2,760 research outputs found

    Abstract State Machines 1988-1998: Commented ASM Bibliography

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    An annotated bibliography of papers which deal with or use Abstract State Machines (ASMs), as of January 1998.Comment: Also maintained as a BibTeX file at http://www.eecs.umich.edu/gasm

    Modeling of Agent Behavior Using Behavioral Specifications

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    The behavioral dynamics of a cognitive agent can be considered both from an external and an internal perspective. From the external perspective, behavior is described by specifying (temporal) correlations between input and output states of the agent. From the internal perspective the agent’s dynamics can be characterized by direct (causal) temporal relations between internal, mental states of the agent. The latter type of specifications can be represented in executable format, which allows performing simulations of the agent’s behavior under different (environmental) circumstances. For enabling simulations when only given an external behavioral specification, this has to be transformed first into executable format, and subsequently into a transition system description. An automated procedure for such a transformation is proposed in this paper. The application of the transformation procedure is demonstrated by two simulation examples addressing delayed response behavior and adaptive behavior

    Two Decades of Maude

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    This paper is a tribute to José Meseguer, from the rest of us in the Maude team, reviewing the past, the present, and the future of the language and system with which we have been working for around two decades under his leadership. After reviewing the origins and the language's main features, we present the latest additions to the language and some features currently under development. This paper is not an introduction to Maude, and some familiarity with it and with rewriting logic are indeed assumed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Observation and abstract behaviour in specification and implementation of state-based systems

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    Classical algebraic specification is an accepted framework for specification. A criticism which applies is the fact that it is functional, not based on a notion of state as most software development and implementation languages are. We formalise the idea of a state-based object or abstract machine using algebraic means. In contrast to similar approaches we consider dynamic logic instead of equational logic as the framework for specification and implementation. The advantage is a more expressive language allowing us to specify safety and liveness conditions. It also allows a clearer distinction of functional and state-based parts which require different treatment in order to achieve behavioural abstraction when necessary. We shall in particular focus on abstract behaviour and observation. A behavioural notion of satisfaction for state-elements is needed in order to abstract from irrelevant details of the state realisation

    Automated Analysis of Compositional Multi-Agent Systems

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    Abstract. An approach for handling the complex dynamics of a multi-agent system is based on distinguishing aggregation levels. The behaviour at a given aggregation level is specified by a set of dynamic properties at that level, expressed in some (temporal) language. Such behavioural specifications may be complex and difficult to analyse. To enable automated analysis of system specifications, a simpler format is required. To this end, a specification at a lower aggregation level can be created, describing basic steps in the processes of a system. This paper presents a method and tool to support the automated creation of such a specification, as a refinement of a given higher level specification. The generated specification has a simple format which can easily be used for analysis. This paper describes an approach for automated verification of logical consequences of specifications using model checking techniques

    Formal modeling and analysis of cognitive agent behavior

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    From an external perspective, cognitive agent behavior can be described by specifying (temporal) correlations of a certain complexity between stimuli (input states) and (re)actions (output states) of the agent. From an internal perspective the agent’s dynamics can be characterized by direct (causal) temporal relations between internal and mental states of the agent. The latter type of specifications can be represented in a relatively simple, executable format, which enables different types of analysis of the agent’s behavior. In particular, simulations of the agent’s behavior under different (environmental) circumstances can be explored. Furthermore, by applying verification techniques, automated analysis of the consequences of the agent’s behavior can be carried out. To enable such types of analysis when only given an external behavioral specification, this has to be transformed first into some type of executable format. An automated procedure for such a transformation is proposed in this paper. The application of the transformation procedure is demonstrated for a number of cases, showing examples of the types of analysis as mentioned for different forms of behavior

    Verifying Security Properties in Unbounded Multiagent Systems

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    We study the problem of analysing the security for an unbounded number of concurrent sessions of a cryptographic protocol. Our formal model accounts for an arbitrary number of agents involved in a protocol-exchange which is subverted by a Dolev-Yao attacker. We define the parameterised model checking problem with respect to security requirements expressed in temporal-epistemic logics. We formulate sufficient conditions for solving this problem, by analysing several finite models of the system. We primarily explore authentication and key-establishment as part of a larger class of protocols and security requirements amenable to our methodology. We introduce a tool implementing the technique, and we validate it by verifying the NSPK and ASRPC protocols

    Formal Analysis of Cognitive Agent Behavior: formal theoretical basis

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    In cognitive systems the behavior of an actor (an agent) can be considered from both an external and an internal perspective. This paper contributes an automated procedure for translating a given external behavioral specification into an executable specification of internal dynamics, by which the external behavioral properties are entailed. Having an executable internal dynamics specification allows automated analysis of an agent's behavior, based on model checking techniques. By a paradigmatic example it is shown how the developed approach can be applied

    Proving soundness of combinatorial Vickrey auctions and generating verified executable code

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    Using mechanised reasoning we prove that combinatorial Vickrey auctions are soundly specified in that they associate a unique outcome (allocation and transfers) to any valid input (bids). Having done so, we auto-generate verified executable code from the formally defined auction. This removes a source of error in implementing the auction design. We intend to use formal methods to verify new auction designs. Here, our contribution is to introduce and demonstrate the use of formal methods for auction verification in the familiar setting of a well-known auction