6 research outputs found

    Exploratory study on the use of digital educational resources in mathematics teaching in Portugal

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    Paulo Renato Silva – Universidade de Santiago de Compostela - 0000-0002-8643-1594Fernando Fraga Varela – Universidade de Santiago de Compostela - 0000-0002-2988-0465Recepción: 16.06.2022 | Aceptado: 25.10.2022Correspondência a través de ORCID: Paulo Renato Silva - 0000-0002-8643-1594Área o categoría del conocimiento: Didática da MatemáticaEditora: Diana Marín Suelves - Universidad de Valencia - ORCID: 0000-0002-5346-8665Revisión por pares abierta: Nerea Rodríguez Regueira - 0000-0002-0364-3357Revisión por pares abierta: Almir Zandoná Júnior - 0000-0001-5198-7456Resumo: O objetivo desta investigação foi localizar e aferir resultados de publicações relacionadas com a utilização dos Recursos Educativos Digitais (RED) na aprendizagem da matemática, bem como identificar constrangimentos associados à sua utilização. Para dar conta deste objetivo, realizou-se uma revisão sistemática de literatura, no sentido de averiguar o contributo da utilização dos RED no ensino da matemática em Portugal com alunos do 1.º ao 6.º ano de escolaridade. Foram também considerados estudos realizados noutros países para avaliar o contributo destes recursos nos diferentes itens. Ao longo da pesquisa foi possível constatar que em Portugal escasseiam investigações direcionadas para a utilização dos RED no ensino da matemática com alunos desta faixa etária, não foram mesmo encontrados estudos alargados a este território, em geral, as pesquisas encontradas foram elaboradas por docentes em teses de mestrado ou monografias de estágio pedagógico, onde utilizaram amostras algo limitadas referentes a uma ou duas turmas que lecionavam. A maioria dos resultados refere que os alunos se sentem mais motivados e melhoram o aproveitamento quando trabalham com estes recursos, contudo a sua frequência de utilização é bastante escassa e muito limitada. Foram também identificados vários constrangimentos associados à aplicação dos RED.Abstract: The intention of this research was to locate and measure the results of publications related to the use of Digital Educational Resources (RED) in the learning of mathematics, as well as to identify constraints associated with its use. To account for this objective, a systematic literature review was carried out to investigate the contribution of the use of RED in the teaching of mathematics in Portugal with students from the 1st to 6th year of schooling. Studies conducted in other countries were also considered to evaluate the contribution of these resources to the different items. Throughout the research, it was possible to observe that in Portugal there is a scarce number of investigations directed to the use of RED in the teaching of mathematics with students of this age group, no studies were even found extended to this territory, in general, the research found was elaborated by professors in master's theses or monographs of pedagogical internship, where they used somewhat limited samples referring to one or two classes they taught. Most results state that students feel more motivated and improve their utilization when working with these resources, however their frequency of use is quite low and very limited. A number of constraints associated with the application of RED.Universidade de Santiago de CompostelaXXIX Jornadas Internacionales Universitarias de Tecnología Educativa - JUTE 202

    Exploratory study on the use of digital educational resources in mathematics teaching in Portugal

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    O objetivo desta investigação foi localizar e aferir resultados de publicações relacionadas com a utilização dos Recursos Educativos Digitais (RED) na aprendizagem da matemática, bem como identificar constrangimentos associados à sua utilização. Para dar conta deste objetivo, realizou-se uma revisão sistemática de literatura, no sentido de averiguar o contributo da utilização dos RED no ensino da matemática em Portugal com alunos do 1.º ao 6.º ano de escolaridade. Foram também considerados estudos realizados noutros países para avaliar o contributo destes recursos nos diferentes itens. Ao longo da pesquisa foi possível constatar que em Portugal escasseiam investigações direcionadas para a utilização dos RED no ensino da matemática com alunos desta faixa etária, não foram mesmo encontrados estudos alargados a este território, em geral, as pesquisas encontradas foram elaboradas por docentes em teses de mestrado ou monografias de estágio pedagógico, onde utilizaram amostras algo limitadas referentes a uma ou duas turmas que lecionavam. A maioria dos resultados refere que os alunos se sentem mais motivados e melhoram o aproveitamento quando trabalham com estes recursos, contudo a sua frequência de utilização é bastante escassa e muito limitada. Foram também identificados vários constrangimentos associados à aplicação dos REDThe intention of this research was to locate and measure the results of publications related to the use of Digital Educational Resources (RED) in the learning of mathematics, as well as to identify constraints associated with its use. To account for this objective, a systematic literature review was carried out to investigate the contribution of the use of RED in the teaching of mathematics in Portugal with students from the 1st to 6th year of schooling. Studies conducted in other countries were also considered to evaluate the contribution of these resources to the different items. Throughout the research, it was possible to observe that in Portugal there is a scarce number of investigations directed to the use of RED in the teaching of mathematics with students of this age group, no studies were even found extended to this territory, in general, the research found was elaborated by professors in master's theses or monographs of pedagogical internship, where they used somewhat limited samples referring to one or two classes they taught. Most results state that students feel more motivated and improve their utilization when working with these resources, however their frequency of use is quite low and very limited. A number of constraints associated with the application of REDS

    Tablet use in schools: A critical review of the evidence for learning outcomes

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    The increased popularity of tablets in general has led to uptake in education. We critically review the literature reporting use of tablets by primary and secondary school children across the curriculum, with a particular emphasis on learning outcomes. The Systematic Review methodology was used and our literature search resulted in 33 relevant studies meeting the inclusion criteria. A total of 23 met the minimum quality criteria and were examined in detail (16 reporting positive learning outcomes, 5 no difference and 2 negative learning outcomes). Explanations underlying these observations were analysed, and factors contributing to successful uses of tablets are discussed. While we hypothesise how tablets can viably support children in completing a variety of learning tasks (across a range of contexts and academic subjects), the fragmented nature of the current knowledge base, and the scarcity of rigorous studies, make it difficult to draw firm conclusions. The generalisability of evidence is limited and detailed explanations as to how, or why, using tablets within certain activities can improve learning remain elusive. We recommend that future research moves beyond exploration towards systematic and in-depth investigations building on the existing findings documented here.We gratefully acknowledge a donation from ARM Holdings Ltd. that partially supported this literature review.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jcal.1212

    Planning and implementing technology in the primary classroom: a study of Chilean student teachers' pedagogic development

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    This thesis examines Chilean student teachers' (ST) understanding of digital technology's pedagogic uses and primary classroom issues. Its initial assumption is that focusing on technology use in particular contexts is critical to understanding its effects on education and creating contextually appropriate pedagogies that can enhance students’ experiences. This work presents qualitative case studies of seven primary STs from a small city in southern Chile, exploring how they used and conceptualised technology and how they dealt with issues in their teaching practice. These aspects reflected their pedagogical understanding of the technologies used and their relationship with the educational context. The data collected comprised lesson plans, videos of classroom teaching, semi-structured interviews, audio recordings of supervision meetings and field notes from classroom observations, analysed thematically. The research revealed a pattern across cases. The intended and enacted pedagogies using technology supported existing teacher-centred approaches. The technology employed consisted of multimedia resources conceived to deliver and explain content, attract students' attention, and engage pupils in dialogic interactions. This perception of technology reveals a strong interest in maintaining discipline and learning environments in the classroom. The issues STs faced when using technology ranged from the inexistent digital culture at educational institutions to aspects of their agency and identity as teachers who use technology. This thesis uses the analysis to propose the Orchestration and Improvisation Pedagogical framework for integrating digital technology into teacher training. The framework aims to support STs in planning, implementing and reflecting on the uses of technology in synergy with the context. Using this framework, practitioners can evaluate different intertwined pedagogical aspects from research to practice. By foregrounding the importance of pedagogy and contextual reflection on technology application, these findings have value not only for STs and their teaching practice teams, but also for teacher-training programmes, educational policymakers and syllabus designers

    Using Digital Devices in Classroom Learning: A Complexity Theory Perspective

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    Using digital devices in primary classrooms has become a common practice in many schools around the world. A considerable amount of research has explored this phenomenon. However, the majority of studies published in highly ranked educational technology journals have focused on the effectiveness of interventions related to using digital devices in primary classrooms and few studies examine students’ use of digital devices during learning which reflects a dominance of the reductionist approach in studying classroom environments. While there is rich literature addressing the outcomes of using devices, much is still unknown about the use itself. The present study aimed to understand how students use digital devices in classroom learning activities. It explored the ways of use, the factors that shaped these uses, and how the uses contributed to the purposes of learning activities. Approaches used to study phenomena in open recursive systems, such as classrooms, should be different from approaches used to study phenomena in closed systems under controlled conditions. Therefore, Complexity Theory provided a framework to understand the socio-materiality of digital devices in classrooms learning. In addition, Actor-Network Theory was used to study the phenomenon in action and Biesta’s (2009) framework of the functions of education to understand the contribution of the uses to educational purposes. This multiple case study was conducted in New Zealand within two schools where two teachers and seven upper-primary students participated in the study. Data were collected across six months through observations, semi-structured interviews, group interviews, informal conversations, student think-aloud interviews and artefacts from learning including video screen-captures. Data were coded and analysed using the thematic analysis and an abductive strategy. From a synthesis of the findings a ‘Using Devices for Classroom Learning’ model was developed in which seven patterns of use were identified. The children used their devices as a source of information, means of communication, production medium, external personal memory, collective memory coordinator, trial-and-error learning space, and as a research tool. Interconnected factors shaped these uses which were related to the educational system, school and classroom environment, teachers, students, and digital technologies. The findings showed how the seven uses contributed to the educational purposes of classroom learning which were classified into students’ qualifications, socialisation, and subjectification. However, some of these uses led to undesirable influence on students’ learning. This study provides theoretical and practical contributions to the field of using digital technologies in education. Complexity thinking, as a holistic approach, sheds light on blind spots of the educational process and acknowledges the complexity and uncertainty when using devices for learning in social complex systems such as classrooms. What emerges in classrooms does not result from separate factors but from a network of relationships and interactions of interconnected factors. The model developed provides an analysis tool for researchers and assists educators and policymakers to understand and anticipate the role of digital devices in classroom learning