12 research outputs found

    Inductive benchmarking for purely functional data structures

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    Every designer of a new data structure wants to know how well it performs in comparison with others. But finding, coding and testing applications as benchmarks can be tedious and time-consuming. Besides, how a benchmark uses a data structure may considerably affect its apparent efficiency, so the choice of applications may bias the results. We address these problems by developing a tool for inductive benchmarking. This tool, Auburn, can generate benchmarks across a wide distribution of uses. We precisely define 'the use of a data structure', upon which we build the core algorithms of Auburn: how to generate a benchmark from a description of use, and how to extract a description of use from an application. We then apply inductive classification techniques to obtain decision trees for the choice between competing data structures. We test Auburn by benchmarking several implementations of three common data structures: queues, random-access lists and heaps. These and other results show Auburn to be a useful and accurate tool, but they also reveal some limitations of the approach

    Ranked Enumeration of MSO Logic on Words

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    In the last years, enumeration algorithms with bounded delay have attracted a lot of attention for several data management tasks. Given a query and the data, the task is to preprocess the data and then enumerate all the answers to the query one by one and without repetitions. This enumeration scheme is typically useful when the solutions are treated on the fly or when we want to stop the enumeration once the pertinent solutions have been found. However, with the current schemes, there is no restriction on the order how the solutions are given and this order usually depends on the techniques used and not on the relevance for the user. In this paper we study the enumeration of monadic second order logic (MSO) over words when the solutions are ranked. We present a framework based on MSO cost functions that allows to express MSO formulae on words with a cost associated with each solution. We then demonstrate the generality of our framework which subsumes, for instance, document spanners and adds ranking to them. The main technical result of the paper is an algorithm for enumerating all the solutions of formulae in increasing order of cost efficiently, namely, with a linear preprocessing phase and logarithmic delay between solutions. The novelty of this algorithm is based on using functional data structures, in particular, by extending functional Brodal queues to suit with the ranked enumeration of MSO on words

    Ranked Enumeration for MSO on Trees via Knowledge Compilation

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    We study the problem of enumerating the satisfying assignments for circuit classes from knowledge compilation, where assignments are ranked in a specific order. In particular, we show how this problem can be used to efficiently perform ranked enumeration of the answers to MSO queries over trees, with the order being given by a ranking function satisfying a subset-monotonicity property. Assuming that the number of variables is constant, we show that we can enumerate the satisfying assignments in ranked order for so-called multivalued circuits that are smooth, decomposable, and in negation normal form (smooth multivalued DNNF). There is no preprocessing and the enumeration delay is linear in the size of the circuit times the number of values, plus a logarithmic term in the number of assignments produced so far. If we further assume that the circuit is deterministic (smooth multivalued d-DNNF), we can achieve linear-time preprocessing in the circuit, and the delay only features the logarithmic term.Comment: 26 pages; this is the authors version of the corresponding ICDT'24 articl

    Programming with Undo

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    This thesis is about objects that can undo their state changes. Based on an earlier work on data structure persistence, we propose generating undo methods for classes from annotated classes automatically. As opposed to ephemeral data structures, persistent data structures carry their older versions, and undo for a persistent structure is just returning to a previous version. Undoable objects simplify programming in a number of areas such as backtracking in constraint programming, and undo for interactive applications. Using the undo methods of individual objects, larger application level undo functionality can be built in an easier way

    Functional programming and graph algorithms

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    This thesis is an investigation of graph algorithms in the non-strict purely functional language Haskell. Emphasis is placed on the importance of achieving an asymptotic complexity as good as with conventional languages. This is achieved by using the monadic model for including actions on the state. Work on the monadic model was carried out at Glasgow University by Wadler, Peyton Jones, and Launchbury in the early nineties and has opened up many diverse application areas. One area is the ability to express data structures that require sharing. Although graphs are not presented in this style, data structures that graph algorithms use are expressed in this style. Several examples of stateful algorithms are given including union/find for disjoint sets, and the linear time sort binsort. The graph algorithms presented are not new, but are traditional algorithms recast in a functional setting. Examples include strongly connected components, biconnected components, Kruskal's minimum cost spanning tree, and Dijkstra's shortest paths. The presentation is lucid giving more insight than usual. The functional setting allows for complete calculational style correctness proofs - which is demonstrated with many examples. The benefits of using a functional language for expressing graph algorithms are quantified by looking at the issues of execution times, asymptotic complexity, correctness, and clarity, in comparison with traditional approaches. The intention is to be as objective as possible, pointing out both the weaknesses and the strengths of using a functional language

    Benchmarking purely functional data structures.

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    When someone designs a new data structure, they want to know how well it performs. Previously, the only way to do this involves finding, coding and testing some applications to act as benchmarks. This can be tedious and time-consuming. Worse, how a benchmark uses a data structure may considerably affect the efficiency of the data structure. Thus, the choice of benchmarks may bias the results. For these reasons, new data structures developed for functional languages often pay little attention to empirical performance. We solve these problems by developing a benchmarking tool, Auburn, that can generate benchmarks across a fair distribution of uses. We precisely define "the use of a data structure", upon which we build the core algorithms of Auburn: how to generate a benchmark from a description of use, and how to extract a description of use from an application. We consider how best to use these algorithms to benchmark competing data structures. Finally, we test Auburn by benchmarking ..

    Granularity in Large-Scale Parallel Functional Programming

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    This thesis demonstrates how to reduce the runtime of large non-strict functional programs using parallel evaluation. The parallelisation of several programs shows the importance of granularity, i.e. the computation costs of program expressions. The aspect of granularity is studied both on a practical level, by presenting and measuring runtime granularity improvement mechanisms, and at a more formal level, by devising a static granularity analysis. By parallelising several large functional programs this thesis demonstrates for the first time the advantages of combining lazy and parallel evaluation on a large scale: laziness aids modularity, while parallelism reduces runtime. One of the parallel programs is the Lolita system which, with more than 47,000 lines of code, is the largest existing parallel non-strict functional program. A new mechanism for parallel programming, evaluation strategies, to which this thesis contributes, is shown to be useful in this parallelisation. Evaluation strategies simplify parallel programming by separating algorithmic code from code specifying dynamic behaviour. For large programs the abstraction provided by functions is maintained by using a data-oriented style of parallelism, which defines parallelism over intermediate data structures rather than inside the functions. A highly parameterised simulator, GRANSIM, has been constructed collaboratively and is discussed in detail in this thesis. GRANSIM is a tool for architecture-independent parallelisation and a testbed for implementing runtime-system features of the parallel graph reduction model. By providing an idealised as well as an accurate model of the underlying parallel machine, GRANSIM has proven to be an essential part of an integrated parallel software engineering environment. Several parallel runtime- system features, such as granularity improvement mechanisms, have been tested via GRANSIM. It is publicly available and in active use at several universities worldwide. In order to provide granularity information this thesis presents an inference-based static granularity analysis. This analysis combines two existing analyses, one for cost and one for size information. It determines an upper bound for the computation costs of evaluating an expression in a simple strict higher-order language. By exposing recurrences during cost reconstruction and using a library of recurrences and their closed forms, it is possible to infer the costs for some recursive functions. The possible performance improvements are assessed by measuring the parallel performance of a hand-analysed and annotated program