29,936 research outputs found

    Anderson localization through Polyakov loops: lattice evidence and Random matrix model

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    We investigate low-lying fermion modes in SU(2) gauge theory at temperatures above the phase transition. Both staggered and overlap spectra reveal transitions from chaotic (random matrix) to integrable (Poissonian) behavior accompanied by an increasing localization of the eigenmodes. We show that the latter are trapped by local Polyakov loop fluctuations. Islands of such "wrong" Polyakov loops can therefore be viewed as defects leading to Anderson localization in gauge theories. We find strong similarities in the spatial profile of these localized staggered and overlap eigenmodes. We discuss possible interpretations of this finding and present a sparse random matrix model that reproduces these features.Comment: 11 pages, 23 plots in 11 figures; some comments and references added, some axis labels corrected; journal versio

    The distribution of word matches between Markovian sequences with periodic boundary conditions

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    Word match counts have traditionally been proposed as an alignment-free measure of similarity for biological sequences. The D2 statistic, which simply counts the number of exact word matches between two sequences, is a useful test bed for developing rigorous mathematical results, which can then be extended to more biologically useful measures. The distributional properties of the D2 statistic under the null hypothesis of identically and independently distributed letters have been studied extensively, but no comprehensive study of the D2 distribution for biologically more realistic higher-order Markovian sequences exists. Here we derive exact formulas for the mean and variance of the D2 statistic for Markovian sequences of any order, and demonstrate through Monte Carlo simulations that the entire distribution is accurately characterized by a PĂłlya-Aeppli distribution for sequence lengths of biological interest. The approach is novel in that Markovian dependency is defined for sequences with periodic boundary conditions, and this enables exact analytic formulas for the mean and variance to be derived. We also carry out a preliminary comparison between the approximate D2 distribution computed with the theoretical mean and variance under a Markovian hypothesis and an empirical D2 distribution from the human genome

    Two-level system with noise: Blue's function approach

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    By using the random matrix approach and generalized Blue's function representation we solve analytically the model of an effective two-level system coupled to a noise reservoir. We show that calculated spectral properties of the system are in agreement with the numerically simulated results. We outline possible applications of the model in the field of condensed phase reactions.Comment: 17 pages LaTeX, 5 EPS figures include

    Decay properties of spectral projectors with applications to electronic structure

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    Motivated by applications in quantum chemistry and solid state physics, we apply general results from approximation theory and matrix analysis to the study of the decay properties of spectral projectors associated with large and sparse Hermitian matrices. Our theory leads to a rigorous proof of the exponential off-diagonal decay ("nearsightedness") for the density matrix of gapped systems at zero electronic temperature in both orthogonal and non-orthogonal representations, thus providing a firm theoretical basis for the possibility of linear scaling methods in electronic structure calculations for non-metallic systems. We further discuss the case of density matrices for metallic systems at positive electronic temperature. A few other possible applications are also discussed.Comment: 63 pages, 13 figure

    Validation of Soft Classification Models using Partial Class Memberships: An Extended Concept of Sensitivity & Co. applied to the Grading of Astrocytoma Tissues

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    We use partial class memberships in soft classification to model uncertain labelling and mixtures of classes. Partial class memberships are not restricted to predictions, but may also occur in reference labels (ground truth, gold standard diagnosis) for training and validation data. Classifier performance is usually expressed as fractions of the confusion matrix, such as sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive values. We extend this concept to soft classification and discuss the bias and variance properties of the extended performance measures. Ambiguity in reference labels translates to differences between best-case, expected and worst-case performance. We show a second set of measures comparing expected and ideal performance which is closely related to regression performance, namely the root mean squared error RMSE and the mean absolute error MAE. All calculations apply to classical crisp classification as well as to soft classification (partial class memberships and/or one-class classifiers). The proposed performance measures allow to test classifiers with actual borderline cases. In addition, hardening of e.g. posterior probabilities into class labels is not necessary, avoiding the corresponding information loss and increase in variance. We implement the proposed performance measures in the R package "softclassval", which is available from CRAN and at http://softclassval.r-forge.r-project.org. Our reasoning as well as the importance of partial memberships for chemometric classification is illustrated by a real-word application: astrocytoma brain tumor tissue grading (80 patients, 37000 spectra) for finding surgical excision borders. As borderline cases are the actual target of the analytical technique, samples which are diagnosed to be borderline cases must be included in the validation.Comment: The manuscript is accepted for publication in Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. Supplementary figures and tables are at the end of the pd

    Google matrix analysis of directed networks

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    In past ten years, modern societies developed enormous communication and social networks. Their classification and information retrieval processing become a formidable task for the society. Due to the rapid growth of World Wide Web, social and communication networks, new mathematical methods have been invented to characterize the properties of these networks on a more detailed and precise level. Various search engines are essentially using such methods. It is highly important to develop new tools to classify and rank enormous amount of network information in a way adapted to internal network structures and characteristics. This review describes the Google matrix analysis of directed complex networks demonstrating its efficiency on various examples including World Wide Web, Wikipedia, software architecture, world trade, social and citation networks, brain neural networks, DNA sequences and Ulam networks. The analytical and numerical matrix methods used in this analysis originate from the fields of Markov chains, quantum chaos and Random Matrix theory.Comment: 56 pages, 58 figures. Missed link added in network example of Fig3

    Index Theorem and Overlap Formalism with Naive and Minimally Doubled Fermions

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    We present a theoretical foundation for the Index theorem in naive and minimally doubled lattice fermions by studying the spectral flow of a Hermitean version of Dirac operators. We utilize the point splitting method to implement flavored mass terms, which play an important role in constructing proper Hermitean operators. We show the spectral flow correctly detects the index of the would-be zero modes which is determined by gauge field topology. Using the flavored mass terms, we present new types of overlap fermions from the naive fermion kernels, with a number of flavors that depends on the choice of the mass terms. We succeed to obtain a single-flavor naive overlap fermion which maintains hypercubic symmetry.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures; references added, version accepted in JHE
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