1,145 research outputs found

    Approximate Range Counting Revisited

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    We study range-searching for colored objects, where one has to count (approximately) the number of colors present in a query range. The problems studied mostly involve orthogonal range-searching in two and three dimensions, and the dual setting of rectangle stabbing by points. We present optimal and near-optimal solutions for these problems. Most of the results are obtained via reductions to the approximate uncolored version, and improved data-structures for them. An additional contribution of this work is the introduction of nested shallow cuttings

    Dynamic Colored Orthogonal Range Searching

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    In the colored orthogonal range reporting problem, we want a data structure for storing n colored points so that given a query axis-aligned rectangle, we can report the distinct colors among the points inside the rectangle. This natural problem has been studied in a series of papers, but most prior work focused on the static case. In this paper, we give a dynamic data structure in the 2D case which can answer queries in O(log^{1+o(1)} n + klog^{1/2+o(1)}n) time, where k denotes the output size (the number of distinct colors in the query range), and which can support insertions and deletions in O(log^{2+o(1)}n) time (amortized) in the standard RAM model. This is the first fully dynamic structure with polylogarithmic update time whose query cost per color reported is sublogarithmic (near ?{log n}). We also give an alternative data structure with O(log^{1+o(1)} n + klog^{3/4+o(1)}n) query time and O(log^{3/2+o(1)}n) update time (amortized). We also mention extensions to higher constant dimensions

    Optimal Color Range Reporting in One Dimension

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    Color (or categorical) range reporting is a variant of the orthogonal range reporting problem in which every point in the input is assigned a \emph{color}. While the answer to an orthogonal point reporting query contains all points in the query range QQ, the answer to a color reporting query contains only distinct colors of points in QQ. In this paper we describe an O(N)-space data structure that answers one-dimensional color reporting queries in optimal O(k+1)O(k+1) time, where kk is the number of colors in the answer and NN is the number of points in the data structure. Our result can be also dynamized and extended to the external memory model

    Further Results on Colored Range Searching

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    We present a number of new results about range searching for colored (or "categorical") data: 1. For a set of nn colored points in three dimensions, we describe randomized data structures with O(npolylogn)O(n\mathop{\rm polylog}n) space that can report the distinct colors in any query orthogonal range (axis-aligned box) in O(kpolyloglogn)O(k\mathop{\rm polyloglog} n) expected time, where kk is the number of distinct colors in the range, assuming that coordinates are in {1,
,n}\{1,\ldots,n\}. Previous data structures require O(log⁡nlog⁡log⁡n+k)O(\frac{\log n}{\log\log n} + k) query time. Our result also implies improvements in higher constant dimensions. 2. Our data structures can be adapted to halfspace ranges in three dimensions (or circular ranges in two dimensions), achieving O(klog⁡n)O(k\log n) expected query time. Previous data structures require O(klog⁡2n)O(k\log^2n) query time. 3. For a set of nn colored points in two dimensions, we describe a data structure with O(npolylogn)O(n\mathop{\rm polylog}n) space that can answer colored "type-2" range counting queries: report the number of occurrences of every distinct color in a query orthogonal range. The query time is O(log⁡nlog⁡log⁡n+klog⁡log⁡n)O(\frac{\log n}{\log\log n} + k\log\log n), where kk is the number of distinct colors in the range. Naively performing kk uncolored range counting queries would require O(klog⁡nlog⁡log⁡n)O(k\frac{\log n}{\log\log n}) time. Our data structures are designed using a variety of techniques, including colored variants of randomized incremental construction (which may be of independent interest), colored variants of shallow cuttings, and bit-packing tricks.Comment: full version of a SoCG'20 pape

    Algorithms and Data Structures for Geometric Intersection Query Problems

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. September 2017. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: Ravi Janardan. 1 computer file (PDF); xi, 126 pages.The focus of this thesis is the topic of geometric intersection queries (GIQ) which has been very well studied by the computational geometry community and the database community. In a GIQ problem, the user is not interested in the entire input geometric dataset, but only in a small subset of it and requests an informative summary of that small subset of data. Formally, the goal is to preprocess a set A of n geometric objects into a data structure so that given a query geometric object q, a certain aggregation function can be applied efficiently on the objects of A intersecting q. The classical aggregation functions studied in the literature are reporting or counting the objects of A intersecting q. In many applications, the same set A is queried several times, in which case one would like to answer a query faster by preprocessing A into a data structure. The goal is to organize the data into a data structure which occupies a small amount of space and yet responds to any user query in real-time. In this thesis the study of the GIQ problems was conducted from the point-of-view of a computational geometry researcher. Given a model of computation and a GIQ problem, what are the best possible upper bounds (resp., lower bounds) on the space and the query time that can be achieved by a data structure? Also, what is the relative hardness of various GIQ problems and aggregate functions. Here relative hardness means that given two GIQ problems A and B (or, two aggregate functions f(A, q) and g(A, q)), which of them can be answered faster by a computer (assuming data structures for both of them occupy asymptotically the same amount of space)? This thesis presents results which increase our understanding of the above questions. For many GIQ problems, data structures with optimal (or near-optimal) space and query time bounds have been achieved. The geometric settings studied are primarily orthogonal range searching where the input is points and the query is an axes-aligned rectangle, and the dual setting of rectangle stabbing where the input is a set of axes-aligned rectangles and the query is a point. The aggregation functions studied are primarily reporting, top-k, and approximate counting. Most of the data structures are built for the internal memory model (word-RAM or pointer machine model), but in some settings they are generic enough to be efficient in the I/O-model as well

    Conditional Lower Bounds for Dynamic Geometric Measure Problems

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    Collision-free path planning

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    Motion planning is an important challenge in robotics research. Efficient generation of collision-free motion is a fundamental capability necessary for autonomous robots;In this dissertation, a fast and practical algorithm for moving a convex polygonal robot among a set of polygonal obstacles with translations and rotations is presented. The running time is O(c((n + k)N + nlogn)), where c is a parameter controlling the precision of the results, n is the total number of obstacle vertices, k is the number of intersections of configuration space obstacles, and N is the number of obstacles, decomposed into convex objects. This dissertation exploits a simple 3D passage-network to incorporate robot rotations as an alternative to complex cell decomposition techniques or building passage networks on approximated 3D C-space obstacles;A common approach in path planning is to compute the Minkowski difference of a polygonal robot model with the polygonal obstacle environment. However such a configuration space is valid only for a single robot orientation. In this research, multiple configuration spaces are computed between the obstacle environment and the robot at successive angular orientations spanning [pi] . Although the obstacles do not intersect, each configuration space may contain intersecting configuration space obstacles (C-space obstacles). For each configuration space, the algorithm finds the contour of the intersected C-space obstacles and the associated passage network by slabbing the collision-free space. The individual configuration spaces are then related to one another by a heuristic called proper links that exploit spatial coherence. Thus, each level is connected to the adjacent levels by proper links to construct a 3D network. Dijkstra\u27s algorithm is used to search for the shortest path in the 3D network. Finally, the path is projected onto the plane to show the final locus of the path

    Data and resource management in wireless networks via data compression, GPS-free dissemination, and learning

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    “This research proposes several innovative approaches to collect data efficiently from large scale WSNs. First, a Z-compression algorithm has been proposed which exploits the temporal locality of the multi-dimensional sensing data and adapts the Z-order encoding algorithm to map multi-dimensional data to a one-dimensional data stream. The extended version of Z-compression adapts itself to working in low power WSNs running under low power listening (LPL) mode, and comprehensively analyzes its performance compressing both real-world and synthetic datasets. Second, it proposed an efficient geospatial based data collection scheme for IoTs that reduces redundant rebroadcast of up to 95% by only collecting the data of interest. As most of the low-cost wireless sensors won’t be equipped with a GPS module, the virtual coordinates are used to estimate the locations. The proposed work utilizes the anchor-based virtual coordinate system and DV-Hop (Distance vector of hops to anchors) to estimate the relative location of nodes to anchors. Also, it uses circle and hyperbola constraints to encode the position of interest (POI) and any user-defined trajectory into a data request message which allows only the sensors in the POI and routing trajectory to collect and route. It also provides location anonymity by avoiding using and transmitting GPS location information. This has been extended also for heterogeneous WSNs and refined the encoding algorithm by replacing the circle constraints with the ellipse constraints. Last, it proposes a framework that predicts the trajectory of the moving object using a Sequence-to-Sequence learning (Seq2Seq) model and only wakes-up the sensors that fall within the predicted trajectory of the moving object with a specially designed control packet. It reduces the computation time of encoding geospatial trajectory by more than 90% and preserves the location anonymity for the local edge servers”--Abstract, page iv
