5 research outputs found

    Sustainable supplier selection based on industry 4.0 initiatives within the context of circular economy implementation in supply chain operations

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    This study proposes a decision framework based on industry 4.0 initiatives within circular economy implementation to evaluate and select sustainable suppliers. In this context, sustainable supplier selection, industry 4.0, and circular economy have emerged as key topics of the contemporary operations management debate. The mix method approach of combining literature review and industrial expert’s inputs was adopted to identify four main categories and twenty-one sub-categories relevant to the supplier selection decision. A multi-criteria decision-making support tool composed of the ‘best-worst method’ (BWM) and VIKOR (VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) was applied to aid in the evaluation and selection of a sustainable supplier in Pakistan’s textile manufacturing company. The BWM approach was first applied to determine the relative importance weights, and then, VIKOR used to rank the suppliers. The findings of the study suggest that, the Pakistan’s textile manufacturing company places much emphasis and importance on ‘Technological and Infrastructure (TI)’ with weight of 0.356 and ‘a positive organizational culture towards implementation of industry 4.0 and circular economy initiatives’ (OG3) with global weight of 0.139 when embarking on such decisions, and ranked supplier 2 as the top sustainable supplier. Managerial and post-selection benchmarking negotiations and future research directions are also introduced

    Automobile components procurement using a DEA-TOPSIS-FMIP approach with all-unit quantity discount and fuzzy factors

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    Components procurement is a crucial process in supply chain management of the automobile industry. The problem is further complicated by imprecise information and discount policies provided by suppliers. This paper aims to develop a computational approach for assisting automobile components procurement with all-unit quantity discount policy and fuzzy factors, from potential suppliers offering different product portfolios. We propose a two-stage approach consisting of a DEA-TOPSIS (data envelopment analysis procedures followed with a technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution) approach for screening suppliers, and subsequentially a fuzzy mixed integer programming (FMIP) model with multiple objectives for optimizing order allocations. The DEA-TOPSIS approach integrates suppliers’ comparative performance and diversity performance into an overall index that improves the ranking of potential suppliers, while the FMIP model features a soft time-window in delivery punctuality and an all-unit quantity discount function in cost. By applying it in a case of automobile components procurement, we show that this two-stage approach effectively supports decision makers in yielding procurement plans for various components offered by many potential suppliers. This paper contributes to integrating multi-attribute decision analysis approach in the form of DEA crossevaluation with TOPSIS and FMIP model for supporting components procurement decisions. First published online 19 November 202

    Modelo integral de gestión de repuestos para mantenimiento, en empresas intensivas en uso de capital

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    Empresas intensivas en uso de capital, buscan garantizar la disponibilidad de sus equipos y evitar un paro operativo, para lograr el cumplimiento de sus compromisos de producción. Para el cumplimiento de este objetivo, estas empresas prevén bien sea redundancia de equipos o mantener cantidades considerables de repuestos en sus bodegas para la atención de mantenimientos. Sin embargo, esto tiene como consecuencia, considerables costos por capital inmovilizado en el caso de redundancia, y costos de abastecimiento, almacenamiento y obsolescencia en el caso de repuestos. Este trabajo de grado propone un modelo de gestión de repuestos y de segmentación, alineado a las estrategias de mantenimiento y de abastecimiento, que busca minimizar los costos de repuestos, y garantizar su disponibilidad para atención de mantenimientos, incluyendo los criterios de política de inventarios y de nivel de servicio requerido por mantenimiento. El trabajo, realiza un análisis de procesos y con la opinión de expertos de una empresa intensiva en uso de capital, contrasta la práctica empresarial con la literatura disponible, para desarrollar un modelo de gestión de repuestos de mantenimiento. En la práctica empresarial, se presenta ruptura entre los procesos de mantenimiento y gestión de inventarios por objetivos contrarios entre sí; y de la misma manera en la literatura disponible, el problema se ha estudiado desde la óptica del mantenimiento o de gestión de inventarios. Para la validación del modelo, se aplicó a casos de negocio de segmentos propuestos, verificándose su validez, aplicabilidad y beneficios en una empresa de transporte de crudo por oleoducto.Capital-Intensive companies seek to guarantee the availability of their equipment and avoid an operational stoppage to comply with their production commitments. For the fulfillment of this objective, these companies foresee either redundancy of equipment or maintain considerable quantities of spare parts in their warehouses for the attention of maintenance. However, as a consequence it has considerable costs for immobilized capital in the case of redundancy, and costs of supply, storage and obsolescence in the case of spare parts. This paper proposes a spare parts and segmentation management model, aligned to maintenance and sourcing strategies, which seeks to minimize spare parts costs, and guarantee their availability for servicing maintenance, including inventory policy criteria and the level of service required for maintenance. The study carries out an analysis of the processes and with the opinion of experts of a capital-intensive company, contrasts business practice with the available literature, to develop a maintenance spare parts management model. In business practice, there is a break between maintenance processes and inventory management for their opposite objectives; and in the same way in the available literature, the problem has been studied either from the standpoint of maintenance or inventory management. For the validation of the management model, it was applied to business cases of spare parts segments, verifying its validity, applicability and economic benefits in an oil pipeline company.Magíster en Ingeniería IndustrialMaestrí

    El rol de la empat?a en la intenci?n de lealtad de los propietarios de veh?culos livianos que usan servicio de mantenimiento preventivo en concesionarios del sector automotriz de Lima Metropolitana

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    La presente tesis de investigaci?n tuvo por objetivo principal demostrar c?mo a trav?s de la empat?a como efecto moderador, se incrementa o disminuye sobre otras variables (valor del cliente, conveniencia del servicio y calidad del servicio) influyen en la intenci?n de lealtad de los propietarios de veh?culos livianos los cuales utilizan los servicios de mantenimiento preventivo en talleres concesionarios del sector automotriz de Lima Metropolitana. En cuanto al an?lisis, se trabajaron los resultados en base a la muestra final de 636 individuos. De los modelos de regresi?n aplicados, se hall? que la presencia de la variable moderadora ?Empat?a? modifica el efecto de las tres variables antes mencionadas, incrementando su influencia sobre la intenci?n de lealtad de los propietarios de veh?culos livianos. Por esta raz?n, esta investigaci?n radica en el uso de la atenci?n personalizada en los clientes como variable moderadora (empat?a), para mejorar el servicio postventa de los talleres de concesionarios automotrices y aumentar la intenci?n de lealtad de los clientes para fidelizarlos a largo plazo; ya que la mayor?a de propietarios de veh?culos livianos al terminar el periodo de garant?a no vuelven a usar el servicio de mantenimiento preventivo por diversos factores; optando por otros centros de mantenimiento mec?nico