7 research outputs found

    Secure State Estimation in the Presence of False Information Injection Attacks

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    In this dissertation, we first investigate the problem of source location estimation in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based on quantized data in the presence of false information attacks. Using a Gaussian mixture to model the possible attacks, we develop a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) to estimate the source location. The Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for this estimation problem is also derived. Then, the assumption that the fusion center does not have the knowledge of the attack probability and the attack noise power investigated. We assume that the attack probability and power are random variables which follow certain uniform distributions. We derive the MLE for the localization problem. The CRLB for this estimation problem is also derived. It is shown that the proposed estimator is robust in various cases with different attack probabilities and parameter mismatch. The linear state estimation problem subjected to False Information Injection is also considered. The relationship between the attacker and the defender is modeled from a minimax perspective, in which the attacker tries to maximize the cost function. On the other hand, the defender tries to optimize the detection threshold selection to minimize the cost function. We consider that the attacker will attack with deterministic bias, then we also considered the random bias. In both cases, we derive the probabilities of detection and miss, and the probability of false alarm is derived based on the Chi squared distribution. We solve the minimax optimization problem numerically for both the cases

    Minimum energy transmission forest-based Geocast in software-defined wireless sensor networks

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    © 2021 The Authors. Published by Wiley. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.4253Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)-based geographic addressing and routing have many potential applications. Geocast protocols should be made energy efficient to increase the lifetime of nodes and packet delivery ratio. This technique will increase the number of live nodes, reduce message costs, and enhance network throughput. All geocast protocols in the literature of WSN apply mostly restricted flooding and perimeter flooding, which is why still the redundancy they produce significantly high message transmission costs and unnecessarily eats up immense energy in nodes. Moreover, perimeter flooding cannot succeed in the presence of holes. The present article models wireless sensor networks with software-defined constructs where the network area is divided into some zones. Energy-efficient transmission tree(s) are constructed in the geocast area to organize the flow of data packets and their links. Therefore, redundancy in the transmission is eliminated while maintaining network throughput as good as regular flooding. This proposed technique significantly reduces energy cost and improves nodes' lifetime to function for higher time duration and produce a higher data packet delivery ratio. To the best of the author's knowledge, this is the first work on geocast in SD-WSNs

    Co-operative sensor localization using maximum likelihood estimation algorithm

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    In wireless sensor networks, self-localizing sensors are required in a wide variety of applications, from environmental monitoring and manufacturing logistics to geographic routing. In sensor networks which measure high-dimensional data, data localization is also a means to visualize the relationships between sensors’ high dimensional data in a low-dimensional display.This thesis considers both to be part of the general problem of estimating the coordinates of networked sensors. Sensor network localization is ‘cooperative’ in the sense that sensors work locally, with neighboring sensors in the network, to measure relative location, and then estimate a global map of the network.The choice of sensor measurement technology plays a major role in the network’s localization accuracy, energy and bandwidth efficiency, and device cost. This thesis considers measurements of time-of-arrival(TOA), received signal strength (RSS), quantized received signal strength (QRSS), and connectivity. I have taken the simulated data taking varity position of the sensor. From these different position the Cram´er-Rao lower bounds on the variance possible from unbiased location estimators are derived and studied. In this CRB calculation I have taken the RSS case only. Maximum Likelihood estimation algorithm is studied and applied for a particular node position

    Localization and security algorithms for wireless sensor networks and the usage of signals of opportunity

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    In this dissertation we consider the problem of localization of wireless devices in environments and applications where GPS (Global Positioning System) is not a viable option. The _x000C_rst part of the dissertation studies a novel positioning system based on narrowband radio frequency (RF) signals of opportunity, and develops near optimum estimation algorithms for localization of a mobile receiver. It is assumed that a reference receiver (RR) with known position is available to aid with the positioning of the mobile receiver (MR). The new positioning system is reminiscent of GPS and involves two similar estimation problems. The _x000C_rst is localization using estimates of time-di_x000B_erence of arrival (TDOA). The second is TDOA estimation based on the received narrowband signals at the RR and the MR. In both cases near optimum estimation algorithms are developed in the sense of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) under some mild assumptions, and both algorithms compute approximate MLEs in the form of a weighted least-squares (WLS) solution. The proposed positioning system is illustrated with simulation studies based on FM radio signals. The numerical results show that the position errors are comparable to those of other positioning systems, including GPS. Next, we present a novel algorithm for localization of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) called distributed randomized gradient descent (DRGD), and prove that in the case of noise-free distance measurements, the algorithm converges and provides the true location of the nodes. For noisy distance measurements, the convergence properties of DRGD are discussed and an error bound on the location estimation error is obtained. In contrast to several recently proposed methods, DRGD does not require that blind nodes be contained in the convex hull of the anchor nodes, and can accurately localize the network with only a few anchors. Performance of DRGD is evaluated through extensive simulations and compared with three other algorithms, namely the relaxation-based second order cone programming (SOCP), the simulated annealing (SA), and the semi-de_x000C_nite programing (SDP) procedures. Similar to DRGD, SOCP and SA are distributed algorithms, whereas SDP is centralized. The results show that DRGD successfully localizes the nodes in all the cases, whereas in many cases SOCP and SA fail. We also present a modi_x000C_cation of DRGD for mobile WSNs and demonstrate the e_x000E_cacy of DRGD for localization of mobile networks with several simulation results. We then extend this method for secure localization in the presence of outlier distance measurements or distance spoo_x000C_ng attacks. In this case we present a centralized algorithm to estimate the position of the nodes in WSNs, where outlier distance measurements may be present

    Robust Wireless Localization in Harsh Mixed Line-of-Sight/Non-Line-of-Sight Environments

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    This PhD thesis considers the problem of locating some target nodes in different wireless infrastructures such as wireless cellular radio networks and wireless sensor networks. To be as realistic as possible, mixed line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight (LOS/NLOS) localization environment is introduced. Both the conventional non-cooperative localization and the new emerging cooperative localization have been studied thoroughly. Owing to the random nature of the measurements, probabilistic methods are more advanced as compared to the old-fashioned geometric methods. The gist behind the probabilistic methods is to infer the unknown positions of the target nodes in an estimation process, given a set of noisy position related measurements, a probabilistic measurement model, and a few known reference positions. In contrast to the majority of the existing methods, harsh but practical constraints are taken into account: neither offline calibration nor non-line-of-sight state identification is equipped in the desired localization system. This leads to incomplete knowledge about the measurement error statistics making the inference task extremely challenging. Two new classes of localization algorithms have been proposed to jointly estimate the positions and measurement error statistics. All unknown parameters are assumed to be deterministic, and maximum likelihood estimator is sought after throughout this thesis. The first class of algorithms assumes no knowledge about the measurement error distribution and adopts a nonparametric modeling. The idea is to alternate between a pdf estimation step, which approximates the exact measurement error pdf via adaptive kernel density estimation, and a parameter estimation step, which resolves a position estimate numerically from an approximated log-likelihood function. The computational complexity of this class of algorithms scales quadratically in the number of measurements. Hence, the first class of algorithms is applicable primarily for non-cooperative localization in wireless cellular radio networks. In order to reduce the computational complexity, a second class of algorithms resorts to approximate the measurement error distribution parametrically as a linear combination of Gaussian distributions. Iterative algorithms that alternate between updating the position(s) and other parameters have been developed with the aid of expectation-maximization (EM), expectation conditional maximization (ECM) and joint maximum a posterior-maximum likelihood (JMAP-ML) criteria. As a consequence, the computational complexity turns out to scale linearly in the number of measurements. Hence, the second class of algorithms is also applicable for cooperative localization in wireless sensor networks. Apart from the algorithm design, systematical analyses in terms of Cramer-Rao lower bound, computational complexity, and communication energy consumption have also been conducted for comprehensive algorithm evaluations. Simulation and experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed algorithms all tend to achieve the fundamental limits of the localization accuracy for large data records and outperform their competitors by far when model mismatch problems can be ignored