22 research outputs found

    The Effect of Network Topology on Credit Network Throughput

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    Credit networks rely on decentralized, pairwise trust relationships (channels) to exchange money or goods. Credit networks arise naturally in many financial systems, including the recent construct of payment channel networks in blockchain systems. An important performance metric for these networks is their transaction throughput. However, predicting the throughput of a credit network is nontrivial. Unlike traditional communication channels, credit channels can become imbalanced; they are unable to support more transactions in a given direction once the credit limit has been reached. This potential for imbalance creates a complex dependency between a network's throughput and its topology, path choices, and the credit balances (state) on every channel. Even worse, certain combinations of these factors can lead the credit network to deadlocked states where no transactions can make progress. In this paper, we study the relationship between the throughput of a credit network and its topology and credit state. We show that the presence of deadlocks completely characterizes a network's throughput sensitivity to different credit states. Although we show that identifying deadlocks in an arbitrary topology is NP-hard, we propose a peeling algorithm inspired by decoding algorithms for erasure codes that upper bounds the severity of the deadlock. We use the peeling algorithm as a tool to compare the performance of different topologies as well as to aid in the synthesis of topologies robust to deadlocks

    Some New Results in Distributed Tracking and Optimization

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    The current age of Big Data is built on the foundation of distributed systems, and efficient distributed algorithms to run on these systems.With the rapid increase in the volume of the data being fed into these systems, storing and processing all this data at a central location becomes infeasible. Such a central \textit{server} requires a gigantic amount of computational and storage resources. Even when it is possible to have central servers, it is not always desirable, due to privacy concerns. Also, sending huge amounts of data to such servers incur often infeasible bandwidth requirements. In this dissertation, we consider two kinds of distributed architectures: 1) star-shaped topology, where multiple worker nodes are connected to, and communicate with a server, but the workers do not communicate with each other; and 2) mesh topology or network of interconnected workers, where each worker can communicate with a small number of neighboring workers. In the first half of this dissertation (Chapters 2 and 3), we consider distributed systems with mesh topology.We study two different problems in this context. First, we study the problem of simultaneous localization and multi-target tracking. Multiple mobile agents localize themselves cooperatively, while also tracking multiple, unknown number of mobile targets, in the presence of measurement-origin uncertainty. In situations with limited GPS signal availability, agents (like self-driving cars in urban canyons, or autonomous vehicles in hazardous environments) need to rely on inter-agent measurements for localization. The agents perform the additional task of tracking multiple targets (pedestrians and road-signs for self-driving cars). We propose a decentralized algorithm for this problem. To be effective in real-time applications, we propose efficient Gaussian and Gaussian-mixture based filters, rather than the computationally expensive particle-based methods in the existing literature. Our novel factor-graph based approach gives better performance, in terms of both agent localization errors, and target-location and cardinality errors. Next, we study an online convex optimization problem, where a network of agents cooperate to minimize a global time-varying objective function. Only the local functions are revealed to individual agents. The agents also need to satisfy their individual constraints. We propose a primal-dual update based decentralized algorithm for this problem. Under standard assumptions, we prove that the proposed algorithm achieves sublinear regret and constraint violation across the network. In other words, over a long enough time horizon, the decisions taken by the agents are, on average, as good as if all the information was revealed ahead of time. In addition, the individual constraint violations of the agents, averaged over time, are zero. In the next part of the dissertation (Chapters 4), we study distributed systems with a star-shaped topology. The problem we study is distributed nonconvex optimization. With the recent success of deep learning, coupled with the use of distributed systems to solve large-scale problems, this problem has gained prominence over the past decade. The recently proposed paradigm of Federated Learning (which has already been deployed by Google/Apple in Android/iOS phones) has further catalyzed research in this direction. The problem we consider is minimizing the average of local smooth, nonconvex functions. Each node has access only to its own loss function, but can communicate with the server, which aggregates updates from all the nodes, before distributing them to all the nodes. With the advent of more and more complex neural network architectures, these updates can be high dimensional. To save resources, the problem needs to be solved via communication-efficient approaches. We propose a novel algorithm, which combines the idea of variance-reduction, with the paradigm of carrying out multiple local updates at each node before averaging. We prove the convergence of the approach to a first-order stationary point. Our algorithm is optimal in terms of computation, and state-of-the-art in terms of the communication requirements. Lastly in Chapter 5, we consider the situation when the nodes do not have access to function gradients, and need to minimize the loss function using only function values. This problem lies in the domain of zeroth-order optimization. For simplicity of analysis, we study this problem only in the single-node case. This problem finds application in simulation-based optimization, and adversarial example generation for attacking deep neural networks. We propose a novel function value based gradient estimator, which has better variance, and better query-efficiency compared to existing estimators. The proposed estimator covers the most commonly used existing estimators as special cases. We conduct a comprehensive convergence analysis under different conditions. We also demonstrate its effectiveness through a real-world application to generating adversarial examples from a black-box deep neural network

    27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms: ESA 2019, September 9-11, 2019, Munich/Garching, Germany

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum

    Distributed optimization algorithms for multihop wireless networks

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    Recent technological advances in low-cost computing and communication hardware design have led to the feasibility of large-scale deployments of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. Due to their wireless and decentralized nature, multihop wireless networks are attractive for a variety of applications. However, these properties also pose significant challenges to their developers and therefore require new types of algorithms. In cases where traditional wired networks usually rely on some kind of centralized entity, in multihop wireless networks nodes have to cooperate in a distributed and self-organizing manner. Additional side constraints, such as energy consumption, have to be taken into account as well. This thesis addresses practical problems from the domain of multihop wireless networks and investigates the application of mathematically justified distributed algorithms for solving them. Algorithms that are based on a mathematical model of an underlying optimization problem support a clear understanding of the assumptions and restrictions that are necessary in order to apply the algorithm to the problem at hand. Yet, the algorithms proposed in this thesis are simple enough to be formulated as a set of rules for each node to cooperate with other nodes in the network in computing optimal or approximate solutions. Nodes communicate with their neighbors by sending messages via wireless transmissions. Neither the size nor the number of messages grows rapidly with the size of the network. The thesis represents a step towards a unified understanding of the application of distributed optimization algorithms to problems from the domain of multihop wireless networks. The problems considered serve as examples for related problems and demonstrate the design methodology of obtaining distributed algorithms from mathematical optimization methods

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum

    International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) 2019 Conference Book

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    The Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization took place on the campus of the Technical University of Berlin, August 3-8, 2019. The ICCOPT is a flagship conference of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), organized every three years. ICCOPT 2019 was hosted by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin. It included a Summer School and a Conference with a series of plenary and semi-plenary talks, organized and contributed sessions, and poster sessions. This book comprises the full conference program. It contains, in particular, the scientific program in survey style as well as with all details, and information on the social program, the venue, special meetings, and more

    Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Conference

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