58 research outputs found


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    The article covers 3092 publications on myopia research in global level from the period of 2016-2018.Web of science database has been used to retrieve the scientometric records for the study period.The trends within the most influential publications and authors were analyzed. The aim of this study was to analyze the year wise distribution of articles & citations, authorship pattern of articles, most productive countries and institutions and type of document published. From the analysis, it has been observed that in the year 2016, the highest number of 1085(35.1%) articles were published out of 3092 articles in three years. Multiple author contributions were more dominant with 2879(93.11%) articles. In geographical distribution articles, United States of America have contributed the highest number of 769 articles with 24.9%.The study discloses that the Degree of Collaboration was low at 2017 (0.91), regarding collaborators contribution. The study analyzes the Relative Growth Rate (RGR) has increased from 2016 to 2018 in the span of three years. Doubling time (DT) has rapidly decreased when calculated year wise, i.e.2016 to 2018

    Indian contribution status of the cataract research: a bibliometric analysis

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    Based on cataract research data obtained from the Scopus database, it is comprehended that 3673 (3.93 % global share) researched articles from India on cataract had been published till 2017, which place India on 6th position in the world in terms of research paper output. About 62.13 % of the Indian publications appeared during the period 2008-2017. L.V. Prasad Eye Institute India and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi was the most productive as they had been publishing the highest number of papers, i.e., 424 and 385, respectively. About 38.71% Indian publications are a result of international collaboration with 116 countries

    Análise bibliométrica de periódicos científicos relacionados à optometria na Colômbia (2014-2019)

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    Introduction: Health Sciences are a branch of science of great social and economic interest. A bibliometric analysis of scientific journals related to optometry in Colombia can contribute to improving the level of research in this field. Aim: to recognize the bibliometric behavior of scientific journals related to Optometry, published in Colombia, during the period 2014 - 2019. Material and methods: a descriptive-retrospective bibliometric analysis was carried out with cross section of 241 publications made in the five scientific journals related to Optometry existing in the country. Results: it was found that the prevalent subject area in the articles reviewed was Diagnosis and Treatment. Multi-authorship from 2 to 5 authors is preponderant. Scientific journals have high isolates. Citations in a language other than Spanish exceeded 50% in the 5 magazines. The most used specific design was the descriptive cross section. Type of document most used was research. The descriptor with the highest appearance was Retina. Conclusion: it can be affirmed that in Colombia there are few bibliometric studies in the area of ​​Optometry; In the country, it has been possible to develop a group of scientific journals that give visibility to the results of research carried out, mainly at the national level. The papers resulting from these investigations can be improved in terms of openness, research design and updating of citation sources.Introducción: las Ciencias de la Salud constituyen una rama de la ciencia de gran interés social y económico, por lo que, un análisis bibliométrico de las revistas científicas afines a optometría en Colombia puede aportar a mejorar el nivel de la investigación en este campo. Objetivo general de la investigación: reconocer el comportamiento bibliométrico de las revistas científicas afines a Optometría, publicadas en Colombia, durante el periodo 2014 – 2019. Materiales y métodos: se llevó a cabo un análisis bibliométrico descriptivo-retrospectivo con corte transversal de 241 publicaciones realizadas en las cinco revistas científicas afines a Optometría existentes en el país. Resultados: se halló que el área temática prevalente en los artículos revisados fue Diagnóstico y Tratamiento. Es preponderante la multi autoría de 2 a 5 autores. Las revistas poseen aislamientos altos. Las citas en otro idioma diferente al español superaron el 50% en todas las revistas analizadas. El diseño específico más utilizado fue el descriptivo de corte transversal. Tipo de documento más empleado fue investigación. El descriptor con mayor aparición fue Retina. Conclusión: se pude afirmar que en Colombia existen pocos estudios bibliométricos en el área de Optometría; en el país, se ha logrado desarrollar un grupo de revistas que dan visibilidad a los resultados de investigaciones hechas, principalmente, a nivel nacional. Estás investigaciones y, por ende, los artículos resultantes de ellas pueden ser mejorados en cuanto a niveles de apertura, diseño de investigación y actualización de fuentes de citación.Introdução: As Ciências da Saúde constituem um ramo da ciência de grande interesse social e econômico, portanto, uma análise bibliométrica das revistas científicas relacionadas com a optometria na Colômbia pode contribuir para melhorar o nível de pesquisa nesta área. Objetivo geral da pesquisa: reconhecer o comportamento bibliométrico das revistas científicas relacionadas à Optometria, publicadas na Colômbia, durante o período de 2014 a 2019. Materiais e métodos: foi realizada uma análise bibliométrica descritiva-retrospectiva com um corte transversal de 241 publicações realizadas nas cinco revistas científicas relacionadas à optometria existentes no país. Resultados: constatou-se que a área temática prevalente nos artigos revisados ​​foi Diagnóstico e Tratamento. A multi-autoria de 2 a 5 autores é predominante. As revistas têm altos isolamentos. As citações em outro idioma que não o espanhol ultrapassaram 50% em todas as revistas analisadas. O desenho específico mais utilizado foi o desenho transversal descritivo. O tipo de documento mais utilizado foi a pesquisa. O descritor com a aparência mais alta foi Retina. Conclusão: pode-se afirmar que na Colômbia existem poucos estudos bibliométricos na área de Optometria; No país, tem sido possível desenvolver um conjunto de periódicos que dão visibilidade aos resultados de pesquisas realizadas principalmente em âmbito nacional. Essas investigações e, portanto, os artigos delas resultantes podem ser aprimorados em termos de níveis de abertura, desenho da pesquisa e atualização das fontes de citação

    Prevalence of Ametropia, Amblyopia and visual impairment in schoolchildren in Ireland

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    Background: Uncorrected refractive error is an avoidable cause of visual impairment (Naidoo et al., 2016). Currently, there is a lack of adequate data on eye and vision disorders in schoolchildren in Ireland. Accurate prevalence estimates of refractive error and vision disorders are necessary to determine their impact on public health and to assess the need for interventions (McCarty and Taylor, 2000). Purpose: This study reports the prevalence of ametropia, presenting visual impairment, amblyopia and provides population norms for ocular biometric measures in schoolchildren in Ireland. Links between refractive error and demographic and lifestyle factors were investigated. The impact of poor presenting vision, on participants’ educational performance, was also examined. Methods: The Ireland Eye Study examined 1,626 children (881 boys, 745 girls) in two age groups, 6-7 years (728) and 12-13 years (898), in the Republic of Ireland (henceforth Ireland) between June 2016 and January 2018. Participating schools were selected by stratified random sampling, representing a mix of school type (primary/post-primary), location (urban/rural) and socioeconomic status (disadvantaged/advantaged). Parents completed a questionnaire which provided information on participants’ lifestyle and participants’ school performance. Examination included monocular logMAR visual acuity (both presenting with spectacles if worn and through a pinhole), cycloplegic auto-refraction (Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride 1%), non-contact ocular biometry (IOLMaster), and ocular alignment (cover test). Results: The prevalence of myopia (≤-0.50 D), hyperopia (≥+2.00 D), and astigmatism (≥1.00 DC) in 6-7-year-olds was 3.3%, 25.0%, 19.2%, respectively, and amongst 12-13-year-old children, 19.9%, 8.9% and 15.9%, respectively. Astigmatism axes were mostly with-the-rule (80.3%). The prevalence of presenting visual impairment in the “better ii eye” (≥0.3logMAR, with spectacles, if worn) was 3.7% amongst younger and 3.4% amongst older participants and associated with Traveller and non-White ethnicity. Amblyopia prevalence (pin-hole visual acuity ≥0.3logMAR plus an amblyogenic factor), was high (6-7 years 5.5%, 12-13 years 3.7%) compared to other studies. Amblyopia prevalence was primarily due to uncorrected refractive error. Compliance with spectacle wear, socioeconomic disadvantage and sedentary lifestyle were also contributing factors. Factors associated with myopia included age group, ethnicity, screen-time, time spent outdoors during daylight, obesity and sedentary lifestyle. Astigmatism was significantly associated with visual impairment and amblyopia. Time spent outdoors during daylight in summer was associated with a significantly less myopic SER and shorter axial length in White participants. Poor educational performance was associated with presenting visual impairment and amblyopia

    Child Eye Health in Nampula, Mozambique and Ireland

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    To examine child eye health, in particular, visual impairment (VI), uncorrected refractive error (URE) and strabismus in two targeted cohorts of children in Mozambique and Ireland

    Big Data: Potential as an Ocular Epidemiology and Public Health Tool

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    Refractive error is a significant cause of vision impairment both through the limited access to correction in some areas and the associated ocular diseases for which refractive errors are risk factors. Having timely, regular access to population level estimates of refractive error and vision impairment is necessary to adequately plan public health resources and resource appropriate interventions. A lack of access to current and regularly updated refractive error and vision impairment prevalence data has been identified as a significant limitation in predicting future population trends with many countries lacking any prevalence data or available data being outdated. This project addresses this gap by utilising the untapped potential of Big Data in the form of spectacle lens sales data and optometric electronic medical record data and assesses the potential of these data sources as a public health tool. Chapter 5 contains a review of the application of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to the field of eyecare and describes the revolutionary potential these new technologies may hold. Chapter 6 describes the data used in this project and the steps taken to acquire and clean the data. Chapter 7 and 8 compare the prevalence of refractive error found using spectacle lens sales data and optometric electronic medical record data to a large population survey of refractive error and demonstrate that with careful analysis an accurate estimation of population distribution of refractive error can be obtained from both types of data. Chapter 8 also estimates the likely level of vision impairment by age 75 given the distribution of myopia in the spectacle lens sales data. Chapter 9 analyses visual acuity data within the optometric electronic medical records which allowed the optimum recall interval and visual acuity threshold for driving licence renewal to be determined. Chapter 10 provides a summary and conclusion on the work, and contains recommendations for future research

    Visual Impairment and Blindness

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    Blindness and vision impairment affect at least 2.2 billion people worldwide with most individuals having a preventable vision impairment. The majority of people with vision impairment are older than 50 years, however, vision loss can affect people of all ages. Reduced eyesight can have major and long-lasting effects on all aspects of life, including daily personal activities, interacting with the community, school and work opportunities, and the ability to access public services. This book provides an overview of the effects of blindness and visual impairment in the context of the most common causes of blindness in older adults as well as children, including retinal disorders, cataracts, glaucoma, and macular or corneal degeneration

    ResearchNews, Volume 7, 2014

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    Ocular Surface Infection and Antimicrobials

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    This reprint collates papers from a Special Issue of the journal Antibiotics, which was entitled "Ocular surface Infection and Antimicrobials". The papers cover aspects such as common microbes which cause ocular infections and their susceptibility to antibiotics; how guidelines for antibiotic use can translate to improved patient compliance; how bacteria respond to antibiotics; and lastly, new treatments and ways of preventing ocular surface infections