88 research outputs found

    Ternary and quadriphase sequence diffusers

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    A room acoustic diffuser breaks up reflected wavefronts, and this can be achieved by presenting a spatially varying surface impedance. In hybrid surfaces, varying impedance is achieved by patches of absorption and reflection, giving reflection coefficients nominally of 0 and 1. These surfaces are hybrids, absorbing some of the incident sound while diffusing any reflected energy. A problem with planar hybrid surfaces is that specular energy is only removed by absorption. By exploiting interference, by reflecting waves out-of-phase with the specular energy, it is possible to diminish the specular energy further. This can be achieved by using a diffuser based on a ternary sequence that nominally has reflection coefficients of 0, -1, and +1. Ternary sequences are therefore a way of forming hybrid absorber-diffusers that achieve better scattering performance without additional absorption. This paper discusses methods for making ternary sequence diffusers, including giving sequence generation methods. It presents prediction results based on Fourier and boundary element method models to examine the performance. While ternary diffusers have better performance than unipolar binary diffusers at most frequencies, there are frequencies at which the performances are the same. This can be overcome by forming diffusers from four-level, quadriphase sequences

    New Constructions of Zero-Correlation Zone Sequences

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    In this paper, we propose three classes of systematic approaches for constructing zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequence families. In most cases, these approaches are capable of generating sequence families that achieve the upper bounds on the family size (KK) and the ZCZ width (TT) for a given sequence period (NN). Our approaches can produce various binary and polyphase ZCZ families with desired parameters (N,K,T)(N,K,T) and alphabet size. They also provide additional tradeoffs amongst the above four system parameters and are less constrained by the alphabet size. Furthermore, the constructed families have nested-like property that can be either decomposed or combined to constitute smaller or larger ZCZ sequence sets. We make detailed comparisons with related works and present some extended properties. For each approach, we provide examples to numerically illustrate the proposed construction procedure.Comment: 37 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Low Rate High Frequency Data Transmission from Very Remote Sensors

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    This chapter deals with the difficulties of transmitting data gathered from sensors placedin very remote areas where energy supplies are scarce. The data link is established bymeans of the ionosphere, a layer of the upper atmosphere that is ionized by solar radiation.Communications through the ionosphere have persisted, although the use of artificialrepeaters, such as satellites, has provided more reliable communication. In spite of beingrandom, noisy and susceptible to interference, ionospheric transmission still has favorablecharacteristics (e.g. low cost equipment, worldwide coverage, invulnerability, etc.) thatappeal to current communications engineering.The Research Group in Electromagnetism and Communications (GRECO) from La Salle -Universitat Ramon Llull (Spain) is investigating techniques for the improvement of remotesensing and skywave digital communications. The GRECO has focused its attention on thelink between Antarctica and Spain. The main objectives of this study are: to implementa long-haul oblique ionospheric sounder and to transmit data from sensors located at theSpanish Antarctic Station (SAS) Juan Carlos I to Spain.The SAS is located on Livingston Island (62.7◦S, 299.6◦E; geomagnetic latitude 52.6◦S) in theSouth Shetlands archipelago. Spanish research is focused on the study of the biological andgeological environment, and also the physical geography. Many of the research activitiesundertaken at the SAS collect data on temperature, position, magnetic field, height, etc.which is temporarily stored in data loggers on-site. Part of this data is then transmittedto research laboratories in Spain. Even though the SAS is only manned during the australsummer, data collection never stops. While the station is left unmanned, the sets of dataare stored in memory devices, and are not downloaded until the next Antarctic season. Theinformation that has to be analyzed in almost real-time is transmitted to Spain through asatellite link. The skywave digital communication system, presented here, is intended totransmit the information from the Antarctic sensors as a backup, or even as an alternativeto the satellite, without depending on other entities for support or funding.Antarctica is a continent of great scientific interest in terms of remote sensing experimentsrelated to physics and geology. Due to the peculiarities of Antarctica, some of theseexperiments cannot be conducted anywhere else on the Earth and this fact might obligethe researchers to transmit gathered data to laboratories placed on other continents for intensivestudy. Because of the remoteness of the transmitter placed at the SAS, the system suffers frompower restrictions mainly during austral winter. Therefore, maintaining the radio link, evenat a reduced throughput, is a challenge. One possible solution to increase data rate, withminimal power, is to improve the spectral efficiency of the physical layer of the radio linkwhile maintaining acceptable performance. The outcomes and conclusions of this researchwork may be extrapolated to other environments where communication is scarcely possibledue to economic or coverage problems. Therefore, the solutions presented in this study maybe adopted in other situations, such as communications in developing countries or inanyother remote area

    TDRSS telecommunications system, PN code analysis

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    The pseudo noise (PN) codes required to support the TDRSS telecommunications services are analyzed and the impact of alternate coding techniques on the user transponder equipment, the TDRSS equipment, and all factors that contribute to the acquisition and performance of these telecommunication services is assessed. Possible alternatives to the currently proposed hybrid FH/direct sequence acquisition procedures are considered and compared relative to acquisition time, implementation complexity, operational reliability, and cost. The hybrid FH/direct sequence technique is analyzed and rejected in favor of a recommended approach which minimizes acquisition time and user transponder complexity while maximizing probability of acquisition and overall link reliability

    Convolutional compressed sensing using deterministic sequences

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript (with working title "Semi-universal convolutional compressed sensing using (nearly) perfect sequences"). The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.In this paper, a new class of orthogonal circulant matrices built from deterministic sequences is proposed for convolution-based compressed sensing (CS). In contrast to random convolution, the coefficients of the underlying filter are given by the discrete Fourier transform of a deterministic sequence with good autocorrelation. Both uniform recovery and non-uniform recovery of sparse signals are investigated, based on the coherence parameter of the proposed sensing matrices. Many examples of the sequences are investigated, particularly the Frank-Zadoff-Chu (FZC) sequence, the m-sequence and the Golay sequence. A salient feature of the proposed sensing matrices is that they can not only handle sparse signals in the time domain, but also those in the frequency and/or or discrete-cosine transform (DCT) domain

    Code design and analysis for multiple access communications

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    This thesis explores various coding aspects of multiple access communications, mainly for spread spectrum multiaccess(SSMA) communications and collaborative coding multiaccess(CCMA) communications. Both the SSMA and CCMA techniques permit efficient simultaneous transmission by several users sharing a common channel, without subdivision in time or frequency. The general principle behind these two multiaccess schemes is that one can find sets of signals (codes) which can be combined together to form a composite signal; on reception, the individual signals in the set can each be recovered from the composite signal. For the CCMA scheme, the isolation between users is based on the code structure; for the SSMA scheme, on the other hand, the isolation between users is based on the autocorrelation functions(ACFs) and crosscorrelation functions (CCFs) of the code sequences. It is clear that, in either case, the code design is the key to the system design.For the CCMA system with a multiaccess binary adder channel, a class of superimposed codes is analyzed. It is proved that every constant weight code of weight w and maximal correlation λ corresponds to a subclass of disjunctive codes of order T 3, the out-of-phase ACFs and CCFs of the codes are constant and equal to √L. In addition, all codes of the same length are mutually orthogonal.2. Maximal length sequences (m-sequences) over Gaussian integers, suitable for use with QAM modulation, are considered. Two sub-classes of m-sequences with quasi-perfect periodic autocorrelations are obtained. The CCFs between the decimated m-sequences are studied. By applying a simple operation, it is shown that some m-sequences over rational and Gaussian integers can be transformed into perfect sequences with impulsive ACFs.3. Frank codes and Chu codes have perfect periodic ACFs and optimum periodic CCFs. In addition, it is shown that they also have very favourable nonperiodic ACFs; some new results concerning the behaviour of the nonperiodic ACFs are derived. Further, it is proved that the sets of combinedFrank/Chu codes, which contain a larger number of codes than either of the two constituent sets, also have very good periodic CCFs. Based on Frank codes and Chu codes, two interesting classes of real-valued codes with good correlation properties are defined. It is shown that these codes have periodic complementary properties and good periodic and nonperiodic ACF/CCFs.Finally, a hybrid CCMA/SSMA coding scheme is proposed. This new hybrid coding scheme provides a very flexible and powerful multiple accessing capability and allows simple and efficient decoding. Given an SSMA system with K users and a CCMA system with N users, where at most T users are active at any time, then the hybrid system will have K . N users with at most T.K users active at any time. The hybrid CCMA/SSMA coding scheme is superior to the individual CCMA system or SSMA system in terms of information rate, number of users, decoding complexity and external interference rejection capability