61 research outputs found

    Early analysis of VLSI systems with packaging considerations

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    There is an explosive growth in the size of the VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) systems today. Microelectronic system designers are packing millions of transistors in a single IC chip. Packaging techniques like Multi-chip module (MCM) and flip-chip bonding offer faster interconnects and IC\u27s capable of accommodating a larger number of inputs and outputs. The complexity of today\u27s designs and the availability of advanced packaging techniques call for an early analysis of the system based on estimation of system parameters to select from a wide choice of circuit partitioning, architecture alternatives and packaging options which give the best cost/performance. A procedure for the early analysis of VLSI systems under packaging considerations has been developed and implemented in this dissertation work. The early analysis tool was used to evaluate the inter-relationship between partitioning and packaging and to determine the best system design considering cost, size and delays. The functional unit level description of a 750,000-transistor MicroSparc processor was studied using an exhaustive search technique. The early analysis performed on the MicroSparc design suggested that the three chip multi-chip design using flip-chip IC\u27s interconnected on a MCM-D substrate is the most cost effective. An early bond pitch analysis performed using the tool concluded that a 250-micron bond pitch is the best choice for the multi-chip MicroSparc designs. The tool was also used to perform an early cache analysis which showed that the use of separate memory and logic processes made it feasible to design the MicroSparc design with larger cache sizes than the use of a combined logic and memory process. The designs based on the separate processes gave equivalent or better performance than the design candidates with smaller cache sizes. Future extensions of the procedure are also outlined here

    Center for Aeronautics and Space Information Sciences

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    This report summarizes the research done during 1991/92 under the Center for Aeronautics and Space Information Science (CASIS) program. The topics covered are computer architecture, networking, and neural nets

    Improving the Scalability of High Performance Computer Systems

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    Improving the performance of future computing systems will be based upon the ability of increasing the scalability of current technology. New paths need to be explored, as operating principles that were applied up to now are becoming irrelevant for upcoming computer architectures. It appears that scaling the number of cores, processors and nodes within an system represents the only feasible alternative to achieve Exascale performance. To accomplish this goal, we propose three novel techniques addressing different layers of computer systems. The Tightly Coupled Cluster technique significantly improves the communication for inter node communication within compute clusters. By improving the latency by an order of magnitude over existing solutions the cost of communication is considerably reduced. This enables to exploit fine grain parallelism within applications, thereby, extending the scalability considerably. The mechanism virtually moves the network interconnect into the processor, bypassing the latency of the I/O interface and rendering protocol conversions unnecessary. The technique is implemented entirely through firmware and kernel layer software utilizing off-the-shelf AMD processors. We present a proof-of-concept implementation and real world benchmarks to demonstrate the superior performance of our technique. In particular, our approach achieves a software-to-software communication latency of 240 ns between two remote compute nodes. The second part of the dissertation introduces a new framework for scalable Networks-on-Chip. A novel rapid prototyping methodology is proposed, that accelerates the design and implementation substantially. Due to its flexibility and modularity a large application space is covered ranging from Systems-on-chip, to high performance many-core processors. The Network-on-Chip compiler enables to generate complex networks in the form of synthesizable register transfer level code from an abstract design description. Our engine supports different target technologies including Field Programmable Gate Arrays and Application Specific Integrated Circuits. The framework enables to build large designs while minimizing development and verification efforts. Many topologies and routing algorithms are supported by partitioning the tasks into several layers and by the introduction of a protocol agnostic architecture. We provide a thorough evaluation of the design that shows excellent results regarding performance and scalability. The third part of the dissertation addresses the Processor-Memory Interface within computer architectures. The increasing compute power of many-core processors, leads to an equally growing demand for more memory bandwidth and capacity. Current processor designs exhibit physical limitations that restrict the scalability of main memory. To address this issue we propose a memory extension technique that attaches large amounts of DRAM memory to the processor via a low pin count interface using high speed serial transceivers. Our technique transparently integrates the extension memory into the system architecture by providing full cache coherency. Therefore, applications can utilize the memory extension by applying regular shared memory programming techniques. By supporting daisy chained memory extension devices and by introducing the asymmetric probing approach, the proposed mechanism ensures high scalability. We furthermore propose a DMA offloading technique to improve the performance of the processor memory interface. The design has been implemented in a Field Programmable Gate Array based prototype. Driver software and firmware modifications have been developed to bring up the prototype in a Linux based system. We show microbenchmarks that prove the feasibility of our design

    Efficient parallel processing with optical interconnections

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    With the advances in VLSI technology, it is now possible to build chips which can each contain thousands of processors. The efficiency of such chips in executing parallel algorithms heavily depends on the interconnection topology of the processors. It is not possible to build a fully interconnected network of processors with constant fan-in/fan-out using electrical interconnections. Free space optics is a remedy to this limitation. Qualities exclusive to the optical medium are its ability to be directed for propagation in free space and the property that optical channels can cross in space without any interference. In this thesis, we present an electro-optical interconnected architecture named Optical Reconfigurable Mesh (ORM). It is based on an existing optical model of computation. There are two layers in the architecture. The processing layer is a reconfigurable mesh and the deflecting layer contains optical devices to deflect light beams. ORM provides three types of communication mechanisms. The first is for arbitrary planar connections among sets of locally connected processors using the reconfigurable mesh. The second is for arbitrary connections among N of the processors using the electrical buses on the processing layer and N2 fixed passive deflecting units on the deflection layer. The third is for arbitrary connections among any of the N2 processors using the N2 mechanically reconfigurable deflectors in the deflection layer. The third type of communication mechanisms is significantly slower than the other two. Therefore, it is desirable to avoid reconfiguring this type of communication during the execution of the algorithms. Instead, the optical reconfiguration can be done before the execution of each algorithm begins. Determining a right configuration that would be suitable for the entire configuration of a task execution is studied in this thesis. The basic data movements for each of the mechanisms are studied. Finally, to show the power of ORM, we use all three types of communication mechanisms in the first O(logN) time algorithm for finding the convex hulls of all figures in an N x N binary image presented in this thesis

    Developments and experimental evaluation of partitioning algorithms for adaptive computing systems

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    Multi-FPGA systems offer the potential to deliver higher performance solutions than traditional computers for some low-level computing tasks. This requires a flexible hardware substrate and an automated mapping system. CHAMPION is an automated mapping system for implementing image processing applications in multi-FPGA systems under development at the University of Tennessee. CHAMPION will map applications in the Khoros Cantata graphical programming environment to hardware. The work described in this dissertation involves the automation of the CHAMPION backend design flow, which includes the partitioning problem, netlist to structural VHDL conversion, synthesis and placement and routing, and host code generation. The primary goal is to investigate the development and evaluation of three different k-way partitioning approaches. In the first and the second approaches, we discuss the development and implementation of two existing algorithms. The first approach is a hierarchical partitioning method based on topological ordering (HP). The second approach is a recursive algorithm based on the Fiduccia and Mattheyses bipartitioning heuristic (RP). We extend these algorithms to handle the multiple constraints imposed by adaptive computing systems. We also introduce a new recursive partitioning method based on topological ordering and levelization (RPL). In addition to handling the partitioning constraints, the new approach efficiently addresses the problem of minimizing the number of FPGAs used and the amount of computation, thereby overcoming some of the weaknesses of the HP and RP algorithms

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn-memory big data applications are growing in popularity, including in-memory versions of the MapReduce framework. The move away from disk-based datasets shifts the performance bottleneck from slow disk accesses to memory bandwidth. MapReduce is a data-parallel application, and is therefore amenable to being executed on as many parallel processors as possible, with each processor requiring high amounts of memory bandwidth. We propose using Near Data Computing (NDC) as a means to develop systems that are optimized for in-memory MapReduce workloads, offering high compute parallelism and even higher memory bandwidth. This dissertation explores three different implementations and styles of NDC to improve MapReduce execution. First, we use 3D-stacked memory+logic devices to process the Map phase on compute elements in close proximity to database splits. Second, we attempt to replicate the performance characteristics of the 3D-stacked NDC using only commodity memory and inexpensive processors to improve performance of both Map and Reduce phases. Finally, we incorporate fixed-function hardware accelerators to improve sorting performance within the Map phase. This dissertation shows that it is possible to improve in-memory MapReduce performance by potentially two orders of magnitude by designing system and memory architectures that are specifically tailored to that end


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    Limitations of bus-based interconnections related to scalability, latency, bandwidth, and power consumption for supporting the related huge number of on-chip resources result in a communication bottleneck. These challenges can be efficiently addressed with the implementation of a network-on-chip (NoC) system. This book gives a detailed analysis of various on-chip communication architectures and covers different areas of NoCs such as potentials, architecture, technical challenges, optimization, design explorations, and research directions. In addition, it discusses current and future trends that could make an impactful and meaningful contribution to the research and design of on-chip communications and NoC systems

    The Fifth NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    The fifth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design had 13 sessions including Radiation Effects, Architectures, Mixed Signal, Design Techniques, Fault Testing, Synthesis, Signal Processing, and other Featured Presentations. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The presentations share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design

    Extension of the L1Calo PreProcessor System for the ATLAS Phase-I Calorimeter Trigger Upgrade

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    For the Run-3 data-taking period at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the hardware- based Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger (L1Calo) of the ATLAS experiment was upgraded. Through new and sophisticated algorithms, the upgrade will increase the trigger performance in a challenging, high-pileup environment while maintaining low selection thresholds. The Tile Rear Extension (TREX) modules are the latest addition to the L1Calo PreProcessor system. Hosting state-of-the-art FPGAs and high-speed optical transceivers, the TREX modules provide digitised hadronic transverse energies from the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter to the new feature extractor (FEX) processors every 25 ns. In addition, the modules are designed to maintain compatibility with the original trigger processors. The system of 32 TREX modules has been developed, produced and successfully installed in ATLAS. The thesis describes the functional implementation of the modules and the detailed integration and commissioning into the ATLAS detector
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