205 research outputs found

    3D Shape Modeling Using High Level Descriptors

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    A Revisit of Shape Editing Techniques: from the Geometric to the Neural Viewpoint

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    3D shape editing is widely used in a range of applications such as movie production, computer games and computer aided design. It is also a popular research topic in computer graphics and computer vision. In past decades, researchers have developed a series of editing methods to make the editing process faster, more robust, and more reliable. Traditionally, the deformed shape is determined by the optimal transformation and weights for an energy term. With increasing availability of 3D shapes on the Internet, data-driven methods were proposed to improve the editing results. More recently as the deep neural networks became popular, many deep learning based editing methods have been developed in this field, which is naturally data-driven. We mainly survey recent research works from the geometric viewpoint to those emerging neural deformation techniques and categorize them into organic shape editing methods and man-made model editing methods. Both traditional methods and recent neural network based methods are reviewed

    Structure-aware shape processing

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    Structure-aware shape processing

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    Structure-aware content creation : detection, retargeting and deformation

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    Nowadays, access to digital information has become ubiquitous, while three-dimensional visual representation is becoming indispensable to knowledge understanding and information retrieval. Three-dimensional digitization plays a natural role in bridging connections between the real and virtual world, which prompt the huge demand for massive three-dimensional digital content. But reducing the effort required for three-dimensional modeling has been a practical problem, and long standing challenge in compute graphics and related fields. In this thesis, we propose several techniques for lightening up the content creation process, which have the common theme of being structure-aware, ie maintaining global relations among the parts of shape. We are especially interested in formulating our algorithms such that they make use of symmetry structures, because of their concise yet highly abstract principles are universally applicable to most regular patterns. We introduce our work from three different aspects in this thesis. First, we characterized spaces of symmetry preserving deformations, and developed a method to explore this space in real-time, which significantly simplified the generation of symmetry preserving shape variants. Second, we empirically studied three-dimensional offset statistics, and developed a fully automatic retargeting application, which is based on verified sparsity. Finally, we made step forward in solving the approximate three-dimensional partial symmetry detection problem, using a novel co-occurrence analysis method, which could serve as the foundation to high-level applications.Jetzt hat die Zugang zu digitalen Informationen allgegenwärtig geworden. Dreidimensionale visuelle Darstellung wird immer zum Einsichtsverständnis und Informationswiedergewinnung unverzichtbar. Dreidimensionale Digitalisierung verbindet die reale und virtuelle Welt auf natürliche Weise, die prompt die große Nachfrage nach massiven dreidimensionale digitale Inhalte. Es ist immer noch ein praktisches Problem und langjährige Herausforderung in Computergrafik und verwandten Bereichen, die den Aufwand für die dreidimensionale Modellierung reduzieren. In dieser Dissertation schlagen wir verschiedene Techniken zur Aufhellung der Erstellung von Inhalten auf, im Rahmen der gemeinsamen Thema der struktur-bewusst zu sein, d.h. globalen Beziehungen zwischen den Teilen der Gestalt beibehalten wird. Besonders interessiert sind wir bei der Formulierung unserer Algorithmen, so dass sie den Einsatz von Symmetrische Strukturen machen, wegen ihrer knappen, aber sehr abstrakten Prinzipien für die meisten regelmäßigen Mustern universell einsetzbar sind. Wir stellen unsere Arbei aus drei verschiedenen Aspekte in dieser Dissertation. Erstens befinden wir Räume der Verformungen, die Symmetrien zu erhalten, und entwickelten wir eine Methode, diesen Raum in Echtzeit zu erkunden, die deutlich die Erzeugung von Gestalten vereinfacht, die Symmetrien zu bewahren. Zweitens haben wir empirisch untersucht dreidimensionale Offset Statistiken und entwickelten eine vollautomatische Applikation für Retargeting, die auf den verifizierte Seltenheit basiert. Schließlich treten wir uns auf die ungefähre dreidimensionalen Teilsymmetrie Erkennungsproblem zu lösen, auf der Grundlage unserer neuen Kookkurrenz Analyseverfahren, die viele hochrangige Anwendungen dienen verwendet werden könnten

    Constrained camera motion estimation and 3D reconstruction

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    The creation of virtual content from visual data is a tedious task which requires a high amount of skill and expertise. Although the majority of consumers is in possession of multiple imaging devices that would enable them to perform this task in principle, the processing techniques and tools are still intended for the use by trained experts. As more and more capable hardware becomes available, there is a growing need among consumers and professionals alike for new flexible and reliable tools that reduce the amount of time and effort required to create high-quality content. This thesis describes advances of the state of the art in three areas of computer vision: camera motion estimation, probabilistic 3D reconstruction, and template fitting. First, a new camera model geared towards stereoscopic input data is introduced, which is subsequently developed into a generalized framework for constrained camera motion estimation. A probabilistic reconstruction method for 3D line segments is then described, which takes global connectivity constraints into account. Finally, a new framework for symmetry-aware template fitting is presented, which allows the creation of high-quality models from low-quality input 3D scans. Evaluations with a broad range of challenging synthetic and real-world data sets demonstrate that the new constrained camera motion estimation methods provide improved accuracy and flexibility, and that the new constrained 3D reconstruction methods improve the current state of the art.Die Erzeugung virtueller Inhalte aus visuellem Datenmaterial ist langwierig und erfordert viel Geschick und Sachkenntnis. Obwohl der Großteil der Konsumenten mehrere Bildgebungsgeräte besitzt, die es ihm im Prinzip erlauben würden, dies durchzuführen, sind die Techniken und Werkzeuge noch immer für den Einsatz durch ausgebildete Fachleute gedacht. Da immer leistungsfähigere Hardware zur Verfügung steht, gibt es sowohl bei Konsumenten als auch bei Fachleuten eine wachsende Nachfrage nach neuen flexiblen und verlässlichen Werkzeugen, die die Erzeugung von qualitativ hochwertigen Inhalten vereinfachen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Erweiterungen des Stands der Technik in den folgenden drei Bereichen der Bildverarbeitung beschrieben: Kamerabewegungsschätzung, wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretische 3D-Rekonstruktion und Template-Fitting. Zuerst wird ein neues Kameramodell vorgestellt, das für die Verarbeitung von stereoskopischen Eingabedaten ausgelegt ist. Dieses Modell wird in der Folge in eine generalisierte Methode zur Kamerabewegungsschätzung unter Nebenbedingungen erweitert. Anschließend wird ein wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretisches Verfahren zur Rekonstruktion von 3D-Liniensegmenten beschrieben, das globale Verbindungen als Nebenbedingungen berücksichtigt. Schließlich wird eine neue Methode zum Fitting eines Template-Modells präsentiert, bei der die Berücksichtigung der Symmetriestruktur des Templates die Erzeugung von Modellen hoher Qualität aus 3D-Eingabedaten niedriger Qualität erlaubt. Evaluierungen mit einem breiten Spektrum an anspruchsvollen synthetischen und realen Datensätzen zeigen, dass die neuen Methoden zur Kamerabewegungsschätzung unter Nebenbedingungen höhere Genauigkeit und mehr Flexibilität ermöglichen, und dass die neuen Methoden zur 3D-Rekonstruktion unter Nebenbedingungen den Stand der Technik erweitern

    Spectral methods for multimodal data analysis

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    Spectral methods have proven themselves as an important and versatile tool in a wide range of problems in the fields of computer graphics, machine learning, pattern recognition, and computer vision, where many important problems boil down to constructing a Laplacian operator and finding a few of its eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Classical examples include the computation of diffusion distances on manifolds in computer graphics, Laplacian eigenmaps, and spectral clustering in machine learning. In many cases, one has to deal with multiple data spaces simultaneously. For example, clustering multimedia data in machine learning applications involves various modalities or ``views'' (e.g., text and images), and finding correspondence between shapes in computer graphics problems is an operation performed between two or more modalities. In this thesis, we develop a generalization of spectral methods to deal with multiple data spaces and apply them to problems from the domains of computer graphics, machine learning, and image processing. Our main construction is based on simultaneous diagonalization of Laplacian operators. We present an efficient numerical technique for computing joint approximate eigenvectors of two or more Laplacians in challenging noisy scenarios, which also appears to be the first general non-smooth manifold optimization method. Finally, we use the relation between joint approximate diagonalizability and approximate commutativity of operators to define a structural similarity measure for images. We use this measure to perform structure-preserving color manipulations of a given image


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    In this dissertation a new approach for non-rigid medical im- age registration is presented. It relies onto a probabilistic framework based on the novel concept of Fuzzy Kernel Regression. The theoric framework, after a formal introduction is applied to develop several complete registration systems, two of them are interactive and one is fully automatic. They all use the composition of local deforma- tions to achieve the final alignment. Automatic one is based onto the maximization of mutual information to produce local affine aligments which are merged into the global transformation. Mutual Information maximization procedure uses gradient descent method. Due to the huge amount of data associated to medical images, a multi-resolution topology is embodied, reducing processing time. The distance based interpolation scheme injected facilitates the similairity measure op- timization by attenuating the presence of local maxima in the func- tional. System blocks are implemented on GPGPUs allowing efficient parallel computation of large 3d datasets using SIMT execution. Due to the flexibility of Mutual Information, it can be applied to multi- modality image scans (MRI, CT, PET, etc.). Both quantitative and qualitative experiments show promising results and great potential for future extension. Finally the framework flexibility is shown by means of its succesful application to the image retargeting issue, methods and results are presented