126 research outputs found


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    This research believes that understanding the relationship between Interactive Architecture and the principles of biology will become a mainstream research area in future architectural design. Aiming towards achieving the goal of “making architecture as organic bodies”, almost all the current digital techniques in architectural design are executed using computational simulation: digital fabrication technologies and physical computing. Based on its’ main biological inspirations, Evolutionary Development Biology (Evo-Devo), this research intends to propose a novel bio-inspired design thinking wherein architecture should become analogs to the growing process of living organisms (Figure 6.1). Instead of being born from static optimization results most of the architecture seems content at aiming for nowadays, this research is looking towards designing dynamic architectural bodies which can adapt to the constantly changing environments and are thus seeking optimization in real-time. In other words, architecture should come “alive” as a living creature in order to actively optimize itself with respect to dynamic environmental conditions and user behavior’ requirements in real-time. Following the notion of “architecture as organic bodies”, six major topics were derived from the publication of “New Wombs: Electric Bodies and Architectural Disorders” (Palumbo, 2000). These topics are aimed at initiating critical discussions between body and space, which, are used here to re-interpret six main traits of being an interactive architecture: Dis-measurement, Uprooting, Fluidity, Visceral Nature, Virtuality, and Sensitivity. These six topics merge diverse key points from aforementioned chapters including outlining the vision of active interacting architecture, the transformation of human bodies under digital culture, the profound biological inspiration from Evo-Devo and the fundamental componential notion of swarm, which leads to the ultimate notion of embodying organic body-like interactive Bio-architecture. Dis-measurement: Acknowledging the premise of “architecture (technology) as an extension of human bodies” proposed by Marshall McLuhan (McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, 1964), it is, still difficult to explicitly define the boundary of a space, especially in the context of a borderless cyberspace (the Internet). Space in such a context expands more than ever before and thus makes traditional measurements techniques unfeasible. With cyberspace, people can be virtually present in different places at the same time, thus breaking existing physical boundaries of a space. From another point of view, space as an extension of our bodies constantly adapting to environmental conditions and user demands, creates an intimate linkage between physical bodies and spatial bodies. Interaction in such instances can be seen from a micro-scale: between biological cells and intelligent architectural components to the macro-scale: between physical organic bodies and spatial bodies/architectural space. Uprooting: Apart from further extending the “Dis-measurement” idea by directly plugging into cyberspace (the Internet), “Uprooting” is also interpreted as adaptation devoid of any site/location constraints. In other words, the idea of “Uprooting” implies, generating an architecture that can adjust/modify in accordance with its existing surroundings by interactions between its smallest intelligent components like cells in a body searching for dynamic equilibrium. In this case, architecture has no particular reason to be designed as “rooted” on sites. Fluidity: With the neural system inside the body, most of the messages can be transmitted, received and sent within less than a millionth of a second. To envision architecture as an information processor, which has abilities to react to dynamic environmental conditions and user demands, efficient information protocols must be built into such an organic architectural body to create seamless exterior/interior transformations. Visceral Nature: Visceral can be interpreted in the form of an embodied organ. This implies envisioning architecture in the form of a living-entity. It is no longer the case of mimicking a natural form and thus claiming a building to be organic, but rather instigates one to look deeper into the principles of a natural form’s morphogenesis and apply these to generate a truly organic space. Through the study of Evo-Devo, several principles will be applied to generate an interactive organic Bio-architecture. It is thus not an organic looking shape that matters, but the principles behind the shape, which matter. For instance, principles of self-organization, self-assembly, and self-adaptation, providing possibilities of making body-like architectures with multi-directional and multi-modal communications both inside out and outside in. An intelligent architecture, should “live” in the environment just as how the body lives with its’ Visceral Nature. Virtuality: It is impossible to talk about physical space without mentioning virtual space nowadays. From cyberspace, augmented reality to virtual reality, “Virtuality” is related to “interaction” since the beginning and has gradually become an inevitable aspect of our daily lives. In fact, virtual space has to still use constraints from the physical world to enhance experiential aspects. The ultimate goal of virtual reality here is not to end up with a VR helmet and keep constantly being stimulated by electronic messages, but to bring the physical to the virtual and in the process, attempt to search for a dynamic balance between the virtual and real by merging them together. With the assistance of virtual reality, novel unrealistic space can still be realized into creative tangible immersive and fascinating spaces, which, earlier was not possible. Sensitivity: The notion of “architecture is an extension of human bodies”, is crucial to embrace, if we consider enhancing the sensing abilities of the space as a body not only externally but also internally. In a digital space, active sensing can be achieved by attaching specific devices. In an interactive space, like an organic body, the sensing capabilities of the space have to be fast, accurate, intuitive, and predictive. The sensing system should thus not only work externally to sense the surrounding environment but also internally in order to fulfill the users’ demands in time. With such a connection between human bodies and spatial bodies, it should become relatively understandable for the space to know the requirements of the users by means of hand gestures instead of verbal cues. The sensitivity, in this case, should rely on local information distribution as a bottom-up system rather than a top-down centralized demanding structure

    HyperCell: A Bio-inspired Design Framework for Real-time Interactive Architectures

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    This pioneering research focuses on Biomimetic Interactive Architecture using “Computationâ€, “Embodimentâ€, and “Biology†to generate an intimate embodied convergence to propose a novel rule-based design framework for creating organic architectures composed of swarm-based intelligent components. Furthermore, the research boldly claims that Interactive Architecture should emerge as the next truly Organic Architecture. As the world and society are dynamically changing, especially in this digital era, the research dares to challenge the Utilitas, Firmitas, and Venustas of the traditional architectural Weltanschauung, and rejects them by adopting the novel notion that architecture should be dynamic, fluid, and interactive. This project reflects a trajectory from the 1960’s with the advent of the avant-garde architectural design group, Archigram, and its numerous intriguing and pioneering visionary projects. Archigram’s non-standard, mobile, and interactive projects profoundly influenced a new generation of architects to explore the connection between technology and their architectural projects. This research continues this trend of exploring novel design thinking and the framework of Interactive Architecture by discovering the interrelationship amongst three major topics: “Computationâ€, “Embodimentâ€, and “Biologyâ€. The project aims to elucidate pioneering research combining these three topics in one discourse: “Bio-inspired digital architectural designâ€. These three major topics will be introduced in this Summary. “Computationâ€, is any type of calculation that includes both arithmetical and nonarithmetical steps and follows a well-defined model understood and described as, for example, an algorithm. But, in this research, refers to the use of data storage, parametric design application, and physical computing for developing informed architectural designs. “Form†has always been the most critical focus in architectural design, and this focus has also been a major driver behind the application computational design in Architecture. Nonetheless, this research will interpret the term “Form†in architecture as a continual “information processor†rather than the result of information processing. In other words, “Form†should not be perceived only as an expressive appearance based computational outcome but rather as a real-time process of information processing, akin to organic “Formationâ€. Architecture embodying kinetic ability for adjusting or changing its shape with the ability to process the surroundings and feedback in accordance with its free will with an inherent interactive intelligent movement of a living body. Additionally, it is also crucial to address the question of whether computational technologies are being properly harnessed, if they are only used for form-generating purposes in architecture design, or should this be replaced with real-time information communication and control systems to produce interactive architectures, with embodied computation abilities? “Embodiment†in the context of this research is embedded in Umberto Eco’s vision on Semiotics, theories underlying media studies in Marshall McLuhan’s “Body Extension†(McLuhan, 1964), the contemporary philosophical thought of “Body Without Organs†(Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, 1983), the computational Logic of ‘Swarm Behavior’ and the philosophical notion of “Monadology†proposed by Gottfried Leibniz (Leibniz, 1714). Embodied computation and design are predominant today within the wearable computing and smart living domains, which combine Virtual and Real worlds. Technical progress and prowess in VR development also contribute to advancing 3D smart architectural design and display solutions. The proposed ‘Organic body-like architectural spaces’ emphasize upon the realization of a body-like interactive space. Developing Interactive Architecture will imply eliciting the collective intelligence prevalent in nature and the virtual world of Big Data. Interactive Architecture shall thus embody integrated Information exchange protocols and decision-making systems in order to possess organic body-like qualities. “Biologyâ€, in this research explores biomimetic principles intended to create purposedriven kinetic and organic architecture. This involves a detailed study/critique of organic architecture, generating organic shapes, performance optimization based digital fabrication techniques and kinetic systems. A holistic bio-inspired architecture embodies multiple performance criteria akin to natural systems, which integrate structural, infrastructure performances throughout the growth of an organic body. Such a natural morphogenesis process of architectural design explores what Janine M. Benyus described as “learning the natural processâ€. Profoundly influenced by the processes behind morphogenesis, the research further explores Evolutionary Development Biology (Evo-Devo) explaining how embryological regulation strongly affect the resulting formations. Evo-Devo in interactive architecture implies the development of architecture based on three fundamental principles: “Simple to Complexâ€, “Geometric Information Distributionâ€, and “On/Off Switch and Trigger.†The research seeks to create a relatively intelligent architectural body, and the tactile interactive spatial environment by applying the extracted knowledge from the study of the aforementioned principles of Evo-Devo in the following fashion: A. Extract a Self-Similar Componential Systembased approach from the “Simple to Complex†principle of Evo-Devo B. Extract the idea of “Collective Intelligence†from “Geometric information Distribution†principle of Evo-Devo C. Extract the principle of “Assembly Regulation†from “On/Off switch and trigger†principle of Evo-Devo The “HyperCell†research, through an elaborate investigation on the three aforementioned topics, develops a design framework for developing real-time adaptive spatial systems. HyperCell does this, by developing a system of transformable cubic elements which can self-organize, adapt and interact in real-time. These Hypercells shall comprise an organic space which can adjust itself in relation to our human bodies. The furniture system is literally reified and embodied to develop an intra-active space that proactively provokes human movement. The space thus acquires an emotive dimension and can become your pet, partner, or even friend, and might also involve multiple usabilities of the same space. The research and its progression were also had actively connected with a 5-year collaborative European Culture project: “MetaBodyâ€. The research thus involves exploration of Interactive Architecture from the following perspectives: architectural design, digital architectural history trajectory, computational technology, philosophical discourse related to the embodiment, media and digital culture, current VR and body-related technology, and Evolutionary Developmental Biology. “HyperCell†will encourage young architects to pursue interdisciplinary design initiatives via the fusion of computational design, embodiment, and biology for developing bio-inspired organic architectures

    HyperCell: A Bio-inspired Design Framework for Real-time Interactive Architectures

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    This pioneering research focuses on Biomimetic Interactive Architecture using “Computation”, “Embodiment”, and “Biology” to generate an intimate embodied convergence to propose a novel rule-based design framework for creating organic architectures composed of swarm-based intelligent components. Furthermore, the research boldly claims that Interactive Architecture should emerge as the next truly Organic Architecture. As the world and society are dynamically changing, especially in this digital era, the research dares to challenge the Utilitas, Firmitas, and Venustas of the traditional architectural Weltanschauung, and rejects them by adopting the novel notion that architecture should be dynamic, fluid, and interactive. This project reflects a trajectory from the 1960’s with the advent of the avant-garde architectural design group, Archigram, and its numerous intriguing and pioneering visionary projects. Archigram’s non-standard, mobile, and interactive projects profoundly influenced a new generation of architects to explore the connection between technology and their architectural projects. This research continues this trend of exploring novel design thinking and the framework of Interactive Architecture by discovering the interrelationship amongst three major topics: “Computation”, “Embodiment”, and “Biology”. The project aims to elucidate pioneering research combining these three topics in one discourse: “Bio-inspired digital architectural design”. These three major topics will be introduced in this Summary.   “Computation”, is any type of calculation that includes both arithmetical and nonarithmetical steps and follows a well-defined model understood and described as, for example, an algorithm. But, in this research, refers to the use of data storage, parametric design application, and physical computing for developing informed architectural designs. “Form” has always been the most critical focus in architectural design, and this focus has also been a major driver behind the application computational design in Architecture. Nonetheless, this research will interpret the term “Form” in architecture as a continual “information processor” rather than the result of information processing. In other words, “Form” should not be perceived only as an expressive appearance based computational outcome but rather as a real-time process of information processing, akin to organic “Formation”. Architecture embodying kinetic ability for adjusting or changing its shape with the ability to process the surroundings and feedback in accordance with its free will with an inherent interactive intelligent movement of a living body. Additionally, it is also crucial to address the question of whether computational technologies are being properly harnessed, if they are only used for form-generating purposes in architecture design, or should this be replaced with real-time information communication and control systems to produce interactive architectures, with embodied computation abilities?   “Embodiment” in the context of this research is embedded in Umberto Eco’s vision on Semiotics, theories underlying media studies in Marshall McLuhan’s “Body Extension” (McLuhan, 1964), the contemporary philosophical thought of “Body Without Organs” (Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, 1983), the computational Logic of ‘Swarm Behavior’ and the philosophical notion of “Monadology” proposed by Gottfried Leibniz (Leibniz, 1714). Embodied computation and design are predominant today within the wearable computing and smart living domains, which combine Virtual and Real worlds. Technical progress and prowess in VR development also contribute to advancing 3D smart architectural design and display solutions. The proposed ‘Organic body-like architectural spaces’ emphasize upon the realization of a body-like interactive space. Developing Interactive Architecture will imply eliciting the collective intelligence prevalent in nature and the virtual world of Big Data. Interactive Architecture shall thus embody integrated Information exchange protocols and decision-making systems in order to possess organic body-like qualities.   “Biology”, in this research explores biomimetic principles intended to create purposedriven kinetic and organic architecture. This involves a detailed study/critique of organic architecture, generating organic shapes, performance optimization based digital fabrication techniques and kinetic systems. A holistic bio-inspired architecture embodies multiple performance criteria akin to natural systems, which integrate structural, infrastructure performances throughout the growth of an organic body. Such a natural morphogenesis process of architectural design explores what Janine M. Benyus described as “learning the natural process”. Profoundly influenced by the processes behind morphogenesis, the research further explores Evolutionary Development Biology (Evo-Devo) explaining how embryological regulation strongly affect the resulting formations. Evo-Devo in interactive architecture implies the development of architecture based on three fundamental principles: “Simple to Complex”, “Geometric Information Distribution”, and “On/Off Switch and Trigger.” The research seeks to create a relatively intelligent architectural body, and the tactile interactive spatial environment by applying the extracted knowledge from the study of the aforementioned principles of Evo-Devo in the following fashion: A. Extract a Self-Similar Componential System based approach from the “Simple to Complex” principle of Evo-Devo B. Extract the idea of “Collective Intelligence” from “Geometric information Distribution” principle of Evo-Devo C. Extract the principle of “Assembly Regulation” from “On/Off switch and trigger” principle of Evo-Devo The “HyperCell” research, through an elaborate investigation on the three aforementioned topics, develops a design framework for developing real-time adaptive spatial systems. HyperCell does this, by developing a system of transformable cubic elements which can self-organize, adapt and interact in real-time. These Hypercells shall comprise an organic space which can adjust itself in relation to our human bodies. The furniture system is literally reified and embodied to develop an intra-active space that proactively provokes human movement. The space thus acquires an emotive dimension and can become your pet, partner, or even friend, and might also involve multiple usabilities of the same space. The research and its progression were also had actively connected with a 5-year collaborative European Culture project: “MetaBody”. The research thus involves exploration of Interactive Architecture from the following perspectives: architectural design, digital architectural history trajectory, computational technology, philosophical discourse related to the embodiment, media and digital culture, current VR and body-related technology, and Evolutionary Developmental Biology. “HyperCell” will encourage young architects to pursue interdisciplinary design initiatives via the fusion of computational design, embodiment, and biology for developing bio-inspired organic architectures

    Factories of the Future

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    Engineering; Industrial engineering; Production engineerin

    Design and Optimisation of Optical Metasurfaces Using Deep Learning

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    This thesis centres on the design, processing, and fabrication of tunable optical metamaterials. It incorporates physics-based simulation, deep learning (DL), and thin film fabrication techniques to offer a comprehensive exploration of the field of optical metamaterials. Placing stiff resonators on a flexible substrate is a common type of mechanically tunable metasurface, whose optical responses are tuned by dynamically adjusting the spacing between resonators by applying mechanical force. However, the significant modulus mismatch between materials causes stress concentration at the interface, leading to crack propagation and delamination at lower strain levels (20-50%), and limiting the optical tunability of the structure. To address this challenge, we propose two designs to manipulate stress distribution. Under mechanical force, the structure enables localised deformation, redirecting stress from critical areas. This mechanism minimises the accumulation of stress in the interface, thereby diminishing the risk of material failure and improving stretchability up to 120% compared to traditional designs. This extreme stretchability leads to a 143 nm resonance shift, which is almost twice as large as that of conventional geometry. A universal machine learning (ML)-based approach was developed to optimise the metasurface design across three key aspects: geometric parameters, material development, and free-form shape configuration. In design parameters optimisation, a fully connected neural network (FCNN) was developed with a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.0051, recommending a single geometry with a 104 order of magnitude decrease in computational time when compared to finite element method (FEM) simulations used for data generation. The suggested structure provides extensive coverage of the colour space, encompassing 27.65% of the standard RGB (sRGB) space. For the materials development part, an inverse design (ID) network was combined with effective medium approximation (EMA), navigating infinite materials composition space to identify new compositions for custom applications. The last network was tasked to explore boundless free-form shape space to propose the one for the on-demand optical properties with MAE of 0.21. The accuracy of all networks was experimentally validated

    Factories of the Future

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    Engineering; Industrial engineering; Production engineerin

    Designing parametric matter:Exploring adaptive material scale self-assembly through tuneable environments

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    3D designs can be created using generative processes, which can be transformed and adapted almost infinitely if they remain within their digital design software. For example, it is easy to alter a 3D object's colour, size, transparency, topology and geometry by adjusting values associated with those attributes. Significantly, these design processes can be seen as morphogenetic, where form is grown out of bottom-up logic’s and processes. However, when the designs created using these processes are fabricated using traditional manufacturing processes and materials they lose all of these abilities. For example, even the basic ability to change a shapes' size or colour is lost. This is partly because the relationships that govern the changes of a digital design are no longer present once fabricated. The motivating aim is: how can structures be grown and adapted throughout the fabrication processes using programmable self-assembly? In comparison the highly desirable attribute of physical adaptation and change is universally present within animals and biological processes. Various biological organisms and their systems (muscular or skeletal) can continually adapt to the world around them to meet changing demands across different ranges of time and to varying degrees. For example, a cuttlefish changes its skin colour and texture almost immediately to hide from predators. Muscles grow in response to exercise, and over longer time periods bones remodel and heal when broken, meaning biological structures can adapt to become more efficient at meeting regularly imposed demands. Emerging research is rethinking how digital designs are fabricated and the materials they are made from, leading to physically responsive and reconfigurable structures. This research establishes an interdisciplinary and novel methodology for building towards an adaptive design and fabrication system when utilising material scale computation process (e.g. self-assembly) within the fabrication process, which are guided by stimuli. In this context, adaption is the ability of a physical design (shape, pattern) to change its local material and or global properties, such as: shape, composition, texture and volume. Any changes to these properties are not predefined or constrained to set limits when subjected to environmental stimulus, (temperature, pH, magnetism, electrical current). Here, the stimulus is the fabrication mechanisms, which are governed and monitored by digital design tools. In doing so digital design tools will guide processes of material scale self-assembly and the resultant physical properties. The fabrication system is created through multiple experiments based on various material processes and platforms, from paint and additives, to ink diffusion and the mineral accretion process. A research through design methodology is used to develop the experiments, although the experiments by nature are explorative and incremental. Collectively they are a mixture of analogue and digital explorations, which establish principles and a method of how to grow physical designs, which can adapt based on digital augmentations by guiding material scale self-assembly. The results demonstrate that it is possible to grow physical 2D and 3D designs (shapes and patterns) that could have their properties tuned and adapted by creating tuneable environments to guide the mineral accretion process. Meaning, the desirable and dynamic traits of digital computational designs can be leveraged and extended the as they are made physical. Tuneable environments are developed and defined thought the series experiments within this thesis. Tuneable environments are not restricted to the mineral accretion process, as it is demonstrated how they can manipulate ink cloud patterns (liquid diffusion), which are less constrained in comparison to the mineral accretion process. This is possible due to the use of support mediums that dissipate energy and also contrast materially (they do not diffuse). Combining contrasting conditions (support mediums, resultant material effects) with the idea of tuneable environments reveals how: 1) material growth and properties can be monitored and 2) the possibilities of growing 3D designs using material scale self-assembly, which is not confined to a scaffold framework. The results and methodology highlight how tuneable environments can be applied to advance other areas of emerging research, such as altering environmental conditions during methods of additive manufacturing, such as, suspended deposition, rapid liquid printing, computed axial lithography or even some strategies of bioprinting. During the process, deposited materials and global properties could adapt because of changing conditions. Going further and combining it with the idea of contrasting mediums, this could lead to new types 3D holographic displays, which are grown and not restricted to scaffold frameworks. The results also point towards a potential future where buildings and infrastructure are part of a material ecosystem, which can share resources to meet fluctuating demands, such as, solar shading, traffic congestion, live loading

    Inductive Pattern Formation

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    With the extended computational limits of algorithmic recursion, scientific investigation is transitioning away from computationally decidable problems and beginning to address computationally undecidable complexity. The analysis of deductive inference in structure-property models are yielding to the synthesis of inductive inference in process-structure simulations. Process-structure modeling has examined external order parameters of inductive pattern formation, but investigation of the internal order parameters of self-organization have been hampered by the lack of a mathematical formalism with the ability to quantitatively define a specific configuration of points. This investigation addressed this issue of quantitative synthesis. Local space was developed by the Poincare inflation of a set of points to construct neighborhood intersections, defining topological distance and introducing situated Boolean topology as a local replacement for point-set topology. Parallel development of the local semi-metric topological space, the local semi-metric probability space, and the local metric space of a set of points provides a triangulation of connectivity measures to define the quantitative architectural identity of a configuration and structure independent axes of a structural configuration space. The recursive sequence of intersections constructs a probabilistic discrete spacetime model of interacting fields to define the internal order parameters of self-organization, with order parameters external to the configuration modeled by adjusting the morphological parameters of individual neighborhoods and the interplay of excitatory and inhibitory point sets. The evolutionary trajectory of a configuration maps the development of specific hierarchical structure that is emergent from a specific set of initial conditions, with nested boundaries signaling the nonlinear properties of local causative configurations. This exploration of architectural configuration space concluded with initial process-structure-property models of deductive and inductive inference spaces. In the computationally undecidable problem of human niche construction, an adaptive-inductive pattern formation model with predictive control organized the bipartite recursion between an information structure and its physical expression as hierarchical ensembles of artificial neural network-like structures. The union of architectural identity and bipartite recursion generates a predictive structural model of an evolutionary design process, offering an alternative to the limitations of cognitive descriptive modeling. The low computational complexity of these models enable them to be embedded in physical constructions to create the artificial life forms of a real-time autonomously adaptive human habitat

    Evolutionary computation based on nanocomposite training: application to data classification

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    Research into novel materials and computation frameworks by-passing the limitations of the current paradigm, has been identified as crucial for the development of the next generation of computing technology. Within this context, evolution in materio (EiM) proposes an approach where evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are used to explore and exploit the properties of un-configured materials until they reach a state where they can perform a computational task. Following an EiM approach, this thesis demonstrates the ability of EAs to evolve dynamic nanocomposites into data classifiers. Material-based computation is treated as an optimisation problem with a hybrid search space consisting of configuration voltages creating an electric field applied to the material, and the infinite space of possible states the material can reach in response to this field. In a first set of investigations, two different algorithms, differential evolution (DE) and particle swarm optimisation (PSO), are used to evolve single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) / liquid crystal (LC) composites capable of classifying artificial, two-dimensional, binary linear and non-linear separable and merged datasets at low SWCNT concentrations. The difference in search behaviour between the two algorithms is found to affect differently the composite’ state during training, which in turn affects the accuracy, consistency and generalisation of evolved solutions. SWCNT/LC processors are also able to scale to complex, real-life classification problems. Crucially, results suggest that problem complexity influences the properties of the processors. For more complex problems, networks of SWCNT structures tend to form within the composite, creating stable devices requiring no configuration voltages to classify data, and with computational capabilities that can be recovered more than several hours after training. A method of programming the dynamic composites is demonstrated, based on the reapplication of sequences of configuration voltages which have produced good quality SWCNT/LC classifiers. A second set of investigations aims at exploiting the properties presented by the dynamic nanocomposites, whilst also providing a means for evolved device encapsulation, making their use easier in out-of-the lab applications. Novel composites based on SWCNTs dispersed in one-part UV-cure epoxies are introduced. Results obtained with these composites support their choice for use in subsequent EiM research. A final discussion is concerned with evolving an electro-biological processor and a memristive processor. Overall, the work reported in the thesis suggests that dynamic nanocomposites present a number of unexpected, potentially attractive properties not found in other materials investigated in the context of EiM


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    Smart structures, able to sense changes of their own state or variations of the environment they’re in, and capable of intervening in order to improve their performance, find themselves in an ever-increasing use among numerous technology fields, opening new frontiers within advanced structural engineering and materials science. Smart structures represent of course a current challenge for the application on the aircrafts. A morphing structure can be considered as the result of the synergic integration of three main systems: the structural system, based on reliable kinematic mechanisms or on compliant elements enabling the shape modification, the actuation and control systems, characterized by embedded actuators and robust control strategies, and the sensing system, usually involving a network of sensors distributed along the structure to monitor its state parameters. Technologies with ever increasing maturity level are adopted to assure the consolidation of products in line with the aeronautical industry standards and fully compliant with the applicable airworthiness requirements. Until few years ago, morphing wing technology appeared an utopic solution. In the aeronautical field, airworthiness authorities demand a huge process of qualification, standardization, and verification. Essential components of an intelligent structure are sensors and actuators. The actual technological challenge, envisaged in the industrial scenario of “more electric aircraft”, will be to replace the heavy conventional hydraulic actuators with a distributed strategy comprising smaller electro-mechanical actuators. This will bring several benefit at the aircraft level: firstly, fuel savings. Additionally, a full electrical system reduces classical drawbacks of hydraulic systems and overall complexity, yielding also weight and maintenance benefits. At the same time, a morphing structure needs a real-time strain monitoring system: a nano-engineered polymer capable of densely distributed strain sensing can be a suitable solution for this kind of flying systems. Piezoresistive carbon nanotubes can be integrated as thin films coated and integrated with composite to form deformable self-sensing materials. The materials actually become sensors themselves without using external devices, embedded or attached. This doctoral thesis proposes a multi-disciplinary investigation of the most modern actuation and sensing technologies for variable-shaped devices mainly intended for large commercial aircraft. The personal involvement in several research projects with numerous international partners - during the last three years - allowed for exploiting engineering outcomes in view of potential certification and industrialization of the studied solutions. Moving from a conceptual survey of the smart systems that introduces the idea of adaptive aerodynamic surfaces and main research challenges, the thesis presents (Chapter 1) the current worldwide status of morphing technologies as well as industrial development expectations. The Ph.D. programme falls within the design of some of the most promising and potentially flyable solutions for performance improvement of green regional aircrafts. A camber-morphing aileron and a multi-modal flap are herein analysed and assessed as subcomponents involved for the realization of a morphing wing. An innovative camber-morphing aileron was proposed in CRIAQ MD0-505, a joint Canadian and Italian research project. Relying upon the experimental evidence within the present research, the issue appeared concerns the critical importance of considering the dynamic modelling of the actuators in the design phase of a smart device. The higher number of actuators involved makes de facto the morphing structure much more complex. In this context (Chapter 2), the action of the actuators has been modelled within the numerical model of the aileron: the comparison between the modal characteristics of numerical predictions and testing activities has shown a high level of correlation. Morphing structures are characterized by many more degrees of freedom and increased modal density, introducing new paradigms about modelling strategies and aeroelastic approaches. These aspects affect and modify many aspects of the traditional aeronautical engineering process, like simulation activity, design criteria assessment, and interpretation of the dynamic response (Chapter 3). With respect the aforementioned aileron, sensitivity studies were carried out in compliance with EASA airworthiness requirements to evaluate the aero-servo-elastic stability of global system with respect to single and combined failures of the actuators enabling morphing. Moreover, the jamming event, which is one of the main drawbacks associated with the use of electro-mechanical actuators, has been duly analyzed to observe any dynamic criticalities. Fault & Hazard Analysis (FHA) have been therefore performed as the basis for application of these devices to real aircraft. Nevertheless, the implementation of an electro-mechanical system implies several challenges related to the integration at aircraft system level: the practical need for real-time monitoring of morphing devices, power absorption levels and dynamic performance under aircraft operating conditions, suggest the use of a ground-based engineering tool, i.e. “iron bird”, for the physical integration of systems. Looking in this perspective, the Chapter 4 deals with the description of an innovative multi-modal flap idealized in the Clean Sky - Joint Technology Initiative research scenario. A distributed gear-drive electro-mechanical actuation has been fully studied and validated by an experimental campaign. Relying upon the experience gained, the encouraging outcomes led to the second stage of the project, Clean Sky 2 - Airgreen 2, encompassing the development of a more robotized flap for next regional aircraft. Numerical and experimental activities have been carried out to support the health management process in order to check the EMAs compatibility with other electrical systems too. A smart structure as a morphing wing needs an embedded sensing system in order to measure the actual deformation state as well as to “monitor” the structural conditions. A new possible approach in order to have a distributed light-weight system consists in the development of polymer-based materials filled with conductive smart fillers such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The thesis ends with a feasibility study about the incorporation of carbon nanomaterials into flexible coatings for composite structures (Chapter 5). Coupons made of MWCNTs embedded in typical aeronautic epoxy formulation were prepared and tested under different conditions in order to better characterize their sensing performance. Strain sensing properties were compared to commercially available strain gages and fiber optics. The results were obtained in the last training year following the involvement of the author in research activities at the University of Salerno and Materials and Structures Centre - University of Bath. One of the issues for the next developments is to consolidate these novel technologies in the current and future European projects where the smart structures topic is considered as one of the priorities for the new generation aircrafts. It is remarkable that scientists and aeronautical engineers community does not stop trying to create an intelligent machine that is increasingly inspired by nature. The spirit of research, the desire to overcome limits and a little bit of imagination are surely the elements that can guide in achieving such an ambitious goal