63 research outputs found

    Optimizing Irregular Communication with Neighborhood Collectives and Locality-Aware Parallelism

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    Irregular communication often limits both the performance and scalability of parallel applications. Typically, applications individually implement irregular messages using point-to-point communications, and any optimizations are added directly into the application. As a result, these optimizations lack portability. There is no easy way to optimize point-to-point messages within MPI, as the interface for single messages provides no information on the collection of all communication to be performed. However, the persistent neighbor collective API, released in the MPI 4 standard, provides an interface for portable optimizations of irregular communication within MPI libraries. This paper presents methods for optimizing irregular communication within neighborhood collectives, analyzes the impact of replacing point-to-point communication in existing codebases such as Hypre BoomerAMG with neighborhood collectives, and finally shows an up to 1.32x speedup on sparse matrix-vector multiplication within a BoomerAMG solve through the use of our optimized neighbor collectives. The authors analyze multiple implementations of neighborhood collectives, including a standard implementation, which simply wraps standard point-to-point communication, as well as multiple implementations of locality-aware aggregation. All optimizations are available in an open-source codebase, MPI Advance, which sits on top of MPI, allowing for optimizations to be added into existing codebases regardless of the system MPI install

    Mapping applications with collectives over sub-communicators on torus networks

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    pre-printThe placement of tasks in a parallel application on specific nodes of a supercomputer can significantly impact performance. Traditionally, this task mapping has focused on reducing the distance between communicating tasks on the physical network. This minimizes the number of hops that point-to-point messages travel and thus reduces link sharing between messages and contention. However, for applications that use collectives over sub-communicators, this heuristic may not be optimal. Many collectives can benefit from an increase in bandwidth even at the cost of an increase in hop count, especially when sending large messages. For example, placing communicating tasks in a cube configuration rather than a plane or a line on a torus network increases the number of possible paths messages might take. This increases the available bandwidth which can lead to significant performance gains. We have developed Rubik, a tool that provides a simple and intuitive interface to create a wide variety of mappings for structured communication patterns. Rubik supports a number of elementary operations such as splits, tilts, or shifts, that can be combined into a large number of unique patterns. Each operation can be applied to disjoint groups of processes involved in collectives to increase the effective bandwidth. We demonstrate the use of Rubik for improving performance of two parallel codes, pF3D and Qbox, which use collectives over sub-communicators

    Project Final Report: HPC-Colony II

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    This report recounts the HPC Colony II Project which was a computer science effort funded by DOE's Advanced Scientific Computing Research office. The project included researchers from ORNL, IBM, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The topic of the effort was adaptive system software for extreme scale parallel machines. A description of findings is included

    On the conditions for efficient interoperability with threads: An experience with PGAS languages using Cray communication domains

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    Today's high performance systems are typically built from shared memory nodes connected by a high speed network. That architecture, combined with the trend towards less memory per core, encourages programmers to use a mixture of message passing and multithreaded programming. Unfortunately, the advantages of using threads for in-node programming are hindered by their inability to efficiently communicate between nodes. In this work, we identify some of the performance problems that arise in such hybrid programming environments and characterize conditions needed to achieve high communication performance for multiple threads: addressability of targets, separability of communication paths, and full direct reachability to targets. Using the GASNet communication layer on the Cray XC30 as our experimental platform, we show how to satisfy these conditions. We also discuss how satisfying these conditions is influenced by the communication abstraction, implementation constraints, and the interconnect messaging capabilities. To evaluate these ideas, we compare the communication performance of a thread-based node runtime to a process-based runtime. Without our GASNet extensions, thread communication is significantly slower than processes - up to 21x slower. Once the implementation is modified to address each of our conditions, the two runtimes have comparable communication performance. This allows programmers to more easily mix models like OpenMP, CILK, or pthreads with a GASNet-based model like UPC, with the associated performance, convenience and interoperability advantages that come from using threads within a node. © 2014 ACM

    A visual Analytics System for Optimizing Communications in Massively Parallel Applications

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    Current and future supercomputers have tens of thousands of compute nodes interconnected with high-dimensional networks and complex network topologies for improved performance. Application developers are required to write scalable parallel programs in order to achieve high throughput on these machines. Application performance is largely determined by efficient inter-process communication. A common way to analyze and optimize performance is through profiling parallel codes to identify communication bottlenecks. However, understanding gigabytes of profile data is not a trivial task. In this paper, we present a visual analytics system for identifying the scalability bottlenecks and improving the communication efficiency of massively parallel applications. Visualization methods used in this system are designed to comprehend large-scale and varied communication patterns on thousands of nodes in complex networks such as the 5D torus and the dragonfly. We also present efficient rerouting and remapping algorithms that can be coupled with our interactive visual analytics design for performance optimization. We demonstrate the utility of our system with several case studies using three benchmark applications on two leading supercomputers. The mapping suggestion from our system led to 38% improvement in hop-bytes for MiniAMR application on 4,096 MPI processes.This research has been sponsored in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation through grant IIS-1320229, and the U.S. Department of Energy through grants DE-SC0012610 and DE-SC0014917. This research has been funded in part and used resources of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility at Argonne National Lab- oratory, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract no. DE-AC02-06CH11357. This work was supported in part by the DOE Office of Science, ASCR, under award numbers 57L38, 57L32, 57L11, 57K50, and 508050

    Kernel-assisted and Topology-aware MPI Collective Communication among Multicore or Many-core Clusters

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    Multicore or many-core clusters have become the most prominent form of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. Hardware complexity and hierarchies not only exist in the inter-node layer, i.e., hierarchical networks, but also exist in internals of multicore compute nodes, e.g., Non Uniform Memory Accesses (NUMA), network-style interconnect, and memory and shared cache hierarchies. Message Passing Interface (MPI), the most widely adopted in the HPC communities, suffers from decreased performance and portability due to increased hardware complexity of multiple levels. We identified three critical issues specific to collective communication: The first problem arises from the gap between logical collective topologies and underlying hardware topologies; Second, current MPI communications lack efficient shared memory message delivering approaches; Last, on distributed memory machines, like multicore clusters, a single approach cannot encompass the extreme variations not only in the bandwidth and latency capabilities, but also in features such as the aptitude to operate multiple concurrent copies simultaneously. To bridge the gap between logical collective topologies and hardware topologies, we developed a distance-aware framework to integrate the knowledge of hardware distance into collective algorithms in order to dynamically reshape the communication patterns to suit the hardware capabilities. Based on process distance information, we used graph partitioning techniques to organize the MPI processes in a multi-level hierarchy, mapping on the hardware characteristics. Meanwhile, we took advantage of the kernel-assisted one-sided single-copy approach (KNEM) as the default shared memory delivering method. Via kernel-assisted memory copy, the collective algorithms offload copy tasks onto non-leader/not-root processes to evenly distribute copy workloads among available cores. Finally, on distributed memory machines, we developed a technique to compose multi-layered collective algorithms together to express a multi-level algorithm with tight interoperability between the levels. This tight collaboration results in more overlaps between inter- and intra-node communication. Experimental results have confirmed that, by leveraging several technologies together, such as kernel-assisted memory copy, the distance-aware framework, and collective algorithm composition, not only do MPI collectives reach the potential maximum performance on a wide variation of platforms, but they also deliver a level of performance immune to modifications of the underlying process-core binding

    Optimizing Collective Communication for Scalable Scientific Computing and Deep Learning

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    In the realm of distributed computing, collective operations involve coordinated communication and synchronization among multiple processing units, enabling efficient data exchange and collaboration. Scientific applications, such as simulations, computational fluid dynamics, and scalable deep learning, require complex computations that can be parallelized across multiple nodes in a distributed system. These applications often involve data-dependent communication patterns, where collective operations are critical for achieving high performance in data exchange. Optimizing collective operations for scientific applications and deep learning involves improving the algorithms, communication patterns, and data distribution strategies to minimize communication overhead and maximize computational efficiency. Within the context of this dissertation, the specific focus is on optimizing the alltoall operation in 3D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) applications and the allreduce operation in parallel deep learning, particularly on High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems. Advanced communication algorithms and methods are explored and implemented to improve communication efficiency, consequently enhancing the overall performance of 3D FFT applications. Furthermore, this dissertation investigates the identification of performance bottlenecks during collective communication over Horovod on distributed systems. These bottlenecks are addressed by proposing an optimized parallel communication pattern specifically tailored to alleviate the aforementioned limitations during the training phase in distributed deep learning. The objective is to achieve faster convergence and improve the overall training efficiency. Moreover, this dissertation proposes fault tolerance and elastic scaling features for distributed deep learning by leveraging the User-Level Failure Mitigation (ULFM) from Message Passing Interface (MPI). By incorporating ULFM MPI, the dissertation aims to enhance the elastic capabilities of distributed deep learning systems. This approach enables graceful and lightweight handling of failures while facilitating seamless scaling in dynamic computing environments

    Optimization of communication intensive applications on HPC networks

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    Communication is a necessary but overhead inducing component of parallel programming. Its impact on application design and performance is due to several related aspects of a parallel job execution: network topology, routing protocol, suitability of algorithm being used to the network, job placement, etc. This thesis is aimed at developing an understanding of how communication plays out on networks of high performance computing systems and exploring methods that can be used to improve communication performance of large scale applications. Broadly speaking, three topics have been studied in detail in this thesis. The first of these topics is task mapping and job placement on practical installations of torus and dragonfly networks. Next, use of supervised learning algorithms for conducting diagnostic studies of how communication evolves on networks is explored. Finally, efficacy of packet-level simulations for prediction-based studies of communication performance on different networks using different network parameters is analyzed. The primary contribution of this thesis is development of scalable diagnostic and prediction methods that can assist in the process of network designing, adapting applications to future systems, and optimizing execution of applications on existing systems. These meth- ods include a supervised learning approach, a functional modeling tool (called Damselfly), and a PDES-based packet level simulator (called TraceR), all of which are described in this thesis
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