2,086 research outputs found

    Measurement-based network clustering for active distribution systems

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    ©2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a network clustering (NC) method for active distribution networks (ADNs). Following the outage of a section of an ADN, the method identifies and forms an optimum cluster of microgrids within the section. The optimum cluster is determined from a set of candidate microgrid clusters by estimating the following metrics: total power loss, voltage deviations, and minimum load shedding. To compute these metrics, equivalent circuits of the clusters are estimated using measured data provided by phasor measurement units (PMUs). Hence, the proposed NC method determines the optimum microgrid cluster without requiring information about the network’s topology and its components. The proposed method is tested by simulating a study network in a real-time simulator coupled to physical PMUs and a prototype algorithm implementation, also executing in real time.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Multi-objective optimal power resources planning of microgrids with high penetration of intermittent nature generation and modern storage systems

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    Microgrids are self-controlled entities at the distribution voltage level that interconnect distributed energy resources (DERs) with loads and can be operated in either grid-connected or islanded mode. This type of active distribution network has evolved as a powerful concept to guarantee a reliable, efficient and sustainable electricity delivery as part of the power systems of the future. However, benefits of microgrids, such as the ancillary services (AS) provision, are not possible to be properly exploited before traditional planning methodologies are updated. Therefore, in this doctoral thesis, a named Probabilistic Multi-objective Microgrid Planning methodology with two versions, POMMP and POMMP2, is proposed for effective decision-making on the optimal allocation of DERs and topology definition under the paradigm of microgrids with capacity for providing AS to the main power grid. The methodologies are defined to consider a mixed generation matrix with dispatchable and non-dispatchable technologies, as well as, distributed energy storage systems and both conventional and power-electronic-based operation configurations. The planning methodologies are formulated based on a so-called true-multi-objective optimization problem with a configurable set of three objective functions. Accordingly, the capacity to supply AS is optimally enhanced with the maximization of the available active residual power in grid-connected operation mode; the capital, maintenance, and operation costs of microgrid are minimized, while the revenues from the services provision and participation on liberalized markets are maximized in a cost function; and the active power losses in microgrid´s operation are minimized. Furthermore, a probabilistic technique based on the simulation of parameters from their probabilistic density function and Monte Carlo Simulation is adopted to model the stochastic behavior of the non-dispatchable renewable generation resources and load demand as the main sources of uncertainties in the planning of microgrids. Additionally, POMMP2 methodology particularly enhances the proposal in POMMP by modifying the methodology and optimization model to consider the optimal planning of microgrid's topology with the allocation of DERs simultaneously. In this case, the concept of networked microgrid is contemplated, and a novel holistic approach is proposed to include a multilevel graph-partitioning technique and subsequent iterative heuristic optimization for the optimal formation of clusters in the topology planning and DERs allocation process. This microgrid planning problem leads to a complex non-convex mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem with multiple contradictory objective functions, decision variables, and diverse constraint conditions. Accordingly, the optimization problem in the proposed POMMP/POMMP2 methodologies is conceived to be solved using multi-objective population-based metaheuristics, which gives rise to the adaptation and performance assessment of two existing optimization algorithms, the well-known Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGAII) and the Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition (MOEA/D). Furthermore, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is tested and proposed for the multi-criteria decision-making in the last step of the planning methodologies. The POMMP and POMMP2 methodologies are tested in a 69-bus and 37-bus medium voltage distribution network, respectively. Results show the benefits of an a posteriori decision making with the true-multi-objective approach as well as a time-dependent planning methodology. Furthermore, the results from a more comprehensive planning strategy in POMMP2 revealed the benefits of a holistic planning methodology, where different planning tasks are optimally and simultaneously addressed to offer better planning results.Las microrredes son entes autocontrolados que operan en media o baja tensión, interconectan REDs con las cargas y pueden ser operadas ya sea en modo conectado a la red o modo isla. Este tipo de red activa de distribución ha evolucionado como un concepto poderoso para garantizar un suministro de electricidad fiable, eficiente y sostenible como parte de los sistemas de energía del futuro. Sin embargo, para explotar los beneficios potenciales de las microrredes, tales como la prestación de servicios auxiliares (AS), primero es necesario formular apropiadas metodologías de planificación. En este sentido, en esta tesis doctoral, una metodología probabilística de planificación de microrredes con dos versiones, POMMP y POMMP2, es propuesta para la toma de decisiones efectiva en la asignación óptima de DERs y la definición de la topología de microrredes bajo el paradigma de una microrred con capacidad para proporcionar AS a la red principal. Las metodologías se definen para considerar una matriz de generación mixta con tecnologías despachables y no despachables, así como sistemas distribuidos para el almacenamiento de energía y la interconnección de recursos con o sin una interfaz basada en dispositivos de electrónica de potencia. Las metodologías de planificación se formulan sobre la base de un problema de optimización multiobjetivo verdadero con un conjunto configurable de tres funciones objetivo. Con estos se pretende optimizar la capacidad de suministro de AS con la maximización de la potencia activa residual disponible en modo conectado a la red; la minimización de los costos de capital, mantenimiento y funcionamiento de la microrred al tiempo que se maximizan los ingresos procedentes de la prestación de servicios y la participación en los mercados liberalizados; y la minimización de las pérdidas de energía activa en el funcionamiento de la microrred. Además, se adopta una técnica probabilística basada en la simulación de parámetros a partir de la función de densidad de probabilidad y el método de Monte Carlo para modelar el comportamiento estocástico de los recursos de generación renovable no despachables. Adicionalmente,la POMMP2 mejora la propuesta de POMMP modificando la metodología y el modelo de optimización para considerar simultáneamente la planificación óptima de la topología de la microrred con la asignación de DERs. Así pues, se considera el concepto de microrredes interconectadas en red y se propone un novedoso enfoque holístico que incluye una técnica de partición de gráficos multinivel y optimización iterativa heurística para la formación óptima de clusters para el planeamiento de la topología y asignación de DERs. Este problema de planificación de microrredes da lugar a un complejo problema de optimización mixto, no lineal, no convexos y con múltiples funciones objetivo contradictorias, variables de decisión y diversas condiciones de restricción. Por consiguiente, el problema de optimización en las metodologías POMMP/POMMP2 se concibe para ser resuelto utilizando técnicas multiobjetivo de optimización metaheurísticas basadas en población, lo cual da lugar a la adaptación y evaluación del rendimiento de dos algoritmos de optimización existentes, el conocido Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGAII) y el Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition (MOEA/D). Además, se ha probado y propuesto el uso de la técnica de proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP) para la toma de decisiones multicriterio en el último paso de las metodologías de planificación. Las metodologías POMMP/POMMP2 son probadas en una red de distribución de media tensión de 69 y 37 buses, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran los beneficios de la toma de decisiones a posteriori con el enfoque de optimización multiobjetivo verdadero, así como una metodología de planificación dependiente del tiempo. Además, los resultados de la estrategia de planificación con POMMP2 revelan los beneficios de una metodología de planificación holística, en la que las diferentes tareas de planificación se abordan de manera óptima y simultánea para ofrecer mejores resultados de planificación.Línea de investigación: Planificación de redes inteligentes We thank to the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation - Colciencias, Colombia, for the granted National Doctoral funding program - 647Doctorad

    Output Impedance Diffusion into Lossy Power Lines

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    Output impedances are inherent elements of power sources in the electrical grids. In this paper, we give an answer to the following question: What is the effect of output impedances on the inductivity of the power network? To address this question, we propose a measure to evaluate the inductivity of a power grid, and we compute this measure for various types of output impedances. Following this computation, it turns out that network inductivity highly depends on the algebraic connectivity of the network. By exploiting the derived expressions of the proposed measure, one can tune the output impedances in order to enforce a desired level of inductivity on the power system. Furthermore, the results show that the more "connected" the network is, the more the output impedances diffuse into the network. Finally, using Kron reduction, we provide examples that demonstrate the utility and validity of the method

    Ancillary Services in Hybrid AC/DC Low Voltage Distribution Networks

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    In the last decade, distribution systems are experiencing a drastic transformation with the advent of new technologies. In fact, distribution networks are no longer passive systems, considering the current integration rates of new agents such as distributed generation, electrical vehicles and energy storage, which are greatly influencing the way these systems are operated. In addition, the intrinsic DC nature of these components, interfaced to the AC system through power electronics converters, is unlocking the possibility for new distribution topologies based on AC/DC networks. This paper analyzes the evolution of AC distribution systems, the advantages of AC/DC hybrid arrangements and the active role that the new distributed agents may play in the upcoming decarbonized paradigm by providing different ancillary services.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ENE2017-84813-RUnión Europea (Programa Horizonte 2020) 76409

    Measurement-Based Monitoring and Control in Power Systems with High Renewable Penetrations

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    Power systems are experiencing rapid changes in their generation mixes because of the increasing integration of inverter-based resources (IBRs) and the retirement of traditional generations. This opens opportunities for a cleaner energy outlook but also poses challenges to the safe operation of the power networks. Enhanced monitoring and control based on the increasingly available measurements are essential in assisting stable operation and effective planning for these evolving systems. First, awareness of the evolving dynamic characteristics is quintessential for secure operation and corrective planning. A quantified monitoring study that keeps track of the inertial response and primary frequency response is conducted on the Eastern Interconnection (EI) for the past decade with field data. Whereas the inertia declined by at least 10%, the primary frequency response experienced an unexpected increase. The findings unveiled in the trending analysis also led to an improved event MW size estimation method, as well as discussions about regional dynamics. Experiencing a faster and deeper renewable integration, the Continental Europe Synchronous Area (CESA) system has been threatened by more frequent occurrences of inter-area oscillations during light-load high-renewable periods. A measurement-based oscillation damping control scheme is proposed for CESA with reduced reliance on system models. The design, implementation, and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing of the controller are discussed in detail. Despite the challenges, the increasing presence of IBRs also brings opportunities for fast and efficient controls. Together with synchronized measurement, IBRs have the potential to flexibly complement traditional frequency and voltage control schemes for improved frequency and voltage recovery. The design, implementation, and HIL testing of the measurement-based frequency and voltage control for the New York State Grid are presented. In addition to the transmission level development, IBRs deployed in distribution networks can also be valuable assets in emergency islanding situations if controlled properly. A power management module is proposed to take advantage of measurements and automatically control the electric boundaries of islanded microgrids for maximized power utilization and improved frequency regulation. The module is designed to be adaptive to arbitrary non-meshed topologies with multiple source locations for increased flexibility, expedited deployment, and reduced cost

    Hydrogen vs. Battery in the long-term operation. A comparative between energy management strategies for hybrid renewable microgrids

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    The growth of the world’s energy demand over recent decades in relation to energy intensity and demography is clear. At the same time, the use of renewable energy sources is pursued to address decarbonization targets, but the stochasticity of renewable energy systems produces an increasing need for management systems to supply such energy volume while guaranteeing, at the same time, the security and reliability of the microgrids. Locally distributed energy storage systems (ESS) may provide the capacity to temporarily decouple production and demand. In this sense, the most implemented ESS in local energy districts are small–medium-scale electrochemical batteries. However, hydrogen systems are viable for storing larger energy quantities thanks to its intrinsic high mass-energy density. To match generation, demand and storage, energy management systems (EMSs) become crucial. This paper compares two strategies for an energy management system based on hydrogen-priority vs. battery-priority for the operation of a hybrid renewable microgrid. The overall performance of the two mentioned strategies is compared in the long-term operation via a set of evaluation parameters defined by the unmet load, storage efficiency, operating hours and cumulative energy. The results show that the hydrogen-priority strategy allows the microgrid to be led towards island operation because it saves a higher amount of energy, while the battery-priority strategy reduces the energy efficiency in the storage round trip. The main contribution of this work lies in the demonstration that conventional EMS for microgrids’ operation based on battery-priority strategy should turn into hydrogen-priority to keep the reliability and independence of the microgrid in the long-term operation