277 research outputs found

    Investigation into voltage and process variation-aware manufacturing test

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    Increasing integration and complexity in IC design provides challenges for manufacturing testing. This thesis studies how process and supply voltage variation influence defect behaviour to determine the impact on manufacturing test cost and quality. The focus is on logic testing of static CMOS designs with respect to two important defect types in deep submicron CMOS: resistive bridges and full opens. The first part of the thesis addresses testing for resistive bridge defects in designs with multiple supply voltage settings. To enable analysis, a fault simulator is developed using a supply voltage-aware model for bridge defect behaviour. The analysis shows that for high defect coverage it is necessary to perform test for more than one supply voltage setting, due to supply voltage-dependent behaviour. A low-cost and effective test method is presented consisting of multi-voltage test generation that achieves high defect coverage and test set size reduction without compromise to defect coverage. Experiments on synthesised benchmarks with realistic bridge locations validate the proposed method.The second part focuses on the behaviour of full open defects under supply voltage variation. The aim is to determine the appropriate value of supply voltage to use when testing. Two models are considered for the behaviour of full open defects with and without gate tunnelling leakage influence. Analysis of the supply voltage-dependent behaviour of full open defects is performed to determine if it is required to test using more than one supply voltage to detect all full open defects. Experiments on synthesised benchmarks using an extended version of the fault simulator tool mentioned above, measure the quantitative impact of supply voltage variation on defect coverage.The final part studies the impact of process variation on the behaviour of bridge defects. Detailed analysis using synthesised ISCAS benchmarks and realistic bridge model shows that process variation leads to additional faults. If process variation is not considered in test generation, the test will fail to detect some of these faults, which leads to test escapes. A novel metric to quantify the impact of process variation on test quality is employed in the development of a new test generation tool, which achieves high bridge defect coverage. The method achieves a user-specified test quality with test sets which are smaller than test sets generated without consideration of process variation

    Reliability-aware circuit design to mitigate impact of device defects and variability in emerging memristor-based applications

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    In the last decades, semiconductor industry has fostered a fast downscale in technology, propelling the large scale integration of CMOS-based systems. The benefits in miniaturization are numerous, highlighting faster switching frequency, lower voltage supply and higher device density. However, this aggressive scaling trend it has not been without challenges, such as leakage currents, yield reduction or the increase in the overall system power dissipation. New materials, changes in the device structures and new architectures are key to keep the miniaturization trend. It is foreseen that 2D integration will eventually come to an insurmountable physical and economic limit, in which new strategic directions are required, such as the development of new device structures, 3D architectures or heterogeneous systems that takes advantage of the best of different technologies, both the ones already consolidated as well as emergent ones that provide performance and efficiency improvements in applications. In this context, memristor arises as one of several candidates in the race to find suitable emergent devices. Memristor, a blend of the words memory and resistor, is a passive device postulated by Leon Chua in 1971. In contrast with the other fundamental passive elements, memristors have the distinctive feature of modifying their resistance according to the charge that passes through these devices, and remaining unaltered when charge no longer flows. Although when it appeared no physical device implementation was acknowledged, HP Labs claimed in 2008 the manufacture of the first real memristor. This milestone triggered an unexpectedly high research activity about memristors, both in searching new materials and structures as well as in potential applications. Nowadays, memristors are not only appreciated in memory systems by their nonvolatile storage properties, but in many other fields, such as digital computing, signal processing circuits, or non-conventional applications like neuromorphic computing or chaotic circuits. In spite of their promising features, memristors show a primarily downside: they show significant device variation and limited lifetime due degradation compared with other alternatives. This Thesis explores the challenges that memristor variation and malfunction imposes in potential applications. The main goal is to propose circuits and strategies that either avoid reliability problems or take advantage of them. Throughout a collection of scenarios in which reliability issues are present, their impact is studied by means of simulations. This thesis is contextualized and their objectives are exposed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 the memristor is introduced, at both conceptual and experimental levels, and different compact levels are presented to be later used in simulations. Chapter 3 deepens in the phenomena that causes the lack of reliability in memristors, and models that include these defects in simulations are provided. The rest of the Thesis covers different applications. Therefore, Chapter 4 exhibits nonvolatile memory systems, and specifically an online test method for faulty cells. Digital computing is presented in Chapter 5, where a solution for the yield reduction in logic operations due to memristors variability is proposed. Lastly, Chapter 6 reviews applications in the analog domain, and it focuses in the exploitation of results observed in faulty memristor-based interconnect mediums for chaotic systems synchronization purposes. Finally, the Thesis concludes in Chapter 7 along with perspectives about future work.Este trabajo desarrolla un novedoso dispositivo condensador basado en el uso de la nanotecnología. El dispositivo parte del concepto existente de metal-aislador-metal (MIM), pero en lugar de una capa aislante continua, se utilizan nanopartículas dieléctricas. Las nanopartículas son principalmente de óxido de silicio (sílice) y poliestireno (PS) y los valores de diámetro son 255nm y 295nm respectivamente. Las nanopartículas contribuyen a una alta relación superficie/volumen y están fácilmente disponibles a bajo costo. La tecnología de depósito desarrollada en este trabajo se basa en la técnica de electrospray, que es una tecnología de fabricación ascendente (bottom-up) que permite el procesamiento por lotes y logra un buen compromiso entre una gran superficie y un bajo tiempo de depósito. Con el objetivo de aumentar la superficie de depósito, la configuración de electrospray ha sido ajustada para permitir áreas de depósito de 1cm2 a 25cm2. El dispositivo fabricado, los llamados condensadores de metal aislante de nanopartículas (NP-MIM) ofrecen valores de capacidad más altos que un condensador convencional similar con una capa aislante continua. En el caso de los NP-MIM de sílice, se alcanza un factor de hasta 1000 de mejora de la capacidad, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno exhibe una ganancia de capacidad en el rango de 11. Además, los NP-MIM de sílice muestran comportamientos capacitivos en específicos rangos de frecuencias que depende de la humedad y el grosor de la capa de nanopartículas, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno siempre mantienen su comportamiento capacitivo. Los dispositivos fabricados se han caracterizado mediante medidas de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) complementadas con perforaciones de haz de iones focalizados (FIB) para caracterizar la topografía de los NP-MIMs. Los dispositivos también se han caracterizado por medidas de espectroscopia de impedancia, a diferentes temperaturas y humedades. El origen de la capacitancia aumentada está asociado en parte a la humedad en las interfaces de las nanopartículas. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de un circuito basado en elementos distribuidos para ajustar y predecir el comportamiento eléctrico de los NP-MIMs. En resumen, esta tesis muestra el diseño, fabricación, caracterización y modelización de un nuevo y prometedor condensador nanopartículas metal-aislante-metal que puede abrir el camino al desarrollo de una nueva tecnología de supercondensadores MIM

    Reliability-aware circuit design to mitigate impact of device defects and variability in emerging memristor-based applications

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    In the last decades, semiconductor industry has fostered a fast downscale in technology, propelling the large scale integration of CMOS-based systems. The benefits in miniaturization are numerous, highlighting faster switching frequency, lower voltage supply and higher device density. However, this aggressive scaling trend it has not been without challenges, such as leakage currents, yield reduction or the increase in the overall system power dissipation. New materials, changes in the device structures and new architectures are key to keep the miniaturization trend. It is foreseen that 2D integration will eventually come to an insurmountable physical and economic limit, in which new strategic directions are required, such as the development of new device structures, 3D architectures or heterogeneous systems that takes advantage of the best of different technologies, both the ones already consolidated as well as emergent ones that provide performance and efficiency improvements in applications. In this context, memristor arises as one of several candidates in the race to find suitable emergent devices. Memristor, a blend of the words memory and resistor, is a passive device postulated by Leon Chua in 1971. In contrast with the other fundamental passive elements, memristors have the distinctive feature of modifying their resistance according to the charge that passes through these devices, and remaining unaltered when charge no longer flows. Although when it appeared no physical device implementation was acknowledged, HP Labs claimed in 2008 the manufacture of the first real memristor. This milestone triggered an unexpectedly high research activity about memristors, both in searching new materials and structures as well as in potential applications. Nowadays, memristors are not only appreciated in memory systems by their nonvolatile storage properties, but in many other fields, such as digital computing, signal processing circuits, or non-conventional applications like neuromorphic computing or chaotic circuits. In spite of their promising features, memristors show a primarily downside: they show significant device variation and limited lifetime due degradation compared with other alternatives. This Thesis explores the challenges that memristor variation and malfunction imposes in potential applications. The main goal is to propose circuits and strategies that either avoid reliability problems or take advantage of them. Throughout a collection of scenarios in which reliability issues are present, their impact is studied by means of simulations. This thesis is contextualized and their objectives are exposed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 the memristor is introduced, at both conceptual and experimental levels, and different compact levels are presented to be later used in simulations. Chapter 3 deepens in the phenomena that causes the lack of reliability in memristors, and models that include these defects in simulations are provided. The rest of the Thesis covers different applications. Therefore, Chapter 4 exhibits nonvolatile memory systems, and specifically an online test method for faulty cells. Digital computing is presented in Chapter 5, where a solution for the yield reduction in logic operations due to memristors variability is proposed. Lastly, Chapter 6 reviews applications in the analog domain, and it focuses in the exploitation of results observed in faulty memristor-based interconnect mediums for chaotic systems synchronization purposes. Finally, the Thesis concludes in Chapter 7 along with perspectives about future work.Este trabajo desarrolla un novedoso dispositivo condensador basado en el uso de la nanotecnología. El dispositivo parte del concepto existente de metal-aislador-metal (MIM), pero en lugar de una capa aislante continua, se utilizan nanopartículas dieléctricas. Las nanopartículas son principalmente de óxido de silicio (sílice) y poliestireno (PS) y los valores de diámetro son 255nm y 295nm respectivamente. Las nanopartículas contribuyen a una alta relación superficie/volumen y están fácilmente disponibles a bajo costo. La tecnología de depósito desarrollada en este trabajo se basa en la técnica de electrospray, que es una tecnología de fabricación ascendente (bottom-up) que permite el procesamiento por lotes y logra un buen compromiso entre una gran superficie y un bajo tiempo de depósito. Con el objetivo de aumentar la superficie de depósito, la configuración de electrospray ha sido ajustada para permitir áreas de depósito de 1cm2 a 25cm2. El dispositivo fabricado, los llamados condensadores de metal aislante de nanopartículas (NP-MIM) ofrecen valores de capacidad más altos que un condensador convencional similar con una capa aislante continua. En el caso de los NP-MIM de sílice, se alcanza un factor de hasta 1000 de mejora de la capacidad, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno exhibe una ganancia de capacidad en el rango de 11. Además, los NP-MIM de sílice muestran comportamientos capacitivos en específicos rangos de frecuencias que depende de la humedad y el grosor de la capa de nanopartículas, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno siempre mantienen su comportamiento capacitivo. Los dispositivos fabricados se han caracterizado mediante medidas de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) complementadas con perforaciones de haz de iones focalizados (FIB) para caracterizar la topografía de los NP-MIMs. Los dispositivos también se han caracterizado por medidas de espectroscopia de impedancia, a diferentes temperaturas y humedades. El origen de la capacitancia aumentada está asociado en parte a la humedad en las interfaces de las nanopartículas. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de un circuito basado en elementos distribuidos para ajustar y predecir el comportamiento eléctrico de los NP-MIMs. En resumen, esta tesis muestra el diseño, fabricación, caracterización y modelización de un nuevo y prometedor condensador nanopartículas metal-aislante-metal que puede abrir el camino al desarrollo de una nueva tecnología de supercondensadores MIM

    Reliability-aware circuit design to mitigate impact of device defects and variability in emerging memristor-based applications

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    In the last decades, semiconductor industry has fostered a fast downscale in technology, propelling the large scale integration of CMOS-based systems. The benefits in miniaturization are numerous, highlighting faster switching frequency, lower voltage supply and higher device density. However, this aggressive scaling trend it has not been without challenges, such as leakage currents, yield reduction or the increase in the overall system power dissipation. New materials, changes in the device structures and new architectures are key to keep the miniaturization trend. It is foreseen that 2D integration will eventually come to an insurmountable physical and economic limit, in which new strategic directions are required, such as the development of new device structures, 3D architectures or heterogeneous systems that takes advantage of the best of different technologies, both the ones already consolidated as well as emergent ones that provide performance and efficiency improvements in applications. In this context, memristor arises as one of several candidates in the race to find suitable emergent devices. Memristor, a blend of the words memory and resistor, is a passive device postulated by Leon Chua in 1971. In contrast with the other fundamental passive elements, memristors have the distinctive feature of modifying their resistance according to the charge that passes through these devices, and remaining unaltered when charge no longer flows. Although when it appeared no physical device implementation was acknowledged, HP Labs claimed in 2008 the manufacture of the first real memristor. This milestone triggered an unexpectedly high research activity about memristors, both in searching new materials and structures as well as in potential applications. Nowadays, memristors are not only appreciated in memory systems by their nonvolatile storage properties, but in many other fields, such as digital computing, signal processing circuits, or non-conventional applications like neuromorphic computing or chaotic circuits. In spite of their promising features, memristors show a primarily downside: they show significant device variation and limited lifetime due degradation compared with other alternatives. This Thesis explores the challenges that memristor variation and malfunction imposes in potential applications. The main goal is to propose circuits and strategies that either avoid reliability problems or take advantage of them. Throughout a collection of scenarios in which reliability issues are present, their impact is studied by means of simulations. This thesis is contextualized and their objectives are exposed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 the memristor is introduced, at both conceptual and experimental levels, and different compact levels are presented to be later used in simulations. Chapter 3 deepens in the phenomena that causes the lack of reliability in memristors, and models that include these defects in simulations are provided. The rest of the Thesis covers different applications. Therefore, Chapter 4 exhibits nonvolatile memory systems, and specifically an online test method for faulty cells. Digital computing is presented in Chapter 5, where a solution for the yield reduction in logic operations due to memristors variability is proposed. Lastly, Chapter 6 reviews applications in the analog domain, and it focuses in the exploitation of results observed in faulty memristor-based interconnect mediums for chaotic systems synchronization purposes. Finally, the Thesis concludes in Chapter 7 along with perspectives about future work.Este trabajo desarrolla un novedoso dispositivo condensador basado en el uso de la nanotecnología. El dispositivo parte del concepto existente de metal-aislador-metal (MIM), pero en lugar de una capa aislante continua, se utilizan nanopartículas dieléctricas. Las nanopartículas son principalmente de óxido de silicio (sílice) y poliestireno (PS) y los valores de diámetro son 255nm y 295nm respectivamente. Las nanopartículas contribuyen a una alta relación superficie/volumen y están fácilmente disponibles a bajo costo. La tecnología de depósito desarrollada en este trabajo se basa en la técnica de electrospray, que es una tecnología de fabricación ascendente (bottom-up) que permite el procesamiento por lotes y logra un buen compromiso entre una gran superficie y un bajo tiempo de depósito. Con el objetivo de aumentar la superficie de depósito, la configuración de electrospray ha sido ajustada para permitir áreas de depósito de 1cm2 a 25cm2. El dispositivo fabricado, los llamados condensadores de metal aislante de nanopartículas (NP-MIM) ofrecen valores de capacidad más altos que un condensador convencional similar con una capa aislante continua. En el caso de los NP-MIM de sílice, se alcanza un factor de hasta 1000 de mejora de la capacidad, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno exhibe una ganancia de capacidad en el rango de 11. Además, los NP-MIM de sílice muestran comportamientos capacitivos en específicos rangos de frecuencias que depende de la humedad y el grosor de la capa de nanopartículas, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno siempre mantienen su comportamiento capacitivo. Los dispositivos fabricados se han caracterizado mediante medidas de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) complementadas con perforaciones de haz de iones focalizados (FIB) para caracterizar la topografía de los NP-MIMs. Los dispositivos también se han caracterizado por medidas de espectroscopia de impedancia, a diferentes temperaturas y humedades. El origen de la capacitancia aumentada está asociado en parte a la humedad en las interfaces de las nanopartículas. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de un circuito basado en elementos distribuidos para ajustar y predecir el comportamiento eléctrico de los NP-MIMs. En resumen, esta tesis muestra el diseño, fabricación, caracterización y modelización de un nuevo y prometedor condensador nanopartículas metal-aislante-metal que puede abrir el camino al desarrollo de una nueva tecnología de supercondensadores MIM.Postprint (published version

    A Comprehensive Fault Model for Concurrent Error Detection in MOS Circuits

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    Naval Electronics Sys. Comm. and Office of Naval Research / N00039-80-C-0556Ope

    Characterization of Interconnection Delays in FPGAS Due to Single Event Upsets and Mitigation

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    RÉSUMÉ L’utilisation incessante de composants électroniques à géométrie toujours plus faible a engendré de nouveaux défis au fil des ans. Par exemple, des semi-conducteurs à mémoire et à microprocesseur plus avancés sont utilisés dans les systèmes avioniques qui présentent une susceptibilité importante aux phénomènes de rayonnement cosmique. L'une des principales implications des rayons cosmiques, observée principalement dans les satellites en orbite, est l'effet d'événements singuliers (SEE). Le rayonnement atmosphérique suscite plusieurs préoccupations concernant la sécurité et la fiabilité de l'équipement avionique, en particulier pour les systèmes qui impliquent des réseaux de portes programmables (FPGA). Les FPGA à base de cellules de mémoire statique (SRAM) présentent une solution attrayante pour mettre en oeuvre des systèmes complexes dans le domaine de l’avionique. Les expériences de rayonnement réalisées sur les FPGA ont dévoilé la vulnérabilité de ces dispositifs contre un type particulier de SEE, à savoir, les événements singuliers de changement d’état (SEU). Un SEU est considérée comme le changement de l'état d'un élément bistable (c'est-à-dire, un bit-flip) dû à l'effet d'un ion, d'un proton ou d’un neutron énergétique. Cet effet est non destructif et peut être corrigé en réécrivant la partie de la SRAM affectée. Les changements de délai (DC) potentiels dus aux SEU affectant la mémoire de configuration de routage ont été récemment confirmés. Un des objectifs de cette thèse consiste à caractériser plus précisément les DC dans les FPGA causés par les SEU. Les DC observés expérimentalement sont présentés et la modélisation au niveau circuit de ces DC est proposée. Les circuits impliqués dans la propagation du délai sont validés en effectuant une modélisation précise des blocs internes à l'intérieur du FPGA et en exécutant des simulations. Les résultats montrent l’origine des DC qui sont en accord avec les mesures expérimentales de délais. Les modèles proposés au niveau circuit sont, aux meilleures de notre connaissance, le premier travail qui confirme et explique les délais combinatoires dans les FPGA. La conception d'un circuit moniteur de délai pour la détection des DC a été faite dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse. Ce moniteur permet de détecter un changement de délai sur les sections critiques du circuit et de prévenir les pannes de synchronisation engendrées par les SEU sans utiliser la redondance modulaire triple (TMR).----------ABSTRACT The unrelenting demand for electronic components with ever diminishing feature size have emerged new challenges over the years. Among them, more advanced memory and microprocessor semiconductors are being used in avionic systems that exhibit a substantial susceptibility to cosmic radiation phenomena. One of the main implications of cosmic rays, which was primarily observed in orbiting satellites, is single-event effect (SEE). Atmospheric radiation causes several concerns regarding the safety and reliability of avionics equipment, particularly for systems that involve field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). SRAM-based FPGAs, as an attractive solution to implement systems in aeronautic sector, are very susceptible to SEEs in particular Single Event Upset (SEU). An SEU is considered as the change of the state of a bistable element (i.e., bit-flip) due to the effect of an energetic ion or proton. This effect is non-destructive and may be fixed by rewriting the affected part. Sensitivity evaluation of SRAM-based FPGAs to a physical impact such as potential delay changes (DC) has not been addressed thus far in the literature. DCs induced by SEU can affect the functionality of the logic circuits by disturbing the race condition on critical paths. The objective of this thesis is toward the characterization of DCs in SRAM-based FPGAs due to transient ionizing radiation. The DCs observed experimentally are presented and the circuit-level modeling of those DCs is proposed. Circuits involved in delay propagation are reverse-engineered by performing precise modeling of internal blocks inside the FPGA and executing simulations. The results show the root cause of DCs that are in good agreement with experimental delay measurements. The proposed circuit level models are, to the best of our knowledge, the first work on modeling of combinational delays in FPGAs.In addition, the design of a delay monitor circuit for DC detection is investigated in the second part of this thesis. This monitor allowed to show experimentally cumulative DCs on interconnects in FPGA. To this end, by avoiding the use of triple modular redundancy (TMR), a mitigation technique for DCs is proposed and the system downtime is minimized. A method is also proposed to decrease the clock frequency after DC detection without interrupting the process

    Physical Aspects of VLSI Design with a Focus on Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuit Applications

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    This work is on three-dimensional integration (3DI), and physical problems and aspects of VLSI design. Miniaturization and highly complex integrated systems in microelectronics have led to the 3DI development as a promising technological approach. 3DI offers numerous advantages: Size, power consumption, hybrid integration etc., with more thermal problems and physical complexity as trade-offs. We open this work by presenting the design and testing of an example 3DI system, to our knowledge the first self-powering system in a three-dimensional SOI technology. The system uses ambient optical energy harvested by a photodiode array and stored in an integrated capacitor. An on-chip metal interconnect network, beyond its designed role, behaves as a parasitic load vulnerable to electromagnetic coupling. We have developed a spatially-dependent, transient Green's Function based method of calculating the response of an interconnect network to noise. This efficient method can model network delays and noise sensitivity, which are involved problems in both planar and especially in 3DICs. Three-dimensional systems are more susceptible to thermal problems, which also affect VLSI with high power densities, of complex systems and under extreme temperatures. We analytically and experimentally investigate thermal effects in ICs. We study the effects of non-uniform, non-isotropic thermal conductivity of the typically complex IC material system, with a simulator we developed including this complexity. Through our simulations, verified by experiments, we propose a method of cooling or directionally heating IC regions. 3DICs are suited for developing wireless sensor networks, commonly referred to as ``smart dust.'' The ideal smart dust node includes RF communication circuits with on-chip passive components. We present an experimental study of on-chip inductors and transformers as integrated passives. We also demonstrate the performance improvement in 3DI with its lower capacitive loads. 3DI technology is just one example of the intense development in today's electronics, which maintains the need for educational methods to assist student recruitment into technology, to prepare students for a demanding technological landscape, and to raise societal awareness of technology. We conclude this work by presenting three electrical engineering curricula we designed and implemented, targeting these needs among others

    Circuit Techniques for Low-Power and Secure Internet-of-Things Systems

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    The coming of Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to connect the physical world to the cyber world through ubiquitous sensors, actuators and computers. The nature of these applications demand long battery life and strong data security. To connect billions of things in the world, the hardware platform for IoT systems must be optimized towards low power consumption, high energy efficiency and low cost. With these constraints, the security of IoT systems become a even more difficult problem compared to that of computer systems. A new holistic system design considering both hardware and software implementations is demanded to face these new challenges. In this work, highly robust and low-cost true random number generators (TRNGs) and physically unclonable functions (PUFs) are designed and implemented as security primitives for secret key management in IoT systems. They provide three critical functions for crypto systems including runtime secret key generation, secure key storage and lightweight device authentication. To achieve robustness and simplicity, the concept of frequency collapse in multi-mode oscillator is proposed, which can effectively amplify the desired random variable in CMOS devices (i.e. process variation or noise) and provide a runtime monitor of the output quality. A TRNG with self-tuning loop to achieve robust operation across -40 to 120 degree Celsius and 0.6 to 1V variations, a TRNG that can be fully synthesized with only standard cells and commercial placement and routing tools, and a PUF with runtime filtering to achieve robust authentication, are designed based upon this concept and verified in several CMOS technology nodes. In addition, a 2-transistor sub-threshold amplifier based "weak" PUF is also presented for chip identification and key storage. This PUF achieves state-of-the-art 1.65% native unstable bit, 1.5fJ per bit energy efficiency, and 3.16% flipping bits across -40 to 120 degree Celsius range at the same time, while occupying only 553 feature size square area in 180nm CMOS. Secondly, the potential security threats of hardware Trojan is investigated and a new Trojan attack using analog behavior of digital processors is proposed as the first stealthy and controllable fabrication-time hardware attack. Hardware Trojan is an emerging concern about globalization of semiconductor supply chain, which can result in catastrophic attacks that are extremely difficult to find and protect against. Hardware Trojans proposed in previous works are based on either design-time code injection to hardware description language or fabrication-time modification of processing steps. There have been defenses developed for both types of attacks. A third type of attack that combines the benefits of logical stealthy and controllability in design-time attacks and physical "invisibility" is proposed in this work that crosses the analog and digital domains. The attack eludes activation by a diverse set of benchmarks and evades known defenses. Lastly, in addition to security-related circuits, physical sensors are also studied as fundamental building blocks of IoT systems in this work. Temperature sensing is one of the most desired functions for a wide range of IoT applications. A sub-threshold oscillator based digital temperature sensor utilizing the exponential temperature dependence of sub-threshold current is proposed and implemented. In 180nm CMOS, it achieves 0.22/0.19K inaccuracy and 73mK noise-limited resolution with only 8865 square micrometer additional area and 75nW extra power consumption to an existing IoT system.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138779/1/kaiyuan_1.pd

    Defect-based testing of LTS digital circuits

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    A Defect-Based Test (DBT) methodology for Superconductor Electronics (SCE) is presented in this thesis, so that commercial production and efficient testing of systems can be implemented in this technology in the future. In the first chapter, the features and prospects for SCE have been presented. The motivation for this research and the outline of the thesis were also described in Chapter 1. It has been shown that high-end applications such as Software-Defined Radio (SDR) and petaflop computers which are extremely difficult to implement in top-of-the-art semiconductor technologies can be realised using SCE. But, a systematic structural test methodology had yet to be developed for SCE and has been addressed in this thesis. A detailed introduction to Rapid Single-Flux Quantum (RSFQ) circuits was presented in Chapter 2. A Josephson Junction (JJ) was described with associated theory behind its operation. The JJ model used in the simulator used in this research work was also presented. RSFQ logic with logic protocols as well as the design and implementation of an example D-type flip-flop (DFF) was also introduced. Finally, advantages and disadvantages of RSFQ circuits have been discussed with focus on the latest developments in the field. Various techniques for testing RSFQ circuits were discussed in Chapter 3. A Process Defect Monitor (PDM) approach was presented for fabrication process analysis. The presented defect-monitor structures were used to gather measurement data, to find the probability of the occurrence of defects in the process which forms the first step for Inductive Fault Analysis (IFA). Results from measurements on these structures were used to create a database for defects. This information can be used as input for performing IFA. "Defect-sprinkling" over a fault-free circuit can be carried out according to the measured defect densities over various layers. After layout extraction and extensive fault simulation, the resulting information will indicate realistic faults. In addition, possible Design-for-Testability (DfT) schemes for monitoring Single-Flux Quantum (SFQ) pulses within an RSFQ circuit has also been discussed in Chapter 3. The requirement for a DfT scheme is inevitable for RSFQ circuits because of their very high frequency of operation and very low operating temperature. It was demonstrated how SFQ pulses can be monitored at an internal node of an SCE circuit, introducing observability using Test-Point Insertion (TPI). Various techniques were discussed for the introduction of DfT and to avoid the delay introduced by the DfT structure if it is required. The available features in the proposed design for customising the detector make it attractive for a detailed DBT of RSFQ circuits. The control of internal nodes has also been illustrated using TPI. The test structures that were designed and implemented to determine the occurrence of defects in the processes can also be used to locate the position for the insertion of the above mentioned DfT structures

    Constraint-driven RF test stimulus generation and built-in test

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    With the explosive growth in wireless applications, the last decade witnessed an ever-increasing test challenge for radio frequency (RF) circuits. While the design community has pushed the envelope far into the future, by expanding CMOS process to be used with high-frequency wireless devices, test methodology has not advanced at the same pace. Consequently, testing such devices has become a major bottleneck in high-volume production, further driven by the growing need for tighter quality control. RF devices undergo testing during the prototype phase and during high-volume manufacturing (HVM). The benchtop test equipment used throughout prototyping is very precise yet specialized for a subset of functionalities. HVM calls for a different kind of test paradigm that emphasizes throughput and sufficiency, during which the projected performance parameters are measured one by one for each device by automated test equipment (ATE) and compared against defined limits called specifications. The set of tests required for each product differs greatly in terms of the equipment required and the time taken to test individual devices. Together with signal integrity, precision, and repeatability concerns, the initial cost of RF ATE is prohibitively high. As more functionality and protocols are integrated into a single RF device, the required number of specifications to be tested also increases, adding to the overall cost of testing, both in terms of the initial and recurring operating costs. In addition to the cost problem, RF testing proposes another challenge when these components are integrated into package-level system solutions. In systems-on-packages (SOP), the test problems resulting from signal integrity, input/output bandwidth (IO), and limited controllability and observability have initiated a paradigm shift in high-speed analog testing, favoring alternative approaches such as built-in tests (BIT) where the test functionality is brought into the package. This scheme can make use of a low-cost external tester connected through a low-bandwidth link in order to perform demanding response evaluations, as well as make use of the analog-to-digital converters and the digital signal processors available in the package to facilitate testing. Although research on analog built-in test has demonstrated hardware solutions for single specifications, the paradigm shift calls for a rather general approach in which a single methodology can be applied across different devices, and multiple specifications can be verified through a single test hardware unit, minimizing the area overhead. Specification-based alternate test methodology provides a suitable and flexible platform for handling the challenges addressed above. In this thesis, a framework that integrates ATE and system constraints into test stimulus generation and test response extraction is presented for the efficient production testing of high-performance RF devices using specification-based alternate tests. The main components of the presented framework are as follows: Constraint-driven RF alternate test stimulus generation: An automated test stimulus generation algorithm for RF devices that are evaluated by a specification-based alternate test solution is developed. The high-level models of the test signal path define constraints in the search space of the optimized test stimulus. These models are generated in enough detail such that they inherently define limitations of the low-cost ATE and the I/O restrictions of the device under test (DUT), yet they are simple enough that the non-linear optimization problem can be solved empirically in a reasonable amount of time. Feature extractors for BIT: A methodology for the built-in testing of RF devices integrated into SOPs is developed using additional hardware components. These hardware components correlate the high-bandwidth test response to low bandwidth signatures while extracting the test-critical features of the DUT. Supervised learning is used to map these extracted features, which otherwise are too complicated to decipher by plain mathematical analysis, into the specifications under test. Defect-based alternate testing of RF circuits: A methodology for the efficient testing of RF devices with low-cost defect-based alternate tests is developed. The signature of the DUT is probabilistically compared with a class of defect-free device signatures to explore possible corners under acceptable levels of process parameter variations. Such a defect filter applies discrimination rules generated by a supervised classifier and eliminates the need for a library of possible catastrophic defects.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Chatterjee, Abhijit; Committee Member: Durgin, Greg; Committee Member: Keezer, David; Committee Member: Milor, Linda; Committee Member: Sitaraman, Sures
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