315 research outputs found

    KAVUAKA: a low-power application-specific processor architecture for digital hearing aids

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    The power consumption of digital hearing aids is very restricted due to their small physical size and the available hardware resources for signal processing are limited. However, there is a demand for more processing performance to make future hearing aids more useful and smarter. Future hearing aids should be able to detect, localize, and recognize target speakers in complex acoustic environments to further improve the speech intelligibility of the individual hearing aid user. Computationally intensive algorithms are required for this task. To maintain acceptable battery life, the hearing aid processing architecture must be highly optimized for extremely low-power consumption and high processing performance.The integration of application-specific instruction-set processors (ASIPs) into hearing aids enables a wide range of architectural customizations to meet the stringent power consumption and performance requirements. In this thesis, the application-specific hearing aid processor KAVUAKA is presented, which is customized and optimized with state-of-the-art hearing aid algorithms such as speaker localization, noise reduction, beamforming algorithms, and speech recognition. Specialized and application-specific instructions are designed and added to the baseline instruction set architecture (ISA). Among the major contributions are a multiply-accumulate (MAC) unit for real- and complex-valued numbers, architectures for power reduction during register accesses, co-processors and a low-latency audio interface. With the proposed MAC architecture, the KAVUAKA processor requires 16 % less cycles for the computation of a 128-point fast Fourier transform (FFT) compared to related programmable digital signal processors. The power consumption during register file accesses is decreased by 6 %to 17 % with isolation and by-pass techniques. The hardware-induced audio latency is 34 %lower compared to related audio interfaces for frame size of 64 samples.The final hearing aid system-on-chip (SoC) with four KAVUAKA processor cores and ten co-processors is integrated as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) using a 40 nm low-power technology. The die size is 3.6 mm2. Each of the processors and co-processors contains individual customizations and hardware features with a varying datapath width between 24-bit to 64-bit. The core area of the 64-bit processor configuration is 0.134 mm2. The processors are organized in two clusters that share memory, an audio interface, co-processors and serial interfaces. The average power consumption at a clock speed of 10 MHz is 2.4 mW for SoC and 0.6 mW for the 64-bit processor.Case studies with four reference hearing aid algorithms are used to present and evaluate the proposed hardware architectures and optimizations. The program code for each processor and co-processor is generated and optimized with evolutionary algorithms for operation merging,instruction scheduling and register allocation. The KAVUAKA processor architecture is com-pared to related processor architectures in terms of processing performance, average power consumption, and silicon area requirements

    A CAD Tool for Synthesizing Optimized Variants of Altera\u27s Nios II Soft-Core Processor

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    Soft-core processors offer embedded system designers the benefits of customization, flexibility and reusability. Altera\u27s NIOS II soft-core processor is a popular, commercially available soft-core processor that can be implemented on a variety of Altera FPGAs. In this thesis, the Nios II soft-core processor from Altera Corporation was studied and a VHDL implementation, called UW_Nios II, was developed. UW_Nios II was developed to enable us to perform design space exploration (DSE) for the Nios II processor. It was evaluated and compared with Altera Nios II and shown to be competitive. SCBuild is an existing CAD tool that was developed to enable DSE of soft-core processors. We modified SCBuild to automatically explore the design space of the UW_Nios II using a genetic algorithm. This tool can accurately estimate the area and critical path delay of different variants of the UW_Nios II on a field programmable gate array. Through experiments conducted using SCBuild, it was shown that employing a genetic algorithm to explore the design space of parameterized Nios II core, with a large design space, helps designers find optimized variants of UW_Nios II

    Hardware acceleration architectures for MPEG-Based mobile video platforms: a brief overview

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    This paper presents a brief overview of past and current hardware acceleration (HwA) approaches that have been proposed for the most computationally intensive compression tools of the MPEG-4 standard. These approaches are classified based on their historical evolution and architectural approach. An analysis of both evolutionary and functional classifications is carried out in order to speculate on the possible trends of the HwA architectures to be employed in mobile video platforms

    Speeding-Up Expensive Evaluations in High-Level Synthesis Using Solution Modeling and Fitness Inheritance

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    High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is the process of developing digital circuits from behavioral specifications. It involves three interdependent and NP-complete optimization problems: (i) the operation scheduling, (ii) the resource allocation, and (iii) the controller synthesis. Evolutionary Algorithms have been already effectively applied to HLS to find good solution in presence of conflicting design objectives. In this paper, we present an evolutionary approach to HLS that extends previous works in three respects: (i) we exploit the NSGA-II, a multi-objective genetic algorithm, to fully automate the design space exploration without the need of any human intervention, (ii) we replace the expensive evaluation process of candidate solutions with a quite accurate regression model, and (iii) we reduce the number of evaluations with a fitness inheritance scheme. We tested our approach on several benchmark problems. Our results suggest that all the enhancements introduced improve the overall performance of the evolutionary search

    Autonomous Recovery Of Reconfigurable Logic Devices Using Priority Escalation Of Slack

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    Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices offer a suitable platform for survivable hardware architectures in mission-critical systems. In this dissertation, active dynamic redundancy-based fault-handling techniques are proposed which exploit the dynamic partial reconfiguration capability of SRAM-based FPGAs. Self-adaptation is realized by employing reconfiguration in detection, diagnosis, and recovery phases. To extend these concepts to semiconductor aging and process variation in the deep submicron era, resilient adaptable processing systems are sought to maintain quality and throughput requirements despite the vulnerabilities of the underlying computational devices. A new approach to autonomous fault-handling which addresses these goals is developed using only a uniplex hardware arrangement. It operates by observing a health metric to achieve Fault Demotion using Recon- figurable Slack (FaDReS). Here an autonomous fault isolation scheme is employed which neither requires test vectors nor suspends the computational throughput, but instead observes the value of a health metric based on runtime input. The deterministic flow of the fault isolation scheme guarantees success in a bounded number of reconfigurations of the FPGA fabric. FaDReS is then extended to the Priority Using Resource Escalation (PURE) online redundancy scheme which considers fault-isolation latency and throughput trade-offs under a dynamic spare arrangement. While deep-submicron designs introduce new challenges, use of adaptive techniques are seen to provide several promising avenues for improving resilience. The scheme developed is demonstrated by hardware design of various signal processing circuits and their implementation on a Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA device. These include a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) core, Motion Estimation (ME) engine, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) blocks in addition to MCNC benchmark circuits. A iii significant reduction in power consumption is achieved ranging from 83% for low motion-activity scenes to 12.5% for high motion activity video scenes in a novel ME engine configuration. For a typical benchmark video sequence, PURE is shown to maintain a PSNR baseline near 32dB. The diagnosability, reconfiguration latency, and resource overhead of each approach is analyzed. Compared to previous alternatives, PURE maintains a PSNR within a difference of 4.02dB to 6.67dB from the fault-free baseline by escalating healthy resources to higher-priority signal processing functions. The results indicate the benefits of priority-aware resiliency over conventional redundancy approaches in terms of fault-recovery, power consumption, and resource-area requirements. Together, these provide a broad range of strategies to achieve autonomous recovery of reconfigurable logic devices under a variety of constraints, operating conditions, and optimization criteria

    Full Stack Optimization of Transformer Inference: a Survey

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    Recent advances in state-of-the-art DNN architecture design have been moving toward Transformer models. These models achieve superior accuracy across a wide range of applications. This trend has been consistent over the past several years since Transformer models were originally introduced. However, the amount of compute and bandwidth required for inference of recent Transformer models is growing at a significant rate, and this has made their deployment in latency-sensitive applications challenging. As such, there has been an increased focus on making Transformer models more efficient, with methods that range from changing the architecture design, all the way to developing dedicated domain-specific accelerators. In this work, we survey different approaches for efficient Transformer inference, including: (i) analysis and profiling of the bottlenecks in existing Transformer architectures and their similarities and differences with previous convolutional models; (ii) implications of Transformer architecture on hardware, including the impact of non-linear operations such as Layer Normalization, Softmax, and GELU, as well as linear operations, on hardware design; (iii) approaches for optimizing a fixed Transformer architecture; (iv) challenges in finding the right mapping and scheduling of operations for Transformer models; and (v) approaches for optimizing Transformer models by adapting the architecture using neural architecture search. Finally, we perform a case study by applying the surveyed optimizations on Gemmini, the open-source, full-stack DNN accelerator generator, and we show how each of these approaches can yield improvements, compared to previous benchmark results on Gemmini. Among other things, we find that a full-stack co-design approach with the aforementioned methods can result in up to 88.7x speedup with a minimal performance degradation for Transformer inference

    Multiobjective Optimization for Reconfigurable Implementation of Medical Image Registration

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    In real-time signal processing, a single application often has multiple computationally intensive kernels that can benefit from acceleration using custom or reconfigurable hardware platforms, such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). For adaptive utilization of resources at run time, FPGAs with capabilities for dynamic reconfiguration are emerging. In this context, it is useful for designers to derive sets of efficient configurations that trade off application performance with fabric resources. Such sets can be maintained at run time so that the best available design tradeoff is used. Finding a single, optimized configuration is difficult, and generating a family of optimized configurations suitable for different run-time scenarios is even more challenging. We present a novel multiobjective wordlength optimization strategy developed through FPGA-based implementation of a representative computationally intensive image processing application: medical image registration. Tradeoffs between FPGA resources and implementation accuracy are explored, and Pareto-optimized wordlength configurations are systematically identified. We also compare search methods for finding Pareto-optimized design configurations and demonstrate the applicability of search based on evolutionary techniques for identifying superior multiobjective tradeoff curves. We demonstrate feasibility of this approach in the context of FPGA-based medical image registration; however, it may be adapted to a wide range of signal processing applications

    Implementation of bio-inspired adaptive wavelet transforms in FPGAs. Modeling, validation and profiling of the algorithm

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    Providing embedded systems with adaptation capabilities is an increasing importance objective in design community. This work deals with the implementation of adaptive compression schemes in FPGA devices by means of a bioinspired algorithm. A simplified version of an Evolution Strategy using fixed point arithmetic is proposed. Specifically, a simpler than the standard (hardware friendly) mutation operator is designed, modelled and validated using a high-level language. HW/SW partitioning issues are considered and code profiling accomplished to validate the proposal. Preliminary results of the proposed hardware architecture are also show