710 research outputs found

    The Value-of-Information in Matching with Queues

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    We consider the problem of \emph{optimal matching with queues} in dynamic systems and investigate the value-of-information. In such systems, the operators match tasks and resources stored in queues, with the objective of maximizing the system utility of the matching reward profile, minus the average matching cost. This problem appears in many practical systems and the main challenges are the no-underflow constraints, and the lack of matching-reward information and system dynamics statistics. We develop two online matching algorithms: Learning-aided Reward optimAl Matching (LRAM\mathtt{LRAM}) and Dual-LRAM\mathtt{LRAM} (DRAM\mathtt{DRAM}) to effectively resolve both challenges. Both algorithms are equipped with a learning module for estimating the matching-reward information, while DRAM\mathtt{DRAM} incorporates an additional module for learning the system dynamics. We show that both algorithms achieve an O(ϵ+δr)O(\epsilon+\delta_r) close-to-optimal utility performance for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0, while DRAM\mathtt{DRAM} achieves a faster convergence speed and a better delay compared to LRAM\mathtt{LRAM}, i.e., O(δz/ϵ+log(1/ϵ)2))O(\delta_{z}/\epsilon + \log(1/\epsilon)^2)) delay and O(δz/ϵ)O(\delta_z/\epsilon) convergence under DRAM\mathtt{DRAM} compared to O(1/ϵ)O(1/\epsilon) delay and convergence under LRAM\mathtt{LRAM} (δr\delta_r and δz\delta_z are maximum estimation errors for reward and system dynamics). Our results reveal that information of different system components can play very different roles in algorithm performance and provide a systematic way for designing joint learning-control algorithms for dynamic systems

    Augmented Human Machine Intelligence for Distributed Inference

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    With the advent of the internet of things (IoT) era and the extensive deployment of smart devices and wireless sensor networks (WSNs), interactions of humans and machine data are everywhere. In numerous applications, humans are essential parts in the decision making process, where they may either serve as information sources or act as the final decision makers. For various tasks including detection and classification of targets, detection of outliers, generation of surveillance patterns and interactions between entities, seamless integration of the human and the machine expertise is required where they simultaneously work within the same modeling environment to understand and solve problems. Efficient fusion of information from both human and sensor sources is expected to improve system performance and enhance situational awareness. Such human-machine inference networks seek to build an interactive human-machine symbiosis by merging the best of the human with the best of the machine and to achieve higher performance than either humans or machines by themselves. In this dissertation, we consider that people often have a number of biases and rely on heuristics when exposed to different kinds of uncertainties, e.g., limited information versus unreliable information. We develop novel theoretical frameworks for collaborative decision making in complex environments when the observers may include both humans and physics-based sensors. We address fundamental concerns such as uncertainties, cognitive biases in human decision making and derive human decision rules in binary decision making. We model the decision-making by generic humans working in complex networked environments that feature uncertainties, and develop new approaches and frameworks facilitating collaborative human decision making and cognitive multi-modal fusion. The first part of this dissertation exploits the behavioral economics concept Prospect Theory to study the behavior of human binary decision making under cognitive biases. Several decision making systems involving humans\u27 participation are discussed, and we show the impact of human cognitive biases on the decision making performance. We analyze how heterogeneity could affect the performance of collaborative human decision making in the presence of complex correlation relationships among the behavior of humans and design the human selection strategy at the population level. Next, we employ Prospect Theory to model the rationality of humans and accurately characterize their behaviors in answering binary questions. We design a weighted majority voting rule to solve classification problems via crowdsourcing while considering that the crowd may include some spammers. We also propose a novel sequential task ordering algorithm to improve system performance for classification in crowdsourcing composed of unreliable human workers. In the second part of the dissertation, we study the behavior of cognitive memory limited humans in binary decision making and develop efficient approaches to help memory constrained humans make better decisions. We show that the order in which information is presented to the humans impacts their decision making performance. Next, we consider the selfish behavior of humans and construct a unified incentive mechanism for IoT based inference systems while addressing the selfish concerns of the participants. We derive the optimal amount of energy that a selfish sensor involved in the signal detection task must spend in order to maximize a certain utility function, in the presence of buyers who value the result of signal detection carried out by the sensor. Finally, we design a human-machine collaboration framework that blends both machine observations and human expertise to solve binary hypothesis testing problems semi-autonomously. In networks featuring human-machine teaming/collaboration, it is critical to coordinate and synthesize the operations of the humans and machines (e.g., robots and physical sensors). Machine measurements affect human behaviors, actions, and decisions. Human behavior defines the optimal decision-making algorithm for human-machine networks. In today\u27s era of artificial intelligence, we not only aim to exploit augmented human-machine intelligence to ensure accurate decision making; but also expand intelligent systems so as to assist and improve such intelligence

    Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in Smart Residential Environment with User Behavioral Modeling

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    Electric power systems are transforming from a centralized unidirectional market to a decentralized open market. With this shift, the end-users have the possibility to actively participate in local energy exchanges, with or without the involvement of the main grid. Rapidly reducing prices for Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs), supported by their ease of installation and operation, with the facilitation of Electric Vehicles (EV) and Smart Grid (SG) technologies to make bidirectional flow of energy possible, has contributed to this changing landscape in the distribution side of the traditional power grid. Trading energy among users in a decentralized fashion has been referred to as Peer- to-Peer (P2P) Energy Trading, which has attracted significant attention from the research and industry communities in recent times. However, previous research has mostly focused on engineering aspects of P2P energy trading systems, often neglecting the central role of users in such systems. P2P trading mechanisms require active participation from users to decide factors such as selling prices, storing versus trading energy, and selection of energy sources among others. The complexity of these tasks, paired with the limited cognitive and time capabilities of human users, can result sub-optimal decisions or even abandonment of such systems if performance is not satisfactory. Therefore, it is of paramount importance for P2P energy trading systems to incorporate user behavioral modeling that captures users’ individual trading behaviors, preferences, and perceived utility in a realistic and accurate manner. Often, such user behavioral models are not known a priori in real-world settings, and therefore need to be learned online as the P2P system is operating. In this thesis, we design novel algorithms for P2P energy trading. By exploiting a variety of statistical, algorithmic, machine learning, and behavioral economics tools, we propose solutions that are able to jointly optimize the system performance while taking into account and learning realistic model of user behavior. The results in this dissertation has been published in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 2021, Proceedings of IEEE Global Communication Conference 2022, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 2023 and ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization 2023

    Algorithm as Boss or Coworker? Randomized Field Experiment on Algorithmic Control and Collaboration in Gig Platform

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    Without a doubt, the heavy use of artificial intelligence (AI) will be involved in the future of work. Pertinent to the deployment of AI in organizations, algorithmic control is the managerial use of intelligent algorithms as a means to align individual worker behaviors with organizational objectives. While algorithmic control may facilitate efficient management of workers, it also leads to intrusive and unilateral exertion of controls over workers, also known as “algorithm as boss” phenomenon. In this study, we attempt to understand the outcomes and tradeoffs that different configurations between the AI and gig workers would produce, by conducting a randomized field experiment with one of the largest delivery rider labor unions in Asia. Overall, our study suggests that providing collaborative algorithmic control not only increases gig workers’ utility in terms of monetary rewards but also enhances their intrinsic rewards, which has the potential to benefit the gig platform as well

    Achieving reliability and fairness in online task computing environments

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorWe consider online task computing environments such as volunteer computing platforms running on BOINC (e.g., SETI@home) and crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk. We model the computations as an Internet-based task computing system under the masterworker paradigm. A master entity sends tasks across the Internet, to worker entities willing to perform a computational task. Workers execute the tasks, and report back the results, completing the computational round. Unfortunately, workers are untrustworthy and might report an incorrect result. Thus, the first research question we answer in this work is how to design a reliable masterworker task computing system. We capture the workers’ behavior through two realistic models: (1) the “error probability model” which assumes the presence of altruistic workers willing to provide correct results and the presence of troll workers aiming at providing random incorrect results. Both types of workers suffer from an error probability altering their intended response. (2) The “rationality model” which assumes the presence of altruistic workers, always reporting a correct result, the presence of malicious workers always reporting an incorrect result, and the presence of rational workers following a strategy that will maximize their utility (benefit). The rational workers can choose among two strategies: either be honest and report a correct result, or cheat and report an incorrect result. Our two modeling assumptions on the workers’ behavior are supported by an experimental evaluation we have performed on Amazon Mechanical Turk. Given the error probability model, we evaluate two reliability techniques: (1) “voting” and (2) “auditing” in terms of task assignments required and time invested for computing correctly a set of tasks with high probability. Considering the rationality model, we take an evolutionary game theoretic approach and we design mechanisms that eventually achieve a reliable computational platform where the master receives the correct task result with probability one and with minimal auditing cost. The designed mechanisms provide incentives to the rational workers, reinforcing their strategy to a correct behavior, while they are complemented by four reputation schemes that cope with malice. Finally, we also design a mechanism that deals with unresponsive workers by keeping a reputation related to the workers’ response rate. The designed mechanism selects the most reliable and active workers in each computational round. Simulations, among other, depict the trade-off between the master’s cost and the time the system needs to reach a state where the master always receives the correct task result. The second research question we answer in this work concerns the fair and efficient distribution of workers among the masters over multiple computational rounds. Masters with similar tasks are competing for the same set of workers at each computational round. Workers must be assigned to the masters in a fair manner; when the master values a worker’s contribution the most. We consider that a master might have a strategic behavior, declaring a dishonest valuation on a worker in each round, in an attempt to increase its benefit. This strategic behavior from the side of the masters might lead to unfair and inefficient assignments of workers. Applying renown auction mechanisms to solve the problem at hand can be infeasible since monetary payments are required on the side of the masters. Hence, we present an alternative mechanism for fair and efficient distribution of the workers in the presence of strategic masters, without the use of monetary incentives. We show analytically that our designed mechanism guarantees fairness, is socially efficient, and is truthful. Simulations favourably compare our designed mechanism with two benchmark auction mechanisms.This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks Institute and the Spanish Ministry of Education grant FPU2013-03792.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería MatemáticaPresidente: Alberto Tarable.- Secretario: José Antonio Cuesta Ruiz.- Vocal: Juan Julián Merelo Guervó


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    Platform-driven crowdsourced manufacturing is an emerging manufacturing paradigm to instantiate the adoption of the open business model in the context of achieving Manufacturing-as-a-Service (MaaS). It has attracted attention from both industries and academia as a powerful way of searching for manufacturing solutions extensively in a smart manufacturing era. In this regard, this work examines the origination and evolution of the open business model and highlights the trends towards platform-driven crowdsourced manufacturing as a solution for MaaS. Platform-driven crowdsourced manufacturing has a full function of value capturing, creation, and delivery approach, which is fulfilled by the cooperation among manufacturers, open innovators, and platforms. The platform-driven crowdsourced manufacturing workflow is proposed to organize these three decision agents by specifying the domains and interactions, following a functional, behavioral, and structural mapping model. A MaaS reference model is proposed to outline the critical functions and inter-relationships. A series of quantitative, qualitative, and computational solutions are developed for fulfilling the outlined functions. The case studies demonstrate the proposed methodologies and can pace the way towards a service-oriented product fulfillment process. This dissertation initially proposes a manufacturing theory and decision models by integrating manufacturer crowds through a cyber platform. This dissertation reveals the elementary conceptual framework based on stakeholder analysis, including dichotomy analysis of industrial applicability, decision agent identification, workflow, and holistic framework of platform-driven crowdsourced manufacturing. Three stakeholders require three essential service fields, and their cooperation requires an information service system as a kernel. These essential functions include contracting evaluation services for open innovators, manufacturers' task execution services, and platforms' management services. This research tackles these research challenges to provide a technology implementation roadmap and transition guidebook for industries towards crowdsourcing.Ph.D

    Crowdsensing-driven route optimisation algorithms for smart urban mobility

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    Urban rörlighet anses ofta vara en av de främsta möjliggörarna för en hållbar statsutveckling. Idag skulle det dock kräva ett betydande skifte mot renare och effektivare stadstransporter vilket skulle stödja ökad social och ekonomisk koncentration av resurser i städerna. En viktig prioritet för städer runt om i världen är att stödja medborgarnas rörlighet inom stadsmiljöer medan samtidigt minska trafikstockningar, olyckor och föroreningar. Att utveckla en effektivare och grönare (eller med ett ord; smartare) stadsrörlighet är en av de svåraste problemen att bemöta för stora metropoler. I denna avhandling närmar vi oss problemet från det snabba utvecklingsperspektivet av ITlandskapet i städer vilket möjliggör byggandet av rörlighetslösningar utan stora stora investeringar eller sofistikerad sensortenkik. I synnerhet föreslår vi utnyttjandet av den mobila rörlighetsavkännings, eng. Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS), paradigmen i vilken befolkningen exploaterar sin mobilkommunikation och/eller mobilasensorer med syftet att frivilligt samla, distribuera, lokalt processera och analysera geospecifik information. Rörlighetavkänningssdata (t.ex. händelser, trafikintensitet, buller och luftföroreningar etc.) inhämtad från frivilliga i befolkningen kan ge värdefull information om aktuella rörelsesförhållanden i stad vilka, med adekvata databehandlingsalgoriter, kan användas för att planera människors rörelseflöden inom stadsmiljön. Såtillvida kombineras i denna avhandling två mycket lovande smarta rörlighetsmöjliggörare, eng. Smart Mobility Enablers, nämligen MCS och rese/ruttplanering. Vi kan därmed till viss utsträckning sammanföra forskningsutmaningar från dessa två delar. Vi väljer att separera våra forskningsmål i två delar, dvs forskningssteg: (1) arkitektoniska utmaningar vid design av MCS-system och (2) algoritmiska utmaningar för tillämpningar av MCS-driven ruttplanering. Vi ämnar att visa en logisk forskningsprogression över tiden, med avstamp i mänskligt dirigerade rörelseavkänningssystem som MCS och ett avslut i automatiserade ruttoptimeringsalgoritmer skräddarsydda för specifika MCS-applikationer. Även om vi förlitar oss på heuristiska lösningar och algoritmer för NP-svåra ruttproblem förlitar vi oss på äkta applikationer med syftet att visa på fördelarna med algoritm- och infrastrukturförslagen.La movilidad urbana es considerada una de las principales desencadenantes de un desarrollo urbano sostenible. Sin embargo, hoy en día se requiere una transición hacia un transporte urbano más limpio y más eficiente que soporte una concentración de recursos sociales y económicos cada vez mayor en las ciudades. Una de las principales prioridades para las ciudades de todo el mundo es facilitar la movilidad de los ciudadanos dentro de los entornos urbanos, al mismo tiempo que se reduce la congestión, los accidentes y la contaminación. Sin embargo, desarrollar una movilidad urbana más eficiente y más verde (o en una palabra, más inteligente) es uno de los temas más difíciles de afrontar para las grandes áreas metropolitanas. En esta tesis, abordamos este problema desde la perspectiva de un panorama TIC en rápida evolución que nos permite construir movilidad sin la necesidad de grandes inversiones ni sofisticadas tecnologías de sensores. En particular, proponemos aprovechar el paradigma Mobile Crowdsensing (MCS) en el que los ciudadanos utilizan sus teléfonos móviles y dispositivos, para nosotros recopilar, procesar y analizar localmente información georreferenciada, distribuida voluntariamente. Los datos de movilidad recopilados de ciudadanos que voluntariamente quieren compartirlos (por ejemplo, eventos, intensidad del tráfico, ruido y contaminación del aire, etc.) pueden proporcionar información valiosa sobre las condiciones de movilidad actuales en la ciudad, que con el algoritmo de procesamiento de datos adecuado, pueden utilizarse para enrutar y gestionar el flujo de gente en entornos urbanos. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis combinamos dos prometedoras fuentes de movilidad inteligente: MCS y la planificación de viajes/rutas, uniendo en cierta medida los distintos desafíos de investigación. Hemos dividido nuestros objetivos de investigación en dos etapas: (1) Desafíos arquitectónicos en el diseño de sistemas MCS y (2) Desafíos algorítmicos en la planificación de rutas aprovechando la información del MCS. Nuestro objetivo es demostrar una progresión lógica de la investigación a lo largo del tiempo, comenzando desde los fundamentos de los sistemas de detección centrados en personas, como el MCS, hasta los algoritmos de optimización de rutas diseñados específicamente para la aplicación de estos. Si bien nos centramos en algoritmos y heurísticas para resolver problemas de enrutamiento de clase NP-hard, utilizamos ejemplos de aplicaciones en el mundo real para mostrar las ventajas de los algoritmos e infraestructuras propuestas