13 research outputs found

    A polynomial time algorithm for determining zero Euler–Petrie genus of an Eulerian graph

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    AbstractA dual-Eulerian graph is a plane graph which has an ordering defined on its edge set which forms simultaneously an Euler circuit in the graph and an Euler circuit in the dual graph. Dual-Eulerian graphs were defined and studied in the context of silicon optimization of cmos layouts. They are necessarily of low connectivity, hence may have many planar embeddings. We give a polynomial time algorithm to answer the question whether or not a planar multigraph admits an embedding which is dual-Eulerian and construct such an embedding, if it exists

    Nanowire systems: technology and design (invited paper)

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    Nanosystems are large-scale integrated systems exploiting nanoelectronic devices. In this work, we consider double independent gate, vertically-stacked nanowire FETs with gate-all-around structures and typical diameter of 20-nm. These devices, which we have successfully fabricated and evaluated, control the ambipolar behavior of the nanostructure by selectively enabling one type of carriers. These transistors work as switches with electrically-programmable polarity and thus realize an exclusive or operation. The intrinsic higher expressive power of these FETs, as compared to standard CMOS, enables us to realize more efficient library cells, which we organize as tiles to realize circuits by regular arrays. This article surveys both the technology for double independent gate FETs as well as physical and logic design tools to realize digital systems with this fabrication technology

    Algorithms for Cell Layout

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    Cell layout is a critical step in the design process of computer chips. A cell is a logic function or storage element implemented in CMOS technology by transistors connected with wires. As each cell is used many times on a chip, improvements of a single cell layout can have a large effect on the overall chip performance. In the past years increasing difficulty to manufacture small feature sizes has lead to growing complexity of design rules. Producing cell layouts which are compliant with design rules and at the same time optimized w.r.t. layout size has become a difficult task for human experts. In this thesis we present BonnCell, a cell layout generator which is able to fully automatically produce design rule compliant layouts. It is able to guarantee area minimality of its layouts for small and medium sized cells. For large cells it uses a heuristic which produces layouts with a significant area reduction compared to those created manually. The routing problem is based on the Vertex Disjoint Steiner Tree Packing Problem with a large number of additional design rules. In Chapter 4 we present the routing algorithm which is based on a mixed integer programming (MIP) formulation that guarantees compliance with all design rules. The algorithm can also handle instances in which only part of the transistors are placed to check whether this partial placement can be extended to a routable placement of all transistors. Chapter 5 contains the transistor placement algorithm. Based on a branch and bound approach, it places transistors in turn and achieves efficiency by pruning parts of the search tree which do not contain optimum solutions. One major contribution of this thesis is that BonnCell only outputs routable placements. Simply checking the routability for each full placement in the search tree is too slow in practice, therefore several speedup strategies are applied. Some cells are too large to be solved by a single call of the placement algorithm. In Chapter 7 we describe how these cells are split up into smaller subcells which are placed and routed individually and subsequently merged into a placement and routing of the original cell. Two approaches for dividing the original cell into subcells are presented, one based on estimating the subcell area and the other based on solving the Min Cut Linear Arrangement Problem. BonnCell has enabled our cooperation partner IBM to drastically improve their cell design and layout process. In particular, a team of human experts needed several weeks to find a layout for their largest cell, consisting of 128 transistors. BonnCell processed this cell without manual intervention in 3 days and its layout uses 15% less area than the layout found by the human experts

    Transistor-Level Layout of Integrated Circuits

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    In this dissertation, we present the toolchain BonnCell and its underlying algorithms. It has been developed in close cooperation with the IBM Corporation and automatically generates the geometry for functional groups of 2 to approximately 50 transistors. Its input consists of a set of transistors, including properties like their sizes and their types, a specification of their connectivity, and parameters to flexibly control the technological framework as well as the algorithms' behavior. Using this data, the tool computes a detailed geometric realization of the circuit as polygonal shapes on 16 layers. To this end, a placement routine configures the transistors and arranges them in the plane, which is the main subject of this thesis. Subsequently, a routing engine determines wires connecting the transistors to ensure the circuit's desired functionality. We propose and analyze a family of algorithms that arranges sets of transistors in the plane such that a multi-criteria target function is optimized. The primary goal is to obtain solutions that are as compact as possible because chip area is a valuable resource in modern techologies. In addition to the core algorithms we formulate variants that handle particularly structured instances in a suitable way. We will show that for 90% of the instances in a representative test bed provided by IBM, BonnCell succeeds to generate fully functional layouts including the placement of the transistors and a routing of their interconnections. Moreover, BonnCell is in wide use within IBM's groups that are concerned with transistor-level layout - a task that has been performed manually before our automation was available. Beyond the processing of isolated test cases, two large-scale examples for applications of the tool in the industry will be presented: On the one hand the initial design phase of a large SRAM unit required only half of the expected 3 month period, on the other hand BonnCell could provide valuable input aiding central decisions in the early concept phase of the new 14 nm technology generation

    VLSI design of high-speed adders for digital signal processing applications.

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    Design for manufacturing (DFM) in submicron VLSI design

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    As VLSI technology scales to 65nm and below, traditional communication between design and manufacturing becomes more and more inadequate. Gone are the days when designers simply pass the design GDSII file to the foundry and expect very good man¬ufacturing and parametric yield. This is largely due to the enormous challenges in the manufacturing stage as the feature size continues to shrink. Thus, the idea of DFM (Design for Manufacturing) is getting very popular. Even though there is no universally accepted definition of DFM, in my opinion, one of the major parts of DFM is to bring manufacturing information into the design stage in a way that is understood by designers. Consequently, designers can act on the information to improve both manufacturing and parametric yield. In this dissertation, I will present several attempts to reduce the gap between design and manufacturing communities: Alt-PSM aware standard cell designs, printability improve¬ment for detailed routing and the ASIC design flow with litho aware static timing analysis. Experiment results show that we can greatly improve the manufacturability of the designs and we can reduce design pessimism significantly for easier design closure

    Generating efficient layouts from optimized MOS circuit schematics

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    Also issued as Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1988.Includes bibliographical references.Supported by the U.S. Air Force--Office of Scientific Research. AFOSR-86-0164 Supported in part by a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. Supported in part by Thinking Machines Corporation. 2305/B4Donald George Baltus