Orientation and Workspace Analysis of the Multifingered Metamorphic Hand-Metahand


This paper introduces for the first time a metamorphic palm and presents a novel multifingered hand, known as Matahand, with a foldable and flexible palm that makes the hand adaptable and reconfigurable. The orientation and pose of the new robotic hand are enhanced by additional motion of the palm, and workspace of the robotic fingers is complemented with the palm motion. To analyze this enhanced workspace, this paper introduces finger-orientation planes to relate the finger orientation to palm various configurations. Normals of these orientation planes are used to construct a Gauss map. Adding an additional dimension, a 4-D ruled surface is generated to illustrate orientation and pose change of the hand, and an orientation–pose manifold is developed from the orientation–pose ruled surface. The orientation and workspace analysis are further developed by introducing a triangular palm workspace that evolves into a helical surface and is further developed into a 4-D representation. Simulations are presented to illustrate the characteristics of this new dexterous hand

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