3,686 research outputs found

    Optimisation of flow resistance and turbulent mixing over bed forms

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    Previous work on the interplay between turbulent mixing and flow resistance for flows over periodic rib roughness elements is extended to consider the flow over idealized shapes representative of naturally occurring sedimentary bed forms. The primary motivation is to understand how bed form roughness affects the carrying capacity of sediment-bearing flows in environmental fluid dynamics applications, and in engineering applications involving the transport of particulate matter in pipelines. For all bed form shapes considered, it is found that flow resistance and turbulent mixing are strongly correlated, with maximum resistance coinciding with maximum mixing, as was previously found for the special case of rectangular roughness elements. Furthermore, it is found that the relation between flow resistance to eddy viscosity collapses to a single monotonically increasing linear function for all bed form shapes considered, indicating that the mixing characteristics of the flows are independent of the detailed morphology of individual roughness elements

    Design and fabrication of a novel spinning fluidised bed

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    Existing vertical spinning fluidised bed (SFB) have several drawbacks, such as non-uniform radial and axial bed fluidisation, feeding and ash accumulation problems. The purpose of this research, therefore is to develop a prototype of the horizontal SFB combustor capable of overcoming these drawbacks. The scopes of the research include engineering design of the prototype, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling and set-up/commissioning of the developed prototype. Under this research, a prototype of the horizontal SFB has been successfully developed and is able to overcome the inherent weakness in vertical SFB. The innovative secondary chamber provides more freeboard for more complete combustion and acts as particulate control device. The prototype is suitable for burning low-density materials (rice husk, fibrous materials), which are difficult to be burnt in conventional fluidised bed by imparting a higher centrifugal force. There is also no limit to the amount of air throughput and combustion is only limited by the kinetics in which each different type of waste burns. Results from the CFD modelling narrowed down the parameters to be tested on the SFB in future experimental works, as well as providing design improvements on the current SFB design. Due to its compactness and versatility in burning a wide range of waste, the SFB prototype has the potential to be utilised as small-scale on-site waste incineration facility and high-efficiency gas burner for high-loading waste gas streams in chemical plants or refineries. The whole system is mountable to a truck and can be transported to waste sources such as rice mills, sawmills, wastewater treatment plants to incinerate waste. The full performance on the developed SFB during combustion of various types of wastes is outside the scope of the current research and therefore, is subjected to future experimental works

    Energy extraction from shallow tidal flows

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    Over the past decade within the renewable energy sector a strong research and development focus has resulted in the growth of an embryonic tidal stream energy industry. Previous assessments of the tidal stream resource appear to have neglected shallow tidal flows. This resource located in water depths of 10-30m is significant because it is generally more accessible for energy extraction than deeper offshore tidal sites and hence a good location for first generation tidal stream arrays or fences. The close proximity to shore may lead to improvements in construction feasibility and economic prospects. The objective of this project is to investigate several aspects concerning the exploitation of shallow tidal flows for energy extraction. Fundamental to this project is the importance of developing research alongside and in conjunction with industrial shallow water prototype projects. The key objectives are: (1) The development and understanding of the use of artificial flow constraint structures in the form of specifically-shaped foundations (herein described as “rampfoundations”) that constrain the flow leading to an increase in the magnitude and quality of power from marine current energy convertors (MCEC) operating in shallow tidal flows. (2) The investigation of seabed and free-surface proximity effects on the downstream wake structure of a MCEC. (3) Commercial shallow water device optimisation; utilising project results to aid with the design and development of full-scale commercial demonstrators.Through theoretical and scaled experimental modelling, and commercial collaboration the project has concluded ramp foundations could be utilised to locally increase tidal flow velocities and increase MCEC output across a tidal cycle in shallow flows. Predicted power benefits are in the region of 5-22% depending on lateral and vertical ramp channel blockage ratios. The ramp width or overall array width must therefore be tuned to the channel width to maximise power benefits. Rampfoundations will thus only be technically viable in relatively narrow channels or ideally in MCEC arrays or tidal fences. Results have shown that the downstream wake length is dependent on and varies with the vertical flow constraint and it is critical that the downstream array spacing of MCECs are tuned to the local flow depth. An optimum device height to flow depth ratio to minimise wake length has been identified. It is hoped that this ramp-foundation concept and the relationship between boundary proximity and wake length will continue to help with the development of a niche shallow tidal energy marke

    Vertical variation in diffusion coefficient within sediments

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    River ecosystems can be strongly in uenced by contaminants in the water column, in the pore water and attached to sediment particles. Current models [TGD, 2003] predict exposure to sediments based on equilibrium partitioning between dissolved and suspended-particle-sorbed phase in the water column despite numerous studies showing significant direct mass transfer across the sediment water interface. When exchange across the interface (hyporheic exchange) is included in modelling the diffusion coefficient is assumed to be constant with depth. The overall aims of this research were to quantify the vertical variation in diffusion coefficient below the sediment water interface and asses the use of a modified EROSIMESS-System (erosimeter) in the study of hyporheic exchange. The modified erosimeter and novel fibre optic uorometers measuring in-bed concentrations Rhodamine WT were employed in an experimental investigation. Five different diameter glass sphere beds (0.15 to 5.0mm) and five bed shear velocities (0.01 to 0.04m/s) allowed the vertical variation in diffusion coefficient to be quantified to a depth of 0.134m below the sediment water interface. The vertical variation in diffusion coefficient can be described using an exponential function that was found to be consistent for all the parameter combinations tested. This function, combined with the scaling relationship proposed by O'Connor and Harvey [2008] allows a prediction of the diffusion coefficient below the sediment water interface based on bed shear velocity, roughness height and permeability. 1D numerical diffusion model simulations using the exponential function compare favourably with the experimental data

    Heat exchanger/reactors (HEX reactors): Concepts, technologies: State-of-the-art

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    Process intensification is a chemical engineering field which has truly emerged in the past few years and is currently rapidly growing. It consists in looking for safer operating conditions, lower waste in terms of costs and energy and higher productivity; and away to reach such objectives is to develop multifunctional devices such as heat exchanger/reactors for instance. This review is focused on the latter and makes a point on heat exchanger/reactors. After a brief presentation of requirements due to transposition from batch to continuous apparatuses, heat exchangers/reactors at industrial or pilot scales and their applications are described

    Resistance and reconfiguration of natural flexible submerged vegetation in hydrodynamic river modelling

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    In-stream submerged macrophytes have a complex morphology and several species are not rigid, but are flexible and reconfigure along with the major flow direction to avoid potential damage at high stream velocities. However, in numerical hydrodynamic models, they are often simplified to rigid sticks. In this study hydraulic resistance of vegetation is represented by an adapted bottom friction coefficient and is calculated using an existing two layer formulation for which the input parameters were adjusted to account for (i) the temporary reconfiguration based on an empirical relationship between deflected vegetation height and upstream depth-averaged velocity, and (ii) the complex morphology of natural, flexible, submerged macrophytes. The main advantage of this approach is that it removes the need for calibration of the vegetation resistance coefficient. The calculated hydraulic roughness is an input of the hydrodynamic model Telemac 2D, this model simulates depth-averaged stream velocities in and around individual vegetation patches. Firstly, the model was successfully validated against observed data of a laboratory flume experiment with three macrophyte species at three discharges. Secondly, the effect of reconfiguration was tested by modelling an in situ field flume experiment with, and without, the inclusion of macrophyte reconfiguration. The inclusion of reconfiguration decreased the calculated hydraulic roughness which resulted in smaller spatial variations of simulated stream velocities, as compared to the model scenario without macrophyte reconfiguration. We discuss that including macrophyte reconfiguration in numerical models input, can have significant and extensive effects on the model results of hydrodynamic variables and associated ecological and geomorphological parameters

    Impact of vegetation in open channels on flow resistance and solute mixing.

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    This thesis has investigated the impacts of vegetation on flow resistance and mixing in open channel flow. Existing methods and models proposed by previous research which predict flow and mixing in vegetated channels have been presented and discussed. The most pressing issues have been identified as a lack in understanding of how vegetation affects solute mixing, and a lack of verification of existing flow resistance models in situations involving real rather than simulated vegetation. To address these issues, a detailed laboratory study has been undertaken. This involved growing real vegetation in the laboratory environment and conducting tests whilst the vegetation grew in size, density and stiffness. Two vegetation types (Carex and Phragmites Australis) were used to provide an indication of how different plant species affect flow and mixing. Experiments involved the collection of flow resistance, velocity, turbulence and transverse and longitudinal mixing data at different stages of plant growth and whilst the vegetation was in both emergent and submerged states. This involved the use of an acoustic Doppler velocity probe to measure velocity and turbulence. Measurements of mixing were made using CYCLOPES-7 fluorometers with fluorescent tracer used as solute. The presence of vegetation increased the channels flow resistance. As the vegetation grew the resistance increased. In emergent conditions direct measurements of velocity and Reynolds stress were retarded compared to non vegetated experiments and reduced longitudinal mixing was observed. In submerged conditions more complex profiles of velocity and Reynolds stress were measured and longitudinal mixing was dependant on the canopies submergence ratio and the rate of vertical mass transport between the flow above and within the canopy. Results were compared with predictions made by existing vegetated flow models. New models and methodologies for predicting flow and mixing in vegetated canopies have been presented and tested against the data with good results

    Dispersion of solutes in sinuous open channel flows.

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    The research undertaken for this Ph.D. thesis concerns the dispersion of solutes in sinuous open channel flows. The aim of the work is to address the void in knowledge and understanding of mixing and transport processes in natural watercourses. The influences of plan form curvature and non-uniform cross sectional shape on transverse and longitudinal mixing are specifically addressed. Experimental work was undertaken on the Flood Channel Facility at HR Wallingford Ltd. This involved creating a pseudo natural sand channel within the concrete meander plan form of the facility, and then stabilising the form. Tracer studies using instantaneous injection to investigate longitudinal mixing and continuous point source release to study transverse mixing were performed. Fluorescent tracer was used. Measurement was by six Turner Design Field Fluorometers in pump through mode and these were digitally logged. Detailed hydrodynamic measurements were made using a two-dimensional Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA) fitted with a 14mm fibre-flow probe. The resulting data has undergone robust analysis and detailed interpretation. The conclusions are that the dominant processes in mixing, in the natural channel form studied, are shear effects. Simple equations for the prediction of flow fields have been investigated and validated against LDA measurements. It has been possible to make accurate predictions of the transverse and longitudinal mixing coefficients from the predicted flow fields. These predictions have been shown valid for the variations in mixing coefficients over the meander cycle and with discharge

    Turbulence in partly vegetated channels: Experiments with complex morphology vegetation and rigid cylinders

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    Vegetation is a fundamental feature of riverine ecosystems, playing a variety of valuable ecological and biological roles. Concurrently, the presence of vegetation and its interaction with the flow alter the mean and turbulent flow field, with implications on flow resistance, water conveyance and transport of mass and energy. The proper understanding of these vegetation-influenced processes is essential for solving the existing and future river management challenges, concerning both societal needs and ecosystem requirements. The objective of this thesis is to provide new insight on the flow-vegetation hydrodynamic interaction with a specific focus on partly vegetated channels, a configuration representative of natural settings. Indeed, in natural watercourses, vegetation is generally found along river margins, partly obstructing the river cross-section and laterally interacting with the flow. Riparian vegetation presents a complex morphology and, owing to its flexibility, exhibits a dynamic and reconfiguring behavior under the flow forcing. In the analysis of flow in partly vegetated channels, these flow-influencing characteristics have been generally neglected, simulating vegetation with rigid cylinders. In the current study, two main experimental campaigns were performed to investigate the turbulent structure of the flow in partly vegetated channels, simulating vegetation with natural-like plant stands (PN) and with rigid cylinders (PR). The PN tests aimed at investigating the effects of plant morphology, reconfiguration and dynamic motions on the turbulent flow field. Furthermore, the effects of seasonal variability of plants on flow structure were explored. Results showed that plant morphology and reconfiguration play a key role in the vegetated shear layer dynamics, significantly affecting the exchange processes across the vegetated interface. The PR test series was performed to investigate the effects of vegetation density on the turbulent flow structure. The results showed that, for rigid vegetation, the density directly affects the shear layer features, governing the onset of large-scale coherent structures. Finally, the impacts of embedding natural plant features in the simulation of partly vegetated flows were explored by comparing the shear layers induced by complex morphology vegetation (PN) and by rigid cylinders (PR). In addition, an existing model for velocity prediction was tested against the experimental results, showing the need to improve existing models for taking into account the peculiar hydrodynamic behavior of natural vegetation