11,192 research outputs found

    Optimal threshold analysis of segmentation methods for identifying target customers

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    In CRM (Customer Relationship Management), the importance of a segmentation method for identifying good customers has been increasing. For evaluation of different segmentation methods, Accuracy often plays a key role. This indicator,however, cannot distinguish the following two types of errors: Type I Error for misidentifying a good customer as a bad customer and Type II Error for misinterpreting a bad customer as a good customer. In order to analyze the financial effectiveness of various segmentation methods, it is crucial to capture the distinction between Type I and Type II Errors since the former represents the opportunity cost while the latter results in the inefficient use of the promotion budget. The purpose of this paper is to overcome this pitfall by introducing two different indicators: Recall and Precision, which have been prevalent in the area of Information Retrieval. A mathematical model is developed for describing a generic segmentation method. Assuming that a promotion is addressed exclusively to the selected target customers, the financial effectiveness of the underlying segmentation method is expressed as a function of Recall and Precision. An optimization problem is then formulated so as to maximize the financial measure by finding the optimal threshold level in terms of the severeness for estimating the target set of good customers. By introducing a functional form which represents correctness and mistakes about the target set, the unique optimal solution is derived explicitly. Using real customer purchase data, the proposed approach is validated where Logistic Regression Model and Support Vector Machine are employed as segmentation methods. The methodology developed in this paper may provide a foundation for understanding and comparing the performance characteristics of various segmentation methods from a new perspective

    Bagging and boosting classification trees to predict churn.

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    Bagging; Boosting; Classification; Churn;

    Bayesian neural network learning for repeat purchase modelling in direct marketing.

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    We focus on purchase incidence modelling for a European direct mail company. Response models based on statistical and neural network techniques are contrasted. The evidence framework of MacKay is used as an example implementation of Bayesian neural network learning, a method that is fairly robust with respect to problems typically encountered when implementing neural networks. The automatic relevance determination (ARD) method, an integrated feature of this framework, allows to assess the relative importance of the inputs. The basic response models use operationalisations of the traditionally discussed Recency, Frequency and Monetary (RFM) predictor categories. In a second experiment, the RFM response framework is enriched by the inclusion of other (non-RFM) customer profiling predictors. We contribute to the literature by providing experimental evidence that: (1) Bayesian neural networks offer a viable alternative for purchase incidence modelling; (2) a combined use of all three RFM predictor categories is advocated by the ARD method; (3) the inclusion of non-RFM variables allows to significantly augment the predictive power of the constructed RFM classifiers; (4) this rise is mainly attributed to the inclusion of customer\slash company interaction variables and a variable measuring whether a customer uses the credit facilities of the direct mailing company.Marketing; Companies; Models; Model; Problems; Neural networks; Networks; Variables; Credit;

    Capturing and Treating Unobserved Heterogeneity by Response Based Segmentation in PLS Path Modeling. A Comparison of Alternative Methods by Computational Experiments

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    Segmentation in PLS path modeling framework results is a critical issue in social sciences. The assumption that data is collected from a single homogeneous population is often unrealistic. Sequential clustering techniques on the manifest variables level are ineffective to account for heterogeneity in path model estimates. Three PLS path model related statistical approaches have been developed as solutions for this problem. The purpose of this paper is to present a study on sets of simulated data with different characteristics that allows a primary assessment of these methodologies.Partial Least Squares; Path Modeling; Unobserved Heterogeneity

    New Approach for Market Intelligence Using Artificial and Computational Intelligence

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    Small and medium sized retailers are central to the private sector and a vital contributor to economic growth, but often they face enormous challenges in unleashing their full potential. Financial pitfalls, lack of adequate access to markets, and difficulties in exploiting technology have prevented them from achieving optimal productivity. Market Intelligence (MI) is the knowledge extracted from numerous internal and external data sources, aimed at providing a holistic view of the state of the market and influence marketing related decision-making processes in real-time. A related, burgeoning phenomenon and crucial topic in the field of marketing is Artificial Intelligence (AI) that entails fundamental changes to the skillssets marketers require. A vast amount of knowledge is stored in retailers’ point-of-sales databases. The format of this data often makes the knowledge they store hard to access and identify. As a powerful AI technique, Association Rules Mining helps to identify frequently associated patterns stored in large databases to predict customers’ shopping journeys. Consequently, the method has emerged as the key driver of cross-selling and upselling in the retail industry. At the core of this approach is the Market Basket Analysis that captures knowledge from heterogeneous customer shopping patterns and examines the effects of marketing initiatives. Apriori, that enumerates frequent itemsets purchased together (as market baskets), is the central algorithm in the analysis process. Problems occur, as Apriori lacks computational speed and has weaknesses in providing intelligent decision support. With the growth of simultaneous database scans, the computation cost increases and results in dramatically decreasing performance. Moreover, there are shortages in decision support, especially in the methods of finding rarely occurring events and identifying the brand trending popularity before it peaks. As the objective of this research is to find intelligent ways to assist small and medium sized retailers grow with MI strategy, we demonstrate the effects of AI, with algorithms in data preprocessing, market segmentation, and finding market trends. We show with a sales database of a small, local retailer how our Åbo algorithm increases mining performance and intelligence, as well as how it helps to extract valuable marketing insights to assess demand dynamics and product popularity trends. We also show how this results in commercial advantage and tangible return on investment. Additionally, an enhanced normal distribution method assists data pre-processing and helps to explore different types of potential anomalies.SmĂ„ och medelstora detaljhandlare Ă€r centrala aktörer i den privata sektorn och bidrar starkt till den ekonomiska tillvĂ€xten, men de möter ofta enorma utmaningar i att uppnĂ„ sin fulla potential. Finansiella svĂ„righeter, brist pĂ„ marknadstilltrĂ€de och svĂ„righeter att utnyttja teknologi har ofta hindrat dem frĂ„n att nĂ„ optimal produktivitet. Marknadsintelligens (MI) bestĂ„r av kunskap som samlats in frĂ„n olika interna externa kĂ€llor av data och som syftar till att erbjuda en helhetssyn av marknadslĂ€get samt möjliggöra beslutsfattande i realtid. Ett relaterat och vĂ€xande fenomen, samt ett viktigt tema inom marknadsföring Ă€r artificiell intelligens (AI) som stĂ€ller nya krav pĂ„ marknadsförarnas fĂ€rdigheter. Enorma mĂ€ngder kunskap finns sparade i databaser av transaktioner samlade frĂ„n detaljhandlarnas försĂ€ljningsplatser. ÄndĂ„ Ă€r formatet pĂ„ dessa data ofta sĂ„dant att det inte Ă€r lĂ€tt att tillgĂ„ och utnyttja kunskapen. Som AI-verktyg erbjuder affinitetsanalys en effektiv teknik för att identifiera upprepade mönster som statistiska associationer i data lagrade i stora försĂ€ljningsdatabaser. De hittade mönstren kan sedan utnyttjas som regler som förutser kundernas köpbeteende. I detaljhandel har affinitetsanalys blivit en nyckelfaktor bakom kors- och uppförsĂ€ljning. Som den centrala metoden i denna process fungerar marknadskorgsanalys som fĂ„ngar upp kunskap frĂ„n de heterogena köpbeteendena i data och hjĂ€lper till att utreda hur effektiva marknadsföringsplaner Ă€r. Apriori, som rĂ€knar upp de vanligt förekommande produktkombinationerna som köps tillsammans (marknadskorgen), Ă€r den centrala algoritmen i analysprocessen. Trots detta har Apriori brister som algoritm gĂ€llande lĂ„g berĂ€kningshastighet och svag intelligens. NĂ€r antalet parallella databassökningar stiger, ökar ocksĂ„ berĂ€kningskostnaden, vilket har negativa effekter pĂ„ prestanda. Dessutom finns det brister i beslutstödet, speciellt gĂ€llande metoder att hitta sĂ€llan förekommande produktkombinationer, och i att identifiera ökande popularitet av varumĂ€rken frĂ„n trenddata och utnyttja det innan det nĂ„r sin höjdpunkt. Eftersom mĂ„let för denna forskning Ă€r att hjĂ€lpa smĂ„ och medelstora detaljhandlare att vĂ€xa med hjĂ€lp av MI-strategier, demonstreras effekter av AI med hjĂ€lp av algoritmer i förberedelsen av data, marknadssegmentering och trendanalys. Med hjĂ€lp av försĂ€ljningsdata frĂ„n en liten, lokal detaljhandlare visar vi hur Åbo-algoritmen ökar prestanda och intelligens i datautvinningsprocessen och hjĂ€lper till att avslöja vĂ€rdefulla insikter för marknadsföring, framför allt gĂ€llande dynamiken i efterfrĂ„gan och trender i populariteten av produkterna. Ytterligare visas hur detta resulterar i kommersiella fördelar och konkret avkastning pĂ„ investering. Dessutom hjĂ€lper den utvidgade normalfördelningsmetoden i förberedelsen av data och med att hitta olika slags anomalier

    Market Segmentation in the 21st Century: Discrete Solutions to Continuous Problems

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    Market segments exist because of information and cost constraints If manufacturers had accurate individual-level demand information and the ability to produce and deliver unique products at low cost, then individual customization of products would be a viable market strategy But as uncertainty about consumer demand increases and/or the cost of customization increases, firms find it more profitable to reduce the variety of the products they offer This paper reports on a critical examination of trends in the analysis of customer data and in reductions in the cost of customization brought about by innovations such as the Internet and flexible manufacturing systems We conclude that recent trends are not sufficient to support individual customization in most product categories However, despite the inability of these trends to support individual customization, we predict several changes In the dimensions surrounding successful segmentation strategies that will be used by firms in the future

    Fuzzy Modeling of Client Preference in Data-Rich Marketing Environments

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    Advances in computational methods have led, in the world of financial services, to huge databases of client and market information. In the past decade, various computational intelligence (CI) techniques have been applied in mining this data for obtaining knowledge and in-depth information about the clients and the markets. This paper discusses the application of fuzzy clustering in target selection from large databases for direct marketing (DM) purposes. Actual data from the campaigns of a large financial services provider are used as a test case. The results obtained with the fuzzy clustering approach are compared with those resulting from the current practice of using statistical tools for target selection.fuzzy clustering;direct marketing;client segmentation;fuzzy systems

    Psychographic And Behavioral Segmentation Of Food Delivery Application Customers To Increase Intention To Use

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceThis study presents a framework for segmenting Food Delivery Application (FDA) customers based on psychographic and behavioral variables as an alternative to existing segmentation. Customer segments are proposed by applying clustering methods to primary data from an electronic survey. Psychographic and behavioral constructs are formulated as hypotheses based on existing literature, and then evaluated as segmentation variables regarding their discriminatory power for customer segmentation. Detected relevant variables are used in the application of clustering techniques to find adequate boundaries within customer groupings for segmentation purposes. Characterization of customer segments is performed and enriched with implications of findings in FDA marketing strategies. This paper contributes to theory by providing new findings on segmentation that are relevant for an online context. In addition, it contributes to practice by detailing implications of customer segments in an online sales strategy, allowing marketing managers and FDA businesses to capitalize knowledge in their conversion funnel designs
