1,645 research outputs found

    Dual Stage Trade Credit Policy for Integrated Inventory System

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    The present study considers an integrated production inventory system of a supplier and a retailer. The proposed model explores the vendor managed strategy with the dual stage trade credit also known as progressive payment scheme, lead time and shortages. A nonlinear problem is formulated for the purpose of total profit maximization and solved using conventional global optimization method for nonlinear problem. This article can provide the managerial outline for schematizing the production strategy according to the received orders in a joint business enterprise

    A replenishment policy for a perishable inventory system based on estimated aging and retrieval behavior

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    So far the literature on inventory control for perishable products has mainly focused on (near-) optimal replenishment policies for a stylized environment, assuming no leadtime, no lot-sizing, stationary demand, a first in first out retrieval policy and/or product life time equal to two periods. This literature has given fundamental insight in the behavior and the complexity of inventory systems for perishable products. In practice, many grocery retailers have recently automated the inventory replenishment for non-perishable products. They recognize they may need a different replenishment logic for perishable products, which takes into account e.g. the age of the inventory in the system. Due to new information technologies like RFID, it now also becomes more economically feasible to register this type of information. This paper suggests a replenishment policy for perishable products which takes into account the age of inventories and which requires only very simple calculations. It will be shown that in an environment, which contains important features of the real-life retail environment, this new policy leads to substantial cost reductions compared with a base policy that does not take into account the age of inventories

    Optimal dynamic pricing and replenishment policies for deteriorating items

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    Marketing strategies and proper inventory replenishment policies are often incorporated by enterprises to stimulate demand and maximize profit. The aim of this paper is to represent an integrated model for dynamic pricing and inventory control of deteriorating items. To reflect the dynamic characteristic of the problem, the selling price is defined as a time-dependent function of the initial selling price and the discount rate. In this regard, the price is exponentially discounted to compensate negative impact of the deterioration. The planning horizon is assumed to be infinite and the deterioration rate is time-dependent. In addition to price, the demand rate is dependent on advertisement as a powerful marketing tool. Several theoretical results and an iterative solution algorithm are developed to provide the optimal solution. Finally, to show validity of the model and illustrate the solution procedure, numerical results are presented

    Optimizing Vendor-Buyer Inventory Model with Exponential Quality Degradation for Food Product Using Grey Wolf Optimizer

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    Inventory is an essential factor in the supply chain. Inventory problems are increasingly complex for perishable products such as food. This study proposes a Single Vendor-Single Buyer (SVSB) model for food products by considering exponential quality degradation. The objective function of this problem is to maximize the Joint Total Profit (JTP) of the SVSB system. The frequency of ordering raw materials (m), the frequency of delivery of the finished product (n), and the time of the inventory cycle (T) were the three (3) decision variables introduced in the study. This study proposes the Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) algorithm as an optimization tool for SVSB problems. A case study was conducted on a food company in Indonesia. Sensitivity analysis on costs, revenue, and JTP was also presented. The results showed that raw materials' quality degradation level affected JTP. The results also suggested that the GWO algorithm performs better than the Genetic Algorithm (GA) to optimize the SVSB inventory model

    The Value of RFID Technology Enabled Information to Manage Perishables

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    We address the value of RFID technology enabled information to manage perishables in the context of a supplier that sells a random lifetime product subject to stochastic demand and lost sales. The product's lifetime is largely determined by the time and temperature history in the supply chain. We compare two information cases to a Base case in which the product's time and temperature history is unknown and therefore its shelf life is uncertain. In the first information case, the time and temperature history is known and therefore the remaining shelf life is also known at the time of receipt. The second information case builds on the first case such that the supplier now has visibility up the supply chain to know the remaining shelf life of inventory available for replenishment. We formulate these three different cases as Markov decision processes, introduce well performing heuristics of more practical relevance, and evaluate the value of information through an extensive simulation using representative, real world supply chain parameters.simulation;value of information;RFID;perishable inventory

    Optimizing lot sizing model for perishable bread products using genetic algorithm

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    This research addresses order planning challenges related to perishable products, using bread products as a case study. The problem is how to effi­ci­ently manage the various bread products ordered by diverse customers, which requires distributors to determine the optimal number of products to order from suppliers. This study aims to formulate the problem as a lot-sizing model, considering various factors, including customer demand, in­ven­tory constraints, ordering capacity, return rate, and defect rate, to achieve a near or optimal solution, Therefore determining the optimal order quantity to reduce the total ordering cost becomes a challenge in this study. However, most lot sizing problems are combinatorial and difficult to solve. Thus, this study uses the Genetic Algorithm (GA) as the main method to solve the lot sizing model and determine the optimal number of bread products to order. With GA, experiments have been conducted by combining the values of population, crossover, mutation, and generation parameters to maximize the feasibility value that represents the minimal total cost. The results obtained from the application of GA demonstrate its effectiveness in generating near or optimal solutions while also showing fast computational performance. By utilizing GA, distributors can effectively minimize wastage arising from expired or perishable products while simultaneously meeting customer demand more efficiently. As such, this research makes a significant contri­bution to the development of more effective and intelligent decision-making strategies in the domain of perishable products in bread distribution.Penelitian ini berfokus untuk mengatasi tantangan perencanaan pemesanan yang berkaitan dengan produk yang mudah rusak, dengan menggunakan produk roti sebagai studi kasus. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah bagaimana mengelola berbagai produk roti yang dipesan oleh pelanggan yang beragam secara efisien, yang mengharuskan distributor untuk menentukan jumlah produk yang optimal untuk dipesan dari pemasok. Untuk mencapai solusi yang optimal, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasikan masalah tersebut sebagai model lot-sizing, dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai faktor, termasuk permintaan pelanggan, kendala persediaan, kapasitas pemesanan, tingkat pengembalian, dan tingkat cacat. Oleh karena itu, menentukan jumlah pemesanan yang optimal untuk mengurangi total biaya pemesanan menjadi tantangan dalam penelitian ini. Namun, sebagian besar masalah lot sizing bersifat kombinatorial dan sulit untuk dipecahkan, oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menggunakan Genetic Algorithm (GA) sebagai metode utama untuk menyelesaikan model lot sizing dan menentukan jumlah produk roti yang optimal untuk dipesan. Dengan GA, telah dilakukan percobaan dengan mengkombinasikan nilai parameter populasi, crossover, mutasi, dan generasi untuk memaksimalkan nilai kelayakan yang merepresentasikan total biaya yang minimal. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penerapan GA menunjukkan keefektifannya dalam menghasilkan solusi yang optimal, selain itu juga menunjukkan kinerja komputasi yang cepat. Dengan menggunakan GA, distributor dapat secara efektif meminimalkan pemborosan yang timbul akibat produk yang kadaluarsa atau mudah rusak, sekaligus memenuhi permintaan pelanggan dengan lebih efisien. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap pengembangan strategi pengambilan keputusan yang lebih efektif dan cerdas dalam domain produk yang mudah rusak dalam distribusi roti

    Optimal control of decoupling point with deteriorating items

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to develop a dynamic model to simultaneously determine the optimal position of the decoupling point and the optimal path of the production rate as well as the inventory level in a supply chain. With the objective to minimize the total cost of the deviation from the target setting, the closed forms of the optimal solution are derived over a finite planning horizon with deterioration rate under time-varying demand rate. Design/methodology/approach: The Pontryagin's Maximum Principle is employed to explore the optimal position of decoupling point and the optimal production and inventory rate for the proposed dynamic models. The performances of parameters are illustrated through analytical and numerical approaches. Findings: The results denote that the optimal production rate and inventory level are closely related to the target setting which are highly dependent on production policy; meanwhile the optimal decoupling point is exist and unique with the fluctuating of deteriorating rate and product life cycle. The further analyses through both mathematic and numerical approaches indicate that the shorten of product life cycle shifts the optimal decoupling point forward to the end customer meanwhile a backward shifting appears when the deterioration rate increase. Research limitations/implications: There is no shortage allowed and the replacement policy is not taken into account. Practical implications: Solutions derived from this study of the optimal production-inventory plan and decoupling point are instructive for operation decision making. The obtained knowledge about the performance of different parameters is critical to deteriorating supply chains management. Originality/value: Many previous models of the production-inventory problem are only focused on the cost. The paper introduces the decoupling point control into the production and inventory problem such that a critical element-customer demand, can be taken into account. And the problem is solved as dynamic when the production rate, inventory level and the position of the decoupling point are all regarded as decision variables.Peer Reviewe

    Optimal control of decoupling point with deteriorating items

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper is to develop a dynamic model to simultaneously determine the optimal position of the decoupling point and the optimal path of the production rate as well as the inventory level in a supply chain. With the objective to minimize the total cost of the deviation from the target setting, the closed forms of the optimal solution are derived over a finite planning horizon with deterioration rate under time-varying demand rate. Design/methodology/approach: The Pontryagin's Maximum Principle is employed to explore the optimal position of decoupling point and the optimal production and inventory rate for the proposed dynamic models. The performances of parameters are illustrated through analytical and numerical approaches. Findings: The results denote that the optimal production rate and inventory level are closely related to the target setting which are highly dependent on production policy; meanwhile the optimal decoupling point is exist and unique with the fluctuating of deteriorating rate and product life cycle. The further analyses through both mathematic and numerical approaches indicate that the shorten of product life cycle shifts the optimal decoupling point forward to the end customer meanwhile a backward shifting appears when the deterioration rate increase. Research limitations/implications: There is no shortage allowed and the replacement policy is not taken into account. Practical implications: Solutions derived from this study of the optimal production-inventory plan and decoupling point are instructive for operation decision making. The obtained knowledge about the performance of different parameters is critical to deteriorating supply chains management. Originality/value: Many previous models of the production-inventory problem are only focused on the cost. The paper introduces the decoupling point control into the production and inventory problem such that a critical element-customer demand, can be taken into account. And the problem is solved as dynamic when the production rate, inventory level and the position of the decoupling point are all regarded as decision variables.Peer Reviewe

    The Value of RFID Technology Enabled Information to Manage Perishables

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    We address the value of RFID technology enabled information to manage perishables in the context of a supplier that sells a random lifetime product subject to stochastic demand and lost sales. The product's lifetime is largely determined by the time and temperature history in the supply chain. We compare two information cases to a Base case in which the product's time and temperature history is unknown and therefore its shelf life is uncertain. In the first information case, the time and temperature history is known and therefore the remaining shelf life is also known at the time of receipt. The second information case builds on the first case such that the supplier now has visibility up the supply chain to know the remaining shelf life of inventory available for replenishment. We formulate these three different cases as Markov decision processes, introduce well performing heuristics of more practical relevance, and evaluate the value of information through an extensive simulation using representative, real world supply chain parameters


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    Determining the end of the sales period for a one-time order inventory policy for technology products that see rapid innovation and improvement, such as smartphones, is a vital decision. While the market life cycle is short, with long lead times and expensive deliveries. Such situations can force the number of orders to be few or even only once. Products with the latest technology consist of many components that allow for deterioration from the start. This study discusses the effect of the market life cycle, as indicated by the trapezoidal demand rate, on deteriorating item inventory policies. This study will provide new insights into inventory policy. Mathematical models with a non-linear generalized reduced gradient approach can find the optimal end of the selling period and the order size to achieve maximum profit. A sensitivity analysis showed several findings that provide insight for management
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