatel Altech Telecoms' software radio platform. The details and practicality of the implementation are presented. A simulation model for the protocol has been developed using MIL3 's Opnet Modeler. Hence, both simulated and measured performance results are presented before the thesis concludes with suggestions for improvements and future work

    Current challenges and future trends in the field of communication architectures for microgrids

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    [EN] The concept of microgrid has emerged as a feasible answer to cope with the increasing number of distributed renewable energy sources which are being introduced into the electrical grid. The microgrid communication network should guarantee a complete and bidirectional connectivity among the microgrid resources, a high reliability and a feasible interoperability. This is in a contrast to the current electrical grid structure which is characterized by the lack of connectivity, being a centralized-unidirectional system. In this paper a review of the microgrids information and communication technologies (ICT) is shown. In addition, a guideline for the transition from the current communication systems to the future generation of microgrid communications is provided. This paper contains a systematic review of the most suitable communication network topologies, technologies and protocols for smart microgrids. It is concluded that a new generation of peer-to-peer communication systems is required towards a dynamic smart microgrid. Potential future research about communications of the next microgrid generation is also identified.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under Grant ENE2015-64087-C2-2. This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under grant BES-2013-064539.Marzal-Romeu, S.; Salas-Puente, RA.; González Medina, R.; Garcerá, G.; Figueres Amorós, E. (2018). Current challenges and future trends in the field of communication architectures for microgrids. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 82(2):3610-3622. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2017.10.101S3610362282

    Quality of service on ad-hoc wireless networks

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    Over the last years, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) have captured the attention of the research community. The flexibility and cost savings they provide, due to the fact that no infrastructure is needed to deploy a MANET, is one of the most attractive possibilities of this technology. However, along with the flexibility, lots of problems arise due to the bad quality of transmission media, the scarcity of resources, etc. Since real-time communications will be common in MANETs, there has been an increasing motivation on the introduction of Quality of Service (QoS) in such networks. However, many characteristics of MANETs make QoS provisioning a difficult problem.In order to avoid congestion, a reservation mechanism that works together with a Connection Admission Control (CAC) seems to be a reasonable solution. However, most of the QoS approaches found in literature for MANETs do not use reservations. One reason for that, is the difficulty on determining the available bandwidth at a node. This is needed to decide whether there are enough resources to accommodate a new connection.This thesis proposes a simple, yet effective, method for nodes in a CSMA-based MANET to compute their available bandwidth in a distributed way. Based on this value, a QoS reservation mechanism called BRAWN (Bandwidth Reservation over Ad-hoc Networks) is introduced for multirate MANETs, allowing bandwidth allocation on a per flow basis. By multirate we refer to those networks where wireless nodes are able to dynamically switch among several link rates. This allows nodes to select the highest possible transmission rate for exchanging data, independently for each neighbor.The BRAWN mechanism not only guarantees certain QoS levels, but also naturally distributes the traffic more evenly among network nodes (i.e. load balancing). It works completely on the network layer, so that no modifications on lower layers are required, although some information about the network congestion state could also be taken into account if provided by the MAC (Medium Access Control) layer. The thesis analyzes the applicability of the proposed reservation mechanism over both proactive and reactive routing protocols, and extensions to such protocols are proposed whenever needed in order to improve their performance on multirate networks. On mobile scenarios, BRAWN also achieves high QoS provisioning levels by letting the nodes to periodically refresh QoS reservations. This extension of the protocol for mobile nodes is referred as BRAWN-R (BRAWN with Refreshments).Summarizing, the outstanding features of the reservation mechanism proposed by this thesis are: (i) Multirate, i.e. it allows wireless nodes to choose among different transmission rates, in order to accommodate to different channel conditions. (ii) Targeted to CSMA-based wireless MAC protocols, e.g. 802.11. (iii) Reservation based, allowing the network nodes to pro-actively protect ongoing QoS flows, and applying an effective CAC. (iv) Adaptive to topology changes introduced by the mobility of the nodes, re-routing QoS flows to more efficient paths. (v) Feasible and simple to implement over existing MANET routing protocols (as it is shown by the prototype presented at the end of the study).Postprint (published version