33 research outputs found

    On a Joint Physical Layer and Medium Access Control Sublayer Design for Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are distributed networks comprising small sensing devices equipped with a processor, memory, power source, and often with the capability for short range wireless communication. These networks are used in various applications, and have created interest in WSN research and commercial uses, including industrial, scientific, household, military, medical and environmental domains. These initiatives have also been stimulated by the finalisation of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which defines the medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) for low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPAN). Future applications may require large WSNs consisting of huge numbers of inexpensive wireless sensor nodes with limited resources (energy, bandwidth), operating in harsh environmental conditions. WSNs must perform reliably despite novel resource constraints including limited bandwidth, channel errors, and nodes that have limited operating energy. Improving resource utilisation and quality-of-service (QoS), in terms of reliable connectivity and energy efficiency, are major challenges in WSNs. Hence, the development of new WSN applications with severe resource constraints will require innovative solutions to overcome the above issues as well as improving the robustness of network components, and developing sustainable and cost effective implementation models. The main purpose of this research is to investigate methods for improving the performance of WSNs to maintain reliable network connectivity, scalability and energy efficiency. The study focuses on the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC/PHY layers and the carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) based networks. First, transmission power control (TPC) is investigated in multi and single-hop WSNs using typical hardware platform parameters via simulation and numerical analysis. A novel approach to testing TPC at the physical layer is developed, and results show that contrary to what has been reported from previous studies, in multi-hop networks TPC does not save energy. Next, the network initialization/self-configuration phase is addressed through investigation of the 802.15.4 MAC beacon interval setting and the number of associating nodes, in terms of association delay with the coordinator. The results raise doubt whether that the association energy consumption will outweigh the benefit of duty cycle power management for larger beacon intervals as the number of associating nodes increases. The third main contribution of this thesis is a new cross layer (PHY-MAC) design to improve network energy efficiency, reliability and scalability by minimising packet collisions due to hidden nodes. This is undertaken in response to findings in this thesis on the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC performance in the presence of hidden nodes. Specifically, simulation results show that it is the random backoff exponent that is of paramount importance for resolving collisions and not the number of times the channel is sensed before transmitting. However, the random backoff is ineffective in the presence of hidden nodes. The proposed design uses a new algorithm to increase the sensing coverage area, and therefore greatly reduces the chance of packet collisions due to hidden nodes. Moreover, the design uses a new dynamic transmission power control (TPC) to further reduce energy consumption and interference. The above proposed changes can smoothly coexist with the legacy 802.15.4 CSMA/CA. Finally, an improved two dimensional discrete time Markov chain model is proposed to capture the performance of the slotted 802.15.4 CSMA/CA. This model rectifies minor issues apparent in previous studies. The relationship derived for the successful transmission probability, throughput and average energy consumption, will provide better performance predictions. It will also offer greater insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the MAC operation, and possible enhancement opportunities. Overall, the work presented in this thesis provides several significant insights into WSN performance improvements with both existing protocols and newly designed protocols. Finally, some of the numerous challenges for future research are described

    Scalable wireless sensor networks for dynamic communication environments: simulation and modelling

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    This thesis explores the deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) on localised maritime events. In particular, it will focus on the deployment of a WSN at sea and estimating what challenges derive from the environment and how they affect communication. This research addresses these challenges through simulation and modelling of communication and environment, evaluating the implications of hardware selection and custom algorithm development. The first part of this thesis consists of the analysis of aspects related to the Medium Access Control layer of the network stack in large-scale networks. These details are commonly hidden from upper layers, thus resulting in misconceptions of real deployment characteristics. Results show that simple solutions have greater advantages when the number of nodes within a cluster increases. The second part considers routing techniques, with focus on energy management and packet delivery. It is shown that, under certain conditions, relaying data can increase energy savings, while at the same time allows a more even distribution of its usage between nodes. The third part describes the development of a custom-made network simulator. It starts by considering realistic radio, channel and interference models to allow a trustworthy simulation of the deployment environment. The MAC and Routing techniques developed thus far are adapted to the simulator in a cross-layer manner. The fourth part consists of adapting the WSN behaviour to the variable weather and topology found in the chosen application scenario. By analysing the algorithms presented in this work, it is possible to find and use the best alternative under any set of environmental conditions. This mechanism, the environment-aware engine, uses both network and sensing data to optimise performance through a set of rules that involve message delivery and distance between origin and cluster hea

    Reliable cost-optimal deployment of wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) technology is currently considered one of the key technologies for realizing the Internet of Things (IoT). Many of the important WSNs applications are critical in nature such that the failure of the WSN to carry out its required tasks can have serious detrimental effects. Consequently, guaranteeing that the WSN functions satisfactorily during its intended mission time, i.e. the WSN is reliable, is one of the fundamental requirements of the network deployment strategy. Achieving this requirement at a minimum deployment cost is particularly important for critical applications in which deployed SNs are equipped with expensive hardware. However, WSN reliability, defined in the traditional sense, especially in conjunction with minimizing the deployment cost, has not been considered as a deployment requirement in existing WSN deployment algorithms to the best of our knowledge. Addressing this major limitation is the central focus of this dissertation. We define the reliable cost-optimal WSN deployment as the one that has minimum deployment cost with a reliability level that meets or exceeds a minimum level specified by the targeted application. We coin the problem of finding such deployments, for a given set of application-specific parameters, the Minimum-Cost Reliability-Constrained Sensor Node Deployment Problem (MCRC-SDP). To accomplish the aim of the dissertation, we propose a novel WSN reliability metric which adopts a more accurate SN model than the model used in the existing metrics. The proposed reliability metric is used to formulate the MCRC-SDP as a constrained combinatorial optimization problem which we prove to be NP-Complete. Two heuristic WSN deployment optimization algorithms are then developed to find high quality solutions for the MCRC-SDP. Finally, we investigate the practical realization of the techniques that we developed as solutions of the MCRC-SDP. For this purpose, we discuss why existing WSN Topology Control Protocols (TCPs) are not suitable for managing such reliable cost-optimal deployments. Accordingly, we propose a practical TCP that is suitable for managing the sleep/active cycles of the redundant SNs in such deployments. Experimental results suggest that the proposed TCP\u27s overhead and network Time To Repair (TTR) are relatively low which demonstrates the applicability of our proposed deployment solution in practice

    Energy and quality scalable wireless communication

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (p. 165-171).Nodes for emerging, high-density wireless networks will face the dual challenges of continuous, multi-year operation under diverse and challenging operating conditions. The wireless communication subsystem, a substantial consumer of energy, must therefore be designed with unprecedented energy efficiency. To meet this challenge, inefficiencies once overlooked must be addressed, and the system must be designed for energy scalability, the use of graceful energy vs. quality trade-offs in response to continuous variations in operational conditions. Using a comprehensive model framework that unifies cross-disciplinary models for energy consumption and communication performance, this work explores multi-dimensional trade-offs of energy and quality for wireless communication at all levels of the system hierarchy. The circuit-level "knob" of dynamic voltage scaling is implemented on a commercial microprocessor and integrated into a power aware, prototype microsensor node. Power aware abstractions encourage collaboration between the hardware, which fundamentally dissipates the energy, and software, which controls how the hardware behaves. Accurate models of hardware energy consumption reveal inefficiencies of routing techniques such as multihop, and the models are fused with information-theoretic limits on code performance to bound the energy scalability of the hardware platform. An application-specific protocol for microsensor networks is evaluated with a new, interactive Java simulation tool created expressly for energy-conscious, high density wireless networks. Close collaboration between software and hardware layers, and across the research disciplines that compose wireless communication itself, are crucial enablers for energy-efficient wireless communication.by Rex Kee Min.Ph.D


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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consisting of hundreds or even thousands of nodes, canbe used for a multitude of applications such as warfare intelligence or to monitor the environment. A typical WSN node has a limited and usually an irreplaceable power source and the efficient use of the available power is of utmost importance to ensure maximum lifetime of eachWSNapplication. Each of the nodes needs to transmit and communicate sensed data to an aggregation point for use by higher layer systems. Data and message transmission among nodes collectively consume the largest amount of energy available in WSNs. The network routing protocols ensure that every message reaches thedestination and has a direct impact on the amount of transmissions to deliver messages successfully. To this end, the transmission protocol within the WSNs should be scalable, adaptable and optimized to consume the least possible amount of energy to suite different network architectures and application domains. The inclusion of mobile nodes in the WSNs deployment proves to be detrimental to protocol performance in terms of nodes energy efficiency and reliable message delivery. This thesis which proposes a novel Mobile Data Collector based clustering routing protocol for WSNs is designed that combines cluster based hierarchical architecture and utilizes three-tier multi-hop routing strategy between cluster heads to base station by the help of Mobile Data Collector (MDC) for inter-cluster communication. In addition, a Mobile Data Collector based routing protocol is compared with Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy and A Novel Application Specific Network Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks routing protocol. The protocol is designed with the following in mind: minimize the energy consumption of sensor nodes, resolve communication holes issues, maintain data reliability, finally reach tradeoff between energy efficiency and latency in terms of End-to-End, and channel access delays. Simulation results have shown that the Mobile Data Collector based clustering routing protocol for WSNs could be easily implemented in environmental applications where energy efficiency of sensor nodes, network lifetime and data reliability are major concerns

    AdamRTP: Adaptive multi-flow real-time multimedia transport protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Real-time multimedia applications are time sensitive and require extra resources from the network, e.g. large bandwidth and big memory. However, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) suffer from limited resources such as computational, storage, and bandwidth capabilities. Therefore, sending real-time multimedia applications over WSNs can be very challenging. For this reason, we propose an Adaptive Multi-flow Real-time Multimedia Transport Protocol (AdamRTP) that has the ability to ease the process of transmitting real-time multimedia over WSNs by splitting the multimedia source stream into smaller independent flows using an MDC-aware encoder, then sending each flow to the destination using joint/disjoint path. AdamRTP uses dynamic adaptation techniques, e.g. number of flows and rate adaptation. Simulations experiments demonstrate that AdamRTP enhances the Quality of Service (QoS) of transmission. Also, we showed that in an ideal WSN, using multi-flows consumes less power than using a single flow and extends the life-time of the network

    Energy-Efficient Querying of Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Due to the distributed nature of information collection in wireless sensor networks and the inherent limitations of the component devices, the ability to store, locate, and retrieve data and services with minimum energy expenditure is a critical network function. Additionally, effective search protocols must scale efficiently and consume a minimum of network energy and memory reserves. A novel search protocol, the Trajectory-based Selective Broadcast Query protocol, is proposed. An analytical model of the protocol is derived, and an optimization model is formulated. Based on the results of analysis and simulation, the protocol is shown to reduce the expected total network energy expenditure by 45.5 percent to 75 percent compared to current methods. This research also derives an enhanced analytical node model of random walk search protocols for networks with limited-lifetime resources and time-constrained queries. An optimization program is developed to minimize the expected total energy expenditure while simultaneously ensuring the proportion of failed queries does not exceed a specified threshold. Finally, the ability of the analytical node model to predict the performance of random walk search protocols in large-population networks is established through extensive simulation experiments. It is shown that the model provides a reliable estimate of optimum search algorithm parameters

    Cooperative Relaying In Power Line Environment: A Survey and Tutorial

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    Exchange of information is essential in any society and the demand for faster, cheaper, and secure communications is increasing every day. With other hi-tech initiatives like IPv6 and Internet-of-Things (IOT) already in the horizon, demand for broadband is set to escalate beyond its current level. Inherently laden in the challenges posed by this technology are fresh opportunities in terms of penetration of data services into rural communities and development of innovative strategies for more efficient use of the grid. Though still in its developmental phase/stage, Power Line Communication (PLC) has grown beyond theoretical fantasy to become a reality. The proofs are the readily available PLC systems that can be purchased off the shelfto achieve in-house networking and the much talked about, smart metering technology; generally regarded as the “new bride” in utilities industry. One of the biggest gains of PLC is its use of existing electrical cables, thereby eliminating cost of installation and maintenance of data cables. However, given that the power infrastructure was traditionally built to deliver electricity, data signals do suffer various forms of distortions and impairments as they transit it. This paper presents a tutorial on the deployed wireless system technique which is to be adapted to PLC scenario for the purpose of managing the available source energy for achieving reliable communication system. One of these techniques is the cooperative diversity. Its application and deployment in power line environment is explored. The improvement achieved through cooperative diversity in some PLC systems were presented along with the associated limitations. Finally, future areas of research which will further improve the reliability of PLC systems and reduce its power consumption during transmission is shown


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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consisting of hundreds or even thousands of nodes, canbe used for a multitude of applications such as warfare intelligence or to monitor the environment. A typical WSN node has a limited and usually an irreplaceable power source and the efficient use of the available power is of utmost importance to ensure maximum lifetime of eachWSNapplication. Each of the nodes needs to transmit and communicate sensed data to an aggregation point for use by higher layer systems. Data and message transmission among nodes collectively consume the largest amount of energy available in WSNs. The network routing protocols ensure that every message reaches thedestination and has a direct impact on the amount of transmissions to deliver messages successfully. To this end, the transmission protocol within the WSNs should be scalable, adaptable and optimized to consume the least possible amount of energy to suite different network architectures and application domains. The inclusion of mobile nodes in the WSNs deployment proves to be detrimental to protocol performance in terms of nodes energy efficiency and reliable message delivery. This thesis which proposes a novel Mobile Data Collector based clustering routing protocol for WSNs is designed that combines cluster based hierarchical architecture and utilizes three-tier multi-hop routing strategy between cluster heads to base station by the help of Mobile Data Collector (MDC) for inter-cluster communication. In addition, a Mobile Data Collector based routing protocol is compared with Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy and A Novel Application Specific Network Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks routing protocol. The protocol is designed with the following in mind: minimize the energy consumption of sensor nodes, resolve communication holes issues, maintain data reliability, finally reach tradeoff between energy efficiency and latency in terms of End-to-End, and channel access delays. Simulation results have shown that the Mobile Data Collector based clustering routing protocol for WSNs could be easily implemented in environmental applications where energy efficiency of sensor nodes, network lifetime and data reliability are major concerns