18 research outputs found

    Orientation and Workspace Analysis of the Multifingered Metamorphic Hand-Metahand

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    This paper introduces for the first time a metamorphic palm and presents a novel multifingered hand, known as Matahand, with a foldable and flexible palm that makes the hand adaptable and reconfigurable. The orientation and pose of the new robotic hand are enhanced by additional motion of the palm, and workspace of the robotic fingers is complemented with the palm motion. To analyze this enhanced workspace, this paper introduces finger-orientation planes to relate the finger orientation to palm various configurations. Normals of these orientation planes are used to construct a Gauss map. Adding an additional dimension, a 4-D ruled surface is generated to illustrate orientation and pose change of the hand, and an orientation–pose manifold is developed from the orientation–pose ruled surface. The orientation and workspace analysis are further developed by introducing a triangular palm workspace that evolves into a helical surface and is further developed into a 4-D representation. Simulations are presented to illustrate the characteristics of this new dexterous hand

    Optimal dimensional synthesis of a symmetrical five-bar planar upper-extremity neuromotor device

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    Individuals with hemiplegia suffer from impaired arm movements that appear as a marked change in arm stiffness. A quantitative measure of arm stiffness would characterize rehabilitation therapy effectively, while little mechanism is designed to implement the function. A symmetrical five-bar linkage consisting of two revolute joints and three prismatic joints is presented. Inverse kinematics and forward kinematics are obtained first. Then inverse singularities and direct singularities of the mechanism are gained. Based on the results of kinematics analysis, the global stiffness index is defined. Finally, optimal dimensional synthesis of the mechanism in terms of maximum stiffness is conducted by genetic algorithms. The calculation results shows that when length of both the two linkage a=830 mm, interacting angle of the two guides 2d=4.48 radian, and maximum range of displacement of the two carriers dmax=940 mm, the mechanism achieves highest rigidity and its workspace is singularity-free, which covers the human left and right arm range of motion. The proposed novel mechanism featuring high rigidity and a singularity-free workspace can provides rehabilitation training, but also solves the problem of quantitative measure of arm stiffness

    Workspace Analysis of a Reconfigurable Mechanism Generated from the Network of Bennett Linkages

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    In this paper, a workspace triangle is introduced to evaluate the workspace of a reconfigurable mechanism generated from the network of Bennett linkages. Three evaluation indexes of workspace including movement locus of the joint, surface swept by the link and helical tube enveloped by the workspace triangle have been discussed. The comparison between the workspace of the reconfigurable mechanism and the sum of five resultant 5 R /6 R linkages including generalized Goldberg 5 R linkage, generalized variant of the L -shape Goldberg 6 R linkage, Waldron’s hybrid 6 R linkage, isomerized generalized L -shape Goldberg 6 R linkage and generalized Wohlhart’s double-Goldberg 6 R linkage is accomplished by using the evaluation indexes and mapping the workspace to the joint space which is defined by a vector whose components are joint variables

    Autonomous Object Handover Using Wrist Tactile Information

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    Grasping in an uncertain environment is a topic of great interest in robotics. In this paper we focus on the challenge of object handover capable of coping with a wide range of different and unspecified objects. Handover is the action of object passing an object from one agent to another. In this work handover is performed from human to robot. We present a robust method that relies only on the force information from the wrist and does not use any vision and tactile information from the fingers. By analyzing readings from a wrist force sensor, models of tactile response for receiving and releasing an object were identified and tested during validation experiments

    Geometry and kinematics for a spherical-base integrated parallel mechanism

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    Parallel mechanisms, in general, have a rigid base and a moving platform connected by several limbs. For achieving higher mobility and dexterity, more degrees of freedom are introduced to the limbs. However, very few researchers focus on changing the design of the rigid base and making it foldable and reconfigurable to improve the performance of the mechanism. Inspired by manipulating an object with a metamorphic robotic hand, this paper presents for the first time a parallel mechanism with a reconfigurable base. This novel spherical-base integrated parallel mechanism has an enlarged workspace compared with traditional parallel manipulators. Evolution and structure of the proposed parallel mechanism is introduced and the geometric constraint of the mechanism is investigated based on mechanism decomposition. Further, kinematics of the proposed mechanism is reduced to the solution of a univariate polynomial of degree 8. Moreover, screw theory based Jacobian is presented followed by the velocity analysis of the mechanism

    An Optimization Approach to Teleoperation of the Thumb of a Humanoid Robot Hand: Kinematic Mapping and Calibration

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    The complex kinematic structure of a human thumb makes it difficult to capture and control the thumb motions. A further complication is that mapping the fingertip position alone leads to inadequate grasping postures for current robotic hands, many of which are equipped with tactile sensors on the volar side of the fingers. This paper aimed to use a data glove as the input device to teleoperate the thumb of a humanoid robotic hand. An experiment protocol was developed with only minimum hardware involved to compensate for the differences in kinematic structures between a robotic hand and a human hand. A nonlinear constrained-optimization formulation was proposed to map and calibrate the motion of a human thumb to that of a robotic thumb by minimizing the maximum errors (minimax algorithms) of fingertip position while subject to the constraint of the normals of the surfaces of the thumb and the index fingertips within a friction cone. The proposed approach could be extended to other teleoperation applications, where the master and slave devices differ in kinematic structure

    Design and development of an anthropomorphic metamorphic robotic hand

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    This work presents analysis of the 4-fingered robotic hand and is a continuation of the Bachelor’s thesis “Design and Development of an Anthropomorphic Metamorphic Robotic Hand”. First, general comparison between scientific and commercial robotic hands is introduced. Specification and structure of the hands are studied. Noted tendencies are discussed. After that, kinematic analysis of the proposed manipulator is produced. Based on kinematics, dynamic model of the hand is investigated and then programmed in MatLab software for numerical simulations. Therefore, description of capabilities and properties of the proposed robotic hand is given. In addition, control techniques are discussed and SimMechanics tool of the MatLab software is used for providing supplementary data. In the end, FEA of vulnerable areas is examined

    Challenges and Solutions for Autonomous Robotic Mobile Manipulation for Outdoor Sample Collection

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    In refinery, petrochemical, and chemical plants, process technicians collect uncontaminated samples to be analyzed in the quality control laboratory all time and all weather. This traditionally manual operation not only exposes the process technicians to hazardous chemicals, but also imposes an economical burden on the management. The recent development in mobile manipulation provides an opportunity to fully automate the operation of sample collection. This paper reviewed the various challenges in sample collection in terms of navigation of the mobile platform and manipulation of the robotic arm from four aspects, namely mobile robot positioning/attitude using global navigation satellite system (GNSS), vision-based navigation and visual servoing, robotic manipulation, mobile robot path planning and control. This paper further proposed solutions to these challenges and pointed the main direction of development in mobile manipulation