140 research outputs found

    Optimisation de la navigation robotique

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    La robotique mobile autonome est un axe de recherche qui vise à donner à une machine la capacité de se mouvoir dans un environnement sans assistance ni intervention humaine. Cette thèse s’intéresse à la partie décisionnelle de la navigation robotique à savoir la planification de mouvement pour un robot mobile non-holonome, pour lequel, la prise en compte des contraintes cinématiques et non-holonomes est primordiale. Aussi, la nécessité de considérer la géométrie propre du robot et la bonne maîtrise de l’environnement dans lequel il évolue constituent des contraintes à assurer. En effet la planification de mouvement consiste à calculer un mouvement réalisable que doit accomplir le robot entre une position initiale et une position finale données. Selon la nature de l’environnement, notamment les obstacles qui s’y présentent, deux instances du problème se distinguent : la planification de chemin et la planification de trajectoire. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer de nouveaux algorithmes pour contribuer aux deux instances du problème de planification de mouvement. La méthodologie suivie repose sur des solutions génériques qui s’appliquent à une classe de systèmes robotiques plutôt qu’à une architecture particulière. Les approches proposées intègrent les B-splines Rationnelles non uniformes (NURBS) dans le processus de modélisation des solutions générées tout en s’appuyant sur la propriété de contrôle local, et utilisent les algorithmes génétiques pour une meilleure exploration de l’espace de recherche

    Enhancing 3D Autonomous Navigation Through Obstacle Fields: Homogeneous Localisation and Mapping, with Obstacle-Aware Trajectory Optimisation

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    Small flying robots have numerous potential applications, from quadrotors for search and rescue, infrastructure inspection and package delivery to free-flying satellites for assistance activities inside a space station. To enable these applications, a key challenge is autonomous navigation in 3D, near obstacles on a power, mass and computation constrained platform. This challenge requires a robot to perform localisation, mapping, dynamics-aware trajectory planning and control. The current state-of-the-art uses separate algorithms for each component. Here, the aim is for a more homogeneous approach in the search for improved efficiencies and capabilities. First, an algorithm is described to perform Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping (SLAM) with physical, 3D map representation that can also be used to represent obstacles for trajectory planning: Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) surfaces. Termed NURBSLAM, this algorithm is shown to combine the typically separate tasks of localisation and obstacle mapping. Second, a trajectory optimisation algorithm is presented that produces dynamically-optimal trajectories with direct consideration of obstacles, providing a middle ground between path planners and trajectory smoothers. Called the Admissible Subspace TRajectory Optimiser (ASTRO), the algorithm can produce trajectories that are easier to track than the state-of-the-art for flight near obstacles, as shown in flight tests with quadrotors. For quadrotors to track trajectories, a critical component is the differential flatness transformation that links position and attitude controllers. Existing singularities in this transformation are analysed, solutions are proposed and are then demonstrated in flight tests. Finally, a combined system of NURBSLAM and ASTRO are brought together and tested against the state-of-the-art in a novel simulation environment to prove the concept that a single 3D representation can be used for localisation, mapping, and planning

    Quadrotor team modeling and control for DLO transportation

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    94 p.Esta Tesis realiza una propuesta de un modelado dinámico para el transporte de sólidos lineales deformables (SLD) mediante un equipo de cuadricópteros. En este modelo intervienen tres factores: - Modelado dinámico del sólido lineal a transportar. - Modelo dinámico del cuadricóptero para que tenga en cuenta la dinámica pasiva y los efectos del SLD. - Estrategia de control para un transporte e ciente y robusto. Diferenciamos dos tareas principales: (a) lograr una con guración cuasiestacionaria de una distribución de carga equivalente a transportar entre todos los robots. (b) Ejecutar el transporte en un plano horizontal de todo el sistema. El transporte se realiza mediante una con guración de seguir al líder en columna, pero los cuadricópteros individualmente tienen que ser su cientemente robustos para afrontar todas las no-linealidades provocadas por la dinámica del SLD y perturbaciones externas, como el viento. Los controladores del cuadricóptero se han diseñado para asegurar la estabilidad del sistema y una rápida convergencia del sistema. Se han comparado y testeado estrategias de control en tiempo real y no-real para comprobar la bondad y capacidad de ajuste a las condiciones dinámicas cambiantes del sistema. También se ha estudiado la escalabilidad del sistema

    Co-evolution of morphology and control in developing structures

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    The continuous need to increase the efficiency of technical systems requires the utilization of complex adaptive systems which operate in environments which are not completely predictable. Reasons are often random nature of the environment and the fact that not all phenomena which influence the performance of the system can be explained in full detail. As a consequence, the developer often gets confronted with the task to design an adaptive system with the lack of prior knowledge about the problem at hand. The design of adaptive systems, which react autonomously to changes in their environment, requires the coordinated generation of sensors, providing information about the environment, actuators which change the current state of the system and signal processing structures thereby generating suitable reactions to changed conditions. Within the scope of the thesis, the new system growth method has been introduced. It is based on the evolutionary optimization design technique, which can automatically produce the efficient systems with optimal initially non-defined configuration. The final solutions produced by the novel growth method have low dimensional perception, actuation and signal processing structures optimally adjusted to each other during combined evolutionary optimization process. The co-evolutionary system design approach has been realized by the concurrent development and gradual complexification of the sensory, actuation and corresponding signal processing systems during entire optimization. The evolution of flexible system configuration is performed with the standard evolutionary strategies by means of adaptable representation of variable length and therewith variable complexity of the system which it can represent in the further optimization progress. The co-evolution of morphology and control of complex adaptive systems has been successfully performed for the examples of a complex aerodynamic problem of a morphing wing and a virtual intelligent autonomously driving vehicle. The thesis demonstrates the applicability of the concurrent evolutionary design of the optimal morphological configuration, presented as sensory and actuation systems, and the corresponding optimal system controller. Meanwhile, it underlines the potentials of direct genotype – phenotype encodings for the design of complex engineering real-world applications. The thesis argues that often better, cheaper, more robust and adaptive systems can be developed if the entire system is the design target rather than its separate functional parts, like sensors, actuators or controller structure. The simulation results demonstrate that co-evolutionary methods are able to generate systems which can optimally adapt to the unpredicted environmental conditions while at the same time shedding light on the precise synchronization of all functional system parts during its co-developmental process

    Virtual Motion Camouflage Based Nonlinear Constrained Optimal Trajectory Design Method

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    Nonlinear constrained optimal trajectory control is an important and fundamental area of research that continues to advance in numerous fields. Many attempts have been made to present new methods that can solve for optimal trajectories more efficiently or to improve the overall performance of existing techniques. This research presents a recently developed bio-inspired method called the Virtual Motion Camouflage (VMC) method that offers a means of quickly finding, within a defined but varying search space, the optimal trajectory that is equal or close to the optimal solution. The research starts with the polynomial-based VMC method, which works within a search space that is defined by a selected and fixed polynomial type virtual prey motion. Next will be presented a means of improving the solution’s optimality by using a sequential based form of VMC, where the search space is adjusted by adjusting the polynomial prey trajectory after a solution is obtained. After the search space is adjusted, an optimization is performed in the new search space to find a solution closer to the global space optimal solution, and further adjustments are made as desired. Finally, a B-spline augmented VMC method is presented, in which a B-spline curve represents the prey motion and will allow the search space to be optimized together with the solution trajectory. It is shown that (1) the polynomial based VMC method will significantly reduce the overall problem dimension, which in practice will significantly reduce the computational cost associated with solving nonlinear constrained optimal trajectory problems; (2) the sequential VMC method will improve the solution optimality by sequentially refining certain parameters, such as the prey motion; and (3) the B-spline augmented VMC method will improve the solution iv optimality without sacrificing the CPU time much as compared with the polynomial based approach. Several simulation scenarios, including the Breakwell problem, the phantom track problem, the minimum-time mobile robot obstacle avoidance problem, and the Snell’s river problem are simulated to demonstrate the capabilities of the various forms of the VMC algorithm. The capabilities of the B-spline augmented VMC method are also shown in a hardware demonstration using a mobile robot obstacle avoidance testbed

    Quadrotor team modeling and control for DLO transportation

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    94 p.Esta Tesis realiza una propuesta de un modelado dinámico para el transporte de sólidos lineales deformables (SLD) mediante un equipo de cuadricópteros. En este modelo intervienen tres factores: - Modelado dinámico del sólido lineal a transportar. - Modelo dinámico del cuadricóptero para que tenga en cuenta la dinámica pasiva y los efectos del SLD. - Estrategia de control para un transporte e ciente y robusto. Diferenciamos dos tareas principales: (a) lograr una con guración cuasiestacionaria de una distribución de carga equivalente a transportar entre todos los robots. (b) Ejecutar el transporte en un plano horizontal de todo el sistema. El transporte se realiza mediante una con guración de seguir al líder en columna, pero los cuadricópteros individualmente tienen que ser su cientemente robustos para afrontar todas las no-linealidades provocadas por la dinámica del SLD y perturbaciones externas, como el viento. Los controladores del cuadricóptero se han diseñado para asegurar la estabilidad del sistema y una rápida convergencia del sistema. Se han comparado y testeado estrategias de control en tiempo real y no-real para comprobar la bondad y capacidad de ajuste a las condiciones dinámicas cambiantes del sistema. También se ha estudiado la escalabilidad del sistema

    Particle swarm optimization algorithms with selective differential evolution for AUV path planning

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO)-based algorithms are suitable for path planning of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) due to their high computational efficiency. However, such algorithms may produce sub-optimal paths or require higher computational load to produce an optimal path. This paper proposed a new approach that improves the ability of PSO-based algorithms to search for the optimal path while maintaining a low computational requirement. By hybridizing with differential evolution (DE), the proposed algorithms carry out the DE operator selectively to improve the search ability. The algorithms were applied in an offline AUV path planner to generate a near-optimal path that safely guides the AUV through an environment with a priori known obstacles and time-invariant non-uniform currents. The algorithm performances were benchmarked against other algorithms in an offline path planner because if the proposed algorithms can provide better computational efficiency to demonstrate the minimum capability of a path planner, then they will outperform the tested algorithms in a realistic scenario. Through Monte Carlo simulations and Kruskal-Wallis test, SDEAPSO (selective DE-hybridized PSO with adaptive factor) and SDEQPSO (selective DE-hybridized Quantum-behaved PSO) were found to be capable of generating feasible AUV path with higher efficiency than other algorithms tested, as indicated by their lower computational requirement and excellent path quality

    Quadrotor team modeling and control for DLO transportation

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    94 p.Esta Tesis realiza una propuesta de un modelado dinámico para el transporte de sólidos lineales deformables (SLD) mediante un equipo de cuadricópteros. En este modelo intervienen tres factores: - Modelado dinámico del sólido lineal a transportar. - Modelo dinámico del cuadricóptero para que tenga en cuenta la dinámica pasiva y los efectos del SLD. - Estrategia de control para un transporte e ciente y robusto. Diferenciamos dos tareas principales: (a) lograr una con guración cuasiestacionaria de una distribución de carga equivalente a transportar entre todos los robots. (b) Ejecutar el transporte en un plano horizontal de todo el sistema. El transporte se realiza mediante una con guración de seguir al líder en columna, pero los cuadricópteros individualmente tienen que ser su cientemente robustos para afrontar todas las no-linealidades provocadas por la dinámica del SLD y perturbaciones externas, como el viento. Los controladores del cuadricóptero se han diseñado para asegurar la estabilidad del sistema y una rápida convergencia del sistema. Se han comparado y testeado estrategias de control en tiempo real y no-real para comprobar la bondad y capacidad de ajuste a las condiciones dinámicas cambiantes del sistema. También se ha estudiado la escalabilidad del sistema