1,770 research outputs found

    Parallel Finger Search Structures

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    In this paper we present two versions of a parallel finger structure FS on p processors that supports searches, insertions and deletions, and has a finger at each end. This is to our knowledge the first implementation of a parallel search structure that is work-optimal with respect to the finger bound and yet has very good parallelism (within a factor of O(log p)^2) of optimal). We utilize an extended implicit batching framework that transparently facilitates the use of FS by any parallel program P that is modelled by a dynamically generated DAG D where each node is either a unit-time instruction or a call to FS. The work done by FS is bounded by the finger bound F_L (for some linearization L of D), i.e. each operation on an item with distance r from a finger takes O(log r+1) amortized work. Running P using the simpler version takes O((T_1+F_L)/p + T_infty + d * ((log p)^2 + log n)) time on a greedy scheduler, where T_1, T_infty are the size and span of D respectively, and n is the maximum number of items in FS, and d is the maximum number of calls to FS along any path in D. Using the faster version, this is reduced to O((T_1+F_L)/p + T_infty + d *(log p)^2 + s_L) time, where s_L is the weighted span of D where each call to FS is weighted by its cost according to F_L. FS can be extended to a fixed number of movable fingers. The data structures in our paper fit into the dynamic multithreading paradigm, and their performance bounds are directly composable with other data structures given in the same paradigm. Also, the results can be translated to practical implementations using work-stealing schedulers

    Dynamic Ordered Sets with Exponential Search Trees

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    We introduce exponential search trees as a novel technique for converting static polynomial space search structures for ordered sets into fully-dynamic linear space data structures. This leads to an optimal bound of O(sqrt(log n/loglog n)) for searching and updating a dynamic set of n integer keys in linear space. Here searching an integer y means finding the maximum key in the set which is smaller than or equal to y. This problem is equivalent to the standard text book problem of maintaining an ordered set (see, e.g., Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd ed., MIT Press, 2001). The best previous deterministic linear space bound was O(log n/loglog n) due Fredman and Willard from STOC 1990. No better deterministic search bound was known using polynomial space. We also get the following worst-case linear space trade-offs between the number n, the word length w, and the maximal key U < 2^w: O(min{loglog n+log n/log w, (loglog n)(loglog U)/(logloglog U)}). These trade-offs are, however, not likely to be optimal. Our results are generalized to finger searching and string searching, providing optimal results for both in terms of n.Comment: Revision corrects some typoes and state things better for applications in subsequent paper

    The Fresh-Finger Property

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    The unified property roughly states that searching for an element is fast when the current access is close to a recent access. Here, "close" refers to rank distance measured among all elements stored by the dictionary. We show that distance need not be measured this way: in fact, it is only necessary to consider a small working-set of elements to measure this rank distance. This results in a data structure with access time that is an improvement upon those offered by the unified property for many query sequences

    In pursuit of the dynamic optimality conjecture

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    In 1985, Sleator and Tarjan introduced the splay tree, a self-adjusting binary search tree algorithm. Splay trees were conjectured to perform within a constant factor as any offline rotation-based search tree algorithm on every sufficiently long sequence---any binary search tree algorithm that has this property is said to be dynamically optimal. However, currently neither splay trees nor any other tree algorithm is known to be dynamically optimal. Here we survey the progress that has been made in the almost thirty years since the conjecture was first formulated, and present a binary search tree algorithm that is dynamically optimal if any binary search tree algorithm is dynamically optimal.Comment: Preliminary version of paper to appear in the Conference on Space Efficient Data Structures, Streams and Algorithms to be held in August 2013 in honor of Ian Munro's 66th birthda

    Smooth heaps and a dual view of self-adjusting data structures

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    We present a new connection between self-adjusting binary search trees (BSTs) and heaps, two fundamental, extensively studied, and practically relevant families of data structures. Roughly speaking, we map an arbitrary heap algorithm within a natural model, to a corresponding BST algorithm with the same cost on a dual sequence of operations (i.e. the same sequence with the roles of time and key-space switched). This is the first general transformation between the two families of data structures. There is a rich theory of dynamic optimality for BSTs (i.e. the theory of competitiveness between BST algorithms). The lack of an analogous theory for heaps has been noted in the literature. Through our connection, we transfer all instance-specific lower bounds known for BSTs to a general model of heaps, initiating a theory of dynamic optimality for heaps. On the algorithmic side, we obtain a new, simple and efficient heap algorithm, which we call the smooth heap. We show the smooth heap to be the heap-counterpart of Greedy, the BST algorithm with the strongest proven and conjectured properties from the literature, widely believed to be instance-optimal. Assuming the optimality of Greedy, the smooth heap is also optimal within our model of heap algorithms. As corollaries of results known for Greedy, we obtain instance-specific upper bounds for the smooth heap, with applications in adaptive sorting. Intriguingly, the smooth heap, although derived from a non-practical BST algorithm, is simple and easy to implement (e.g. it stores no auxiliary data besides the keys and tree pointers). It can be seen as a variation on the popular pairing heap data structure, extending it with a "power-of-two-choices" type of heuristic.Comment: Presented at STOC 2018, light revision, additional figure

    Universal Compressed Text Indexing

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    The rise of repetitive datasets has lately generated a lot of interest in compressed self-indexes based on dictionary compression, a rich and heterogeneous family that exploits text repetitions in different ways. For each such compression scheme, several different indexing solutions have been proposed in the last two decades. To date, the fastest indexes for repetitive texts are based on the run-length compressed Burrows-Wheeler transform and on the Compact Directed Acyclic Word Graph. The most space-efficient indexes, on the other hand, are based on the Lempel-Ziv parsing and on grammar compression. Indexes for more universal schemes such as collage systems and macro schemes have not yet been proposed. Very recently, Kempa and Prezza [STOC 2018] showed that all dictionary compressors can be interpreted as approximation algorithms for the smallest string attractor, that is, a set of text positions capturing all distinct substrings. Starting from this observation, in this paper we develop the first universal compressed self-index, that is, the first indexing data structure based on string attractors, which can therefore be built on top of any dictionary-compressed text representation. Let γ\gamma be the size of a string attractor for a text of length nn. Our index takes O(γlog(n/γ))O(\gamma\log(n/\gamma)) words of space and supports locating the occocc occurrences of any pattern of length mm in O(mlogn+occlogϵn)O(m\log n + occ\log^{\epsilon}n) time, for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon>0. This is, in particular, the first index for general macro schemes and collage systems. Our result shows that the relation between indexing and compression is much deeper than what was previously thought: the simple property standing at the core of all dictionary compressors is sufficient to support fast indexed queries.Comment: Fixed with reviewer's comment

    Finger Search in Grammar-Compressed Strings

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    Grammar-based compression, where one replaces a long string by a small context-free grammar that generates the string, is a simple and powerful paradigm that captures many popular compression schemes. Given a grammar, the random access problem is to compactly represent the grammar while supporting random access, that is, given a position in the original uncompressed string report the character at that position. In this paper we study the random access problem with the finger search property, that is, the time for a random access query should depend on the distance between a specified index ff, called the \emph{finger}, and the query index ii. We consider both a static variant, where we first place a finger and subsequently access indices near the finger efficiently, and a dynamic variant where also moving the finger such that the time depends on the distance moved is supported. Let nn be the size the grammar, and let NN be the size of the string. For the static variant we give a linear space representation that supports placing the finger in O(logN)O(\log N) time and subsequently accessing in O(logD)O(\log D) time, where DD is the distance between the finger and the accessed index. For the dynamic variant we give a linear space representation that supports placing the finger in O(logN)O(\log N) time and accessing and moving the finger in O(logD+loglogN)O(\log D + \log \log N) time. Compared to the best linear space solution to random access, we improve a O(logN)O(\log N) query bound to O(logD)O(\log D) for the static variant and to O(logD+loglogN)O(\log D + \log \log N) for the dynamic variant, while maintaining linear space. As an application of our results we obtain an improved solution to the longest common extension problem in grammar compressed strings. To obtain our results, we introduce several new techniques of independent interest, including a novel van Emde Boas style decomposition of grammars

    Complexity of union-split-find problems

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 45-46).In this thesis, we investigate various interpretations of the Union-Split-Find problem, an extension of the classic Union-Find problem. In the Union-Split Find problem, we maintain disjoint sets of ordered elements subject to the operations of constructing singleton sets, merging two sets together, splitting a set by partitioning it around a specified value, and finding the set that contains a given element. The different interpretations of this problem arise from the different assumptions made regarding when sets can be merged and any special properties the sets may have. We define and analyze the Interval, Cyclic, Ordered, and General Union-Split-Find problems. Previous work implies optimal solutions to the Interval and Ordered Union-Split-Find problems and an (log n/ log log n) lower bound for the Cyclic Union-Split-Find problem in the cell-probe model. We present a new data structure that achieves a matching upper bound of (log n/ log log n) for Cyclic Union-Split Find in the word RAM model. For General Union-Split-Find, no o(n) bound is known. We present a data structure which has an [Omega](log2 n) amortized lower bound in the worst case that we conjecture has polylogarithmic amortized performance. This thesis is the product of joint work with Erik Demaine.by Katherine Jane Lai.M.Eng