8 research outputs found

    H5hut: A high-performance I/O library for particle-based simulations

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    Particle-based simulations running on large high-performance computing systems over many time steps can generate an enormous amount of particle- and field-based data for post-processing and analysis. Achieving high-performance I/O for this data, effectively managing it on disk, and interfacing it with analysis and visualization tools can be challenging, especially for domain scientists who do not have I/O and data management expertise. We present the H5hut library, an implementation of several data models for particle-based simulations that encapsulates the complexity of HDF5 and is simple to use, yet does not compromise performance

    FastQuery: A Parallel Indexing System for Scientific Data

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    Modern scientific datasets present numerous data management and analysis challenges. State-of-the- art index and query technologies such as FastBit can significantly improve accesses to these datasets by augmenting the user data with indexes and other secondary information. However, a challenge is that the indexes assume the relational data model but the scientific data generally follows the array data model. To match the two data models, we design a generic mapping mechanism and implement an efficient input and output interface for reading and writing the data and their corresponding indexes. To take advantage of the emerging many-core architectures, we also develop a parallel strategy for indexing using threading technology. This approach complements our on-going MPI-based parallelization efforts. We demonstrate the flexibility of our software by applying it to two of the most commonly used scientific data formats, HDF5 and NetCDF. We present two case studies using data from a particle accelerator model and a global climate model. We also conducted a detailed performance study using these scientific datasets. The results show that FastQuery speeds up the query time by a factor of 2.5x to 50x, and it reduces the indexing time by a factor of 16 on 24 cores

    ArrayBridge: Interweaving declarative array processing with high-performance computing

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    Scientists are increasingly turning to datacenter-scale computers to produce and analyze massive arrays. Despite decades of database research that extols the virtues of declarative query processing, scientists still write, debug and parallelize imperative HPC kernels even for the most mundane queries. This impedance mismatch has been partly attributed to the cumbersome data loading process; in response, the database community has proposed in situ mechanisms to access data in scientific file formats. Scientists, however, desire more than a passive access method that reads arrays from files. This paper describes ArrayBridge, a bi-directional array view mechanism for scientific file formats, that aims to make declarative array manipulations interoperable with imperative file-centric analyses. Our prototype implementation of ArrayBridge uses HDF5 as the underlying array storage library and seamlessly integrates into the SciDB open-source array database system. In addition to fast querying over external array objects, ArrayBridge produces arrays in the HDF5 file format just as easily as it can read from it. ArrayBridge also supports time travel queries from imperative kernels through the unmodified HDF5 API, and automatically deduplicates between array versions for space efficiency. Our extensive performance evaluation in NERSC, a large-scale scientific computing facility, shows that ArrayBridge exhibits statistically indistinguishable performance and I/O scalability to the native SciDB storage engine.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    DataMods: Programmable File System Services

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    Abstract-As applications become more complex, and the level of concurrency in systems continue to rise, developers are struggling to scale complex data models on top of a traditional byte stream interface. Middleware tailored for specific data models is a common approach to dealing with these challenges, but middleware commonly reproduces scalable services already present in many distributed file systems. We present DataMods, an abstraction over existing services found in large-scale storage systems that allows middleware to take advantage of existing, highly tuned services. Specifically, DataMods provides an abstraction for extending storage system services in order to implement native, domain-specific data models and interfaces throughout the storage hierarchy

    The Next Generation of EMPRESS: A Metadata Management System For Accelerated Scientific Discovery at Exascale

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    Scientific data sets have grown rapidly in recent years, outpacing the growth in memory and network bandwidths. This I/O bottleneck has made it increasingly difficult for scientists to read and search outputted datasets in an attempt to find features of interest. In this paper, we will present the next generation of EMPRESS, a scalable metadata management service that offers the following solution: users can tag features of interest and search these tags without having to read in the associated datasets. EMPRESS provides, in essence, a digital scientific notebook where scientists can write down observations and highlight interesting results, and an efficient way to search these annotations. EMPRESS also provides storage-system independent physical metadata, providing a portable way for users to read both metadata and the associated data. EMPRESS offers scalability through two different deployment modes: local , which runs on the compute nodes and dedicated, which uses a set of dedicated, shared-nothing servers. EMPRESS also provides robust fault tolerance and transaction management, which is crucial to supporting workflows

    Temporal Lossy In-Situ Compression for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations

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    Während CFD Simulationen für Metallschmelze im Rahmen des SFB920 fallen auf dem Taurus HPC Cluster in Dresden sehr große Datenmengen an, deren Handhabung den wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsablauf stark verlangsamen. Zum einen ist der Transfer in Visualisierungssysteme nur unter hohem Zeitaufwand möglich. Zum anderen ist interaktive Analyse von zeitlich abhängigen Prozessen auf Grund des Speicherflaschenhalses nahezu unmöglich. Aus diesen Gründen beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Dissertation mit der Entwicklung sog. Temporaler In-Situ Kompression für wissenschaftliche Daten direkt innerhalb von CFD Simulationen. Dabei werden mittels neuer Quantisierungsverfahren die Daten auf ~10% komprimiert, wobei dekomprimierte Daten einen Fehler von maximal 1% aufweisen. Im Gegensatz zu nicht-temporaler Kompression, wird bei temporaler Kompression der Unterschied zwischen Zeitschritten komprimiert, um den Kompressionsgrad zu erhöhen. Da die Datenmenge um ein Vielfaches kleiner ist, werden Kosten für die Speicherung und die Übertragung gesenkt. Da Kompression, Transfer und Dekompression bis zu 4 mal schneller ablaufen als der Transfer von unkomprimierten Daten, wird der wissenschaftliche Arbeitsablauf beschleunigt

    Linking Automated Data Analysis and Visualization with Applications in Developmental Biology and High-Energy Physics

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