2,717 research outputs found

    Practical service placement approach for microservices architecture

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    Community networks (CNs) have gained momentum in the last few years with the increasing number of spontaneously deployed WiFi hotspots and home networks. These networks, owned and managed by volunteers, offer various services to their members and to the public. To reduce the complexity of service deployment, community micro-clouds have recently emerged as a promising enabler for the delivery of cloud services to community users. By putting services closer to consumers, micro-clouds pursue not only a better service performance, but also a low entry barrier for the deployment of mainstream Internet services within the CN. Unfortunately, the provisioning of the services is not so simple. Due to the large and irregular topology, high software and hardware diversity of CNs, it requires of aPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Lightweight Service Placement Approach for Community Network Micro-Clouds

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    Community networks (CNs) have gained momentum in the last few years with the increasing number of spontaneously deployed WiFi hotspots and home networks. These networks, owned and managed by volunteers, offer various services to their members and to the public. While Internet access is the most popular service, the provision of services of local interest within the network is enabled by the emerging technology of CN micro-clouds. By putting services closer to users, micro-clouds pursue not only a better service performance, but also a low entry barrier for the deployment of mainstream Internet services within the CN. Unfortunately, the provisioning of these services is not so simple. Due to the large and irregular topology, high software and hardware diversity of CNs, a "careful" placement of micro-clouds services over the network is required to optimize service performance. This paper proposes to leverage state information about the network to inform service placement decisions, and to do so through a fast heuristic algorithm, which is critical to quickly react to changing conditions. To evaluate its performance, we compare our heuristic with one based on random placement in Guifi.net, the biggest CN worldwide. Our experimental results show that our heuristic consistently outperforms random placement by 2x in bandwidth gain. We quantify the benefits of our heuristic on a real live video-streaming service, and demonstrate that video chunk losses decrease significantly, attaining a 37% decrease in the packet loss rate. Further, using a popular Web 2.0 service, we demonstrate that the client response times decrease up to an order of magnitude when using our heuristic. Since these improvements translate in the QoE (Quality of Experience) perceived by the user, our results are relevant for contributing to higher QoE, a crucial parameter for using services from volunteer-based systems and adapting CN micro-clouds as an eco-system for service deployment

    Heuristic 3d Reconstruction Of Irregular Spaced Lidar

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    As more data sources have become abundantly available, an increased interest in 3D reconstruction has emerged in the image processing academic community. Applications for 3D reconstruction of urban and residential buildings consist of urban planning, network planning for mobile communication, tourism information systems, spatial analysis of air pollution and noise nuisance, microclimate investigations, and Geographical Information Systems (GISs). Previous, classical, 3D reconstruction algorithms solely utilized aerial photography. With the advent of LIDAR systems, current algorithms explore using captured LIDAR data as an additional feasible source of information for 3D reconstruction. Preprocessing techniques are proposed for the development of an autonomous 3D Reconstruction algorithm. The algorithm is designed for autonomously deriving three dimensional models of urban and residential buildings from raw LIDAR data. First, a greedy insertion triangulation algorithm, modified with a proposed noise filtering technique, triangulates the raw LIDAR data. The normal vectors of those triangles are then passed to an unsupervised clustering algorithm – Fuzzy Simplified Adaptive Resonance Theory (Fuzzy SART). Fuzzy SART returns a rough grouping of coplanar triangles. A proposed multiple regression algorithm then further refines the coplanar grouping by further removing outliers and deriving an improved planar segmentation of the raw LIDAR data. Finally, further refinement is achieved by calculating the intersection of the best fit roof planes and moving nearby points close to that intersection to exist at the intersection, resulting in straight roof ridges. The end result of the aforementioned techniques culminates in a well defined model approximating the considered building depicted by the LIDAR data

    Artificial intelligence (AI) methods in optical networks: A comprehensive survey

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    Producción CientíficaArtificial intelligence (AI) is an extensive scientific discipline which enables computer systems to solve problems by emulating complex biological processes such as learning, reasoning and self-correction. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the application of AI techniques for improving performance of optical communication systems and networks. The use of AI-based techniques is first studied in applications related to optical transmission, ranging from the characterization and operation of network components to performance monitoring, mitigation of nonlinearities, and quality of transmission estimation. Then, applications related to optical network control and management are also reviewed, including topics like optical network planning and operation in both transport and access networks. Finally, the paper also presents a summary of opportunities and challenges in optical networking where AI is expected to play a key role in the near future.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project EC2014-53071-C3-2-P, TEC2015-71932-REDT

    Dynamic Thermal and Power Management: From Computers to Buildings

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    Thermal and power management have become increasingly important for both computing and physical systems. Computing systems from real-time embedded systems to data centers require effective thermal and power management to prevent overheating and save energy. In the mean time, as a major consumer of energy buildings face challenges to reduce the energy consumption for air conditioning while maintaining comfort of occupants. In this dissertation we investigate dynamic thermal and power management for computer systems and buildings. (1) We present thermal control under utilization bound (TCUB), a novel control-theoretic thermal management algorithm designed for single core real-time embedded systems. A salient feature of TCUB is to maintain both desired processor temperature and real-time performance. (2) To address unique challenges posed by multicore processors, we develop the real-time multicore thermal control (RT-MTC) algorithm. RT-MTC employs a feedback control loop to enforce the desired temperature and CPU utilization of the multicore platform via dynamic frequency and voltage scaling. (3) We research dynamic thermal management for real-time services running on server clusters. We develop the control-theoretic thermal balancing (CTB) to dynamically balance temperature of servers via distributing clients\u27 service requests to servers. Next, (4) we propose CloudPowerCap, a power cap management system for virtualized cloud computing infrastructure. The novelty of CloudPowerCap lies in an integrated approach to coordinate power budget management and resource management in a cloud computing environment. Finally we expand our research to physical environment by exploring several fundamental problems of thermal and power management on buildings. We analyze spatial and temporal data acquired from an real-world auditorium instrumented by a multi-modal sensor network. We propose a data mining technique to determine the appropriate number and location of temperature sensors for estimating the spatiotemporal temperature distribution of the auditorium. Furthermore, we explore the potential energy savings that can be achieved through occupancy-based HVAC scheduling based on real occupancy data of the auditorium

    Infrastructure-as-a-Service Usage Determinants in Enterprises

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    The thesis focuses on the research question, what the determinants of Infrastructure-as-a-Service usage of enterprises are. A wide range of IaaS determinants is collected for an IaaS adoption model of enterprises, which is evaluated in a Web survey. As the economical determinants are especially important, they are separately investigated using a cost-optimizing decision support model. This decision support model is then applied to a potential IaaS use case of a large automobile manufacturer