274 research outputs found

    Optimal Walking of an Underactuated Planar Biped with Segmented Torso

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    Recently, underactuated bipeds with pointed feet have been studied to achieve dynamic and energy efficient robot walking patterns. However, these studies usually simplify a robot torso as one link, which is different from a human torsos containing 33 vertebrae. In this paper, therefore, we study the optimal walking of a 6-link planar biped with a segmented torso derived from its 5-link counterpart while ensuring that two models are equivalent when the additional torso joint is locked. For the walking, we suppose that each step is composed of a single support phase and an instantaneous double support phase, and two phases are connected by a plastic impact mapping. In addition, the controlled outputs named symmetry outputs capable of generating exponentially stable orbits using hybrid zero dynamics, are adopted to improve physical interpretation. The desired outputs are parameterized by BÂŽezier functions, with 5-link robot having 16 parameters to optimize and 6-link robot having 19 parameters. According to our energy criterion, the segmented torso structure may reduce energy consumption up to 8% in bipedal walking, and the maximum energy saving is achieved at high walking speeds, while leaving the criteria at low walking speeds remain similar for both robots.China CSC LCF

    3LP: a linear 3D-walking model including torso and swing dynamics

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    In this paper, we present a new model of biped locomotion which is composed of three linear pendulums (one per leg and one for the whole upper body) to describe stance, swing and torso dynamics. In addition to double support, this model has different actuation possibilities in the swing hip and stance ankle which could be widely used to produce different walking gaits. Without the need for numerical time-integration, closed-form solutions help finding periodic gaits which could be simply scaled in certain dimensions to modulate the motion online. Thanks to linearity properties, the proposed model can provide a computationally fast platform for model predictive controllers to predict the future and consider meaningful inequality constraints to ensure feasibility of the motion. Such property is coming from describing dynamics with joint torques directly and therefore, reflecting hardware limitations more precisely, even in the very abstract high level template space. The proposed model produces human-like torque and ground reaction force profiles and thus, compared to point-mass models, it is more promising for precise control of humanoid robots. Despite being linear and lacking many other features of human walking like CoM excursion, knee flexion and ground clearance, we show that the proposed model can predict one of the main optimality trends in human walking, i.e. nonlinear speed-frequency relationship. In this paper, we mainly focus on describing the model and its capabilities, comparing it with human data and calculating optimal human gait variables. Setting up control problems and advanced biomechanical analysis still remain for future works.Comment: Journal paper under revie

    Minimalistic control of biped walking in rough terrain

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    Toward our comprehensive understanding of legged locomotion in animals and machines, the compass gait model has been intensively studied for a systematic investigation of complex biped locomotion dynamics. While most of the previous studies focused only on the locomotion on flat surfaces, in this article, we tackle with the problem of bipedal locomotion in rough terrains by using a minimalistic control architecture for the compass gait walking model. This controller utilizes an open-loop sinusoidal oscillation of hip motor, which induces basic walking stability without sensory feedback. A set of simulation analyses show that the underlying mechanism lies in the "phase locking” mechanism that compensates phase delays between mechanical dynamics and the open-loop motor oscillation resulting in a relatively large basin of attraction in dynamic bipedal walking. By exploiting this mechanism, we also explain how the basin of attraction can be controlled by manipulating the parameters of oscillator not only on a flat terrain but also in various inclined slopes. Based on the simulation analysis, the proposed controller is implemented in a real-world robotic platform to confirm the plausibility of the approach. In addition, by using these basic principles of self-stability and gait variability, we demonstrate how the proposed controller can be extended with a simple sensory feedback such that the robot is able to control gait patterns autonomously for traversing a rough terrai

    Minimalistic control of biped walking in rough terrain

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    Toward our comprehensive understanding of legged locomotion in animals and machines, the compass gait model has been intensively studied for a systematic investigation of complex biped locomotion dynamics. While most of the previous studies focused only on the locomotion on flat surfaces, in this article, we tackle with the problem of bipedal locomotion in rough terrains by using a minimalistic control architecture for the compass gait walking model. This controller utilizes an open-loop sinusoidal oscillation of hip motor, which induces basic walking stability without sensory feedback. A set of simulation analyses show that the underlying mechanism lies in the “phase locking” mechanism that compensates phase delays between mechanical dynamics and the open-loop motor oscillation resulting in a relatively large basin of attraction in dynamic bipedal walking. By exploiting this mechanism, we also explain how the basin of attraction can be controlled by manipulating the parameters of oscillator not only on a flat terrain but also in various inclined slopes. Based on the simulation analysis, the proposed controller is implemented in a real-world robotic platform to confirm the plausibility of the approach. In addition, by using these basic principles of self-stability and gait variability, we demonstrate how the proposed controller can be extended with a simple sensory feedback such that the robot is able to control gait patterns autonomously for traversing a rough terrain.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant 0746194)Swiss National Science Foundation (grant PBZH2-114461)Swiss National Science Foundation (grant PP00P2_123387/1

    Preference-Based Learning for Exoskeleton Gait Optimization

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    This paper presents a personalized gait optimization framework for lower-body exoskeletons. Rather than optimizing numerical objectives such as the mechanical cost of transport, our approach directly learns from user preferences, e.g., for comfort. Building upon work in preference-based interactive learning, we present the CoSpar algorithm. CoSpar prompts the user to give pairwise preferences between trials and suggest improvements; as exoskeleton walking is a non-intuitive behavior, users can provide preferences more easily and reliably than numerical feedback. We show that CoSpar performs competitively in simulation and demonstrate a prototype implementation of CoSpar on a lower-body exoskeleton to optimize human walking trajectory features. In the experiments, CoSpar consistently found user-preferred parameters of the exoskeleton’s walking gait, which suggests that it is a promising starting point for adapting and personalizing exoskeletons (or other assistive devices) to individual users

    Stability analysis and control for bipedal locomotion using energy methods

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    In this thesis, we investigate the stability of limit cycles of passive dynamic walking. The formation process of the limit cycles is approached from the view of energy interaction. We introduce for the first time the notion of the energy portrait analysis originated from the phase portrait. The energy plane is spanned by the total energy of the system and its derivative, and different energy trajectories represent the energy portrait in the plane. One of the advantages of this method is that the stability of the limit cycles can be easily shown in a 2D plane regardless of the dimension of the system. The energy portrait of passive dynamic walking reveals that the limit cycles are formed by the interaction between energy loss and energy gain during each cycle, and they are equal at equilibria in the energy plane. In addition, the energy portrait is exploited to examine the existence of semi-passive limit cycles generated using the energy supply only at the take-off phase. It is shown that the energy interaction at the ground contact compensates for the energy supply, which makes the total energy invariant yielding limit cycles. This result means that new limit cycles can be generated according to the energy supply without changing the ground slope, and level ground walking, whose energy gain at the contact phase is always zero, can be achieved without actuation during the swing phase. We design multiple switching controllers by virtue of this property to increase the basin of attraction. Multiple limit cycles are linearized using the Poincare map method, and the feedback gains are computed taking into account the robustness and actuator saturation. Once a trajectory diverges from a basin of attraction, we switch the current controller to one that includes the trajectory in its basin of attraction. Numerical simulations confirm that a set of limit cycles can be used to increase the basin of attraction further by switching the controllers one after another. To enhance our knowledge of the limit cycles, we performed sophisticated simulations and found all stable and unstable limit cycles from the various ground slopes not only for the symmetric legs but also for the unequal legs that cause gait asymmetries. As a result, we present a novel classification of the passive limit cycles showing six distinct groups that are consecutive and cyclical
