485 research outputs found

    Robotic Manipulation of Environmentally Constrained Objects Using Underactuated Hands

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    Robotics for agriculture represents the ultimate application of one of our society\u27s latest and most advanced innovations to its most ancient and vital industry. Over the course of history, mechanization and automation have increased crop output several orders of magnitude, enabling a geometric growth in population and an increase in quality of life across the globe. As a challenging step, manipulating objects in harvesting automation is still under investigation in literature. Harvesting or the process of gathering ripe crops can be described as breaking environmentally constrained objects into two or more pieces at the desired locations. In this thesis, the problem of purposefully failing (breaking) or yielding objects by a robotic gripper is investigated. A failure task is first formulated using mechanical failure theories. Next, a grasp quality measure is presented to characterize a suitable grasp configuration and systematically control the failure behavior of the object. This approach combines the failure task and the capability of the gripper for wrench insertion. The friction between the object and the gripper is used to formulate the capability of the gripper for wrench insertion. A new method inspired by the human pre-manipulation process is introduced to utilize the gripper itself as the measurement tool and obtain a friction model. The developed friction model is capable of capturing the anisotropic behavior of materials which is the case for most fruits and vegetables.The limited operating space for harvesting process, the vulnerability of agricultural products and clusters of crops demand strict conditions for the manipulation process. This thesis presents a new sensorized underactuated self-adaptive finger to address the stringent conditions in the agricultural environment. This design incorporates link-driven underactuated mechanism with an embedded load cell for contact force measurement and a trimmer potentiometer for acquiring joint variables. The integration of these sensors results in tactile-like sensations in the finger without compromising the size and complexity of the proposed design. To obtain an optimum finger design, the placement of the load cell is analyzed using Finite Element Method (FEM). The design of the finger features a particular round shape of the distal phalanx and specific size ratio between the phalanxes to enable both precision and power grasps. A quantitative evaluation of the grasp efficiency by constructing a grasp wrench space is also provided. The effectiveness of the proposed designs and theories are verified through real-time experiments. For conducting the experiments in real-time, a software/hardware platform capable of dataset management is crucial. In this thesis, a new comprehensive software interface for integration of industrial robots with peripheral tools and sensors is designed and developed. This software provides a real-time low-level access to the manipulator controller. Furthermore, Data Acquisition boards are integrated into the software which enables Rapid Prototyping methods. Additionally, Hardware-in-the-loop techniques can be implemented by adding the complexity of the plant under control to the test platform. The software is a collection of features developed and distributed under GPL V3.0

    Grasp Evaluation Method for Applying Static Loads leading to Beam Failure

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    This paper deals with the problem of purposefully failing or yielding an object by a robotic gripper. We propose a grasp quality measure fabricated for robotic harvesting in which picking a crop from its stem is desired. The proposed metric characterizes a suitable grasp configuration for systematically controlling the failure behavior of an object to break it at the desired location while avoiding damage on other areas. Our approach is based on failure task information and gripper wrench insertion capability. Failure task definition is accomplished using failure theories. Gripper wrench insertion capability is formulated by modeling the friction between the object and gripper. A new method inspired by human pre-manipulation process is introduced to utilize gripper itself as a friction measurement device. The provided friction model is capable of handling the anisotropic behavior of materials which is the case for fruits and vegetables. The evaluation method is formulated as a quasistatic grasp problem. Additionally, the general case of both fully-actuated and under-actuated grippers are considered. As a validation of the proposed evaluation method, experimental results for failing parts using Kuka Light-Weight Robot IV robot are presented

    Photoelasticity revived for Tactile Sensing

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    3D Multimodal Interaction with Physically-based Virtual Environments

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    The virtual has become a huge field of exploration for researchers: it could assist the surgeon, help the prototyping of industrial objects, simulate natural phenomena, be a fantastic time machine or entertain users through games or movies. Far beyond the only visual rendering of the virtual environment, the Virtual Reality aims at -literally- immersing the user in the virtual world. VR technologies simulate digital environments with which users can interact and, as a result, perceive through different modalities the effects of their actions in real time. The challenges are huge: the user's motions need to be perceived and to have an immediate impact on the virtual world by modifying the objects in real-time. In addition, the targeted immersion of the user is not only visual: auditory or haptic feedback needs to be taken into account, merging all the sensory modalities of the user into a multimodal answer. The global objective of my research activities is to improve 3D interaction with complex virtual environments by proposing novel approaches for physically-based and multimodal interaction. I have laid the foundations of my work on designing the interactions with complex virtual worlds, referring to a higher demand in the characteristics of the virtual environments. My research could be described within three main research axes inherent to the 3D interaction loop: (1) the physically-based modeling of the virtual world to take into account the complexity of the virtual object behavior, their topology modifications as well as their interactions, (2) the multimodal feedback for combining the sensory modalities into a global answer from the virtual world to the user and (3) the design of body-based 3D interaction techniques and devices for establishing the interfaces between the user and the virtual world. All these contributions could be gathered in a general framework within the 3D interaction loop. By improving all the components of this framework, I aim at proposing approaches that could be used in future virtual reality applications but also more generally in other areas such as medical simulation, gesture training, robotics, virtual prototyping for the industry or web contents.Le virtuel est devenu un vaste champ d'exploration pour la recherche et offre de nos jours de nombreuses possibilitĂ©s : assister le chirurgien, rĂ©aliser des prototypes de piĂšces industrielles, simuler des phĂ©nomĂšnes naturels, remonter dans le temps ou proposer des applications ludiques aux utilisateurs au travers de jeux ou de films. Bien plus que le rendu purement visuel d'environnement virtuel, la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle aspire Ă  -littĂ©ralement- immerger l'utilisateur dans le monde virtuel. L'utilisateur peut ainsi interagir avec le contenu numĂ©rique et percevoir les effets de ses actions au travers de diffĂ©rents retours sensoriels. Permettre une vĂ©ritable immersion de l'utilisateur dans des environnements virtuels de plus en plus complexes confronte la recherche en rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle Ă  des dĂ©fis importants: les gestes de l'utilisateur doivent ĂȘtre capturĂ©s puis directement transmis au monde virtuel afin de le modifier en temps-rĂ©el. Les retours sensoriels ne sont pas uniquement visuels mais doivent ĂȘtre combinĂ©s avec les retours auditifs ou haptiques dans une rĂ©ponse globale multimodale. L'objectif principal de mes activitĂ©s de recherche consiste Ă  amĂ©liorer l'interaction 3D avec des environnements virtuels complexes en proposant de nouvelles approches utilisant la simulation physique et exploitant au mieux les diffĂ©rentes modalitĂ©s sensorielles. Dans mes travaux, je m'intĂ©resse tout particuliĂšrement Ă  concevoir des interactions avec des mondes virtuels complexes. Mon approche peut ĂȘtre dĂ©crite au travers de trois axes principaux de recherche: (1) la modĂ©lisation dans les mondes virtuels d'environnements physiques plausibles oĂč les objets rĂ©agissent de maniĂšre naturelle, mĂȘme lorsque leur topologie est modifiĂ©e ou lorsqu'ils sont en interaction avec d'autres objets, (2) la mise en place de retours sensoriels multimodaux vers l'utilisateur intĂ©grant des composantes visuelles, haptiques et/ou sonores, (3) la prise en compte de l'interaction physique de l'utilisateur avec le monde virtuel dans toute sa richesse : mouvements de la tĂȘte, des deux mains, des doigts, des jambes, voire de tout le corps, en concevant de nouveaux dispositifs ou de nouvelles techniques d'interactions 3D. Les diffĂ©rentes contributions que j'ai proposĂ©es dans chacun de ces trois axes peuvent ĂȘtre regroupĂ©es au sein d'un cadre plus gĂ©nĂ©ral englobant toute la boucle d'interaction 3D avec les environnements virtuels. Elles ouvrent des perspectives pour de futures applications en rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle mais Ă©galement plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement dans d'autres domaines tels que la simulation mĂ©dicale, l'apprentissage de gestes, la robotique, le prototypage virtuel pour l'industrie ou bien les contenus web

    3D Multimodal Interaction with Physically-based Virtual Environments

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    The virtual has become a huge field of exploration for researchers: it could assist the surgeon, help the prototyping of industrial objects, simulate natural phenomena, be a fantastic time machine or entertain users through games or movies. Far beyond the only visual rendering of the virtual environment, the Virtual Reality aims at -literally- immersing the user in the virtual world. VR technologies simulate digital environments with which users can interact and, as a result, perceive through different modalities the effects of their actions in real time. The challenges are huge: the user's motions need to be perceived and to have an immediate impact on the virtual world by modifying the objects in real-time. In addition, the targeted immersion of the user is not only visual: auditory or haptic feedback needs to be taken into account, merging all the sensory modalities of the user into a multimodal answer. The global objective of my research activities is to improve 3D interaction with complex virtual environments by proposing novel approaches for physically-based and multimodal interaction. I have laid the foundations of my work on designing the interactions with complex virtual worlds, referring to a higher demand in the characteristics of the virtual environments. My research could be described within three main research axes inherent to the 3D interaction loop: (1) the physically-based modeling of the virtual world to take into account the complexity of the virtual object behavior, their topology modifications as well as their interactions, (2) the multimodal feedback for combining the sensory modalities into a global answer from the virtual world to the user and (3) the design of body-based 3D interaction techniques and devices for establishing the interfaces between the user and the virtual world. All these contributions could be gathered in a general framework within the 3D interaction loop. By improving all the components of this framework, I aim at proposing approaches that could be used in future virtual reality applications but also more generally in other areas such as medical simulation, gesture training, robotics, virtual prototyping for the industry or web contents.Le virtuel est devenu un vaste champ d'exploration pour la recherche et offre de nos jours de nombreuses possibilitĂ©s : assister le chirurgien, rĂ©aliser des prototypes de piĂšces industrielles, simuler des phĂ©nomĂšnes naturels, remonter dans le temps ou proposer des applications ludiques aux utilisateurs au travers de jeux ou de films. Bien plus que le rendu purement visuel d'environnement virtuel, la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle aspire Ă  -littĂ©ralement- immerger l'utilisateur dans le monde virtuel. L'utilisateur peut ainsi interagir avec le contenu numĂ©rique et percevoir les effets de ses actions au travers de diffĂ©rents retours sensoriels. Permettre une vĂ©ritable immersion de l'utilisateur dans des environnements virtuels de plus en plus complexes confronte la recherche en rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle Ă  des dĂ©fis importants: les gestes de l'utilisateur doivent ĂȘtre capturĂ©s puis directement transmis au monde virtuel afin de le modifier en temps-rĂ©el. Les retours sensoriels ne sont pas uniquement visuels mais doivent ĂȘtre combinĂ©s avec les retours auditifs ou haptiques dans une rĂ©ponse globale multimodale. L'objectif principal de mes activitĂ©s de recherche consiste Ă  amĂ©liorer l'interaction 3D avec des environnements virtuels complexes en proposant de nouvelles approches utilisant la simulation physique et exploitant au mieux les diffĂ©rentes modalitĂ©s sensorielles. Dans mes travaux, je m'intĂ©resse tout particuliĂšrement Ă  concevoir des interactions avec des mondes virtuels complexes. Mon approche peut ĂȘtre dĂ©crite au travers de trois axes principaux de recherche: (1) la modĂ©lisation dans les mondes virtuels d'environnements physiques plausibles oĂč les objets rĂ©agissent de maniĂšre naturelle, mĂȘme lorsque leur topologie est modifiĂ©e ou lorsqu'ils sont en interaction avec d'autres objets, (2) la mise en place de retours sensoriels multimodaux vers l'utilisateur intĂ©grant des composantes visuelles, haptiques et/ou sonores, (3) la prise en compte de l'interaction physique de l'utilisateur avec le monde virtuel dans toute sa richesse : mouvements de la tĂȘte, des deux mains, des doigts, des jambes, voire de tout le corps, en concevant de nouveaux dispositifs ou de nouvelles techniques d'interactions 3D. Les diffĂ©rentes contributions que j'ai proposĂ©es dans chacun de ces trois axes peuvent ĂȘtre regroupĂ©es au sein d'un cadre plus gĂ©nĂ©ral englobant toute la boucle d'interaction 3D avec les environnements virtuels. Elles ouvrent des perspectives pour de futures applications en rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle mais Ă©galement plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement dans d'autres domaines tels que la simulation mĂ©dicale, l'apprentissage de gestes, la robotique, le prototypage virtuel pour l'industrie ou bien les contenus web

    Design of a compliant gripper with multimode jaws

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    This paper presents the design of a multimode compliant gripper, using the singularities of the four-bar mechanism with equilateral links. The mobility of the compliant gripper can be reconfigurable to grasp a variety of shapes or adapt to specific requirements. The compliant gripper is a compact and two-layer structure. Two linear actuators are required to enable the multiple operation modes, by the conversion of two pairs of slider-crank mechanisms. A multimode compliant four-bar mechanism is first presented and kinematically analyzed. The design and the kinetostatic modeling of the resulting compliant gripper are then performed. Finally, the analysis of the reconfigurable compliant gripper under different actuation schemes is carried out, including the comparison of the results obtained from analytical modeling, finite element analysis (FEA), and experimental testing
