7 research outputs found

    Toward the Rectilinear Crossing Number of KnK_n: New Drawings, Upper Bounds, and Asymptotics

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    Scheinerman and Wilf (1994) assert that `an important open problem in the study of graph embeddings is to determine the rectilinear crossing number of the complete graph K_n.' A rectilinear drawing of K_n is an arrangement of n vertices in the plane, every pair of which is connected by an edge that is a line segment. We assume that no three vertices are collinear, and that no three edges intersect in a point unless that point is an endpoint of all three. The rectilinear crossing number of K_n is the fewest number of edge crossings attainable over all rectilinear drawings of K_n. For each n we construct a rectilinear drawing of K_n that has the fewest number of edge crossings and the best asymptotics known to date. Moreover, we give some alternative infinite families of drawings of K_n with good asymptotics. Finally, we mention some old and new open problems.Comment: 13 Page

    On Polygons Excluding Point Sets

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    By a polygonization of a finite point set SS in the plane we understand a simple polygon having SS as the set of its vertices. Let BB and RR be sets of blue and red points, respectively, in the plane such that BRB\cup R is in general position, and the convex hull of BB contains kk interior blue points and ll interior red points. Hurtado et al. found sufficient conditions for the existence of a blue polygonization that encloses all red points. We consider the dual question of the existence of a blue polygonization that excludes all red points RR. We show that there is a minimal number K=K(l)K=K(l), which is polynomial in ll, such that one can always find a blue polygonization excluding all red points, whenever kKk\geq K. Some other related problems are also considered.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Bounds on the maximum multiplicity of some common geometric graphs

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    We obtain new lower and upper bounds for the maximum multiplicity of some weighted and, respectively, non-weighted common geometric graphs drawn on n points in the plane in general position (with no three points collinear): perfect matchings, spanning trees, spanning cycles (tours), and triangulations. (i) We present a new lower bound construction for the maximum number of triangulations a set of n points in general position can have. In particular, we show that a generalized double chain formed by two almost convex chains admits {\Omega}(8.65^n) different triangulations. This improves the bound {\Omega}(8.48^n) achieved by the double zig-zag chain configuration studied by Aichholzer et al. (ii) We present a new lower bound of {\Omega}(12.00^n) for the number of non-crossing spanning trees of the double chain composed of two convex chains. The previous bound, {\Omega}(10.42^n), stood unchanged for more than 10 years. (iii) Using a recent upper bound of 30^n for the number of triangulations, due to Sharir and Sheffer, we show that n points in the plane in general position admit at most O(68.62^n) non-crossing spanning cycles. (iv) We derive lower bounds for the number of maximum and minimum weighted geometric graphs (matchings, spanning trees, and tours). We show that the number of shortest non-crossing tours can be exponential in n. Likewise, we show that both the number of longest non-crossing tours and the number of longest non-crossing perfect matchings can be exponential in n. Moreover, we show that there are sets of n points in convex position with an exponential number of longest non-crossing spanning trees. For points in convex position we obtain tight bounds for the number of longest and shortest tours. We give a combinatorial characterization of the longest tours, which leads to an O(nlog n) time algorithm for computing them

    Packing Plane Perfect Matchings into a Point Set

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    Given a set PP of nn points in the plane, where nn is even, we consider the following question: How many plane perfect matchings can be packed into PP? We prove that at least log2n2\lceil\log_2{n}\rceil-2 plane perfect matchings can be packed into any point set PP. For some special configurations of point sets, we give the exact answer. We also consider some extensions of this problem

    Connecting the dots (with minimum crossings)

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    We study a prototype Crossing Minimization problem, defined as follows. Let F be an infinite family of (possibly vertex-labeled) graphs. Then, given a set P of (possibly labeled) n points in the Euclidean plane, a collection L subseteq Lines(P)={l: l is a line segment with both endpoints in P}, and a non-negative integer k, decide if there is a subcollection L'subseteq L such that the graph G=(P,L') is isomorphic to a graph in F and L' has at most k crossings. By G=(P,L'), we refer to the graph on vertex set P, where two vertices are adjacent if and only if there is a line segment that connects them in L'. Intuitively, in Crossing Minimization, we have a set of locations of interest, and we want to build/draw/exhibit connections between them (where L indicates where it is feasible to have these connections) so that we obtain a structure in F. Natural choices for F are the collections of perfect matchings, Hamiltonian paths, and graphs that contain an (s,t)-path (a path whose endpoints are labeled). While the objective of seeking a solution with few crossings is of interest from a theoretical point of view, it is also well motivated by a wide range of practical considerations. For example, links/roads (such as highways) may be cheaper to build and faster to traverse, and signals/moving objects would collide/interrupt each other less often. Further, graphs with fewer crossings are preferred for graphic user interfaces. As a starting point for a systematic study, we consider a special case of Crossing Minimization. Already for this case, we obtain NP-hardness and W[1]-hardness results, and ETH-based lower bounds. Specifically, suppose that the input also contains a collection D of d non-crossing line segments such that each point in P belongs to exactly one line in D, and L does not contain line segments between points on the same line in D. Clearly, Crossing Minimization is the case where d=n - then, P is in general position. The case of d=2 is of interest not only because it is the most restricted non-trivial case, but also since it corresponds to a class of graphs that has been well studied - specifically, it is Crossing Minimization where G=(P,L) is a (bipartite) graph with a so called two-layer drawing. For d=2, we consider three basic choices of F. For perfect matchings, we show (i) NP-hardness with an ETH-based lower bound, (ii) solvability in subexponential parameterized time, and (iii) existence of an O(k^2)-vertex kernel. Second, for Hamiltonian paths, we show (i) solvability in subexponential parameterized time, and (ii) existence of an O(k^2)-vertex kernel. Lastly, for graphs that contain an (s,t)-path, we show (i) NP-hardness and W[1]-hardness, and (ii) membership in XP