57 research outputs found

    GraphVite: A High-Performance CPU-GPU Hybrid System for Node Embedding

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    Learning continuous representations of nodes is attracting growing interest in both academia and industry recently, due to their simplicity and effectiveness in a variety of applications. Most of existing node embedding algorithms and systems are capable of processing networks with hundreds of thousands or a few millions of nodes. However, how to scale them to networks that have tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of nodes remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose GraphVite, a high-performance CPU-GPU hybrid system for training node embeddings, by co-optimizing the algorithm and the system. On the CPU end, augmented edge samples are parallelly generated by random walks in an online fashion on the network, and serve as the training data. On the GPU end, a novel parallel negative sampling is proposed to leverage multiple GPUs to train node embeddings simultaneously, without much data transfer and synchronization. Moreover, an efficient collaboration strategy is proposed to further reduce the synchronization cost between CPUs and GPUs. Experiments on multiple real-world networks show that GraphVite is super efficient. It takes only about one minute for a network with 1 million nodes and 5 million edges on a single machine with 4 GPUs, and takes around 20 hours for a network with 66 million nodes and 1.8 billion edges. Compared to the current fastest system, GraphVite is about 50 times faster without any sacrifice on performance.Comment: accepted at WWW 201

    Data Partitioning and Asynchronous Processing to Improve the Embedded Software Performance on Multicore Processors

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    Nowadays, ensuring information security is extremely inevitable and urgent. We are also witnessing the strong development of embedded systems, IoT. As a result, research to ensure information security for embedded software is being focused. However, studies on optimizing embedded software on multi-core processors to ensure information security and increase the performance of embedded software have not received much attention. The paper proposes and develops the embedded software performance improvement method on multi-core processors based on data partitioning and asynchronous processing. Data are used globally to be retrieved by any threads. The data are divided into different partitions, and the program is also installed according to the multi-threaded model. Each thread handles a partition of the divided data. The size of each data portion is proportional to the processing speed and the cache size of the core in the multi-core processor. Threads run in parallel and do not need synchronization, but it is necessary to share a general global variable to check the executing status of the system. Our research on embedded software is based on data security, so we have tested and assessed the method with several block ciphers like AES, DES, etc., on Raspberry PI3. The average performance improvement rate achieved was 59.09%

    Enabling parallelism and optimizations in data mining algorithms for power-law data

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    Today's data mining tasks aim to extract meaningful information from a large amount of data in a reasonable time mainly via means of --- a) algorithmic advances, such as fast approximate algorithms and efficient learning algorithms, and b) architectural advances, such as machines with massive compute capacity involving distributed multi-core processors and high throughput accelerators. For current and future generation processors, parallel algorithms are critical for fully utilizing computing resources. Furthermore, exploiting data properties for performance gain becomes crucial for data mining applications. In this work, we focus our attention on power-law behavior –-- a common property found in a large class of data, such as text data, internet traffic, and click-stream data. Specifically, we address the following questions in the context of power-law data: How well do the critical data mining algorithms of current interest fit with today's parallel architectures? Which algorithmic and mapping opportunities can be leveraged to further improve performance?, and What are the relative challenges and gains for such approaches? Specifically, we first investigate the suitability of the "frequency estimation" problem for GPU-scale parallelism. Sketching algorithms are a popular choice for this task due to their desirable trade-off between estimation accuracy and space-time efficiency. However, most of the past work on sketch-based frequency estimation focused on CPU implementations. In our work, we propose a novel approach for sketches, which exploits the natural skewness in the power-law data to efficiently utilize the massive amounts of parallelism in modern GPUs. Next, we explore the problem of "identifying top-K frequent elements" for distributed data streams on modern distributed settings with both multi-core and multi-node CPU parallelism. Sketch-based approaches, such as Count-Min Sketch (CMS) with top-K heap, have an excellent update time but lacks the important property of reducibility, which is needed for exploiting data parallelism. On the other end, the popular Frequent Algorithm (FA) leads to reducible summaries, but its update costs are high. Our approach Topkapi, gives the best of both worlds, i.e., it is reducible like FA and has an efficient update time similar to CMS. For power-law data, Topkapi possesses strong theoretical guarantees and leads to significant performance gains, relative to past work. Finally, we study Word2Vec, a popular word embedding method widely used in Machine learning and Natural Language Processing applications, such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, and query answering. This time, we target Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) parallelism. With the increasing vector lengths in commodity CPUs, such as AVX-512 with a vector length of 512 bits, efficient vector processing unit utilization becomes a major performance game-changer. By employing a static multi-version code generation strategy coupled with an algorithmic approximation based on the power-law frequency distribution of words, we achieve significant reductions in training time relative to the state-of-the-art.Ph.D

    Parallel data-local training for optimizing Word2Vec embeddings for word and graph embeddings

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    The Word2Vec model is a neural network-based unsupervised word embedding technique widely used in applications such as natural language processing, bioinformatics and graph mining. As Word2Vec repeatedly performs Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) to minimize the objective function, it is very compute-intensive. However, existing methods for parallelizing Word2Vec are not optimized enough for data locality to achieve high performance. In this paper, we develop a parallel data-locality-enhanced Word2Vec algorithm based on Skip-gram with a novel negative sampling method that decouples loss calculation with positive and negative samples; this allows us to efficiently reformulate matrix-matrix operations for the negative samples over the sentence. Experimental results demonstrate our parallel implementations on multi-core CPUs and GPUs achieve significant performance improvement over the existing state-of-the-art parallel Word2Vec implementations while maintaining evaluation quality. We also show the utility of our Word2Vec implementation within the Node2Vec algorithm which accelerates embedding learning for large graphs

    Distributed Graph Embedding with Information-Oriented Random Walks

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    Graph embedding maps graph nodes to low-dimensional vectors, and is widely adopted in machine learning tasks. The increasing availability of billion-edge graphs underscores the importance of learning efficient and effective embeddings on large graphs, such as link prediction on Twitter with over one billion edges. Most existing graph embedding methods fall short of reaching high data scalability. In this paper, we present a general-purpose, distributed, information-centric random walk-based graph embedding framework, DistGER, which can scale to embed billion-edge graphs. DistGER incrementally computes information-centric random walks. It further leverages a multi-proximity-aware, streaming, parallel graph partitioning strategy, simultaneously achieving high local partition quality and excellent workload balancing across machines. DistGER also improves the distributed Skip-Gram learning model to generate node embeddings by optimizing the access locality, CPU throughput, and synchronization efficiency. Experiments on real-world graphs demonstrate that compared to state-of-the-art distributed graph embedding frameworks, including KnightKing, DistDGL, and Pytorch-BigGraph, DistGER exhibits 2.33x-129x acceleration, 45% reduction in cross-machines communication, and > 10% effectiveness improvement in downstream tasks

    A Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Alcohol Consumption in Adolescents From Historical Text Messaging Data

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    Techniques based on artificial neural networks represent the current state-of-the-art in machine learning due to the availability of improved hardware and large data sets. Here we employ doc2vec, an unsupervised neural network, to capture the semantic content of text messages sent by adolescents during high school, and encode this semantic content as numeric vectors. These vectors effectively condense the text message data into highly leverageable inputs to a logistic regression classifier in a matter of hours, as compared to the tedious and often quite lengthy task of manually coding data. Using our machine learning approach, we are able to train a logistic regression model to predict adolescents\u27 engagement in substance abuse during distinct life phases with accuracy ranging from 76.5% to 88.1%. We show the effects of grade level and text message aggregation strategy on the efficacy of document embedding generation with doc2vec. Additional examination of the vectorizations for specific terms extracted from the text message data adds quantitative depth to this analysis. We demonstrate the ability of the method used herein to overcome traditional natural language processing concerns related to unconventional orthography. These results suggest that the approach described in this thesis is a competitive and efficient alternative to existing methodologies for predicting substance abuse behaviors. This work reveals the potential for the application of machine learning-based manipulation of text messaging data to development of automatic intervention strategies against substance abuse and other adolescent challenges

    Matching Biomedical Knowledge Graphs with Neural Embeddings

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    Tese de mestrado, Ciência de Dados, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020Os grafos de conhecimento são estruturas que se tornaram fundamentais para a organização dos dados biomédicos que têm sido produzidos a um ritmo exponencial nos últimos anos. A abrangente adoção desta forma de estruturar e descrever dados levou ao desenvolvimento de abordagens de prospeção de dados que tirassem partido desta informação com o intuito de auxiliar o progresso do conhecimento científico. Porém, devido à impossibilidade de isolamento de domínios de conhecimento e à idiossincrasia humana, grafos de conhecimento construídos por diferentes indivíduos contêm muitas vezes conceitos equivalentes descritos de forma diferente, dificultando uma análise integrada de dados de diferentes grafos de conhecimento. Vários sistemas de alinhamento de grafos de conhecimento têm focado a resolução deste desafio. Contudo, o desempenho destes sistemas no alinhamento de grafos de conhecimento biomédicos estagnou nos últimos quatro anos com algoritmos e recursos externos bastante trabalhados para aprimorar os resultados. Nesta dissertação, apresentamos duas novas abordagens de alinhamento de grafos de conhecimento empregando Neural Embeddings: uma utilizando semelhança simples entre embeddings à base de palavras e de entidades de grafos; outra treinando um modelo mais complexo que refinasse a informação proveniente de embeddings baseados em palavras. A metodologia proposta visa integrar estas abordagens no processo regular de alinhamento, utilizando como infraestrutura o sistema AgreementMakerLight. Estas novas componentes permitem extender os algoritmos de alinhamento do sistema, descobrindo novos mapeamentos, e criar uma abordagem de alinhamento mais generalizável e menos dependente de ontologias biomédicas externas. Esta nova metodologia foi avaliada em três casos de teste de alinhamento de ontologias biomédicas, provenientes da Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative. Os resultados demonstraram que apesar de ambas as abordagens não excederem o estado da arte, estas obtiveram um desempenho benéfico nas tarefas de alinhamento, superando a performance de todos os sistemas que não usam ontologias externas e inclusive alguns que tiram proveito das mesmas, o que demonstra o valor das técnicas de Neural Embeddings na tarefa de alinhamento de grafos do conhecimento biomédicos.Knowledge graphs are data structures which became essential to organize biomedical data produced at an exponential rate in the last few years. The broad adoption of this method of structuring and describing data resulted in the increased interest to develop data mining approaches which took advantage of these information structures in order to improve scientific knowledge. However, due to human idiosyncrasy and also the impossibility to isolate knowledge domains in separate pieces, knowledge graphs constructed by different individuals often contain equivalent concepts described differently. This obstructs the path to an integrated analysis of data described by multiple knowledge graphs. Multiple knowledge graph matching systems have been developed to address this challenge. Nevertheless, the performance of these systems has stagnated in the last four years, despite the fact that they were provided with highly tailored algorithms and external resources to tackle this task. In this dissertation, we present two novel knowledge graph matching approaches employing neural embeddings: one using plain embedding similarity based on word and graph models; the other one using a more complex word-based model which requires training data to refine embeddings. The proposed methodology aims to integrate these approaches in the regular matching process, using the AgreementMakerLight system as a foundation. These new components enable the extension of the system’s current matching algorithms, discovering new mappings, and developing a more generalizable and less dependent on external biomedical ontologies matching procedure. This new methodology was evaluated on three biomedical ontology matching test cases provided by the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative. The results showed that despite both embedding approaches don’t exceed state of the art results, they still produce better results than any other matching systems which do not make use of external ontologies and also surpass some that do benefit from them. This shows that Neural Embeddings are a valuable technique to tackle the challenge of biomedical knowledge graph matching
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