16 research outputs found

    Upstream logistic transport planning in the oil-industry: a case study

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    Nowadays, oil companies have to deal with an increasingly competitive environment. In this sense, the optimization of operational processes to enhance efficiency is crucial. This article addresses the design of a decision support tool for the inland upstream transport logistics in the oil industry based on a case of study in Argentina. This problem is traditionally difficult to solve for managers due to the large number of demand facilities scattered on a large geographic area that have to be served and the consideration of several operational requirements, such as maximum allowable travel times for vehicles, availability of a limited fleet size with a small number of drivers, plus the usual demand constraints as well as those arising from security risks derived from the incompatibility of chemical products. A novel mathematical formulation and a constructive heuristic are proposed in order to address this problem. The results allow to reduce the time that the company spends for obtaining a feasible distribution plan that minimizes the time horizon of the distribution schedule provided to the clients and enhances customer satisfaction.Fil: Rossit, Diego Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Mauro Ehulech. Compañia de Minas Magri Sa.; ArgentinaFil: Tohmé, Fernando Abel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Frutos, Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Economía. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur; Argentin

    An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for periodic supply vessel planning problem

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    Confidential until 23. May 202

    Efficiency optimization of the transportation supply chain activity: the maritime option for Volkswagen Autoeuropa

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    Field Lab of Entrepreneurial Innovative VenturesWith the current pressures for companies to reduce their CO2 emissions levels and the worldwide competition more fierce than ever it becomes critical for companies to optimize their processes and improve supply chain efficiency. Develop solutions that could satisfy both these requirements is mandatory to improve and sustain today’s businesses. For Portuguese industries with high transportation costs the maritime option has become increasingly reliable, experiencing a huge structural and technological improvement in the past decades. This work project aims the study of maritime transportation feasibility for Volkswagen Autoeuropa company; it combines the strong theoretical background with a data analysis and multi-scenario assessment. The methodologies used were the billing analysis, at the beginning, then followed by a thorough analysis of transportation and inventory costs and volumes which led to a range of potential supplies to be transported by maritime. At the end the result was 3 possible routes which demonstrate after the analysis only one be a viable option. It was performed also a CO2 analysis, a risk analysis and consequent contingency plan in order to finalize a complete approach to this maritime projectNSBE - UN

    An investment appraisal of ocean engineering projects - the case of diving support vessel

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    A review of operations and maintenance modelling with considerations for novel wind turbine concepts

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    New wind turbine technologies and designs are being explored in order to reduce the cost of energy from offshore wind farms. Two potential routes to a lower cost of energy are the XRotor Concept (XRC) and Multi-Rotor System (MRS) turbines. A key cost saving for both Novel concepts included in this paper is operation and maintenance (O&M) costs savings. The major component replacement cost for conventional horizontal axis, XRC and MRS turbines are examined and the benefits of the concepts are provided in this paper. A review on existing decision support systems for offshore wind farm O&M planning is presented with a focus on how applicable these previous models are to novel turbine concepts, along with analysis of how the influential factors can be modified to effectively model XRC and MRS

    Heuristic for robust periodic supply vessel planning

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    Confidential until 24.05.202

    Simulação do suprimento de fluidos para sondas de perfuração de poços de petróleo offshore

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    Costs on Oil & Gas industry are usually large, especially during drilling phase. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize operations. One way to achieve this objective is through improvements on logistics and supply chain. This work makes an analysis on supply chain during offshore oil & gas exploration phase, focusing on drilling fluids supply. We show a simulation model developed, which considers inventory management on maritime units and routing planning for platform supply vessel routes. During experiments, we propose a data generation method, making possible generation of stochastic demands with realistic values. On the end, this work shows results analysis, determining some parameters, for example, fleet size. The objective is to obtain an operation with lowest costs, but maintaining a good service level, without shortages.Os custos envolvidos na indústria do petróleo são usualmente elevados, sobretudo os referentes à fase de perfuração, por isso torna-se necessário otimizar ao máximo as operações. Uma das formas de conseguir estes resultados é através de melhorias na logística e na cadeia de suprimentos. Este trabalho realiza uma análise da cadeia de suprimentos durante a fase de exploração offshore de óleo e gás, tendo como foco o suprimento de fluidos utilizados ao longo da perfuração. Foi desenvolvido um modelo de simulação, englobando tanto o gerenciamento do estoque nas unidades marítimas quanto a programação de rotas de embarcações que realizam o transporte destes fluidos até as sondas. Para a experimentação, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia para a geração de instâncias, com o objetivo de obter demandas estocásticas, mas que sejam realistas. Ao final, os resultados são avaliados, buscando-se determinar o tamanho da frota ideal. Busca-se dimensionar a operação otimizando custos, mas mantendo um bom nível de serviço sem faltas de produtos

    Diseño y validación de una metodología para dimensionamiento de capacidades de flotas de transporte basada en programación dinámica

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    Esta investigación reseña la etapa de diseño y validación de una metodología de solución al problema de dimensionamiento, mezcla y ruteo de flotas de transporte (Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem) dinámico multiobjetivo. La metodología diseñada consta de tres fases, la primera se fundamenta en un algoritmo genético que modela el problema de asignación de vehículos a la flota de transporte basado en un problema de programación dinámica, la segunda fase evalúa la flota asignada con base a los objetivos de maximización de utilidades y minimización del costo de las externalidad de la flota a partir de un algoritmo de ruteo basado en programación dinámica y por último una tercera fase evalúa las soluciones a través de una simulación de las condiciones operacionales de la flota. La validación de la metodología es realizada a partir de la aplicación como soporte al proceso de diseño de embarcaciones arrojando embarcaciones de similar capacidad con menores costos de producción y una reducción de los costos de las externalidades del transporteMaestríaMagister en Ingeniería Industria

    Simulation of off-shore oil operations accounting for weather incidences

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    In this work we will simulate the voyage of one vessel, servicing three instal- lations before returning to the base. This will be done by using a discrete event simulation, with a submodel for the stochastic component, the significant wave height. To account for the volatility in the weather data, the weather submodel is based on univariate Garch models, and a multivariate DCC model, both paired with an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process