89 research outputs found

    Overlap-free symmetric D0L words

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    A D0L word on an alphabet Σ =\0,1,\ldots,q-1\ is called symmetric if it is a fixed point w=\varphi(w) of a morphism \varphi:Σ ^* → Σ ^* defined by \varphi(i)=øverlinet_1 + i øverlinet_2 + i\ldots øverlinet_m + i for some word t_1t_2\ldots t_m (equal to \varphi(0)) and every i ∈ Σ ; here øverlinea means a \bmod q. We prove a result conjectured by J. Shallit: if all the symbols in \varphi(0) are distinct (i.e., if t_i ≠q t_j for i ≠q j), then the symmetric D0L word w is overlap-free, i.e., contains no factor of the form axaxa for any x ∈ Σ ^* and a ∈ Σ

    Binary Patterns in Binary Cube-Free Words: Avoidability and Growth

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    The avoidability of binary patterns by binary cube-free words is investigated and the exact bound between unavoidable and avoidable patterns is found. All avoidable patterns are shown to be D0L-avoidable. For avoidable patterns, the growth rates of the avoiding languages are studied. All such languages, except for the overlap-free language, are proved to have exponential growth. The exact growth rates of languages avoiding minimal avoidable patterns are approximated through computer-assisted upper bounds. Finally, a new example of a pattern-avoiding language of polynomial growth is given.Comment: 18 pages, 2 tables; submitted to RAIRO TIA (Special issue of Mons Days 2012

    On the critical exponent of generalized Thue-Morse words

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    For certain generalized Thue-Morse words t, we compute the "critical exponent", i.e., the supremum of the set of rational numbers that are exponents of powers in t, and determine exactly the occurrences of powers realizing it.Comment: 13 pages; to appear in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (accepted October 15, 2007

    Latin Square Thue-Morse Sequences are Overlap-Free

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    We define a morphism based upon a Latin square that generalizes the Thue-Morse morphism. We prove that fixed points of this morphism are overlap-free sequences generalizing results of Allouche - Shallit and Frid.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Evolutionary influences on the structure of red-giant acoustic oscillation spectra from 600d of Kepler observations

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    Context: The Kepler space mission is reaching continuous observing times long enough to start studying the fine structure of the observed p-mode spectra. Aims: In this paper, we aim to study the signature of stellar evolution on the radial and p-dominated l=2 modes in an ensemble of red giants that show solar-type oscillations. Results: We find that the phase shift of the central radial mode (eps_c) is significantly different for red giants at a given large frequency separation (Dnu_c) but which burn only H in a shell (RGB) than those that have already ignited core He burning. Even though not directly probing the stellar core the pair of local seismic observables (Dnu_c, eps_c) can be used as an evolutionary stage discriminator that turned out to be as reliable as the period spacing of the mixed dipole modes. We find a tight correlation between eps_c and Dnu_c for RGB stars and no indication that eps_c depends on other properties of these stars. It appears that the difference in eps_c between the two populations becomes if we use an average of several radial orders, instead of a local, i.e. only around the central radial mode, Dnu to determine the phase shift. This indicates that the information on the evolutionary stage is encoded locally, in the shape of the radial mode sequence. This shape turns out to be approximately symmetric around the central radial mode for RGB stars but asymmetric for core He burning stars. We computed radial modes for a sequence of RG models and find them to qualitatively confirm our findings. We also find that, at least in our models, the local Dnu is an at least as good and mostly better proxy for both the asymptotic spacing and the large separation scaled from the model density than the average Dnu. Finally, we investigate the signature of the evolutionary stage on the small frequency separation and quantify the mass dependency of this seismic parameter.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Binary patterns in binary cube-free words: Avoidability and growth

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    The avoidability of binary patterns by binary cube-free words is investigated and the exact bound between unavoidable and avoidable patterns is found. All avoidable patterns are shown to be D0L-avoidable. For avoidable patterns, the growth rates of the avoiding languages are studied. All such languages, except for the overlap-free language, are proved to have exponential growth. The exact growth rates of languages avoiding minimal avoidable patterns are approximated through computer-assisted upper bounds. Finally, a new example of a pattern-avoiding language of polynomial growth is given. © 2014 EDP Sciences

    Critical Exponents and Stabilizers of Infinite Words

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    This thesis concerns infinite words over finite alphabets. It contributes to two topics in this area: critical exponents and stabilizers. Let w be a right-infinite word defined over a finite alphabet. The critical exponent of w is the supremum of the set of exponents r such that w contains an r-power as a subword. Most of the thesis (Chapters 3 through 7) is devoted to critical exponents. Chapter 3 is a survey of previous research on critical exponents and repetitions in morphic words. In Chapter 4 we prove that every real number greater than 1 is the critical exponent of some right-infinite word over some finite alphabet. Our proof is constructive. In Chapter 5 we characterize critical exponents of pure morphic words generated by uniform binary morphisms. We also give an explicit formula to compute these critical exponents, based on a well-defined prefix of the infinite word. In Chapter 6 we generalize our results to pure morphic words generated by non-erasing morphisms over any finite alphabet. We prove that critical exponents of such words are algebraic, of a degree bounded by the alphabet size. Under certain conditions, our proof implies an algorithm for computing the critical exponent. We demonstrate our method by computing the critical exponent of some families of infinite words. In particular, in Chapter 7 we compute the critical exponent of the Arshon word of order n for n ≥ 3. The stabilizer of an infinite word w defined over a finite alphabet Σ is the set of morphisms f: Σ*→Σ* that fix w. In Chapter 8 we study various problems related to stabilizers and their generators. We show that over a binary alphabet, there exist stabilizers with at least n generators for all n. Over a ternary alphabet, the monoid of morphisms generating a given infinite word by iteration can be infinitely generated, even when the word is generated by iterating an invertible primitive morphism. Stabilizers of strict epistandard words are cyclic when non-trivial, while stabilizers of ultimately strict epistandard words are always non-trivial. For this latter family of words, we give a characterization of stabilizer elements. We conclude with a list of open problems, including a new problem that has not been addressed yet: the D0L repetition threshold