17 research outputs found

    Enablers of Electronic Judicial Process in Brazil

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    The deployment of e-Justice reforms aiming for more efficient and effective justice administration faces great barriers, even though considerable resources have been invested worldwide. This paper describes the factors that have enabled the Electronic Judicial Process deployment in Brazil. Currently, in the country, 98.9% of all judicial proceedings are held electronically. We focus on enablers of normative, technical, political, organisational, institutional, and related governance aspects. The research is important due to its potential to help other countries on their path to the informatisation of justice

    Modelo de implementación de soluciones de comercio electrónico.

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    El auge del comercio electrónico en la industria mundial y su impacto en la estructura organizacional, han llevado al desarrollo de múltiples soluciones informáticas de manera paralela al comercio tradicional. La incursión en comercio electrónico requiere evaluar condiciones iniciales en la empresa para lograr su éxito. Con el objetivo de disminuir el fracaso que implican inversiones no planificadas en tecnología, se presenta en este artículo de reflexión, un modelo de evaluación de aspectos críticos al momento de implementar una solución de comercio electrónico. La propuesta tiene un enfoque integral sustentado en instrumentos cualitativos y cuantitativos útiles en el diagnóstico

    Da automatização à virtualização: a criação do processo eletrônico no Brasil

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    Se presenta las soluciones tecnológicas desarrolladas por los organismos del sistema judicial brasileño en las últimas décadas, y que culminaron con la creación del “proceso electrónico”. Se trata de comprender este fenómeno desde un movimiento global por la modernización y la eficiencia de la justicia. El análisis utiliza la literatura técnica y científica, y las publicaciones y noticias de los departamentos de justicia. El desarrollo de las tecnologías se produce en tres fases: pre-automatización, automatización y virtualización. El desarrollo descentralizado de los sistemas de información hace difícil la integración de la información entre los diferentes tribunales judiciales. El éxito de estas tecnologías depende de la capacidad para integrar diversos sistemas y de la interoperabilidad entre ellos.This presentation will verse about the technological solutions developed by the Brazilian justice system departments through the last decades that resulted in the creation of the "electronic lawsuit". It aims to understand this phenomenon in light of a global movement for modernization and efficiency of the Justice. The analysis uses technical and scientific literature and news from the justice departments. The development of technology occurs in three phases: pre-automation, automation and virtualization. The decentralized development of the information systems returns difficult the integration of judicial information between the diverse courts. The full utilization of the technology depends of the capacity to integrate the numerous systems and of the interoperability between them. This research is part of the PhD studies of the author in Information Sciences

    ICT Implementation in the Judicial System of Pakistan: A Case Study

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    In this case study, we analyze the use of ICT implementation in the judicial system of Pakistan: A Case Study. The study investigates the benefits and challenges of ICT in the judiciary of Pakistan, and how the workflow of automation has been adopted systematically for the maturity model. Study identify that how it is a benefit to the public and what type of information may be extracted and how? The study shows that the National Judicial Policymaking Committee (NJPMC) plays a crucial role in the automation of the judiciary, and the need for a system that consolidates all information and collects information for all judiciary data into one location. The study proposes a model for potential creation and production of a bird's eye view for the current method, which aids the researcher in data collection and opens a new research direction. Unstructured interviews and personal observations were conducted with lawyers, judges of district judiciary officers of superior courts, and government organizations. The study demonstrates how ICT assists in understanding the status of cases, devising strategies and new reforms to improve the judiciary, determining the cause of delays in the disposal of court cases, and reducing the backlog of cases. The findings of this study can inform policymakers and stakeholders about the benefits and challenges of ICT in the judicial system of Pakistan, and provide insights into potential areas for improvement

    O uso de inteligência artificial na tomada de decisão judicial

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    Neste artigo, é apresentada a síntese de análises críticas realizadas em pesquisas coordenadas pelos autores sobre a falta de transparência e o problema dos vieses no uso de sistemas de inteligência artificial (IA) como apoio ou para a efetiva tomada de decisão judicial. Do ponto de vista metodológico, foram desenvolvidas pesquisas bibliográficas, documentais e empíricas nas investigações. Foram feitos exames analítico-interpretativos acerca dos materiais levantados para alicerçar as considerações. Na abordagem, foi elaborada uma breve descrição acerca do estado da arte quanto ao uso de IA pelo Judiciário nacional, seguida pelas análises sobre a opacidade dos algoritmos e os vieses cognitivos, conforme os tópicos relacionados com a incompatibilidade estrutural entre o processamento de dados pela IA e a aplicação do Direito; a incapacidade da IA realizar juízos de valor; a acentuação dos vieses cognitivos pela IA; e a falta de transparência em relação aos algoritmos e aos dados utilizados pela IA. Ao final, são apresentadas propostas para enfrentamento dos problemas com o uso de IA para a tomada de decisão judicial

    E-justice in Switzerland and Brazil: Paths and Experiences

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    Little is known about Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) im-pacts in Latin America justice system and few theoretical advances were done on this topic. This pa-per aims to propose a model grounded in Task-Technology Fit theory and explore its rationality in the justice system of two developing countries: Brazil and Argentina. Interviews with public managers and employees were conducted, and content analysis was applied to examine ICT4D impact on individual performance and public service quality. Our research makes several contributions by proposing a model on how ICT4D intervention can be assessed in an application area like the justice system. We examine the effectiveness of two national ICT4D endeavours, represented by the electronic lawsuit, thus showing how government can lead successful ICT4D implementations in developing countries. The practical value of this research rests on clarifying how ICT4D impacts public employees’ perfor-mance and public service quality. The results should help managers reduce gaps between policy and design of electronic lawsuits, thus guiding ICT4D endeavours by practitioners in other developing countries

    Digitally-induced change in the public sector : a systematic review and research agenda

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    Digital transformation has become a buzzword that is permeating multiple fields, including public administration and management. However, it is unclear what is transformational and how incremental and transformational change processes are linked. Using the PRISMA method, we conduct a systematic literature review to structure this growing body of evidence. We identified 164 studies on digitally-induced change and provide evidence for their drivers, implementation processes, and outcomes. We derive a theoretical framework that shows which incremental changes happen in public administrations that are implementing digital technologies and what their cumulative, transformative effects are on society as a whole.© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Assessing job performance in brazilian digital government : the role of knowledge management systemsuse and social capital

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementDiante dos desafios do governo digital, esta pesquisa busca compreender os propulsores do desempenho laboral e organizacional na administração pública brasileira. Foi criado modelo de pósadoção para avaliar o desempenho da administração pública mediante a utilização de sistemas de gestão do conhecimento (KMS), com base nos conceitos de satisfação do usuário, uso enxuto de sistemas (duração, frequência e intensidade), capital social, e liderança transformacional. Após revisão de literatura sobre as teorias de liderança transformacional e capital social, foi analisado o impacto destes fatores contextuais no ambiente governamental de uma agência pública brasileira (Ministério do Meio Ambiente). Utilizando-se de abordagem empírica, a pesquisa recolheu dados de 295 funcionários públicos, após questionário on-line, e obteve como resultados que o desempenho individual no trabalho, usando KMS, afeta positivamente o desempenho da organização, sendo também impactado por fatores como intensidade do uso de KMS, satisfação do usuário e capital social. A satisfação do individuo impacta o desempenho individual, sendo afetada pela frequência e intensidade do uso do KMS, assim como pelo capital social, que desempenha relevante papel no desempenho individual e organizacional, ampliando o relacionamento entre a satisfação do usuário e o desempenho individual, vez que apresenta efeito moderador. O desempenho organizacional é influenciado pela liderança transformacional, responsável por moderar as conexões entre a performance individual e institucional. A pesquisa fornece informações relevantes para a literatura em sistemas de gestão do conhecimento, de forma a conectar o uso de KMS com a satisfação e o desempenho, elucidando a importância do capital social para o alcance de melhores resultados em ambientes governamentais.Faced with the challenges of digital government, this research seeks to clarify the drivers of individual and organizational performance in the Brazilian public administration. A post-adoption model was developed to evaluate the performance of public administration with knowledge management systems (KMS), given the concepts of user satisfaction, lean system use (duration, frequency and intensity), social capital, and transformational leadership. After literature review on theories of transformational leadership and social capital, the impact of these contextual factors on the government environment of a Brazilian public agency (Ministry of the Environment) was verified. Using an empirical approach, the survey collected data from 295 public officials, using online questionnaire, obtained as results that the individual performance at work, using KMS, positively affects the organizational performance, being also impacted by factors such as intensity of the KMS use, user satisfaction and social capital. User satisfaction impacts individual performance, being affected by the frequency and intensity of KMS use, as well as by social capital, which plays a relevant role in individual and organizational performances, amplifying the relationship between user satisfaction and individual performance, given its moderating effect. Organizational performance is influenced by transformational leadership, responsible for moderating the connections among individual and institutional performance. The research provided relevant information to the literature on KMS, to connect system use, satisfaction and performance, elucidating the importance of social capital to achieve better results in government contexts

    Da Automatização à Virtualização: Apontamentos Arquivísticos sobre Processo Judicial Eletrônico

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    Trata de apontamentos arquivísticos realizados para o processo judicial eletrônico com o foco na preservação digital. Apresenta, por meio da revisão de literatura, as legislações que consubstanciaram as praxes de informatização no Poder Judiciário até chegar ao atual processo judicial eletrônico. Mostra, ainda, a problemática da preservação digital nos sistemas de automação dos tribunais, além das estratégias de preservação digital existentes na revisão de literatura. Conclui evidenciando a necessidade de implementação de uma política de preservação digital aos sistemas de automação e aos processos judiciais eletrônicos