9 research outputs found

    Sustainable Manufacturing: Application of Optimization to Textile Manufacturing Plants

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    The main goal of manufacturing industry is to produce the end products on time with good quality and keep the resource wastage low. However, manufacturing industry face several challenges such as bottle necks in the workflow, unsynchronized production, and sudden increase in product demands. In this paper, we are proposing a management platform for textile manufacturing plants with following modules: (1) sewing workflow optimization (2) quality assurance workflow optimization and (3) finishing workflow optimizations. We have used Genetic Programming (GP) approach, to optimize the workflows, considering different factors that affect each workflow. Our results show that, using our proposed platform, the manufacturing workflows can be optimized and reduce the bottle necks in the workflows and resource wastage in the manufacturing plant


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    Inflasi dapat dikatakan sebagai perubahan nilai barang ataupun jasa yang terjadi secara terus-menerus, inflasi ini kemudian dapat berdampak buruk pada sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Prediksi terhadap tingkat inflasi diperlukan untuk mengetahui berapa kenaikan maupun penurunan tingkat inflasi dimasa mendatang. Prediksi sendiri merupakan suatu peramalan terhadap suatu hal pada suatu waktu tertetntu. Prediksi atau peramlan dilakukan dengan menggunakan model regresi, model regresi merupakan suatu metode peramalan yang memanfaatkan data historis tingkat inflasi bulanan indonesia. Untuk menghasilkan prediksi yang lebih baik, perlu dilakukan optimasi terhadap model regresi dengan menggunakan algoritma genetika dengan tujuan mendapatkan koefisien regresi terbaik untuk prediksi tingkat inflasi dengan model regresi. Proses crossover pada algoritma genetika menggunakan extended intermediet crossover, proses mutasi menggunakan model random mutation dan proses seleksi menggunakan model replacement selection. Pengujian terhadap prediksi tingkat inflasi dengan model regresi yang dioptimasi dengan algoritma genetika, menggunakan 10 data atau individu yakni data tingkat inflasi pada tahun 2019, prediksi dilakukan sebanyak 10 kali percobaan. Prediksi tingkat inflasi dengan menggunakan model regresi dan optimasi algoritma genetika ini terbukti dapat menghasilkan hasil prediksi tingkat inflasi yang termasuk dalam kategori baik. Nilai rata-rata eror MSE untuk prediksi yang dihasilkan adalah 0.1554, nilai rata-rata eror MAPE sebesar 14.58% dan nilai rata-rata akurasi 85.41%. Kata Kunci: Inflasi, prediksi, regresi linier, algoritma genetika, crossover, mutas

    Traffic-Profile and Machine Learning Based Regional Data Center Design and Operation for 5G Network

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    Data center in the fifth generation (5G) network will serve as a facilitator to move the wireless communication industry from a proprietary hardware based approach to a more software oriented environment. Techniques such as Software defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) would be able to deploy network functionalities such as service and packet gateways as software. These virtual functionalities however would require computational power from data centers. Therefore, these data centers need to be properly placed and carefully designed based on the volume of traffic they are meant to serve. In this work, we first divide the city of Milan, Italy into different zones using K-means clustering algorithm. We then analyse the traffic profiles of these zones in the city using a network operator’s Open Big Data set. We identify the optimal placement of data centers as a facility location problem and propose the use of Weiszfeld’s algorithm to solve it. Furthermore, based on our analysis of traffic profiles in different zones, we heuristically determine the ideal dimension of the data center in each zone. Additionally, to aid operation and facilitate dynamic utilization of data center resources, we use the state of the art recurrent neural network models to predict the future traffic demands according to past demand profiles of each area

    Resource management in a containerized cloud : status and challenges

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    Cloud computing heavily relies on virtualization, as with cloud computing virtual resources are typically leased to the consumer, for example as virtual machines. Efficient management of these virtual resources is of great importance, as it has a direct impact on both the scalability and the operational costs of the cloud environment. Recently, containers are gaining popularity as virtualization technology, due to the minimal overhead compared to traditional virtual machines and the offered portability. Traditional resource management strategies however are typically designed for the allocation and migration of virtual machines, so the question arises how these strategies can be adapted for the management of a containerized cloud. Apart from this, the cloud is also no longer limited to the centrally hosted data center infrastructure. New deployment models have gained maturity, such as fog and mobile edge computing, bringing the cloud closer to the end user. These models could also benefit from container technology, as the newly introduced devices often have limited hardware resources. In this survey, we provide an overview of the current state of the art regarding resource management within the broad sense of cloud computing, complementary to existing surveys in literature. We investigate how research is adapting to the recent evolutions within the cloud, being the adoption of container technology and the introduction of the fog computing conceptual model. Furthermore, we identify several challenges and possible opportunities for future research

    Optimizing resource allocation for virtualized network functions in a cloud center using genetic algorithms

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    With the introduction of network function virtualization technology, migrating entire enterprise data centers into the cloud has become a possibility. However, for a cloud service provider (CSP) to offer such services, several research problems still need to be addressed. In previous work, we have introduced a platform, called network function center (NFC), to study research issues related to virtualized network functions (VNFs). In an NFC, we assume VNFs to be implemented on virtual machines that can be deployed in any server in the CSP network. We have proposed a resource allocation algorithm for VNFs based on genetic algorithms (GAs). In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of two resource allocation algorithms based on GA for: 1) the initial placement of VNFs and 2) the scaling of VNFs to support traffic changes. We compare the performance of the proposed algorithms with a traditional integer linear programming resource allocation technique. We then combine data from previous empirical analyses to generate realistic VNF chains and traffic patterns, and evaluate the resource allocation decision making algorithms. We assume different architectures for the data center, implement different fitness functions with GA, and compare their performance when scaling over the time.This research was sponsored by U.S. Army Research Laboratory and U.K. Ministry of Defence and was accomplished under Agreement Number W911NF-06-3-0001. Jorge Lobo was partially supported by the Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Also this work was supported by the Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence Programme and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the MarĂ­a de Maezto Units of Excellence Program (MDM-2015-0502)

    Optimizing resource allocation for virtualized network functions in a cloud center using genetic algorithms

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    With the introduction of network function virtualization technology, migrating entire enterprise data centers into the cloud has become a possibility. However, for a cloud service provider (CSP) to offer such services, several research problems still need to be addressed. In previous work, we have introduced a platform, called network function center (NFC), to study research issues related to virtualized network functions (VNFs). In an NFC, we assume VNFs to be implemented on virtual machines that can be deployed in any server in the CSP network. We have proposed a resource allocation algorithm for VNFs based on genetic algorithms (GAs). In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of two resource allocation algorithms based on GA for: 1) the initial placement of VNFs and 2) the scaling of VNFs to support traffic changes. We compare the performance of the proposed algorithms with a traditional integer linear programming resource allocation technique. We then combine data from previous empirical analyses to generate realistic VNF chains and traffic patterns, and evaluate the resource allocation decision making algorithms. We assume different architectures for the data center, implement different fitness functions with GA, and compare their performance when scaling over the time.This research was sponsored by U.S. Army Research Laboratory and U.K. Ministry of Defence and was accomplished under Agreement Number W911NF-06-3-0001. Jorge Lobo was partially supported by the Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Also this work was supported by the Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence Programme and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the MarĂ­a de Maezto Units of Excellence Program (MDM-2015-0502)

    Dynamic Resource Provisioning and Scheduling in SDN/NFV-Enabled Core Networks

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    The service-oriented fifth-generation (5G) core networks are featured by customized network services with differentiated quality-of-service (QoS) requirements, which can be provisioned through network slicing enabled by the software defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) paradigms. Multiple network services are embedded in a common physical infrastructure, generating service-customized network slices. Each network slice supports a composite service via virtual network function (VNF) chaining, with dedicated packet processing functionality at each VNF. For a network slice with a target traffic load, the end-to-end (E2E) service delivery is enabled by VNF placement at NFV nodes (e.g., data centers and commodity servers) and traffic routing among corresponding NFV nodes, with static resource allocations. To provide continuous QoS performance guarantee over time, it is essential to develop dynamic resource management schemes for the embedded services experiencing traffic dynamics in different time granularities during virtual network operation. In this thesis, we focus on processing resources and investigate three research problems on dynamic processing resource provisioning and scheduling for embedded delay-sensitive services, in presence of both large-timescale traffic statistical changes and bursty traffic dynamics in smaller time granularities. In problem I, we investigate a dynamic flow migration problem for multiple embedded services, to accommodate the large-timescale changes in the average traffic rates with average E2E delay guarantee, while addressing a trade-off between load balancing and flow migration overhead. We develop optimization problem formulations and efficient heuristic algorithms, based on a simplified M/M/1 queueing model with Poisson traffic arrivals. Motivated by the limitations of Poisson traffic model, in problem II, we restrict to a local network scenario and study a dynamic VNF scaling problem based on a real-world traffic trace with nonstationary traffic statistics in large timescale. Under the assumption that the nonstationary traffic trace can be partitioned into non-overlapping stationary traffic segments with unknown change points in time, a change point detection driven traffic parameter learning and resource demand prediction scheme is proposed, based on which dynamic VNF migration decisions are made at variable-length decision epochs via deep reinforcement learning. The long-term trade-off between load balancing and migration overhead is studied. A fractional Brownian motion (fBm) traffic model is employed for each detected stationary traffic segment, based on properties of Gaussianity and self-similarity of the real-world traffic. In Problem III, we focus on a sufficiently long time duration with given VNF placement and stationary traffic statistics, and study a delay-aware VNF scheduling problem to coordinate VNF scheduling for multiple services, which achieves network utility maximization with timely throughput guarantee for each service, in presence of bursty and unpredictable small-timescale traffic dynamics, while using a realistic state-of-the-art time quantum (slot) for CPU processing resource scheduling among VNF software processes. Based on the Lyapunov optimization technique, an online distributed VNF scheduling algorithm is derived, which greedily schedules a VNF at each NFV node based on a weight incorporating the backpressure-based weighted differential backlogs with the downstream VNF, the service throughput performance indicated by virtual queue lengths, and the packet delay. With the proposed dynamic resource management framework, resources can be efficiently and fairly allocated to the embedded services, to avoid congestion and QoS degradation in the presence of traffic dynamics. This research provides some insights in dynamic resource management for delay-sensitive services in a virtualized network environment with CPU processing resources