1,843 research outputs found

    Efficiency of the solution representations for the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with makespan objective

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    In this paper we address the classical hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with makespan objective. As this problem is known to be NP-hard and a very common layout in real-life manufacturing scenarios, many studies have been proposed in the literature to solve it. These contributions use different solution representations of the feasible schedules, each one with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of them do not guarantee that all feasible semiactive schedules are represented in the space of solutions –thus limiting in principle their effectiveness– but, on the other hand, these simpler solution representations possess clear advantages in terms of having consistent neighbourhoods with well-defined neighbourhood moves. Therefore, there is a trade-off between the solution space reduction and the ability to conduct an efficient search in this reduced solution space. This trade-off is determined by two aspects, i.e. the extent of the solution space reduction, and the quality of the schedules left aside by this solution space reduction. In this paper, we analyse the efficiency of the different solution representations employed in the literature for the problem. More specifically, we first establish the size of the space of semiactive schedules achieved by the different solution representations and, secondly, we address the issue of the quality of the schedules that can be achieved by these representations using the optimal solutions given by several MILP models and complete enumeration. The results obtained may contribute to design more efficient algorithms for the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2016-80750-

    Performance Analysis of Modified SRPT in Multiple-Processor Multitask Scheduling

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    In this paper we study the multiple-processor multitask scheduling problem in both deterministic and stochastic models. We consider and analyze Modified Shortest Remaining Processing Time (M-SRPT) scheduling algorithm, a simple modification of SRPT, which always schedules jobs according to SRPT whenever possible, while processes tasks in an arbitrary order. The M-SRPT algorithm is proved to achieve a competitive ratio of Θ(logα+β)\Theta(\log \alpha +\beta) for minimizing response time, where α\alpha denotes the ratio between maximum job workload and minimum job workload, β\beta represents the ratio between maximum non-preemptive task workload and minimum job workload. In addition, the competitive ratio achieved is shown to be optimal (up to a constant factor), when there are constant number of machines. We further consider the problem under Poisson arrival and general workload distribution (\ie, M/GI/NM/GI/N system), and show that M-SRPT achieves asymptotic optimal mean response time when the traffic intensity ρ\rho approaches 11, if job size distribution has finite support. Beyond finite job workload, the asymptotic optimality of M-SRPT also holds for infinite job size distributions with certain probabilistic assumptions, for example, M/M/NM/M/N system with finite task workload

    Optimizing production scheduling of steel plate hot rolling for economic load dispatch under time-of-use electricity pricing

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    Time-of-Use (TOU) electricity pricing provides an opportunity for industrial users to cut electricity costs. Although many methods for Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) under TOU pricing in continuous industrial processing have been proposed, there are still difficulties in batch-type processing since power load units are not directly adjustable and nonlinearly depend on production planning and scheduling. In this paper, for hot rolling, a typical batch-type and energy intensive process in steel industry, a production scheduling optimization model for ELD is proposed under TOU pricing, in which the objective is to minimize electricity costs while considering penalties caused by jumps between adjacent slabs. A NSGA-II based multi-objective production scheduling algorithm is developed to obtain Pareto-optimal solutions, and then TOPSIS based multi-criteria decision-making is performed to recommend an optimal solution to facilitate filed operation. Experimental results and analyses show that the proposed method cuts electricity costs in production, especially in case of allowance for penalty score increase in a certain range. Further analyses show that the proposed method has effect on peak load regulation of power grid.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    Exact Algorithms for Mixed-Integer Multilevel Programming Problems

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    We examine multistage optimization problems, in which one or more decision makers solve a sequence of interdependent optimization problems. In each stage the corresponding decision maker determines values for a set of variables, which in turn parameterizes the subsequent problem by modifying its constraints and objective function. The optimization literature has covered multistage optimization problems in the form of bilevel programs, interdiction problems, robust optimization, and two-stage stochastic programming. One of the main differences among these research areas lies in the relationship between the decision makers. We analyze the case in which the decision makers are self-interested agents seeking to optimize their own objective function (bilevel programming), the case in which the decision makers are opponents working against each other, playing a zero-sum game (interdiction), and the case in which the decision makers are cooperative agents working towards a common goal (two-stage stochastic programming). Traditional exact approaches for solving multistage optimization problems often rely on strong duality either for the purpose of achieving single-level reformulations of the original multistage problems, or for the development of cutting-plane approaches similar to Benders\u27 decomposition. As a result, existing solution approaches usually assume that the last-stage problems are linear or convex, and fail to solve problems for which the last-stage is nonconvex (e.g., because of the presence of discrete variables). We contribute exact finite algorithms for bilevel mixed-integer programs, three-stage defender-attacker-defender problems, and two-stage stochastic programs. Moreover, we do not assume linearity or convexity for the last-stage problem and allow the existence of discrete variables. We demonstrate how our proposed algorithms significantly outperform existing state-of-the-art algorithms. Additionally, we solve for the first time a class of interdiction and fortification problems in which the third-stage problem is NP-hard, opening a venue for new research and applications in the field of (network) interdiction

    Fast Scheduling of Robot Teams Performing Tasks With Temporospatial Constraints

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    The application of robotics to traditionally manual manufacturing processes requires careful coordination between human and robotic agents in order to support safe and efficient coordinated work. Tasks must be allocated to agents and sequenced according to temporal and spatial constraints. Also, systems must be capable of responding on-the-fly to disturbances and people working in close physical proximity to robots. In this paper, we present a centralized algorithm, named 'Tercio,' that handles tightly intercoupled temporal and spatial constraints. Our key innovation is a fast, satisficing multi-agent task sequencer inspired by real-time processor scheduling techniques and adapted to leverage a hierarchical problem structure. We use this sequencer in conjunction with a mixed-integer linear program solver and empirically demonstrate the ability to generate near-optimal schedules for real-world problems an order of magnitude larger than those reported in prior art. Finally, we demonstrate the use of our algorithm in a multirobot hardware testbed

    Routing and scheduling optimisation under uncertainty for engineering applications

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    The thesis aims to develop a viable computational approach suitable for solving large vehicle routing and scheduling optimisation problems affected by uncertainty. The modelling framework is built upon recent advances in Stochastic Optimisation, Robust Optimisation and Distributionally Robust Optimization. The utility of the methodology is presented on two classes of discrete optimisation problems: scheduling satellite communication, which is a variant of Machine Scheduling, and the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Synchronised Visits. For each problem class, a practical engineering application is formulated using data coming from the real world. The significant size of the problem instances reinforced the need to apply a different computational approach for each problem class. Satellite communication is scheduled using a Mixed-Integer Programming solver. In contrast, the vehicle routing problem with synchronised visits is solved using a hybrid method that combines Iterated Local Search, Constraint Programming and the Guided Local Search metaheuristic. The featured application of scheduling satellite communication is the Satellite Quantum Key Distribution for a system that consists of one spacecraft placed in the Lower Earth Orbit and a network of optical ground stations located in the United Kingdom. The satellite generates cryptographic keys and transmits them to individual ground stations. Each ground station should receive the number of keys in proportion to the importance of the ground station in the network. As clouds containing water attenuate the signal, reliable scheduling needs to account for cloud cover predictions, which are naturally affected by uncertainty. A new uncertainty sets tailored for modelling uncertainty in predictions of atmospheric phenomena is the main contribution to the methodology. The uncertainty set models the evolution of uncertain parameters using a Multivariate Vector Auto-Regressive Time Series, which preserves correlations over time and space. The problem formulation employing the new uncertainty set compares favourably to a suite of alternative models adapted from the literature considering both the computational time and the cost-effectiveness of the schedule evaluated in the cloud cover conditions observed in the real world. The other contribution of the thesis in the satellite scheduling domain is the formulation of the Satellite Quantum Key Distribution problem. The proof of computational complexity and thorough performance analysis of an example Satellite Quantum Key Distribution system accompany the formulation. The Home Care Scheduling and Routing Problem, which instances are solved for the largest provider of such services in Scotland, is the application of the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Synchronised Visits. The problem instances contain over 500 visits. Around 20% of them require two carers simultaneously. Such problem instances are well beyond the scalability limitations of the exact method and considerably larger than instances of similar problems considered in the literature. The optimisation approach proposed in the thesis found effective solutions in attractive computational time (i.e., less than 30 minutes) and the solutions reduced the total travel time threefold compared to alternative schedules computed by human planners. The Essential Riskiness Index Optimisation was incorporated into the Constraint Programming model to address uncertainty in visits' duration. Besides solving large problem instances from the real world, the solution method reproduced the majority of the best results reported in the literature and strictly improved the solutions for several instances of a well-known benchmark for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Synchronised Visits.The thesis aims to develop a viable computational approach suitable for solving large vehicle routing and scheduling optimisation problems affected by uncertainty. The modelling framework is built upon recent advances in Stochastic Optimisation, Robust Optimisation and Distributionally Robust Optimization. The utility of the methodology is presented on two classes of discrete optimisation problems: scheduling satellite communication, which is a variant of Machine Scheduling, and the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Synchronised Visits. For each problem class, a practical engineering application is formulated using data coming from the real world. The significant size of the problem instances reinforced the need to apply a different computational approach for each problem class. Satellite communication is scheduled using a Mixed-Integer Programming solver. In contrast, the vehicle routing problem with synchronised visits is solved using a hybrid method that combines Iterated Local Search, Constraint Programming and the Guided Local Search metaheuristic. The featured application of scheduling satellite communication is the Satellite Quantum Key Distribution for a system that consists of one spacecraft placed in the Lower Earth Orbit and a network of optical ground stations located in the United Kingdom. The satellite generates cryptographic keys and transmits them to individual ground stations. Each ground station should receive the number of keys in proportion to the importance of the ground station in the network. As clouds containing water attenuate the signal, reliable scheduling needs to account for cloud cover predictions, which are naturally affected by uncertainty. A new uncertainty sets tailored for modelling uncertainty in predictions of atmospheric phenomena is the main contribution to the methodology. The uncertainty set models the evolution of uncertain parameters using a Multivariate Vector Auto-Regressive Time Series, which preserves correlations over time and space. The problem formulation employing the new uncertainty set compares favourably to a suite of alternative models adapted from the literature considering both the computational time and the cost-effectiveness of the schedule evaluated in the cloud cover conditions observed in the real world. The other contribution of the thesis in the satellite scheduling domain is the formulation of the Satellite Quantum Key Distribution problem. The proof of computational complexity and thorough performance analysis of an example Satellite Quantum Key Distribution system accompany the formulation. The Home Care Scheduling and Routing Problem, which instances are solved for the largest provider of such services in Scotland, is the application of the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Synchronised Visits. The problem instances contain over 500 visits. Around 20% of them require two carers simultaneously. Such problem instances are well beyond the scalability limitations of the exact method and considerably larger than instances of similar problems considered in the literature. The optimisation approach proposed in the thesis found effective solutions in attractive computational time (i.e., less than 30 minutes) and the solutions reduced the total travel time threefold compared to alternative schedules computed by human planners. The Essential Riskiness Index Optimisation was incorporated into the Constraint Programming model to address uncertainty in visits' duration. Besides solving large problem instances from the real world, the solution method reproduced the majority of the best results reported in the literature and strictly improved the solutions for several instances of a well-known benchmark for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Synchronised Visits

    Analysis of Scheduling Policies for a M/G/I Queue with Rework

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    This thesis analyzes a multi-class M/G/1 priority queueing system in which distinct job types require one service cycle and, with non-zero probability, require a second service cycle. The main objective is to find a new heuristic scheduling policy that minimizes the long-run expected holding and preemption costs. Arrival rates, service rates, and the probability of undertaking second service are all class specific. A mean value analysis (MVA) approach was employed to derive the long- run mean time in queue for each job type under each policy, thereby providing the appropriate cost equations. Numerical experiments suggest that the preemptive resume scheduling policy yields the lowest cost most frequently