8 research outputs found

    The response time distribution in a multi-processor database with single queue static locking

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    A transaction scheduling mechanism is designed for a shared??memory?? multi??processor database system??. The scheduler used is a variant of static locking?? adapted for real??time and more than one processor??. It is assumed that transactions arrive according to a Poisson process?? execution times of transactions are independent and exponentially distributed?? and all transactions use the same number of data items?? The system is then represented as a Markov model??. A steady state is derived from this model??. By examining the path through the system of a single transaction,?? a recursive relation that describes all moments of a transaction's response time is derived.?? The moments are obtained from this relation with dynamic programming??. The response time distribution is approximated by fi??tting a distribution to the ??first two moments??. Simulation shows that this approximation gives excellent results??

    Optimal two-threshold policies in an M/G/1 queue with two vacation types

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    This paper treats two-threshold policies for an M/G/1 queue with two types of generally distributed random vacations: type 1 (long) and type 2 (short) vacations. Upon returning from a vacation, the server observes the queue length. If this is less than the lower threshold, the server takes a type 1 vacation; if it is between the two thresholds, the server takes a type 2 vacation; and if it is at or above the upper threshold, the server resumes serving the queue exhaustively. There is a shutdown cost for starting a series of vacations, a linear customer waiting cost, and type-dependent vacation reward rates. Renewal theory or the PASTA property is used to develop expressions for the average queue length and the average system cost for generally distributed vacations. A search procedure, which is provably finite for exponentially distributed vacations, is developed for determining the optimal threshold values

    Optimal two-threshold policies in an M/G/1 queue with two vacation types

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    This paper treats two-threshold policies for an M/G/1 queue with two types of generally distributed random vacations: type 1 (long) and type 2 (short) vacations. Upon returning from a vacation, the server observes the queue length. If this is less than the lower threshold, the server takes a type 1 vacation; if it is between the two thresholds, the server takes a type 2 vacation; and if it is at or above the upper threshold, the server resumes serving the queue exhaustively. There is a shutdown cost for starting a series of vacations, a linear customer waiting cost, and type-dependent vacation reward rates. Renewal theory or the PASTA property is used to develop expressions for the average queue length and the average system cost for generally distributed vacations. A search procedure, which is provably finite for exponentially distributed vacations, is developed for determining the optimal threshold values

    A class of multi-server queueing systems with unreliable servers: Models and application.

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    Where queueing systems with unreliable servers are concerned, most research that has been done focuses on one-server systems or systems with a Poisson arrival process and exponential service time. However, in some situations we need to consider non-exponential service time or service rate changes with the number of available servers. These are the queueing systems that are discussed in this thesis, none of which has ever been discussed in the literature. Since the phase type distribution is more general than the exponential distribution and captures most features of a general distribution, the phase type distributed service time is considered in unreliable queueing systems such as M/PH/n and M/PH/n/c. For the M/PH/n queueing system with unreliable servers, the mathematical model, stability condition analysis, stationary distribution calculation, computer programs and examples are all presented. For the M/PH/n/c queueing system with server failures, a finite birth-and-death mathematical model is built and the stationary distribution and performance evaluation measurements are calculated. Computer programs are developed and an example is given to demonstrate the application of this queueing system. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)Dept. of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2003 .Y375. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-01, page: 0295. Adviser: Attahiru S. Alfa. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004

    Queueing systems with periodic service

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    Management queues performances in postal traffic

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    U doktorskoj disertaciji rešavaju se sledeći problemi: problem opisivanja sistema masovnog opsluživanja kada teorija masovnog opsluživanja nailazi na ograničenja primene, problem predviđanja vremena čekanja, problem modelovanja odnosa na tržištu ekspres usluga kao izvora uticaja na redove čekanja, problem upravljanja brojem aktivnih kanala sistema masovnog opsluživanja i problem uticaja na subjektivno vreme čekanja. Primenom elemenata veštačke inteligencije i statističkih metoda razvijen je model za predviđanje parametra vremena čekanja u realnom vremenu pri jedinicama poštanske mreže za pružanje usluga korisnicima.The dissertation provides answers to the following issues: the problem of describing the queueing system when the queueing theory encounters limitations in its use, predicting the waiting time, the problem of modeling relations in the market of express services as a source of influence on the queues, managing the number of active channels in the queueing systems and the impact on subjective waiting time. Through application of artificial intelligence and statistical methods, a model has been developed which in real time predicts the parameters of waiting time at the units of postal network that provide service to customers

    Modelling trauma hip fracture hospital activities

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    Hip fracture is the most common reason for an elderly person to be admitted to an acute orthopaedic ward. The main aim of this research is to provide a statistical evaluation of a hip fracture database, and then to use Operational Research (OR) techniques, using the statistical output, to model activities associated with the care of hip fracture patients. OR techniques employed in this thesis include simulation and queuing theory. This research focuses on hip fracture admissions to the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff, with a primary aim of ascertaining whether the time between admission and surgical intervention has any impact upon patient outcome. Outcome is considered in terms of mortality, hospital length of stay and discharge destination. Statistical analyses are performed, via regression and CART analysis, to investigate length of stay and mortality variables. The results from these statistical tests are compiled, compared and investigated in more depth. Additionally, a principal component analysis is performed to investigate whether it would be feasible to reduce the dimensionality of the dataset, and subsequently principal component regression methodology is used to complement the output. Simulation is used to model activities in both the hip fracture ward and the trauma theatre. These models incorporate output from the statistical analysis and encompass complexities within the patient group and theatre process. The models are then used to test a number of ‘what-if’ type scenarios, including the future anticipated increase in demand. Finally, results from queuing theory are applied to the trauma theatre in order to determine a desired daily theatre allocation for these patients. Specifically, the M | G | 1 queuing system and results from queues with vacations are utilised. The thesis concludes with some discussion of how this research could be further expanded. In particular, two areas are considered; risk scoring systems and the Fenton-Wilkinson approximation